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/lit/ - Literature

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21196111 No.21196111 [Reply] [Original]

his new book has a trans character… the west has fallen

>> No.21196123

Then don't read his book, not that hard.

>> No.21196131

that's not bad in itself if he portrays him as a mentally ill sicko.

>> No.21196149

He’s not a chud like you

>> No.21196156


He writes sympathetically towards him. Also the chapter seemed to have literally no point to it other than to show off a tranny character.

>> No.21196161

How the mighty have fallen.

>> No.21196163
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>don't think of it as losing a son, think of it as gaining a freak
Yup, that's a cancelling.

>> No.21196165

Lit is so superficial

>> No.21196166

Did his son... you know.

>> No.21196179

If the existence of a type of person makes you this upset, you were the real snowflake all along

>> No.21196205


>> No.21196209

You thought he was “trad” because he says “red nigger” in Blood Meridian or something

>> No.21196211


>> No.21196216

He's definitely conservative, just not a fanatical lunatic.

>> No.21196229

>Culkin on RLM
Wow, they finally got him? Stopped watching like 5 years ago and at that point they were still hoping to get him on

>> No.21196251

>He hasn't finished the book

>> No.21196258

nope, haven't finished it yet

>> No.21196265


>> No.21196268

The political spectrum goes 1-10 with a 10 being /pol/. A 9 or lower is a dirty leftist

>> No.21196291

>it's a judge keeps having to kill trannies while they invent new sexualities for him to catalogue chapter

>> No.21196321

What is rlm?

>> No.21196324

A good chunk of the book is Suttree-esque slice of life stuff (there was also a troon in Suttree btw), it’s fair to include Bobby’s friendship with one as a look at the different walks of life. I thought it was tasteful enough, I’d rather have old-school troons than modern internet fetishist types.

>> No.21196393

red letter media

>> No.21196519

I would have preferred no tranny, obviously, but honestly it was a decent depiction. People seem to think that McCarthy is a cranky nihilist that hates everything, but in his few interviews he always comes off as a gentle person, so I'm no surprised he portrayed the tranny with some sympathy, but it didn't feel like propaganda either. She was just another messed up person in a messed up world, with qualities, but also kind of insane, not too unlike Bobby and Alice.

>> No.21196523

it's over

>> No.21196541

Trannies are humans with quite a severe mental disorder. What's wrong with showing them compassion? You think meanness is going to fix them? Maybe take a break from 4chan for a while.

>> No.21196563

This was nice post. Well done good job.

>> No.21196676

not reading a book because a trans person existing in it makes you seethe so much. the west has fallen

>> No.21196681

>trans person
Tranny spotted. We call them trannies or troons round these parts, mister. None of that woke shit.

>> No.21196752

>he didn't get the memo
/lit/ is a trans-friendly board, sweetums

>> No.21196777

NTA, but it's obviously not. Why redditors insist on coming here if they don't like the kutcha?

>> No.21196783

>ESL /pol/ tourist wants to lecture about board conduct
every time kek

>> No.21196809

And you have the audacity to accuse someone else of being a redditor.

>> No.21196838

Nah. Just phoneposting.
NTA is 4chan slang, newfag. This is the website that has anonymous posters.

>> No.21196859

tranny predditors have been trying to 'join in' for a while

>> No.21196870


>> No.21196873

Uh oh. The t word has been said! Oh no no, thread derailed!

>> No.21196886

and you will never be white

>> No.21196937
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And that's a good thing.

>> No.21197472

>People seem to think that McCarthy is a cranky nihilist that hates everything, but in his few interviews he always comes off as a gentle person
his books have always had like a sliver of hope and optimism in them

>> No.21197499

and all along that hope was...trans rights. bravo corncob!

>> No.21197510

We would always write 'not that anon'. NTA really started catching on late 2020.

>> No.21197540
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the creators of the hit web series, Half in the Bag

>> No.21197554

The amount of pro trans people on this board is concerning.

