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21202174 No.21202174 [Reply] [Original]

dinosaur crossing the highway edition

previous: >>21196889

>> No.21202183


>> No.21202187
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>> No.21202205

watcha feelin?

>> No.21202206

If the anon who helped me prepare for the oil interview is here, thanks for the advice. I did the interview yesterday and they seemed to like me. I'll hear back in a few weeks about if I got it but, even if I didn't get it, thanks for the advice.

>> No.21202210

I found an extremely schizophrenic and traumatized YouTuber who posts videos of his ramblings all the time but doesn’t get any views. He just keeps posting them anyway. I think I’m the only one watching and I can’t figure out why I do it. At first I thought it was for the cringe, then I thought it was just because I wanted to see his life get at least a tiny bit better at some point, but I think the real reason is that I can relate. He feeds back to me my own dark, messed up ideas of obsessing about the person who I loved and lost, trying to get vengeance on the people who abused me, and feeling secretly chosen by fate or god for some higher purpose. I don’t have his level of paranoia or any hallucinations, but I have arguably even more mania, and he lets me indulge in it. It’s the strangest and most intense parasocial relationship I’ve ever experienced.

>> No.21202247

There's this chubby latina girl who keeps posting about herself on /fit/ and I'm fascinated by her. What drives someone to that point?

>> No.21202270

There's a huge portion of the shadow unconscious that wants to elaborate itself by gathering familiar information from the real world, and it expresses itself in your morbid fantasies and preoccupations.

I once met a woman (irl) who quickly revealed herself to be a dark, depressed person under the surface. We went out a few times and talked a lot online, and we developed a sort of therapeutic relationship, which started with her trauma dumping on me on our second date. It quickly shot from her paranoia about men, to being neglected by her father, to being groomed as a child -- and then onto her own pedophilic fantasies. I still think about what she said, and about the particularly satanic language she used when expressing her troubled mind: "pain" "possession", etc.

She, like a few women I've encountered, had something seriously go wrong in their sexual development, so that they seemed to have to instinct for what a normal sexual relationship would even be like. I'm going off on my own post here, so feel free to ignore. Really, I'm agreeing with you, Anon, that I find these people fascinating. What's wrong with these women is that from the very beginning of their sexual awakening, sex is associated with pain, and its purpose is control. In their minds, there is always a winner and a loser, and that is the point of sex, as far as they've ever seen. That is why these women often become abusers themselves. They see a coming sexual relationship as an opportunity not to be a victim this time (and when rape has proven to be a possibility, who can blame them?) Hence, a fraction of these women begin to forego the danger of having sex with men, and turn to children.

This is where she began to fantasize. I had never heard anyone so cold-bloodedly and candidly confess to her ideal relationship: a young boy whom she can hurt so they can live in a special world together.

>> No.21202275

Been thinking about when people used to call me controlling with exes and I realized its out of my control. I have very low expectations of women and expect them to be all lying whores.

>> No.21202290

>had never heard anyone so cold-bloodedly and candidly confess to her ideal relationship: a young boy whom she can hurt so they can live in a special world together.
Did you miss the whole JT Leroy story?

>> No.21202291

How do you get women to open up to you like that? Also she sounds batshit.

>> No.21202301

What’s it like being manic? What sort of messed up ideas do you have?

>> No.21202307

Anyone got that video of a guy at a diner eating like he just got out of prison. I remember it being really funny.

>> No.21202310

It happens all the time. I think certain women find me easy to talk to, probably in part because I'm genuinely sympathetic and emotionally stable myself, and in part because I tend to talk very seriously with people. I think women trust me because I never show an immediate interest in sex, and that's probably something women aren't used to, and so when they have to actually engage me in conversation they just start talking about their emotions, and it just snowballs from there.

I had similar experiences with a few women, the common denominator being those women were all artists. If there's anything I've learned about artists, it's that you have to be a little bit crazy to isolate yourself for long periods of time engaged in what initially is erratic and irrational behavior (the creative process). It selects for unusual people, and unusual people have unusual stories.

I once took a woman to a museum as a friend, and by the end of the day she was crying because her father neglected her dying mother and immediately went on to marry a woman barely older than her who didn't speak English. It just drove her insane.

>> No.21202315

I feel like I'd like to find someone I can give myself to and work hard for. I've never been in a relationship and don't know if that feeling is a good thing or not.

>> No.21202327

It's good, but you gotta keep that spirit up. Relationships require a lot of work.

>> No.21202332
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>> No.21202346

Kek thanks anon

>> No.21202380
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I like to think of myself as a 4chan scribe

>> No.21202386

By the way thats not a diner. It's an InNOut, a popular burger chain in the Southwest United States

>> No.21202394

Ah I see, kind regards from Western Australia

>> No.21202397

>I feel like I'd like to find someone I can give myself to and work hard for.

Someone specific who you know, or an imagined ideal other?

> I've never been in a relationship

Are you sexually inexperienced, or is it just that you’ve never made things official with anyone?

>> No.21202402

people really got nothin better to do than to film a man enjoying himself. effeminate behavior.

>> No.21202424
File: 90 KB, 940x545, 13A8ABA2-786D-45EE-862A-229C8A67881C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit why is that image so accurate

>> No.21202433

Which evee are you?

>> No.21202439

I went from being the libertarian with an asian gf to the guy-who-hates-politics with an asian fiancee.

>> No.21202484

Very based.

>> No.21202485

In October I started reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time as an adult. As a child I read the Hobbit and enjoyed it, attempted to read LoTR and did not enjoy it.

As an adult I can appreciate that Tolkien is trying to emulate the style of epic mythology but as a modern reader the way he writes is so off-putting because it reads more like a history text book that occasionally stops to inform you directly of how the characters are feeling instead of letting their dialogue and actions speak for themselves. I honestly think the story is good but the prose is outdated. If people think I'm a mouth breathing retard so be it, show don't tell is important for a reason.

>> No.21202497

She sat there radiating warmth from her smile. a mere meter away i sat staring deeply as she sits idly by. Taking faint drags off of my cigarrete smiling as one does when they stare deeply into someone they love. No longer bound to my dreams, in that moment there she was at arms length. I sat there like an idiot, and said nothing. its been five months since i saw her last and like an idiot i sat there saying nothing. Words flashing in my mind but never birthed by my mouth for her ears to hear. I’ve finally been granted those same visions that visit me in my sleep and i chose the coward’s path of silence.

>> No.21202501

Why didn’t you say anything?

