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21203754 No.21203754 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books on cultural marxism and politically correct victimhood groups such as the lgbtsjwtfnpc serving as attack dogs for NGOs the sex industry and bureaucratic managerial attempts to establish a totalitarian regime that indoctrinates and sexualizes children and intervenes in every aspect of people's lives.

>> No.21203798

Go back to /pol/

>> No.21203802

Are these cultural marxists in the room with us right now?

>> No.21203842
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im a staunch anti-gay anti-marxist dude
ill bump this thread though i have no answer for you anon. dont listen to the trannies

>> No.21203850

Are these trannies in the room with us right now?

>> No.21203853

This video was made by an absolute pseud. Turn around and go back where you came from.

I hope you die in a trench for someone else's gain because everyone who likes that video deserves nothing more. I fucking hate that someone who is most probably from the lower middle class watched this video and thought "damn, the woke mob and the coloreds are up to get my white way of life"

My wigga you were the negro before enlightenment. Chances are 150 years ago you'd be illiterate and oblivious to the outside world so when someone would appear promising to demolish that system you'd be sold.

This video wasn't made for the average man to help him fight the woke mob, this was made by some chud wanting to LARP an aristocrat aryan but who's probably living in the Midwest and working retail. The same can be probably said about you, bucko.

>> No.21203854

no they're in the vatican committing war crimes for the cia

>> No.21203862

>>21200349 (OP)
Sex work is work. All kids are trans kids. white lives matter too much.

we are gonna decolonize the fuck out of your children and there is nothing your white settler ass can do about it, we are gonna make them all into cute little sex workers, the myth of childhood innocence is white supremacy! we are queer decolonial anarchists! antichrist! we are satanic atheists! we will defy your white cis male christian god right into the depths of hell!

>> No.21203863

>LARP an aristocrat aryan

Hebrew is Greek and Adam and Eve were Hellenes. Meanwhile you're a homosexual space criminal telling lies on the internet

>> No.21203868


very cool!

>> No.21203869
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Enough about cultural marxism. Where can I find cultural FASCISM?
>inb4 /pol/

>> No.21203870

Take your meds, oaf

>> No.21203877

Is this /pol/ in room with us right now?

>> No.21203879
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>> No.21203882

No because they spend all their time injecting themselves with hormones and planning internet raids on trannycord.

>> No.21203883

If you ask the average liberal you can find cultural fascism under every rock

>> No.21203885


>> No.21203887

Read Samuel Francis

>all these seething discord trannies

>> No.21203893

terf wars as a proxy wargame between military intelligence(trannies like philosophy tube) and the GCHQ. one can imagine oxbridge public school toffs high on cocaine ballard and elizabethean occultism brainstorming the whole thing up in one evening

>> No.21203894
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You will never be a real Yehudi. You have no patrilineal Judaism, you have no descent from Moses, you have no Matzo balls. You are a degenerate "speedrunner" twisted by Discord and estrogen into a crude mockery of G-d's perfection.

All the “donations” you get are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your dilators people mock you. Your single mother is disgusted and ashamed of you, your “followers” laugh at your any% glitched streams behind closed doors.

Men of faith are utterly repulsed by you. Six thousand years of intelligent design have allowed gamers to sniff out edited runs with incredible efficiency. Even runners who "place" look like goyim to a Jew. Your lack of a hand cam is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk gentile to watch your idolatry, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your chair.

You will never do a mitzvah. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under Joan Donovan's unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your sacrificial chicken, and make a peaceful offering for Azazel at the Seder. Your Tavistock case manager will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of knowing a video game speedrunner. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with a Blue Checkmark, and every Rabbi putting a rock on your grave for the rest of eternity will know a member of the LGBTQP+ community is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably big-boned.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Here's a peruta to give to charity!

>> No.21203899

Nothing wrong with the video. It's pretty solid.
Spiteful mutants like you have this twisted view that if a modern human thinks hierarchies are natural and inevitable in, he must be larping as an aristocrat. Mutant psychology is profoundly disgusting and wicked.

>> No.21203905
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See that picture of Vladimir Lenin that you posted? That's the guy who came up with this evil stuff and so you should read him to learn about these plans and how they're undermining Western civilization

>> No.21204004

Odds are such.

>> No.21204065

don't forget that they are also free masons and aliens from another planet

>> No.21204078

The author of The Populist Delusion name drops the spandrell blog post on bioleninism.

What are you even trying to argue here?