I‘m the most open and accepting guy to everyone but transformers. I think they’re pitiful, and I hate everything pitiful. To me being pitiful means giving up on yourself, loosing all regard for your self respect and humanity. I can‘t pity the ghettoised Arab or Pakistani migrant, I can’t pity the starving African farmer, I can’t pity the oppressed and disenfranchised for every day they live on they persevere, live as their own men and women and remain independent. I can only help them, do my part as my own person as well. Lament the cruelty of this world and hope for the best where I cannot act. Pitying them would mean to disregard their lives and suffering, wishing it away through mere goodwill as if that has ever helped anyone. Sacrificing what space of mind and time I had to think about them and their issues for some cope to feel better about myself when they are unlike me, when I cannot identify, instead of trying to understand. I pity a dog for its ignorance or instances of failure when a work turned out bad and unlike what was intention, and being ignorant, unwilling to know that something is good or bad, that a judgement was or can be made .

Their often arrogance, exclusive narrative and ignorance towards other people really doesn’t help their cause either.

>> No.21197581

I'm starting to think that you're not the most open and accepting guy. I have a sneaking suspicion that there are people who are far more open and accepting than you.

>> No.21197598

Egging people on to mutilate themselves and shorten their life expectancies is pretty bad. There's no such thing as trans people. No one can transition from male to female or vice versa. Not unless we can breakdown people at the cellular level and recompile them into something else lol. Pretty sad that we have to explain why support for train conductors is not a good thing for society. Then again people will bend over backwards for the cult that mutilates infant boys, defiles them, and serves the devil.

>> No.21197628

I wanna see a troon that didn't spend a lot of time on the internet.

>> No.21197726

Shut the fuck up.
Trannies should transition into ground beef on the streets.
>The amount of pro trans people on this board is concerning.
This board is full of pussy leftist faggots that go on twitter, why does this surprise you?

>> No.21197730

This board shouldn’t be about leftists or rightist either. It’s you who is out of place

>> No.21197773

>It’s you who is out of place
You're right because I'm not an eunuch pussy like you and many others that post here. Slit your throat.

>> No.21197789
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>> No.21197816
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>You're right because I'm not an eunuch pussy like you and many others that post here. Slit your throat.

>> No.21197826

They have the best 9/11 joke, everything else doesn't matter.

>> No.21197847

rick & morty

>> No.21197939

>I would have preferred no tranny, obviously, but honestly it was a decent depiction. People seem to think that McCarthy is a cranky nihilist that hates everything, but in his few interviews he always comes off as a gentle person, so I'm no surprised he portrayed the tranny with some sympathy, but it didn't feel like propaganda either. She was just another messed up person in a messed up world, with qualities, but also kind of insane, not too unlike Bobby and Alice.
She was portrayed as not only passing but beautiful which is quite funny considering.
Maybe it was just Bobby imagining everyone was whood by her

>> No.21198041

I'm going to rape your little sister.

>> No.21198096

this isn't even his first book to have a transgender as a character, there was one in suttree as well you fucking idiot

>> No.21198131

Reading Suttree made me realize his love for the downtrodden and the outcasts of society. I don't think he sees trannies as some token identity so much as being yet another victim of neurosis—a recent byproduct of the rotten underbelly proceeding American excess.

>> No.21198146

I like this.

>> No.21198150

>People seem to think that McCarthy is a cranky nihilist that hates everything, but in his few interviews he always comes off as a gentle person
Lo, the Nice Guy snake in the grass covert opportunistic ambush sexual predator nebbish Gamma nerd 'writer' archetype

>> No.21198151

What we really need is Thomas Pynchon writing a description of a "gender correction" surgery with the same detail he did rhinoplasty in V.

>> No.21198165

But what we really need is faggots to stop posting about trannies all the fucking time. Just transition already

>> No.21198166

You seem upset.

>> No.21198179

Sick of self hating trannies like you

>> No.21198197

Why are you lashing out at me and projecting?

>> No.21198203

Rent free

>> No.21198213

Now I wish we could've seen a short story from J. G. Ballard about that, except taking on a clinical, psychotic tone from the perspective of a doctor with a major fetish for "corrective surgery". Something that wouldn't have been out of place in The Atrocity Exhibition.

>> No.21198223

>not realizing that /pol/ is at most a 7
you are not a true reactionary

>> No.21198225

i hate you leftoid retards. trannies should be fixed all right. like charles bronson fixed emmett

>> No.21198235
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>From masterpiece like blood meridian to this.
Absolute state of American /lit/. Was his new book just a way to get some quick money?

>> No.21198269

A desire to eliminate the weak is a disorientation. The true Hero wishes for a scenario in which weakness makes no sense.