>> No.21202520

Mob psycho is such a wholesome show. I didn’t expect to be moved by a chinese cartoon at 25. The way it portrays the bonds between people and how we can help each other grown and surpass our own inadequacies is so optimistic and resonates deeply with a part of me.
Just seeing people on these threads and knowing a lot of them only need someone to stand by their side, with whom they can talk openly and without fear fills me with both joy and melancholy - since while I admire our capacity to lift each other up and rely on our fellow men, I know not everyone is fortunate enough to have people willing to be there for them.
I see one solution, though. We should strive to be this person, providing others with the companionship and support we value and encouraging them to do the same for everyone else on their lives. If everyone acted like this, I’ve no doubt there wouldn’t be a single problem we wouldn’t be able to fix.
Still, sometimes I feel exhausted. Tired of seeing realisation shine on someone’s eyes when they finally understand what I’m going on about with my passionate words concerning the value of every person and how we connect to each other, only for them to discard it when some time passes and the ennui of regular life eats away at any perception. Tired of feeling connected to a female friend only for her to try to have sex or pursue a relationship with me because they vulgarly reduce the universality of spiritual closeness into carnal terms. Tired of seeing friends with whom I shared a moment of deep understanding go back to a egocentric way of seeing friendships because the only way they can perceive relationships is through a lens of power, insecurity and selfishness.

>> No.21202551

The final battle of humanity will be the gays versus the retards. I can feel it.

>> No.21202565

I cannot relate with love and sexhavers.

>> No.21202595

I feel this guy. All the stress just gone by consuming the beauty that is food. Full complete immersion into its flavors and letting the serotonin rush.

>> No.21202626
File: 76 KB, 760x337, C1E9070B-7BDD-454A-BDE2-3A93BFDF8197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel extreme jealousy when I come across a beautiful man, always contemplating the life I would've led if I were as beautiful as this man before me. Instead, I'm an average, ugly-looking guy that works at a warehouse, comes home to the company of his dogs while eating low-nutrition food on a daily basis, leading a very NPC-ish life, speaking his mind online about how frustratingly unfair life is. Maybe religion is the right thing for men with no purpose in life, akin to myself.
I don't hate beautiful people, I just hate feeling jealous about it.

>> No.21202662

I think a big negative aspect of social media and 4Chan is this constant barrage of reminders that you are doing everything wrong. You're not fucking enough, you're not lifting enough, you're not earning enough, you're not hustling enough, you're not learning enough, you're not eating the right things, you're masturbating too much, the way you think about politics is wrong, the way you think about girls is wrong, you're sleeping the wrong way, you're eating the wrong thing for breakfast, why aren't you fasting etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't examine your life and work towards self improvement but when you're constantly surrounded by this often highly conflicting messaging you're never going to feel content or satisfied even for a moment. It's what is making you feel like shit even as it tries to sell you the way out of feeling shit. It's incredibly harmful for your brain.

>> No.21202663

just leave 4chan then.

>> No.21202670

>this constant barrage of reminders that you are doing everything wrong. You're not fucking enough, you're not lifting enough, you're not earning enough, you're not hustling enough
theres plenty of that irl dude i come on 4chan to escape from those

>> No.21202679

Yeah man I left a few months ago and quit a bunch of social media at the same time. I posted this because it was a realisation I had after quitting all of that. I was much happier and thought I'd share the reason why. I still like /lit/ which is why I'm back, but I can approach it a lot more healthily now that I've taken a break. Not trying to sound holier than though, just sharing my experience.

That's good then, it was the opposite for me.

>> No.21202686

>I feel extreme jealousy when I come across a beautiful man.
I don't, though I suppose some of them wondered what it would be like to enjoy beauty like theirs.

>> No.21202746

i don't know. I should've told her how much i still love her. but she knows this so seems redundant anyways. i just want to hold her hands again.

>> No.21202778

---- Solaria ----

it's so quiet here, so serene
I notice the slightest turn of scent

Or season and relax now and then into
The ecstasy it recommends, erotic or otherwise.


>> No.21202794
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Trying to achieve Jhana ever since I heard that is an actual thing somehow, also thinking about different variations of God and becoming increasingly depressed about the state of the world. I felt like the pendulum of bullshit was on the backswing just a few months prior, why does everything seem even more fucked than before now?
torn between those three
pretty good observation. What gets to me is the constant petty bickering about useless bullshit. People confronting you on absolutely worthless points just to pass the time or to affirm their own identity.

>> No.21202856

---- Solaria ----

She has a miraculous talent for finding cats
Among the feral blur of wild ones
Obviously domestic.

It frolics in her hands,
While I look on from heavy windows
And think of her comments about my garden's

Rare orderliness, the way it seems to float with fantastic ease

Or seems a little impossible, too perfect
For the place.

>> No.21202896
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>> No.21202900

>tfw got my fav Eevee evolution
I trust this image with my life

>> No.21202920

Finally breaking through the plateau at the gym. Things that were hard are now becoming easy. Feeling good. Peace and love.

>> No.21202937

Not even consuming can fill up the void anymore.

>> No.21203005

---- Solaria ----

I must have been going about 90
Past those two guys, and though I hardly felt the difference
Except in the legal sense of statistics.

It was quiet fun inside, a slightly appalling whoosh from there.

>> No.21203024

I'm going to have to do some basic research on architecture, quite often a story describes a house by simply using the name of the period or style, and I'm not sure if what I see in my mind is what the writer intended.

>> No.21203063

See the Geoffrey Baer series about Chicago. It's a good start.

>> No.21203108

Dreamt of you again. You were sitting in the driver’s seat of a car, parked in a mall parking lot, and I was in the backseat behind you. We talked for a few minutes, about nothing in particular. You sat there stiffly, facing forward, and wouldn’t turn around to let me see your face. I wanted to move up to the passengers seat so that I could look you in the eye, but I was frozen and unable to move.

I woke up abruptly while you were saying something, mid-sentence. Then I cried, lying alone in bed in the early morning half-light. There’s nothing more that I can do to reach you. I miss you so much.

>> No.21203185

good morning /wwoym/

>> No.21203201

An imaginary person. I have zero relationship experience, sexual or otherwise.

>> No.21203206

Warosu has been down for at least 4 days now.
What the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.21203238

Failed a max attempt at the gym today. It hurts.

>> No.21203273
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What lift? Also happy to see more /fitlit/

>> No.21203282

lol, incel

>> No.21203461

You're welcome.

>> No.21203474

Men shouldn't improve at all. We don't owe society anything if they treat us like garbage

>> No.21203479

I'd get it either way. Here I can threaten to clobber someone over the head with a tire iron without getting thrown out of the fucking store.

>> No.21203498

Went for 1pl8 ohp. I should have the strength in theory but it just isn't coming together.

>> No.21203572

do less social people deserve less humane treatment?

>> No.21203628


>> No.21203639


>> No.21203651

Im really tempted to buy alcohol.

>> No.21203656


>> No.21203671

I'm hoping that this time it will work.

>> No.21203731

there's no more villains now that the tripfags are gone

>> No.21203750

Then who are the heroes?

>> No.21203768

My mother is terrible to her children. All she does is enable childishness and alienate others for her own vanity. She is of course a single mother, now twice divorced. I try to correct her but she simply won't change.

>> No.21203775

we could be....

