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/lit/ - Literature

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21194498 No.21194498 [Reply] [Original]

Are people getting worse at reading? I don’t just mean kids either, adults as well. I sent a joke to a friend that was literally two sentences long and they said that they “weren’t going to read all that”. My sister borrowed a book from me and said she found it hard to read past four pages because she kept getting distracted. My friends and I decided to watch the new all quiet on the western front, but they voted to switch it off when they realised they would have to read subtitles. I’m doing a project in college and my partner takes ages to read a single page of notes and has to read out loud each word under his breath, he has no disabilities or anything.

Is reading becoming some kind of extremely difficult thing for people? Like most people aren’t fluent readers any more and have to actually sound words out and stuff? You’d think with social media and blogs more people would be reading than ever before, but no.

>> No.21194812


>> No.21194827

can someone sum the post up so I can read

>> No.21194836

Zoomers are mega retards, they're basically black but wrong color by accident. The best use for them is footsoldiers and cannon fodder in the coming wars to remake a normal society that doesn't suck ass.

>> No.21194849

yea, duh? The Reverse Flynn effect has been steadily gaining traction for over a decade now, if not two. The average reading level for recent graduates in America struggles to stay at 6th grade. If you remove white students it struggles to stay over 3rd grade.
I've asked my friends with STEM degrees how they feel about this and they unanimously said "idk what you're talking about. with social media everyone is reading more than ever before so idk why you think people aren't reading as much"
When linking the literal data showing declining reading levels you will get called a pretentious twat who doesn't know what they're talking about. I've had this exact conversation with friends in real life, people I didn't know in real life, and countless online communities including this very board at least once.

When it comes down to it, no one ever wants to hear bad news. If they know they can get a Sausage Biscuit tomorrow morning they will get enraged at anyone trying to point out that may not be true for much longer.
"Wonderful weather we're having" (in Spongebob's "normal voice") is pretty much the only kind of topic people are willing to talk about today. We have to wait till the lights won't turn on and the water coming from our taps as sewage before people will finally think they should care about the ills of society.

So yea people are getting pretty retarded and most people can barely read at a middle school level and every year the kids get worse than the year before. It's been like this for well over a decade, where have you been?

>> No.21194854

>I've asked my friends with STEM degrees how they feel about this and they unanimously said "idk what you're talking about. with social media everyone is reading more than ever before so idk why you think people aren't reading as much"
What do you call this? I've noticed normies doing this with every single problem in the entire world. Mention anything bad to them, and they'll play devil's advocate for the mainstream view of it, so fast that I'm surprised they don't get whiplash.

But there's a specific normie way of going about it. It's so smooth and reflexive for them.

>> No.21194856

I think the people you know are just retarded. I have literally never met anyone even a little bit close to what you described.

>> No.21194858

I see that shit where people will say "you really think ima read all that??" to like a single paragraph post all the time. It's scary how openly retarded people feel they can act. It used to be that being that stupid was something you were shamed for but now they wear it like a badge of honor. Even here on 4chan I constantly see well thought out posts that still take me less than 30 seconds to read getting reply after reply akin to "lmao you expect people to actually read all that shit you wrote??"

>> No.21194865

>kids these days
I too lack original thoughts and have only seen zoomers via the internet

>> No.21194881

Horrible conceptually garbled post, ironically a good example of how zoomers can't think straight.

>> No.21194885

Don't take it personally next time, swami

>> No.21194906

I refer to it as over-socialization. They are essentially in a cult where any questioning of the mainstream narrative (a narrative which is made abundantly clear by countless comments/videos/news stories all biased one direction) is tantamount to going against the church in the HRE. If they could stop and consider whether what they say actually makes sense they wouldn't have got in the cult in the first place.