>> No.21198274

He really sold out.

>> No.21198286

But why? He's 89, it's not like he needs to prove anythign at this point. Is he trying to aim for that Nobel?

>> No.21198301

The west fell with Rome.

>> No.21198315

And a transvestite in Child of God...

>> No.21198347

Child of God is pro necrophilia. McCarthy has always been fighting for sexual minorities

>> No.21198648

>Maybe it was just Bobby imagining everyone was whood by her
That's probably the case. I think the tranny character is another take on the Kekule problem. What happens when your unconscious is constantly telling you you're a woman? And Bobby is quite sensitive to other people's inner world, but he's detached of his own.

>> No.21200360
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>oh no! Ideas i personally disagree with in a book!

how will chud ever recover?

>> No.21200625

Maybe he has a tranny grandson.

>> No.21200660

Why are you always posting coomer images?

>> No.21200716

Culkin was on ages ago, and has been on a bunch of times. He's pretty much an extended member of their group now. Doesn't have much else to do, I guess.

>> No.21200859

if we got rid of them (in minecraft) we wouldn't have any of these problems anymore.
in ancient times they would have gone off the cliff.
if we try it now (in minecraft) and Retard Dawkins is right, maybe the next generation is free of that disease.

>> No.21200937

Always amazes me how susceptible boomers are to progressive propaganda, even in its most warped form

>> No.21200972

that only strengthens my point

>> No.21200975

/lit/ - Alt Right Pussies Cry About Literally Everything

>> No.21200993


>> No.21201003

When you final realize sjws/leftists and alt right are 2 sides of the same coin

>> No.21201017

Baby Boomers are "susceptible" to this because they're literally the ones who started this entire progressive woke shit-show in the first place.

>> No.21201030

Who is this walking bag of dust?
Oh, come off it. You know just as well as we do you're mentally ill.

>> No.21201052

Yes! YES! Exactly! They are identical in character in every respect, it is only the trappings of their ideologically oriented cultures which are different. Extreme poles of either side are spiritually conjoined twins.

>"People are often ignorant of how a thing, turning away from itself, agrees with itself in a back-turning harmony." - Heraclitus

Additionally, it is all part of the globalist psyop, who routinely preoccupy the masses with trivium, or one another, so as to continue on with their own ways unobstructed.

>> No.21201070

Yeah. In that interview that came out recently he also seemed genuinely bothered that Heidegger's diaries showed he truly hated the jews. For a guy who can write the bleakest scenarios, he still has a surprisingly boomer sensibility. Kind of funny. You'd expect him to be more cynical. He's probably a lot like the sheriff from No Country. Old fashioned, but he takes to heart those old american values of being respectful and son on.

>> No.21201076

Like many in this part of the internet, he suffers from latent autogynephilia that he subconsciously suppresses through posting voluptuous coomerbait for his pseudo-peers online.

>> No.21201109

>Yes! YES! Exactly!
t. redditor
You're not completely wrong though. Some alt-righters, like the incels, are in a sense the right wing answer to bioleninism. People at the bottom of the barrel will cling to extreme politics because they can't achieve anything by their own. That's not the case with every dissident right winger though, as it is with most of the hard left.

>> No.21201127

The trivium is an entryway into knowledge conducted prior to the quadrivium.

Bioleninism is, like leninism, an anti-worker sectarian ideology invented by a bourgeois idealist in isolation from class struggle. It is anti-praxic. While it is reasonable to call it "Leninism" on this ground, like Leninism prior to July 1917 it has no link to organic movements of workers or bourgeois movements of coup d'etat.

Jesus fuck, trained dumb.

>> No.21201155

>anyone who judges me must come from a subgroup rejected by my desired circle
>your analysis may apply to others, but i-im different!
Typical. You even went so far as to target largely ubiquitously shamed groups as your scapegoat; i.e., incels, people at the "bottom of the barrel"; seeking to appear above argument with all these flaccid attempts at marginalization (read: containment). No, no, you're definitely one of the many, not the few, and you made this too easy.

>> No.21201173

Indeed, but if you didn't realize I meant trivia, that's worse than my typo.