>> No.21203788

Actually, kind of, yes. They don't bother with investing personal energy towards social goals as in making a situation more comfortable for the other person. Nobody wants to deal with those kind of persons and they are responsible for that.

>> No.21203792

According to a friend of mine who is very fit himself, my fitness is almost 100% genetic and has little to do with my diet

>> No.21203795

No, actually people who are too social need to be kept on a leash

>> No.21203806

You should throw her off a cliff

A quick way to get my bad side I've noticed is to withhold information from me

>> No.21203817

duality of a man

>> No.21203835

Mostly it's the extremes of both ends being either too social or not enough social that's bad.

>> No.21203843
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Good sleep, good food, good hydration?

Good for you, do you lift? If not, what is stopping you?

>> No.21203847

I have done a lot in the past. Some stuff works some stuff doesn't. I avoid /fit/ types mostly because 98% of them are closet homosexuals who like fucking small children

>> No.21203888

She's my mother and I love her, even if I find her ways wrong. I just wish she was more caring and agreeable with her children, who have really struggled in part because of this aspect of her personality.

Lately, I've started feeling this enormous responsibility to build something for my family since there's basically no one else to do it.

>> No.21203937

It will work to do what?

>> No.21203941

I got OpenAI to generate this:
(Prose about Pyongyang in the style of Cormac McCarthy)
There was a diner called the Lucky Star And in the morning they made up a breakfast of rice and There were a hundred people there who all got up when the bell rang and made their way down To the table full of steaming white rice.
And for all of the hundred people there was not a single word to be said And no one cried or laughed at all or fought.
Though everyone knows that it is only a matter of time That the bell will screech again and then theyll all start to cry And they will beat the door down and they will break their fists On the door to the Lucky Star diner And they will cut them to their bones and to the core.
And they resign to ask for more rice and more rice And pray to their god to which they ask and beg And they spoil their robes with white tears

I wish this bot wasn’t so shit. Damn it. It was so close to writing something good here. It almost understood how McCarthy writes and what he writes about

>> No.21203955

To get rid of anxiety and finally get the creative juices flowing. I want to leave the current me behind even for a short period of time.

>> No.21203965
File: 970 KB, 1204x1065, 1655146959017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the military. Navy or Air Force if you want to briefly leave your current life behind.

>> No.21204018

What are you trying to create?

>> No.21204031

just catching the ideas in general on what to do with my life. I'm probably chasing the impossible.

>> No.21204040

What happens in Arkansas? I've never met anyone from there or heard of anything going on there

>> No.21204062

When I was 14 I knew a half white half cherokee girl from Arkansas. She was on lesbian tumblr pages and would cut herself. I miss being 14.

>> No.21204066

Good morning anon

>> No.21204068
File: 234 KB, 512x512, tmpz6ofa55w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think about AI art and its relation to human art? Ive been addicted to generating images in the past couple weeks, im a boomer and this is unironically one of the coolest new developments ive ever seen

>> No.21204097

I think it's awful.

>> No.21204103

I enjoy doing it, but it doesn't replace actual handmade art for me. Time will tell but I think it will start to run into technological limitations fairly soon rather than perfectly replacing every last artist on Earth like some claim it will.

>> No.21204124
File: 118 KB, 1284x939, 1660238179665798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think it is art.

>> No.21204139

I think Nietzsche and Spengler talked about this. Technology made leaps and bounds so we expect it to be limitless. But its limits will he apparent soon. I think if Fukuyama had read Man and Technics he wouldn't have used science and technology to support his progressive view of history

>> No.21204150

It's neat and perhaps it's turning out to be more than just a gimmick or novelty and instead will result in real world applications. I'm still doubtful it will threaten the standing of human artists.
The mechanisms by which these programs generate images by scraping and ingesting the work of real artists is a bit sussy though

>> No.21204161

I'm still weighing going to law school.

>> No.21204163

The limitations will be on the human end, plus it isn't replacing artists its boosting them to a new level

>> No.21204193

yeah because software really pushed artists to a new level when it replaced traditional with coomer anime art for twitter likes

this stuff will be a disaster and everyone knows it intuitively but some are too intellectually optimistic to admit it

>> No.21204232

I apologize I'm kind of having a bad day

>> No.21204242

Self-talk therapy
Prayers to the creator
Not humble enough. Don't want to get in
trouble anymore
Mental Prayers now.
Regurgitating bitterness on innocents
Foolish owl, nauseous from Eucharists
Strings of an instrument to sew up heartbreak?
Hope from so many rosary's I don't recognize the same
If I did recognize them am I supposed to pretend to care?
Caring is a heart thing, and many things separate the hearts of people

If I'm silent in church, sitting all the way
in the back
They say God would still know I miss her 11 years later

>> No.21204257

Frampton's modern architecture

>> No.21204286

>like reading about art
>do not make any art

>> No.21204288

---- Solaria ----

I rather like the prattle of house sparrows
Here and around huge public buildings with a

Formal cast, the insane bloom of
Warm and clear autumn afternoons and other

Impossibly beautiful arrangements.

Rooms a little frosty with assorted phosphor shades
That make for nuances of look

Challenging to monumental verisimilitude.

The reality of a place
Christie grifters wish for

Like anyone who would rather be someone else.


>> No.21204307

Nothing wrong with that. But you should try it. Making art, even bad art, is a very enriching experience

>> No.21204319

I do not have any ideas for art.

>> No.21204327


>> No.21204332

ya know ya boy feelin' shwaggy 2nyte!

>> No.21204358

I find that difficult to believe

>> No.21204370

They're transfering to a different server. They have Tw*tter: @warosu_org

>> No.21204392


>> No.21204536

Less goooooooooo get wit it my boy

>> No.21204556

You mean to tell me you don't have single idea for a picture, story, or song? That's completely inconceivable to me

>> No.21204574
File: 691 KB, 1920x1080, ss_1261637225eecc73578fc4db939b0b0aa2b49581.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, strong alternative technique for self published authors or solo indie game developers to get medium quality art for their projects without paying an artist. Sure as hell beats the ugly glossy porn doll art style.

>> No.21204577

maybe if you count those that pass your mind as thoughts

>> No.21204593

Very black pilled lately

>> No.21204602

what happened?

>> No.21204783

A dance with dragons was designed to make me go all batty wasn't it? Goddamn novelists and your print size I'm onto your shit

>> No.21204810

How do you think any work of art starts? Pursue that shit man

>> No.21204842

These are only small thoughts that dont lead anywhere.

>> No.21205077

what was was, was was

>> No.21205109

Thanks anon.
Some other archive went down a couple months ago so I was fearing for the worst.

>> No.21205124

I've fried my brain and it's completely my fault.

