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/lit/ - Literature

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21194600 No.21194600 [Reply] [Original]

I want to give my imagination some food and i am in search for fantasy. I want the action to take place in renaissance. Elements would be nice to include: Magic, symbolism, eros, creatures, darkness,

What are some /lit approved classics, don't come to me with lotr.

>> No.21194693

Neverending Story

>> No.21194721


>> No.21194725

The hobbit

>> No.21194735
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>What are some /lit approved classics

>> No.21194895
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>The Hobbit
>The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
>The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane
>Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
>Elric of Melnibone
>A Game of Thrones
I've been writing my own fantasy series that is in a sort of renaissance era. One of the major cities in the world is akin to Venice as a center for trade, learning, and the arts. There sits a princess as wealthy as the Mughals far off in the east. There are continents across the sea barely explored beyond the Old. And the West is united yet divided in an empire modeled after the HRE. The early-modern world is an underrated era to write about, so I enjoy it no matter what.

>> No.21194996

That sounds pretty neat
I'm writing one too where it's a post post apocalyptic world so theres ancient technology thats basically like magic to the current people. Theres a big desert in the middle of the continent and a bunch of monsters spawn there. The main group is an order of people trying to keep them contained and there's a city thats halfway in the desert that also tries to do the same thing but they theyre also the richest city in the world so they get attacked by normies who want their gold while theyre trying to keep the world from being eaten by these vampire zombie werewolves (theyre none of those) things

>> No.21195232
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Wheel of time

>> No.21195998

Lord of the rings

>> No.21196329

>a friend of my gifted my for my birthday the first book of the stormlight telling me is good
hold on, it's not? dafuck he told me it's good

>> No.21196330

That chart is so dumb.

>> No.21196349

can you share what have you write with an anon who is bored?

>> No.21196378

>Thomas Covenant
>only C tier
>only difficulty 4
I don't necessarily disagree with the quality rating. But I'm genuinely curious about your reasoning. I've found it incredibly difficult to get in to. I'd rank it difficulty 5. But the quality is there for the first 3 books where I'd list it as A tier. Easily above most of your A and B tiers. If it ended there I'd almost consider it S tier because of how emotional it made me. But with the next 3 I'd drop it to be. With the last 4 it's an easy C. But the first 3 books are contained enough to where I don't think the next 7 need to be read at all

>> No.21196801
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George MacDonald

>> No.21197541

Name of the Rose

>> No.21198125

A good choice

>> No.21198128

It's not a fantasy novel, there's nothing fantastical in the book at all.

>> No.21198140

>I want the action to take place in renaissance
During the renaissance period? That's not usually associated with magic.

>> No.21198446

The Bible

>> No.21198453

You can tell a sanderson hater made this list and that being dark = good in this retards eyes

>> No.21198466

>dark = good in this retards eyes
Half of S tier is literally Tolkienshit

>> No.21198483

Simplicissimus, the german adventurer, ticks all those boxes

>> No.21198545

Sandersoi gets btfo by Wolfe, Moorcock, Leiber, Vance, et al. not even counting Tolkien. That nigga sucks lol

>> No.21200204


>> No.21200245

But it’s not a fantasy though?

>> No.21200254

Why are Sanderson haters so FUCKING right about everything?

>> No.21200291

The bible is good.

>> No.21201111

Thomas liggoti’s short story ‘Masquerade of a Dead Sword: A Tragedie’ is his most underrated short stories.

Anything by clark ashton smith

>> No.21202015

>clark ashton smith
Blessed post

>> No.21202200

Don't listen to this Wheel of Time blows
The Darkness That Comes Before
Assassin's Apprentice
Black Leopard Red Wolf
unironically Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.21202228

The Broken Sword

>> No.21202754

The chart looks like a compilation of /lit/ opinions done by a very observant nooticer.

>> No.21203335

There's witches and meerpeople, the las one when the protagonist descends to the depths of the Earth
Not your run of the mill fantasy, but certainly quite fantastic

>> No.21203381

>The Worm Ouroboros
Good rule of thumb, whenever you see this title, you know the retard who made the chart has never actually read any of the books on it.