>> No.21201199

I’ll always maintain that the alt right would have had a lot more sympathy if they didn’t adapt the tactics of leftists. As someone not very political, in the beginning, I thought the alt right was something somewhat noble standing up to the sjw oppression in media and schools. The alt right quickly lost all good will when they became the same thing as those sjw’s, shoehorning politics, having false morality, and blatantly hypocritical. The only thing that separates them is where they stand on certain issues. They act exactly the same

>> No.21201269

This. I would rather see them lose with honor than winning by becoming like the left. In that case, I'd rather let the left take over. At least they aren't racist. The alt-right at first made many good points about the problems of identity politics, but they fell into the same game and became the very thing they said to hate. I don't like sjws, but I will side with one of them over a racist any day. Alt-righters should actually listen to Peterson. What's the point of having a leader if they won't listen to him?

>> No.21201282

>caring about this

>> No.21201297

Your text isn't inspired, authors don't control meanings.

>> No.21201310

Yeah. My belief is that it doesn’t matter which side you are on in identity politics, or the culture war, it’s the fact that you are strongly taking part in them which is the issue

>> No.21201398

Exactly! If the alt-right just accepted defeat they would get the moral victory, which is a lot more important. Let leftists be extremist and retarded, let them congratulate themselves thinking they won, but in reality they are just making a fool of themselves.

>> No.21201456

I also think it’s impossible for the alt right to win because leftists can just point at them and say “see, this is why we need our politics”. Less is more for rightists. Many people in the middle think that sjw’s are a bit too much, but speaking against them makes you seem like a racist, misogynist, whatever and that is taboo. They will definitely distance themselves from the far right. Rightists have to be less reactionary and stay to their course. But the far right are retarded, just like the radical left, and can’t resist shitting in their own hand to throw it. I’m an radical anti-radical

>> No.21201624

>I don't like sjws, but I will side with one of them over a racist any day.
sjws are literally racist, I don't understand how you can't see that unless your a leftist yourself and believe that you cannot be racist against white people

>> No.21201638

It has been acknowledged that they are 2 sides of the same coin. They are more alike than either side wants to admit

>> No.21201647

>more alike
They're both bourgeois radical liberals. One just has an inhering organic ideology, the other has an inhering psychic ideology. One is fascist, the other is CPS.

>> No.21201666

I don't think dunking on white people is okay, but come on. Even if it's technically racism, it's no comparable to the actual racism minorities suffer every day.

>> No.21201670

I'll take a White Savior complex over ethnic cleansing.

>> No.21201677

Exactly! The problem with sjws is that they take morality to its extreme and they become annoying and counter productive to what they want. The problem with the alt-right is that they want to murder everyone who isn't like them.

>> No.21201723

Trips of truth. Trannies can go to hell

>> No.21201742

Nigger, redditors don't call each other anons, as far as I know at least. I don't go there

>> No.21201769

I know who you are unclefucker, you're the same guy from the recent coom bait threads. No surprise you are a transsexual.

>> No.21201860

Careful now, someone might misgender you, now that'd make you really scared

>> No.21201865

I wouldn't. Ethnic cleansing could do some good right now.

>> No.21201868

I feel for trannies. I really do. They're in a sort of pain I wouldn't wish upon anyone.
But at the same time, I will not bow to their delusions. And they take this as a personal attack.

>> No.21201871

Is the alt right in the room with us right now?

>> No.21202009

New Cormac interview just dropped. https://youtu.be/HrUy1Vn2KdI
They talk about Wittgenstein and physicists and the subconscious.

>> No.21202038

>haha big updoots silver seal gold star
>I took his six in the morning rambling and totally got eeem
I dislike trannies and tranny supporters. That’s everyone I ‘hate’, that’s a pretty small ‘everyone’ and the dislike is more disgust at their fucking inability to be themselves coherently and be thankful for the general benefits they’re afforded by wider society. That they can dress and act however they want beyond any curtesy, and make further demands on special treatment still when everyone knows ‘that’s a man in a dress, that’s a woman on male hormones’ from a short glance and when no narrative can change the resonance in identification with another human being, not because we want to but because we must. We’re not so free as to ignore each other entirely but for instantaneous information fragments without any context but the media used for projection and reception. We are bodily living beings and we’re stuck with existing and living together. You cannot state something and follow a formalism and expect this combination to yield truth, something we implicitly know.
When people out of that damn pity engage in absurd double thinking. That’s when I have a problem with a certain group.
I have this problem with unreasonable people who often never had a chance to begin with, who know they’re unreasonable to some degree or can be told as much; and the self identified and self reasonable, closed circle, the stealing reason and common identity from every person, the little dictators of their own despair. Who insist on no connection between rampant mental illness and their personal being, who separate mind and body, and project in neatly contained parts fault onto everything implicating everyone, as if ‘we’, yes, ‘we all’ were machines… hence transformers.