>> No.21205128


Add bookmark
I've noticed through the course of internet history its almost verboten to call out black people and gays. Certain sites won't allow you to say "faggot" or "nigger". But singling out the mentally handicapped is not only tolerated but encouraged. Why do you think this is? Its odd because "retards" don't, usually, like in the case of black people, rob houses or kill each other in drive by shootings, or in the case of gays, molest young boys and spread ten tons of stds across state lines. But you cannot point this unless you feel like getting banned. On the contrary, its almost tolerated to call a kid with down syndrome retarded and even speak of removing them from the gene pool. Do this with niggers and fags and you lose your job, your bank account and your house. Why is it like this? Maybe some of you guys can shed some light upon this subject

>> No.21205133

This world has babas and it has lolis, but there are no lolibabas. It's messed up, if you ask me.

>> No.21205181
File: 100 KB, 480x853, 63DC4667-F8FD-4D4A-8087-81A335391F6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can God be perfect if he created me?

>> No.21205367

Shut up you retarded niggerfaggot I'm not buying your Jewish wordfilter

>> No.21205548

Freud would have a field day with this.

>> No.21205565

Dice one onion, one yellow or red bell pepper, a package of white mushrooms, and a tomato (optional). Remove the skins from one package of italian sausage. Cook sausage in skillet over medium heat, chopping into smaller pieces with a spatula as you do so, until brown all the way through. Add a pinch of rosemary and basil and a generous pinch of crushed red pepper flakes. Add in onions and cook until browned. You may cook them in a separate pan and add them in fully cooked if you wish. Add mushrooms, bell pepper, and tomato. Cook til mushrooms become tender. Serve with pasta of your choice.

>> No.21205575

People say it won't replace real human art but I'm not sure. People said the same thing about self-checkout. I'm shocked how specific you can be and it turn out something decent.

>> No.21205594

supertectonic microshifts in the fabric of nontryptophrenic gangrene reinhering into the creative macrostructure of fortunate ambulations pedagogically without greeny hills northward of yvelngelalstic magical hyperstochastic inverted gamma sequences of strictly unnatural strychnine metaformulations without crude herbal gyrospherical machinations of the grystopastic without hylomorphic post-dreamworld hyperfactual crypts lacking haecceity or substantive zero-point megarelational monist coherency worship 20th century monasticism on the "thou wouldn't" clause of the misterionomicon constructed by the master Kepler and reinforced geometrically by he who wasteland prefigurement of the trans-universal teleportation and the actualization of Jesus Christ which draggedly thumorically hungered tripped stylist

>> No.21205619

I really like this quote from Schopenhauer:

"Where we were looking for pleasure, happiness and joy, we often find instruction, insight and knowledge, a lasting and real benefit in place of a fleeting one."

Not too infrequently I find myself disappointed with how things turn out. But on reflection, I also find that the disappointment wasn't entirely unwarranted.

Did you expect God to only create perfect beings? If he did that, he would have created more gods and he wouldn't have been God anymore. The premise is absurd.

>> No.21205631

Honestly I would have been a lot more open with my thoughts on this board if warosu and the other archives didn't exist. Why even archive 4chan posts?

>> No.21205656

If you don't say anything, you would regret it. But if you say anything, you would regret it either way. There is no winning in this.

>> No.21205678
File: 247 KB, 860x1167, 490-4907552_caged-bird-transparent-images-png-democracy-of-saudi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a caged bird. How long do I have to wait?

>> No.21205686

What are you waiting for?

>> No.21205699

Yeah, I suppose so.

>> No.21205710

If I were to answer, it would sound a lot edgier than I intend it to be, but you could probably guess.

>> No.21205718


>> No.21205742

Nothing is worth thinking anymore.

>> No.21205747

What happened?

>> No.21205751

Nothing in particular happened. In fact, that's partly the issue.

>> No.21205756

I don't see the need to think about it.

>> No.21205759


>> No.21205767

Jannies on /fit/ just hit me w a 3 day for goblina posting.

>> No.21205777

I'm not even nihilistic. I believe in God and the Hereafter. But when I reflect on my life, I find that I have nothing to look forward to. Things that people ordinarily chase after - money, success, etc. - don't excite me. I suppose I would have loved to have a nice and warm family, but that seems like a very distant dream. I'm still following the academic route to keep myself busy, otherwise I would have nothing at all to do. So yes, death would free me from this predicament, but I'm not sad about it, more like restless.

>> No.21205824

Artfag here and I love it. Really cool things on the horizon with AI art.

>> No.21205831

What is your definition of less social? Quiet or shy people? Or people who cannot or will not follow social norms?

>> No.21205839

I'm a NEET who writes LARPs on adv of this alternative life I have built in my head lol

>> No.21205856


>> No.21205861

I'm coming to grips with the reality that I have thrown myself into. I am releasing my ego little by little, and realizing what my place in the world is. I guess this is what people call "coming of age". I'm going to start writing about it just to get it off my chest.

>> No.21205896

thanks schoppenhauer.

>> No.21205902

I'm seething at myself right now. Its been a week since I ignored that gurl who wanted to speak to me. She clearly is avoiding me now and I'm too beta to approach her, so I'm being even more aloof to cover for it.
I'm really pissed off because I have this strong intuition that she could have been a gf. And nonow Im daydreaming about the dates i could have taken her on. Fuck guys I'm suxh a fucking retard. This is going to haunt me for a long time

>> No.21205919

Like, literally? Because thats really hot. Imagine taking your extraverted gf on a leash to the park so she can meet all the other extraverted girls on leashes.

>> No.21205924


>> No.21205925

why dont you just text her, anon. get back in contact. What is there to lose?

>> No.21205930

>I'm coming to grips with the reality that I have thrown myself into. I am releasing my ego little by little, and realizing what my place in the world is


>> No.21205946

somewhere in between

>> No.21205952

how is reading books a hobby but watching movies isn't?

>> No.21205954

I don't have her number
Too scared. Feel like it would be awkward

>> No.21205958

Who says it isnt

>> No.21205962

The 4 big reasons /lit/ sucks:
It needs its own board badly. Autistic know-it-all spergs are not fun to be around. They are argumentative and haven’t read nearly as much as they lead on. Nothing wrong with philosophy in general, but there is a special type of 4chan philosopher that is unbearable.
>culture warriors
They don’t really care about the art of writing. They just care how books relate to issues they screech about. Others think of books as weaponized info. They have a great ability to drag others down with them
>the tradcath larping
As with philosophy, nothing wrong with religion in general or even a lot of religious threads, many of them are knowledgeable. What I am referring to is the anons who poke their nose in every thread and can derail it. They are hypocritical and only care about religion as a defense or weapon of what they hate
>/lit/ doesn’t read
Self explanatory. Some anons even proudly boast of this. These anons would have been run off the board years ago but they are too numerous now. If you don’t read you should be elsewhere

>> No.21205963

Track her down on social media

>> No.21205970

*catchy guitar riff*

>> No.21205972

>Did you expect God to only create perfect beings?
Yes, or don’t create at all. He can create a PERFECT triangle and still be God. Why create me?