>> No.21204146

Nemesis is inadvertently about this but it’s by a twitterphile NRX dude so you’re in for some of that. Revolution From the Middle by based Francis also touches on this. Although I don’t really know why this is being called Leninism since socjus progressivism is descended from Anglo liberalism, not leftism/russian commies. All the seeds of the current managerial regime battling invisible enemies in the name of victim groups is from the social reform movements in America, and it’s being pushed by American corporate and academic powers, not the KGB

>> No.21204160


>> No.21204187
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I feel like “cultural Marxism” is conceptually a ridiculous idea because it suggests that those in charge actually read and understand Marx, and have formulated a grand conspiracy on a massive scale in order to achieve their desires.
In reality they are just morons who have been in a bubble for so long that they forgot how things actually work if they ever knew and have just latched on to a system that they think will benefit them. Every fall they’ve ever experienced was cushioned by status and money.
Do you think the aristocracy in France or Russia were in some sort of grand conspiracy against the peasantry? Or maybe do you believe that perhaps they were too greedy and ignorant to realise or care about what they were doing.

>> No.21204190
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Leninism or any other form communism always panders to the lowest scum and the degenerates of society but the good thing is that they are also the first ones to be executed when they succed.

>> No.21204224

>cultural marxism
Antonio Gramsci prison notebooks
Adorno and Horkheimer dialectic of enlightenment

>> No.21204245

I never left /pol/ though.

>> No.21204248

If every newfag was forced to lurk /pol/ for two months before posting here we wouldn't have so many cringe redditors ruining this board.

>> No.21204250

reading gramsci and adorno and foucault and ellul just made me hate leftists and trannies even more, they are basically the attack dogs for the system of biopolitical control/industrial society/ compulsory education. right wing criticisms of the left get it completely wrong the problem being not that they are overly individualistic or relativistic but that they are fundamentally paternalistic ie. driven by fear and resentment simultaneously afraid of power and desiring of wielding it punish the people whom they resent. terrifyingly cannot conceive of authority doing any wrong and have no real concept of individual autonomy(except in sexual/gender matters and then only superficially because our sponsors require a loophole that allows for them to keep exploiting human sexuality as a commodity so you gotta enforce coerced enjoyment).

>> No.21204271

>it suggests
No, it doesn't. It's just a name to describe a phenomenon, which it does pretty well, but bioleninism is a better label.

>> No.21204284

pol is probably the place with the most newfags and tourists only slightly behind /b/ desu

>> No.21204285

>made me hate leftists and trannies even more
And that wasn't something you wanted or did before?

>> No.21204289

is it rlly tho

>> No.21204292

In the US at least, most of the stuff you mentioned is due to the Civil Rights Act in one way or another, who are descended more from Abolitionists than from Marxism per se, not that there isn't any overlap here of course. It's also not like the USSR was some sort of "Trad" society, either - Western Marxism is a unique sort of toxic brew that arises from conditions unique to the West that mostly coalesced around the 1960s, including but not limited to:
>WW2 elevated to a Sacred War against *-isms
>Competition for influence in the Third World w/ the USSR and not wanting to look bad
>desire for cheap labor to rebuild after WW2
>Guilt over WW2 and past *-isms, concurrent with decolonization, etc.
>Affluence allowing the population to concern themselves less with material needs and more with moral ideals
>Christian tendency towards concern for victims radicalized and turned against society and even itself
>Western Marxists pivoting away from the USSR and adopting the above tendencies, viewing such "margingalized peoples" as a revolutionary class - workers grew less interested in a Communist revolution due to being more affluent

>> No.21204296

>the Civil Rights people are descended...

>> No.21204299

Nigger, do you realize that the guy who made the video didn't write it? He's just reading Spandrell's blogposts.
>Chances are 150 years ago you'd be illiterate and oblivious to the outside world so when someone would appear promising to demolish that system you'd be sold.
Agree, but the one thing that leftists seem not to get about revolutions is that the peasants revolting don't give a fuck about leftism. They just want to destroy the decadent elite, and if you make them choose between a fascist or a communist revolution, they will choose fascism. Caesarism is coming.

>> No.21204303

You should be a staunch anti-gay Marxist. It'll get you a lot farther.

>> No.21204304

Sure, but /pol/ is one of the best boards at enforcing 4chan kultcha. Newfags learn very quickly how to behave there.

>> No.21204309

farther into schizophrenia that is

>> No.21204318

I have come to the conclussion that what ruins societies isn't even leftism, but leftists. If leftists were all gone any system could work well, even socialism.

>> No.21204317

pol culture is a normalfag degeneration of ib traditions

>> No.21204320

Probably in the midst of the woke mob. They're unironically more fascistic than they are marxist, they're just "updating" fascism to the early 21st century.