>> No.21202042

Trannies be making this anon seethe so much he writing blocks of text on them kek

>> No.21202050

thanks I forgot about this. I got no choice but to watch it.

>> No.21202052

I think it obvious this thread is a bucket of bait, and you've jumped into it.

>> No.21202470

That ass is hairy.

>> No.21202513

That's a very roundabout way of saying you jerked off to a tranny one time and still haven't recovered. We've all done it. For the sake of acceleration, I think we should lend some critical support for trannies as their existence is both affirmed yet contradicted by the same currents seeking to abolish binaries, as in gender binaries that their entire existence is predicated on, as with TERFs.

>> No.21203318

Sounds like a writer.

>> No.21203706
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Did he write something like pic related?

>> No.21203751
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trannies exist, not writing about them doesn’t make them disappear

>> No.21203757

Shame, my interest just evaporated.
That's the plan.

>> No.21203766

Silly retard, depiction is advocacy.

>> No.21203797

"I am the Anon who wrote post number 21203766 and I am a big fat retard with a tiny penis and horrendous body odour; I sometimes fantasise about women pooing on me after being sodomised by an African-American." Said the big fat micropenised retarded 4chan poster.

>> No.21203813

Don't be upset tranny, you'll find the right rope one day.

>> No.21203820

Read your post and then read mine, figure it out.

>> No.21203834

Why are you mad? He just advocated for you.

>> No.21203901

>malding troons

>> No.21203966

frankly i think it's high time to wordfilter "tranny" and "chud" and some other buzzwords so that the site can cool down a bit

>> No.21203992

McCarthy never asked anyone to bow down to anything.
The mentally ill loner protagonist needed a group of of oddballs to hang around with. The tranny fit the bill

>> No.21204013

So can this book be read by itself or does it need Stella Maris to be understood?

>> No.21204084

Stella Maris hasn't came out yet. Clearly its meant to be read first, and then probably sat with for a while well Stella Maris comes out. I doubt many of us have read SM, so who can say what gaps aren't filled in?

>> No.21204476

Red wave coming.

>> No.21204815

friend simulator that zoomers watch to get their opinions on movies they then don't watch

>> No.21204844
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Two more weeks, comrade!

>> No.21205102

Why does the book have to be so large? Couldn't they have made it 600 pages instead and be "normal" sized? God I hate holding it in my hands, it feels like a tumour.

>> No.21205248


>> No.21205343

>Ass has a little grouping of subtle peach fuzz on one cheek, just like many women have on various parts of their bodies
>Anon says "That ass is hairy"
What porn brain does to a MF. Look upon this and weep, ye spiritually impoverished children of goats

>> No.21205346

What color is the sky on the world you live on?

>> No.21205351

lol so it's like Cumtown kind of?

>> No.21205408

cum town for "film buffs"

>> No.21205495

lol no one gets opinions from cumtown. it's more like chapo trap house for capeshit instead of socialism.

>> No.21205519

Feeling for them and refusing to bow to their delusions is fine. I just don't get the wanton cruelty people here show towards them. Lowest hanging fruit possible. Their lives are already shit as it is.

>> No.21205534
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I am sympathetic to trannies too. I feel bad that they're mental illness is put on a pedestal and celebrated rather than receive proper mental health treatment.

>> No.21205541


>> No.21205556

Stavros Halkias is legitimately one of the most unfunny people I have ever heard.

>> No.21205561

Because they try to destroy your life if you refuse to bow to their delusions. Look at all the people they've deplatformed.

>> No.21205572

cumtown > the adam friedland show but i'm lying if i don't love seeing how the fanbase turned on stav

>> No.21205579

Trannies aren't deplatforming anyone. Don't blame them for the elites' political agenda. They're victims of it more than anything.

>> No.21205587

> Graham Linehan
> Megan Murphy
> Any GC thinker who tries to speak at a college campus.
Sure thing, bud.