>> No.21205975

31 here. Should I tell girls this?

>> No.21205977


>> No.21205981

dont be a faggot pussy

>> No.21206019

Alrifht well I'm gonna have to wait til monday for our next encounter

>> No.21206020

best post in this thread

>> No.21206024

Because you have the potential to be the perfect triangle—or human—but you just don't do it. Now why don't you do it? I imagine God must be at least somewhat disappointed.

>> No.21206027
File: 119 KB, 297x508, B8CE4D5A-BDCE-42A2-B19E-CC6F7B5C2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened to me recently. But she gave me her number and I just lied and said I had a gf.

>> No.21206031
File: 201 KB, 1181x1196, 0621CF62-1472-4CB4-8AE3-6EEC12642B78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna probably be living in my car soon, this sucks bros

>> No.21206034
File: 260 KB, 1000x595, 170D3326-07B2-4090-949A-2E782CE4773C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atleast I might get out and enjoy nature more. It may do my writing some good. Sorry don’t want to be too much of a downer.

>> No.21206037

Why would he create me imperfect and as a being that needs to fulfill its “potential”? Why would he create an imperfect triangle that has the potential to be a perfect triangle when he could just, ya know, make a perfect triangle.

>> No.21206039
File: 68 KB, 500x750, 0d5f63c5cbf6d77f18fde1d0ee6e261a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudes. I don't remember the last time I was happy. I really can't. I don't feel much of anything anymore. Sometimes I try to make myself feel. I watch a sad movie. It might, if I'm lucky, help me squeeze out a tear or two. I listen to the saddest music I can find. I just need that goosebumps feeling again. But I feel more like a bug than anything. Nobody notices. I'm a pretty normal guy I guess. Someone else does all my actions. Or that's what it feels like. In short: not doing great dudes.

>> No.21206043

Again, absolute perfection only belongs to God. Nothing else can be as perfect as He is. As for other things, they can have relative perfection (like your example of triangle). As for being a perfect human, it involves being good despite the fact that one could choose not to be so. Triangles don't have the potential to become perfect but men do. The point is that it has to be earned.

>> No.21206045

Perfection begetting imperfection is equally absurd. Nice quote though.

>> No.21206054

But part of the absolute goodness of God involves the 'overflowing' of goodness. If His goodness didn't overflow - that is, if He didn't create - He wouldn't have been perfect.

>> No.21206055

The more I write my book the more amateurish I feel. I know I have to keep practicing and just enjoy the process, but I feel like my writing doesn't flow or "feel" nice to read. I'm terrible when it comes to concrete details, I'm too vague. When I write about something I don't know how to describe it with minute details that can better increase immersion or tangibility and I'm not sure how I can improve on that.
I just have to keep reading, keep writing. Memorize things and do research. I feel like I'm falling down a very dark hole.

>> No.21206059

But you said
>you have the potential to be the perfect triangle—or human—but you just don't do it
Now you’re saying
>absolute perfection only belongs to God. Nothing else can be as perfect.
So why would he create me without even having the possibility of reaching this potential?

>> No.21206062

Damn you did worse than me

>> No.21206063

How old are you?
This isn't meant to be a demeaning question. Your emotional range shrinks as you get older.
In your teen years, your range from sadness to happiness is massive. Your happiness can get to extreme levels, your sadness too can feel like unending despair.
The absence of that extreme happiness isn't sadness, as you grow older the range shrinks. You will never feel those extremes again, you stabilize. If you're still young, you simply need to find your balance and where you are "content". You do not need to objectively define happiness, nor do you need to validate it or your sadness. Allow yourself to just exist, and look into meditation. What you need is peace. This is an important part of development, and I rarely see it talked about because many accidentally stumble upon it.

>> No.21206065

>creating imperfections makes you MORE perfect than you already were.

>> No.21206067

You can't become a triangle kek, that was meant to be a small joke. You have the capacity to become a perfect human, which is a relative perfection. You don't have the capacity to attain absolute perfection, which is reserved only for God.

>> No.21206069

Yea i’m still seething. I just hate myself so much I self sabotage like this, because I figure it’s going to fail anyway. But it still hurts.

>> No.21206073

Kek why did you do this?

>> No.21206075

Yes, you aren't perfect if you can't create.

>> No.21206080

>You don't have the capacity to attain absolute perfection
So why create me? And what am I trying to become if not the perfect man?

>> No.21206083

But God can create perfect things. If he can’t, then he isn’t perfect.

>> No.21206086

Anon I am in a similar boat and this series of posts also inspired me to ask her. I'll come back to this thread Monday to see how you did. We are both gonna make it.

>> No.21206091

You should just text her and tell her you broke up or something

>> No.21206096

I don't understand your point. I just said you can become a perfect man. But man's perfection is relative whereas God's perfection is absolute.

>> No.21206099

You need to make a distinction between absolute and relative perfection. God can't make another being with absolute perfection, because that belongs only to Himself.

>> No.21206106

So I can never become an absolute perfect man. Why even try knowing this?

>> No.21206112

"Absolute perfect man" is a logical contradiction. It's just like a triangle whining that it can never become a rectangle. You can't become God, but you can become a perfect man (although certainly not with this attitude).

>> No.21206121

I don’t know. She gave me her number in a really cute shy way too that I almost died from the cuteness. Now if I tell her, “hey I just broke up with my gf, are you Still interested?” It makes her feel like a 2nd choice I settled on and I already ruined my shot imo. I also have nothing going on in my life and I feel she’ll get bored of me and I’ll also get bored of her too (not her fault, i just am mentally ill)

>> No.21206125
File: 47 KB, 500x548, D3BC31FF-EB28-4D60-955F-1C7937E78C5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more posts on trannies than Dostoyevsky, Hemingway, Faulkner, Goethe, etc combined. On a literature board. Let that sink in

>> No.21206126

>perfect man
So than this is a logical contradiction too by your standards.

>> No.21206139

No. Again, make a distinction between the sort of perfection that belongs to God—absolute perfection—and the sort of perfection that could belong to the creation—relative perfection. God is perfect in the sense that He is absolutely Good. A creation could only be perfect in relation to other creation. So a man can be or become perfect in relation to other men, but he can't become God, so he can't possess the absolute Goodness of God.

>> No.21206142

Yeah, I know. it's bloody painful and I hate it. I've been battling off bouts of depression but I'm trudging on. Tell me of your struggles anon, or better yet, write about it yourself, personally, not for leering eyes, to get it off your chest.

>> No.21206151

I'm sorry to hear that anon. Best of luck, and stay safe please. At least you're looking on the upsides with >>21206034.

>> No.21206154

So man is imperfect In relation to God.

>> No.21206158


>> No.21206163


>> No.21206164

I threw away my career AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Nothing to show for years of my youth wasted. I can't come to terms that this is it. Stuck forever like this for eternity AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.21206169

How did you do it?