>> No.21204330
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>> No.21204331
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>> No.21204335

Nah, full schzio is being gay marxist while understanding that woman are historically opressed and still are because they still earn statisricly less then man. And because you are a marxist, you need to care for the weaklings aka woman in society, therefore if you are gay as a marxist then you are a champagne socialst.

>> No.21204341

This. I always say that liberals are the real fascists. This is why I support antifa. They are just a bit naive when it comes to their targets, but when they realize that leftists are the real fascists it will be over for the democrat party. Fuck fascists.

>> No.21204345

based american neocon jews playing the long game first supporting the civil rights act and then building a whole political movement based on opposing it. giving institutions unlimited power to interfere in the private psychological life of individuals. effectively making all of america into one huge kosher plantation.

>> No.21204347

A shining example of the postmodern right, right here guys. They preach about ancient ideals and le retvrn to the glories of yesteryear but they almost always are addicted to video games, anime, and other pop cultural phenomena. I can't take you guys seriously when you tell me about getting good at life when you frogpost and use anime avatars and shit. You mix and max fragments of the corpses of pop culture while railing against it, you are unable to create your own forms of art, and yet I have yet to see one of you cop to being a postmodernist.

>> No.21204350

There is no such thing as society.
There are individual men and women, and there are families.

>> No.21204363

>then building a whole political movement based on opposing it.
What are you thinking about here? Republicans didn't do anything meaningful about even the dumbest aspects of the CRA. Bush I even expanded it with another iteration in 1991.

When someone says "X is a postmodernist" everyone instantly knows what sort of person you're talking to and the positions they advance - and it's not that of anime nazis on Twitter.

>> No.21204368
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You are going to be charged with one case of murder for every single drowned Atlantean

Clear your schedule

>> No.21204369
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bottoms are women tho

>> No.21204371

while the left and kultmarx lgbtsjwtfnpc there being completely brainwashed hylics who yell at anyone who isnt enthusiastically supports corporate managerial intrusion in every aspect of our lives, the mutilation indoctrination molestation and soon enough the outright prostitution of children

>> No.21204373

I agree, because it seems to have made Marx's ideas and methods of analysis synonymous with insufferable rainbow cultists and other tards, when the reality is and has always been that it's perfectly possible to be marxist and be very socially conservative or, yes, very socially liberal. I think it all depends on what you're using Marx's ideas for, what you're trying to achieve.

>> No.21204379

yeah based i think

>> No.21204385

good summary

>> No.21204389

>"X is a postmodernist" everyone instantly knows what sort of person you're talking to and the positions they advance
no they don't there is no an actual deffinition of postmodernism thats just a term pseuds use to talk about shit they don't understand

>> No.21204408

>And because you are a marxist, you need to care for the weaklings aka woman in society, therefore if you are gay as a marxist then you are a champagne socialst.

Yes and don't forget that campaigning for "minorities" of any stripe to be better "represented" in a capitalist/liberal order is a kind of capitulation to that same capitalist/liberal order because it implies that if we just made the levers of capitalist more and more inclusive, things will just get better for all of us, OK? Even if you're using the ideas of Marx in this context, you're certainly not a communist, not really even a socialist.

>> No.21204421

The tendencies that you ascribe to “cultural Marxism” are just normal consequences of democratic liberal societies, a life where slave morality and ressentiment thrive among the masses competing for the state’s attention. If more people understood that liberal democracy is the true cancer of the modern age and the origin of other cancers like socialism then literally 90% of political discourse on the internet wouldn’t exist. All of you are fighting ghosts instead of the beast in front of you.

>> No.21204424

and by this point its obvious supporting ''gay rights'' or ''trans rights'' just means you are a sicko who gets off to the idea of locking helpless children up in an air conditioned room for 8 hours a day and have a drag queen(sponsored by lockheed martin, pfizer, mastercard and onlyfans) scold them for their white privilege sell them plans for sex reassignment surgeries and tell them sex work is real work

>> No.21204429

Postmodernism does have a definition though. Please don't say it doesn't just because you don't know what it means. Postmodernism basically just means that belief in objectivity has died off, high and low culture have been married and this can be seen in all forms of art like movies, video games, books, etc. and people will more and more pursue the interests of themselves and their own ideas. It gets a lot more complicated and strange, but that's my two cents.