>> No.21205612

You still don't understand, bud. Trannies aren't the ones doing the deplatforming. It's their defenders who refuse to see their mental disorder for what it is and continue to push their sick agenda. With very few exceptions trannies don't have any power themselves.

>> No.21205621

You have to understand boomers never actually interact with Tranny scum and if they do it’s in a closed and secure environment through other people introducing them. They don’t understand that the majority of United States high schools are filled to the brim with these people that are clearly infected with a propaganda mind virus and how self righteous they are much less seeing the consequences of how the general public kisses their asses. To someone like Cormac gay people were also the same way because he’s probably mostly only seen them on TV and in other depictions in media. This is why young people actually exposed to these sick fucks understand they need to be executed for their own benefit. A lot of polls show young people as more conservative on this kind of thing and ESPECIALLY on feminism because most young girls see old crusty femmes as trying to cock block them because they want to ban older men from dating them. Don't worry all of the cherry picked data about young people being “so left wing” is usually on issues around marijuana and things like that that boomers also think are a left wing thing still (lol).Don’t worry, read Spengler and understand history is cyclical and we’re getting to the best part bro’s.

>> No.21205626

People wouldn't fight for trannies this hard if trannies weren't telling them fight this hard. These TRAs aren't acting on their own whims. They're acting the way they do because all the leading trans voices told them J.K. Rowling and Dave Chappelle were the devil incarnate. And any trans voices that disagreed were shouted down.
You don't see people who are mildly critical of black culture, for example, get their lives destroyed in this way. That's because black people face ACTUAL problems, and have bigger fish to fry. Trannies don't, and that's why they use their minions in this way. Not because of the "elite's political agenda" or whatever. But because they're nuts.

>> No.21205654

Anyone who smokes marijuana is leftist scum and should be given the death penalty.

>> No.21205745

It’s a nasty drug and it’s psychotropic effects are over hyped but every person I’ve ever met has used it tried it. Every. Single. One.

>> No.21205828

Boomers think every group that TV declares a victim are The New Blacks and in need of their compassion so they can relive the Civil Rights Movement again

>> No.21205944

internet was a mistake and trannies are a literal psyop chosen as a perfect culture war timewaster flamebait
you aren't original or rebellious for hating trannies, they are pushing trannies because they want you to hate them and spend your whole day arguing about them instead of ever getting interested in the matters where they quietly fuck you in the ass for real

>> No.21206087

>le based zoomers
god i want to believe in it so bad i just don't see it irl

>> No.21206105

A tranny is better than someone who dwells and seethes about trannies. It says a lot if you are more fucked in the head than a tranny. If they take up your headspace, you’ve got nothing up there

>> No.21206111

Looking at the reactions in this thread.
Damn, there should be zero homeless trans people with how they all seem to live rent free in your heads.

>> No.21206116


>> No.21206124

careful now, or we're gonna have to start calling you sametrannies instead of samefags

>> No.21206135

Nah. Just two non deranged individuals. Talk about the book and not the tranny. This is a literature board

>> No.21206143
File: 29 KB, 528x312, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post has breached containment and you are getting laughed at.

>> No.21206182

You were probably the one who posted it tranny

>> No.21206191


No faggot, what you’re seeing is the logic of the free market exploiting vulnerable children who have no direction due to the dissolving of social bonds (which are also hallowed out from neoliberal Capital) and the people defending this are cynical actors doing it for good boy points so they can continue to further their own careers. Grow up.

>> No.21206208

>won’t somebody think of the children!
4chan has come a long way down

>> No.21206217

It’s real but they don’t take the form of geriatric conservatives who they rightly identify as an ossified and dead movement. They’re still followers of the basic mindset of liberalism but they can see intuitively that trannies and other subhumans are bad—they just don’t have the language to explain why and if they did it’s not a problem that concerns them since we’ve hit total free market logic praying on virtually every other aspect of our lives. It’s basically what the other posters are saying here. The Tranny is the ultimate symbol of capitalism and it’s not about the individuals themselves but they’re a symbol of decadence and acceptance of decay and rot so deep in the culture that it’s basic human nature to feel uneasy around them. They’re walking embodiments of pure Capital and communists were right to liquidate them.