>> No.21206170

So there can be no perfect man. God cannot create a perfect man because it is with him. So God can only create imperfections. Creating imperfections is a Good that God possess and somehow isn’t an imperfection on his part.

>> No.21206171

The last time I let that sink in it stole from me

>> No.21206173

I went to a party with my best friend of 12 years, I have been with my gf for 6 years and he has been with his gf for 5. He kept talking to this little Asian girl at the party and I thought very little of it. When I met him the week after, he told me that he had been messaging her over the last few days and was thinking of breaking up with his current gf to get with this new chick because they really connected at this party. I told him to stop being a moron and he had a good thing going with his current girl who adores him and deals with all his bullshit and if he's going to go chasing new tail than to at least break up first. He chose to cut it off with the new girl and stay with his current gf but I feel like I lost a lot of respect for him for even considering the idea of infidelity, even though he never actually did it.

Idk if I'm moralfagging too hard about this or reacting too harshly to a moment of weakness.

>> No.21206175

I’m 30. Myself is a mentally ill depressed guy. How will this work? I don’t want to get hurt. I’m hurt enough as it is.

>> No.21206180

I haven't yet kek. I've made a few conversations with her and I know she is interested, but I haven't gotten her number (and instead I acted aloof like a retard). I'll meet her in class on Friday. I guess you could check back on Friday kek.

>> No.21206186

Kek. All my best friends cheated on their wives multiple times. Just for degenerate sex.

>> No.21206190

I feel like I’m losing it. I just want you so much that I’m convincing myself that it’s a sign that you want to be with me. But I know it’s not real.

>> No.21206192

I don't even mean this derisively but you are about 16 years old right? I feel like this kind of conversation and insecurity is what I was like 10 years ago

>> No.21206193

>So there can be no perfect man
I disagree with this and already said why.
>So God can only create imperfections. Creating imperfections is a Good that God possess and somehow isn’t an imperfection on his part.
God cannot create another God, correct. But his overflowing goodness implies that He creates beings other than Himself, which are by necessity imperfect.

>> No.21206195

novelty is exciting and little is more exciting to men than woman. dont think too little of him for getting excited over some life of the party bpd bitch, all she does is suck men into her orbit and ruin them. the fact that he made the right decision is solid enough. not all of us have the gift of foresight

>> No.21206199

jesus christ, nice company

>> No.21206202

No I'm 22 kek. When I was 16 I couldn't have even dreamed of speaking to girls. Come on anon we are on 4chan. Don't expect a lot from us. I'm a very reclusive guy that barely speaks to anyone at all, so it's only to be expected that I don't find it natural.

>> No.21206212

How can there be a perfect man in relation to the absolute? Don’t give me a “perfect” man in relation to something inferior. Everything is in relation to the absolute.
>overflowing goodness
Overflowing imperfections*

>> No.21206214

And you are still friends with these degenerates? If that's what they do to their wives, what will they do with you when the chance for betrayal comes, anon?

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm glad he cut it off. It was just strange to me because they seemed so affectionate otherwise when together but as soon as he was left alone at this party I saw a side I didn't expect.

>> No.21206218

Wwoym threads are Groundhog Day anymore. Every time I see it, it’s the same shit. Wonder if it’s the same anons

>> No.21206221

Yea, they still do love their families. It’s just sex to them. I would never and they know that about me and playfully tease me about it.

>> No.21206222

Perfection for men only applies relatively, just like any other creation. You are upset that something that is a logical contradiction could not happen. Again God cannot create absolutely perfect beings because that would also be a contradiction. You may not like this, but this is how things are.

>> No.21206225

Its definitely the same anons.

>> No.21206227

Checked. I just can’t see how creating imperfections is a necessary Good.

>> No.21206228

>And you are still friends with these degenerates?
Yea. They would literally kill for me, so always.

>> No.21206229

sex and love can't be separated :(

you've got to be aware of yourself and on alert to prevent yourself from being affected that way, might be too much to ask for from some. ive had married or taken women act that way around me and im always disgusted though i understand

probably right not to involve some girl in your life then, figure out why you're miserable and get better

>> No.21206232

I'm sure they'd kill for their wives and their kids too, anon. The question is would they fuck your girl behind your back while still loving you as a mate because "it's only sex".

>> No.21206235
File: 863 KB, 1503x2047, F2691C59-6BB0-408E-BA20-D69F9B06DE6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I appreciate that. Yeah hopefully I can land a place to stay either way but if not, Ive been trying to look at the upsides when things get truly down

>> No.21206242

Kek. Of known these guys since I was in diapers. Two of them are my first cousins. I wouldn’t be afraid if someone offered them a billion dollars to betray me. I wouldn’t even get slightly nervous.

>> No.21206246

I understand the mindset behind nihilism but it is irrational. It is a lazy attempt at signifying life. Energy creates abstraction and only abstraction creates meaning. Who gives a fuck how unforgivingly large the universe might be? Meaning has to exist, otherwise there is no reason to live. There is higher reason, and it is high good we can never reach that plane, otherwise we would lose our humanity.

>> No.21206248

I don't doubt your nerves, friend. I'm just saying their wives would also bet a billion on them being dead straight loyal.

>> No.21206254

I actually doubt their wives would kek. If their wives were offered a billion, they would surely be sweating. But if they knew it was me being offered a billion to betray them, they would have no worry.

>> No.21206264

>figure out why you're miserable and get better
I’ve tried for the last 10 years. So it hurts me even more knowing I’m self sabotaging and missing out on so much. I’m ngmi.

>> No.21206272

you have to be the person you work hard for first and foremost. Once you know what you want from yourself you also start to think more clearly about what you wish from those around you. If you can build on yourself then you know what kind of person can improve or strenghten that fundament. That doesn't mean you need to become self-absorbed: it is all in relation to a confident image that translates itself in a truly appreciative way of humanity.

>> No.21206308
File: 733 KB, 901x1015, 1661566014274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you failed No Nut November today, take solace in the fact that you aren't as pathetic as the people who failed it yesterday.
You are still pathetic, however.

>> No.21206319

abstaining from ejaculation during a delegated month is quite pathetic, actually.

>> No.21206326

Do I still fail if it was inside of a girl

>> No.21206336

Little maneuver saved my perky twink anus many times. It’s amazing what calling people gay can do. You see the hornied frenzy leave the would be rapists eyes. Shocked enough to recall it’s poop. I’m sure this is the case for armed robbery too. Would be the ticket in a pinch if you are man enough to pull it off

>> No.21206340

seek god

>> No.21206391

I want to disappear. I wish thr people I know would stop caring about me so I could do so without bothering anyone.

>> No.21206420

At this point I think a sudden collapse of the world economy might be the best case for everyone (except the corporations). We can build something better out of the ashes.

>> No.21206459

No matter how many times I see it, I still find it incomprehensible that a grown adult can’t pick a book by themselves. It truly does boggle the mind.