>> No.21203481
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This is worth reading if you want to sink time OP, shit's like 14 books.

>> No.21203650

>shit's like 14 books
I think that's why others are hesitant about reading it.

>> No.21203667

Finally someone rates The name of the Cuck as it deserves. Also, reading now Lyonesse and must agree: it's a masterpiece. But I wouldn't say it is "easy reading"

>> No.21203678

Sanderson's writing is really sub-par. It's literal marvel fantasy for soibois

>> No.21203688
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That's completely understandable, Jordan himself never wanted the series to run on that long. His wife Harriet kept urging him to write more "for the fans". Also when he found out he was dying, he wanted to get as much of the story done as possible.

>> No.21203767

That's a really nice cover

>> No.21203814
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Too bad most of that book was filler.

>> No.21204049

I am suprised that Lies of Locke Lamora got that high on /lit/. Is it worth checking out? Was thinking about reading something more light and

>> No.21205174


>> No.21206614
File: 343 KB, 1080x1184, Gay sex scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Darkness That Comes Before
not into gay fantasy series.

>> No.21206806

The fuck is this fag shit

>> No.21207157


>> No.21207200

I enjoyed the series. Heisty. Felt like that the more the series went on, the more magic bs came about.

>> No.21207968

seconding this.

Wheel of Time reads like its a real like legend that could probably actually happen. some of the other fantasy i've read just feels like a story, or is cringe in other ways. Robert Jordan's world building is really next level, and Sanderson does a decent job tying it up in the end.
I've read a lot of the other epic fantasy series, but Wheel of Time is just so comfy and interesting.

>> No.21207977

I'm finishing up Rhythm of War right now and I can see why people are calling Sanderson's writing marvelesque. That being said, its cheesy and the characters are very endearing. Shallan, Adolin, Jasnah, Daliner - I am hooked and want to see how their story plays out. I also like the greater cosmere and plan on dipping into Mistborne eventually, but I can't do two Sanderson series in a row.

>> No.21208786
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>> No.21208904
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Some entire tribe killed themselves in a war because their leader had gay sex once or something.

>> No.21209543

2 more years

>> No.21209552
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>> No.21211137

The image that destroyed /sffg/

>> No.21211172
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Good suggestions.
I'd also recommend:
>RE Howard (Conan, Kull, or Bran Mak Morn)
>Dunsany's Time and the God Omnibus
>Carter's Simrana cycle
>Dying Earth and Lyonesse by Vance
A million others, buy you can't go wrong with that stuff

>> No.21211251

Didn't know about that Dunsany omnibus, thanks anon.

>> No.21211261

The Wine of Satan by Lenore Gay.
No magic, but great pseudo historical fiction touching on all those other themes.

>> No.21212191


>> No.21212368

Understandable reaction

>> No.21212456
File: 487 KB, 1091x1600, Carcassonne cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the diviner rose up, stroking his grey beard, and spake guardedly—"There are certain events," he said, "upon the ways of Fate that are veiled even from a diviner's eyes, and many more are clear to us that were better veiled from all; much I know that is better unforetold, and some things that I may not foretell on pain of centuries of punishment. But this I know and foretell—that you will never come to Carcassonne."

>Instantly there was a buzz of talk telling of Carcassonne—some had heard of it in speech or song, some had read of it, and some had dreamed of it. And the king sent Arleon of the Harp down from his right hand to mingle with the Weald-folk to hear aught that any told of Carcassonne. But the warriors told of the places they had won to—many a hard-held fortress, many a far-off land, and swore that they would come to Carcassonne.

>> No.21213950


>> No.21214419

So, its like queer fantasy or something

>> No.21215728


>> No.21215809


>> No.21215920

>Silmarillon is an easier read than Bakker
Couldn't even read the silmarillon in my own language due to how boring it was. Bakker was the first one I read in english and I couldn't stop.