>> No.21206230

Wow you’re invoking a trope about saving children that hasn’t existed since 1999 Boomer, almost all of the groups in America that were there to protect children have been dissolved. Imagine thinking there’s some council of mothers out there concerned with childrens internet use in 2022 like we’re not living through some market free for all where tik tok beams adverts from Coca Cola and Environmental friendly breast reduction harnesses directly into every child’s cortex that’s above 2 years old. Next you’ll tell me people are concerned with Satanic imagery in heavy metal, make sure to slip your little cousin a copy of Hell Awaits so he can throw it in the trash as he’s streaming the latest single form the SuicideBoys on thanksgiving nigger.

>> No.21206237

>>won’t somebody think of the children!
>4chan has come a long way down
Oh no son, 4chan _always_ used to think of the children.

>> No.21206245

It's very funny that 4chan users try to push this moral superiority complex against LGBT people, then go over to /co/ to lust over underage cartoon characters. "Think of the children" is almost never used in earnest, it's all about trying to call yourself superior to the opposition.

>> No.21206250

It's funny how, thanks to /pol/, 4chan has gone from The Internet Hate Machine to The Internet Hate Machine, But on the Right Side of History (Just Two More Weeks).

>> No.21206267
File: 119 KB, 259x259, power nap reaction image 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xe scooped the last of the beans with the tortilla and once the plate was clean xe chased it with coffee and stood to leave
>I thank ye xe said to the waitress who leaned and spat

>> No.21206278

Literally who?

>> No.21206284

The character is a trans woman and addressed with she/her pronouns. Dumbass.

>> No.21206298

Shut up tranny

>> No.21206307

If only trans people have reading comprehension, guess that makes you cis.

>> No.21206422

>have no choice but to admit the ass is hairy
>still have to simp for a woman you'll never meet and try to attack the person who points out a fact you agree with

>> No.21206616


>> No.21207076

I feel traumatized from watching this. Truly, this is the marriage of mental illness and greed.

>> No.21207077

Pseuds generally do.

>> No.21207104

>Who is keffals?

>> No.21207138

The left isn't only racist against white men, and, truly, they tend towards virulence in that regard nowadays, but if you look at the depiction of black people as well, where is the representation of the average, healthy black person? Just like the once ubiquitous image of the happy juvenescent blonde, or the stalwart 9-5 father, they have been erased from the narrative. There are plenty depictions of angry, loud young women; flamboyant, scandalous gay men; obese lesbians; and every variety of slavish and eternally-chipped mentality imaginable; but the average black person who just lives a normal life and has normal priorities, especially if that black person is a morally and emotionally healthy male - nowhere to be found. Even as they profess fidelity, they associate us to every vice and weakness imaginable, and do their darndest to inculcate this perverse identity and self-belief in the youth. Black people are only accepted by the left in the same way as the sexually mentally ill, as a symbol and reminder of their own self-assured virtue, and a voter base who they can manipulate via fear or greed (the tools they favor in campaigns against the mind of all voter bases). In this way also, the Left and the Right are the same. They both believe the same thing about us - that we are weak, wicked, unintelligent, and incapable, the difference is, the far Left would give unending license, handicaps, and penances, while the far Right would condemn, marginalize, and murder.

Essentially correct.

>> No.21207161

I think what makes people so intuitively uncomfortable and angry about “culture war” stuff, LGBT stuff perhaps most of all, is that we (rightly) sense there’s a modus operandi of “hide totalitarianism behind weakness and victimhood.” The ruling neoliberal elite seem to have come up with the most brilliant plan to deflect, absorb, or redirect all dissent: use designated victim classes, or their causes, as their puppets, their masks, their actors. Hence, we see a paradoxical conflation of the .1% who can afford to buy their own private islands, with, on the other hand, literally one of the most fragile (admittedly and openly — a huge sticking point in the public discourse around transgenders is their “high suicide rate” due to lack of acceptance by society and when they can’t transition) “underclasses” of society.

Yet, by a mindfucking coincidence of opposites, this fragile group is also associated by us with the power to deplatform, censor, and ruin people’s lives, as well as of a masterpiece of social engineering, especially through education of the young and the exaggeration of the mainstream media of the significance of this <1% of the population having a potential mental illness, in terms of rewriting the most basic, axiomatic rules of biology and the, for most, deeply subconscious recognition that sex is more than a social construct.