>> No.21206480

I read into every little thing only to end up crestfallen. I know there’s no hope. Why am I such a pathetic fucking retard? Why can’t I stop wanting what I can never have?

>> No.21206504
File: 331 KB, 471x755, 1667455321901120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Kanye right about the juice?

Now Kyrie is in some heat over some post. Why are Jews so sensitive about this shit. If the exact same thing was said but swap Jew with white or even chinese, and the whole message would be promoted.

How are ppl not concerned at how easily cancellable ppl are over this group?

>> No.21206518

I don’t get why Black people are biting the hand that feeds. ADL and friends pushed BLM so hard and they got nothing in return

>> No.21206525

>hand that feeds.
We all get this, but why do these Jews keep denying or acting like they are the "hand" and straight up act like they have to position in society that makes them the hand

>> No.21206534


>> No.21206559

I'm waiting for noodledudes new vid coming out on Nov 4. See if that breaks me lol. His other ones are so hot that I think it gave me full blown addiction

>> No.21206678

i usually don't fail until the middle of the month
once i'm through half i get cocky and end up failing somewhere around 20th

>> No.21206751

I think my coworker in the next room is snoring.

>> No.21206800

I'm thinking that if I lost all my excess weight, get a jaw surgery and get hair transplants, I would go from a 4 to a 10. Now all I need is money and lose the weight.

>> No.21206801

You think?

>> No.21206827

The sound was very similar to snoring, and I can't just barge into his office to check. Luckily, someone else did it for me, and now the sound has stopped.

>> No.21206838

Plastic littering the side of a busy highway between two major cities, you can't pass two meters without finding a torn bag or a crushed cup or a wrapper of some sort. I don't remember this being the case from 5 years ago, when I last took the trip down this same highway. Was it not so bad back then, or was it just me not paying attention to these things?

Naturally, the question arouse, why would anyone just throw their garbage in the middle of nowhere, where it can't be adequately gathered and processed? And the answer was, why wouldn't they? It is convenient to make one's problem look like (and be) someone else's. I thought about smokers walking down streets — nevermind the smoke, they will ditch the butt 3 meters from the metal trash can set for them by the municipal service. *They* *need* the smokes, you see. Oh, but when *I'm* pissing down the storm drain on a quiet street, a much less harmful act than smoking in public, I'm sure you will agree, a police officer suddenly materializes behind me out of thin air and asks me to accompany him to the station. God, I hate the pigs.

>> No.21206864

I can't share a house with father. I split rent with my father and brother for our place (works out decently cheaper than living individually and we get way more space) but its just a headache.
Give rent money to father as he is the one who is meant to pay, he doesnt pay rent. He works and earns good money but he spends it all as soon as he gets it... A fortnight late on rent and he still spends all his money and thinks he can get a months worth of rent the day before its due...
Its too fucking stressful. I guess after all he is only living with us because hes a bum and cant live by himself so instead has to mooch off my brother and I even though he is in a position to cover everything by himself if he wasnt such a bum.
Try to tell him to get his shit together and he just ignores it. Drunk idiot stop spending all your money on booze tobacco coke and gambling the rest, maybe you wouldnt be living as a bum. Enjoy working until youre 70 and then dying because you are too stupid to save any money.
He thinks he will be able to live with me when hes 'retired'. Thats not going to happen.
I need out but need to put up with it for another 6 months until I finish studies and can start working full-time again.

>personal rant post can be ignored

>> No.21206865

Also, fuck Australian bogan culture for normalizing this behaviour and making the bogan bums think aspiring to anything greater means one is a 'stuck up cunt'.

>> No.21206889


>Write What's On Your Mind
Dinosaur never existed. You have to learn how to invert the false narratives. Space, dinosaurs, viruses, history, etc...

>> No.21206936
File: 987 KB, 2500x1249, 1667473288501865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were all these people wrong? The greatest minds from all cultures and from all times were all wrong and today's jewish media is right?

>> No.21206941

Would like to convert to Catholicism, but I'm honestly worried that they're going to give the okay to same-sex relationships, perhaps only in a "pastoral" sense or something. The writing seems to be on the wall currently. Also I don't want to have to confess all the sins that I committed since I was baptized. Thinking about it even makes me regret being baptized, which bothers me a lot.

>> No.21206950

>Also I don't want to have to confess all the sins that I committed since I was baptized.
Then stick to your paganism

>> No.21206954

>jewish media is right?
About what?

>> No.21206956

Believe me when I say one of the biggest hurdles in this process has been people such as yourself.

>> No.21206957

What, people who tell you that to be Christian you have to be Christian? I'm sorry you have to do things you don't like.

>> No.21206959

I doubt you have the self-awareness to understand what you're doing so I don't think there's any point elaborating.

>> No.21206965

Wait till you find out arrogance is a sin too

>> No.21206966

>Were all these people wrong?
Unironically yes. Women arent great philosophers or religious leaders, and I think they never can be, But women have done more in the field of medicine in 50 years than men had done in 500+ for example.

>> No.21206972

Looks like I was correct.

>> No.21206973

>But women have done more in the field of medicine in 50 years than men had done in 500+ for example.
No they haven't what the fuck are you talking about? Men in the past 500 years invented all 90% of the field of medicine.

>> No.21206977

Yes, but about yourself

>> No.21206978

he's probably talking about the twerkking vids from the ronaperiod

>> No.21206985

It's comforting knowing that the possibility of encountering your ilk in the real world is infinitesimal.

>> No.21206986

why are people expecting so much from me
i have no super powers please leave me alone....

im scared ;(

>> No.21206987

>say anything about catholicism
>trad larper immediately makes an ass of himself

>> No.21206990

Do yourself a favor and grow up before converting

>> No.21206992

Larpers actually telling people to not convert now, truly amazing.

>> No.21206999

Ah, you were just fishing for people to beg you to convert. Like I said, do some growing up

>> No.21207000

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.21207034

I've liked sushi for a long time, but I've never been fond of cooked fish. But I decided about two months ago that I would like cooked fish, and now I like it and eat it regularly.

>> No.21207053

I want to like cooked fish but the texture always put me off. What’d you start liking first

>> No.21207057

Catfish was the first one I really liked.

>> No.21207073

Also I think fish is good when you squeeze lemon onto it, so that might help.

>> No.21207280

I cant stop comparing myself with others.

>> No.21207289

How do I get rid of this nagging feeling that my ISP or whatever is reading all the dumb LARPs I write up on this site and are laughing at me for it? How do I get rid of this constant paranoia that they might be hacked or this site might be hacked and all the dumb shit I wrote will be exposed and somehow linked to the real me.

Is that even how this internet stuff works? Lol

>> No.21207297

I had another sexually-charged dream about my teenage younger sister walking around naked last night. I have them once a week or so. They're more annoying than anything else.

>> No.21207303


>> No.21207338
File: 99 KB, 600x468, 1644147739204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went on /pol/ and I was called an insectoid for being of Asian descent.