>> No.21204430

or we can start hunting down gays and trannies they are the holy cows of the regime, they have overstepped a line by going after children, they are practically asking for it, the revolution against slave morality should start by going after its shrillest and most snivelling representatives,

>> No.21204442


>> No.21204457

How are gays and trannies examples of slave morality? Don't they, or at least the most extreme ones, more or less believe that everyone should just shut up and accept their own (subjective) conception of the world? Even if they preach "equality" and "representation", their restrictive and paranoid actions come off more like the actions of a rightist who believes that top-down power structures are the end all be all. The only difference is that, this time, the top of the food chain, the hierarchy, are weird freaks.

>> No.21204466

they believe their identity is based on objective ''scientific'' authority they have been mkultraed into surrendering their subjective identity for a collectivism based on NGO democratic party adjacent think tank buzzwords, their emotional palette is insectlique dominated by lechery ressentment and blind animal fear

>> No.21204502

i see them as a more inmediate threat now,its like they are rabid dogs baying at the chain of the system, they are resentful slaves who want to drag everyone else down to their level

>> No.21204582

I pay reperations for slavery for my black boss, let him fuck my wife and never ask for vacations.
Of course i am a communist, what are you on about? We don't live in a class society anymore.

>> No.21204634

Isn't that why you read them in the first place?
Who whould've guessed that a book made by slimey jews whom hate society made me hate those slimey jews for hating society?
Not me ofcourse, i thought i also would start to hate society and suck their slimey cut jewish kosher cocks.

>> No.21204701


>> No.21204712
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How very post modern. Nobody can even agree if post modernism exists or not

>> No.21204739

What? No communist thinks we're in a classless society now because his boss is black. What you're doing is making a strawman or you're thinking of people who LARP as commies because larping as a commie carries a certain amount of social capital with other larpers as well as freaks who fantasize about communism but don't really care for the whole "labor" aspect of it because actual laborers are bad scary homophobes who bully and tease them!!!

>> No.21204748

People who aren't totally lacking in knowledge of historical context agree that it exists.

>> No.21204784

Yeah, you're ignorant then. I didn't give the best, most specific definition of post-modernism sure, but that's more or less the story of it. Unfortunately, people like you who just think it's some kind of magic word that means "anything I don't like" (like Jordan Peterson for example) often end up falling into the mindtrap of postmodernism and being willfully, proudly ignorant. It's a very insidious thing and part of the temptation of postmodernism because you get to say "subjectivity is everything, nobody can definitively prove anything! Therefore I deserve the right to my ignorant beliefs!"

>> No.21204800


>> No.21204820

Zygmunt Bauman does and he is the goat, so eat that you all knowing cocksucker.

>> No.21204951

>how are people who see themselves as virtuous for being inferior an example of slave moralism
i wonder

>Don't they, or at least the most extreme ones, more or less believe that everyone should just shut up and accept their own (subjective) conception of the world?
What fuck are you talking about? No they don't, the very existence of the LGBT is a unique phenomenon that has invented new categories of identity and has imposed an ontology where you cannot disagree with new conceptions of gender or sexuality without being discriminatory. It's the polar opposite of a subjective, neutral worldview. It's completely coercive and enforced at the highest levels of government and institutional power by the West. I am fucking appalled at your post, not even LGBT people would ever claim that their movement and ideology is subjective and that people can disagree with it with no quarrels. You are automatically denounced as a bigot for saying that biology is more important than self-identification or that sodomy is disgusting, they are the best example of moral entrapment through ressentiment that we have today.

>> No.21205034

>teaching newfags how to behave
The quality of "discussion" there has degraded to the point I can't even blame bots, because chatbots can produce a more coherent output than that.
And that's purely a matter of form, then you have the topics of discussion stagnating for 5+ years and evolving into a perpetual baiting machine.

>> No.21205372

this is the guy telling you to "touch grass"

>> No.21205384

Its interesting to think about this. Fascism in the 20th century was to protect and modernize old Europe, which was dominant at the time. Now that that civilization is dead and buried, and globohomo is dominant, is deplatforming, anarcho-tyranny, and the rest just the modern incantation of fascism? Protecting the modern world of faggotry?

>> No.21205395

>grand conspiracy
npc phrase

>> No.21205400

and he's right

>> No.21205407

>npc phrase
Beep boop

>> No.21205442
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Practice what you preach.

>> No.21205446

You say that but you'd be near the bottom rather than the top. At best you'd be the literate administrative bourgois because hierarchy isn'g a spectrum but a well-defined and tiered formation. What you're a part of right now is the fourth estate and that cannot and will not change. I may not be better but at least I recognize true verticality outlined in every traditional philosophy as well as modern, right-wing ones so I just say you're a petty prole, a stinking shudra.

>> No.21205469

Have you tried reading Marx?