And yet, by the aforementioned M.O., anyone thinking about how eerie, even potentially totalitarian any of this is, can automatically be outright despised as a “strong person punching down at the weak,” or an automatic, “what are you, an X? [transphobe homophobe racist etc.]”, or as being “obsessed” about it etc. It’s like either or both Hamas using Palestinian civilians as human shields, as well as even reputedly Israel using *Palestinian* children as human shields, depending on whose accusation of who’s war crimes you want to believe, a fiendishly evil tactic which “turns you into the bad guy” if you strike back now.

>> No.21207167
File: 219 KB, 633x356, 1649732785370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I haven't been invited to the shadow government that rules the illuminati yet? I've been waiting patiently for a while...

>t. ranny

>> No.21207170

It's in the mail, sister.

>> No.21207172

My dad once got invited to join a masonic lodge but he laughed out loud at the idea so I guess our bloodline is never getting in...

>> No.21207198

Yes. It's disconcerting to say the least. The amount of control elites now possess through the supranational institutions, major corporations, and major media outlets is astonishing.

>> No.21207270

I’ve made it a new practice to bring up AIDS anytime the subject of LGBT people comes up in my circles. We need to revive the specters of the 80’s and disarm the modern narrative around these issues because it’s designed and positioned for us to lose. Talk about anal cancer which is an undeniable consequence of repeated anal sex, bring up the suicide rates of course, and make sure to talk about Bug Chasers. These once visible and obvious dysgenic issues around faggots have been erased to create a rhetorical playground to only discuss the cockroach’s on moral grounds. “Is it morally ok for gays to Marry?” We need to circumvent this and associate the medical realities that have undergone erasure by these people. Obviously the groomer hysteria is not helpful because it’s not wholly accurate, only partially. Make sure you repeat it many many times so even if people disagree with you their subconscious absorbs this information for later when the time comes to take care of the problem.

>> No.21207284

Don't forget monkeypox, lol.

>> No.21207318

Some good advice here if you want to come off as a deranged, frothing-at-the-mouth psycho to regular people.

>> No.21207358

If by “regular people” you mean snobby Wall Street journal readers sure. This whole conversation around who has the monopoly on “regular people” is boring. This can be communicated intelligently and articulated easily in a way that’s non-threatening. Do not listen to this faggot lover because these are the people interested in having a monopoly on the public conversation and by the very nature of my post what I’m doing is pushing that conversation the way I deem correct. I know exactly what I’m doing. The only way to be so scared of this type of action is to be constantly sheltered and to have your opinions reified by corporate media and other people in your in-group. Shattering the sensibilities of people is my exact goal, and the implied threat of being a “psycho” is pure propaganda.

>> No.21207379

Pure, unfiltered autism

>> No.21207386

Ill probably read them both.

> McCarthy, who rarely gives interviews and declined to speak for the announcement, is not unaware of the anticipation. Asked by Oprah Winfrey in 2007 if he cared that he had millions of readers, he said: “In all honesty I have to say I really don’t. You would like for the people who appreciate the book to read it, but, as far as many, many people reading it, so what?”


>> No.21207401

You will be exactly how the Boomers are now when the world changes. Afraid and paranoid with a deep understanding that you live in a world you no longer belong in.

>> No.21207412

I'm fairly confident that normal people don't obsess over AIDS, "bug chasers" and anal cancer. That goes for both WSJ subscribers (what a formidable enemy!) and the flyover fatties of Bumfuckville, USA, however much you wish the latter were some sort of reactionary horde on the cusp of "waking up".
>I know exactly what I’m doing.
Are you familiar with the phrase "famous last words"?

>> No.21207425

Ahhh yes, tell me more about normal people. Are they in the room with you right now? Show me on the doll.

>> No.21207461

That Oprah interview was nowhere near as interesting as the Santa Fe Institute stuff but the learning things like he used to be so poor he couldn't afford toothpaste was a revelation.

>> No.21207883

He's desperate to make money for some reason now. The Road is the biggest shittiest made-for-movie cash grab.

>> No.21207896

>the book without a plot is a cash-grab

>> No.21208696


>> No.21208843
File: 18 KB, 425x448, 1631158215095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about Corncob's latest book having a troon in it
206 posts, 83 posters
>Thread discussing the plot and themes of Corncob's latest book
70 posts, 39 posters

>> No.21208853

welcome to /shit/

>> No.21208880

Thus we can say that there are more anons interested in the book than have read it