>> No.21207349

I can't feel human anymore unless I'm in a relationship. Knowing there's a pink-colored world out there and being unable to reach it because I have no one to connect to is maddening.

>> No.21207375
File: 44 KB, 770x708, 1666100987635101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth hurts, anon. Asians do exhibit a hive-mindedness and meak, submissive nature that resembles an insect.

>> No.21207383

They’re jealous because China is the only uncucked country in the world

>> No.21207384

The only thing I want is to be absolved the curse of want.

>> No.21207395

My child was born a week ago. I had no feelings for the little child before he was out of my wife, but after seeing how much he looks like me, I can now say that I love him as much as I love myself.
Is this because of the resemble of myself or because is the product of my seed?
I still want him at my arms so I can carry him, see his sleepy face where his cuteness is amplified.

>> No.21207396

>tfw couldnt get busy living and couldn't get busy dying

>> No.21207454

Very curious about Kafka's work but I don't want to read a jew tbqh

>> No.21207465
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Are Indians Asian? Every single Oriental Asian i have met hates that they are lumped together with the sludge that is the Indian Sub-Continent.

Best post on /lit/, made me genuinely smile and happy to read it. Good luck for the future anon. We're trying for our first.

>> No.21207471
File: 118 KB, 1598x734, 1640224059702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not missing out on much

>> No.21207495

Are there any active forums to discuss literature and other intellectual topics? I miss forums where you could have an avatar and signature.

>> No.21207510
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 089133574ead6683aed4fcd2f285325e.500x500x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love horror, want to write it
>see a massive, ever-growing market of indie, self-published horror authors - some good, some bad
>authors on the block for less than five years already established a cult following, making a "career" out of it
>"holy shit, this is viable"
>my heart also wants to write children's books
The eternal struggle.

>> No.21207571

Having spent some time during this last year in countries where kratom is legal, I have once again realized how fucking gay it is that you cannot buy mild opioids OTC.

I lived in france years ago, and you could buy coughing pills that had nothing but 10 milligrams of codeine and 10 milligrams of ethylmorphine in them. Eat three of those, and voila, you're in for a really, really pleasurable 4 hours. And they're so mild that even if you get addicted, the withdrawals will be two days of pain, the intensity of which is like 1/4th of a normal hangover from fucking alcohol.

But nooooooo, if your life sucks, your doctor thinks you should instead be gobbling experimental SSRI's that do nothing except leave you with permanent brain zaps and make you feel empty, because God fucking forbid you feel nice on a non-patented drug the pharma companies aren't getting a 10.000% markup on.

The lolbertarians are right, all I want it easily available dihydrocodeine and it is an affront to my fundamental rights that I'll get fined for buying it illegally.

>> No.21207583


>> No.21207586

It's alright ma

>> No.21207595

Im still going strong. This is very exciting

>> No.21207598

Your poison is imageboards. I assure you, yours will more insidiously and competely ruin a mind and a potential than mine ever will.

>> No.21207606

it's hard to keep up nnn with feelings of hopelessness

>> No.21207618

I am trying so hard right now not to smash my head into the wall and get a concussion again. I keep having flashbacks and I freak out and start bashing into things. I’m supposed to be working, but you know what, let’s just type this instead. I am staying focused. I am not going to hurt myself. The seconds are passing and eventually this will pass because time is moving forward and I will calm down. I don’t need to call anyone. I don’t need to take off work. I can do this. Just be present. There’s a bottle on my desk. It’s a clear bottle with a little wooden cork and I like the way it looks against the wood grain of the desk. I am fucking insane but I can do this. I am not going to slam my head into the desk. I am talking to people, real people who are also sitting somewhere. The desk has gold drawer pulls and the gold coating has worn away in places. It looked this way already when I bought it. There was an old check stub inside one of the drawers when I opened it up. It made me wonder about the last owner. I don’t where that check stub is now, I probably threw it away. That’s good. I’m in the present. Inside the desk, I have old portfolios from the past year. I have sketchbooks. I have the yellow paper that I bought from a thrift store to use as birthday cards. It’s thick and feels like cloth. I have a book about Korean paintings and a book of photography and a set of poems by Pablo Naruda. I am not going to get high and I am not going to slam my head into the desk. I am just going to keep typing. I also have my friend’s album that he had made into a CD. Two of them actually, because he made a second version with a new cover. He’s a good friend, he’s always been there for me and I’m glad that we both make things. I think I am in control and I am going to get back to work.

>> No.21207620

>writing a long post before bump limit

>> No.21207626

I love flat-chested adult women

>> No.21207630

Write children's horror ezpz

>> No.21207631

yikes, that's the same as loving small dicks as a female.

>> No.21207639

Why is that yikes

>> No.21207682

liking inferior qualities

>> No.21207688

Inferior by what metric

>> No.21207709

by the common standards

>> No.21207716

Who cares about what plebeians think?

>> No.21207720


>> No.21207743
File: 1011 KB, 1000x667, beehaw1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty is in the eye of the bee holder

>> No.21207900

Catholic here, the reason why larpers thought they could tell people to convert is because most tradlarpers are from protestant backgrounds and they think the two religions must have the same basic content. They probably got told by enough Catholics that telling people to convert is a Protestant thing and amended that, but larpers are usually easy to spot because they're trying to larp as a culture they never experienced.

It's like if you tried to larp as a French person and the extent of your knowledge of France was parodies where people put on a funny accent and say oooh lala at the end of every sentence. Nobody with even a day's worth of exposure to France or French people is going to believe your bad larp.

>> No.21207932

The vile behavior of these people is really galling. Before I fell away, I was baptized in a Protestant church, and a rather conservative one, definitely more than the average Catholic parish as far as I can tell, and absolutely no one would ever behave in this manner. It feels like they (tradcath larpers) have never experienced any Christian community at all. I think they honestly have no clue what kind of damage they do their own cause.

>> No.21207994

It doesn't really bother me as much but Catholic bullying usually involves an info dump, because, traditionally, the Catholic answer to "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do" is to send missionaries to remove the ignorance which could make their standards more lenient. Tradcarh larpers who have learnt enough to know they shouldn't say "Convert!" have also learnt enough to not have ignorance as an excuse and will be judged more stringently than those that are more ignorant.

I don't think they were necessarily religious Protestants, but instead culturally Protestant. In Catholic countries, you find the same thing, but if people wanting to larp had been raised in culturally Catholic places, it would be more credible because they would have some working knowledge. I think the biggest problem with the larping overall then is that if you could make a really funny and blasphemous joke about Catholicism, zero larpers would laugh. There are plenty of irreverent and reverent Catholic writers who wrote hilarious things about the Church and the humour is opaque to those who don't know the Church; however it is quite funny to see larpers occasionally post what is clearly a joke as though the author were totally joyless.

>> No.21208189

new thread >>21208186

>> No.21208442

Are you okay anon? Did something happen?