Oh and its also because for the most part they base reality on movies they've seen. No one goes outside and does anything anymore. Everything they base their worldview on comes from literal Hollywood productions so they have to attack anyone pointing out issues in modern society because if they didn't they wouldn't be able to keep up the fantasy world that Hollywood made just for them where the only issues that need to be solved is white supremacy.
Just watch how normies react when you point out that the vast majority of low-income minorities will openly tell you that racism isn't even in their top 5 biggest concerns. They will very quickly get super racist and claim those minorities are stupid and don't know whats good for them. Because again if white supremacy wasn't the biggest issue in the West today then they wouldn't be able to keep holding up the carefully crafted facade Hollywood made for their feeble minds.

>> No.21194908

>how can i prove i'm not retarded, which is in question ITT
>i know, i'll say inconsequent things
As you google inconsequent, picture me raping you

>> No.21194912

Lol not gonna read all that

>> No.21194914

>mindlessly seething at being made aware of your own NPC opinion
>no self awareness
I am simply not interested in arguing

>> No.21194919

we should fucking ban any word ending with "oomer"

>> No.21194922

t. coomer

>> No.21194938


Say hello to reddit you boomer faggot

>> No.21194960

>they “weren’t going to read all that”.
let me guess

>> No.21194963

That's just shitposting, tardman. Almost every time I've posted that, I've actually read the entire post and just decided I had nothing to add except a shitpost

>> No.21194974

American reading curriculum at a K-8 level is geared towards test prep and basically all state standardized tests are written at around a 4th-6th grade level; if you can read for even the most basic amount of comprehension, you can use test prep skills to pass. Essentially you have an entire cohort of kids (anyone that's graduated since 2005) that: A: don't get read to at home by their parents, B: don't read anything written above a 4th-6th grade level of their own volition and C: don't read anything in school for purposes that aren't merely transactional.
The pandemic has only accelerated this and I'd imagine it's semi-responsible for some of the adult retardation you're seeing. The rise of visual media is also probably responsible.
Honestly, what I find more concerning is the lack of depth in most people's knowledge of written work. People are much more prone to go on Wikipedia or SparkNotes than they are to actually sit down and read the fucking text. Most people engage in zero higher-order processing while reading and that's an even bigger problem; even those that can read aren't reading for analysis or synthesis.

>> No.21194990

>This is just like my favorite reddit

>That sounds like seethecope to me fr fr smdh pewdiepie

Kill yourselves

>> No.21195057

It’s not even just reading either, there’s entire YouTube channels that just synopsise the entire plots of movies into digestible 10 min videos, and these channels and videos get tens of millions of views. There’s literally people walking around who will claim they’ve seen a movie when they’ve only seen a squashed down clip show divorced from the pacing or editing or atmosphere of a film that make the cinematic art form great.

I think it’s less about reading comprehension and more about attention spans. People are so accustomed to quick dopamine hit style content that they are incapable of just reading a book or watching a film, unless it’s a marvel film.

>> No.21195109

you're openly admitting to unironically saying the entire "I was only pretending to be retarded!" meme. There is no excuse, thats very stupid lol

>> No.21195139

The zoomers are fucked developmentally because of COVID shutdowns. I’d wager the rates of cheating as schools hurriedly moved online was well over 50%. We’re going to have a significant portion of people who cheated their way through high school, will probably try and cheat their way through college, then try and enter the workforce with essentially a sham education and no real life work experience whatsoever. Of course they don’t fucking read. Their development halted in high school.

>> No.21195154

Hard to imagine that digital and social media isn't playing absolute havoc with our ability to focus and concentrate.

>> No.21195157

>see small children parked behind tablets and smartphones by their parents every day

i refuse to believe these kids will not be damaged by this as they get older.

>> No.21195186

its really obvious that social media did all this. If you were paying attention you could actually follow in real time just how quickly people became insane. The craziest part for me was seeing the older people, the ones over 40 or 50 who had once identified as intelligent well read individuals who who prided themselves on understanding all the sides to an issue becoming partisan tribalists at breakneck speed. It's blatantly cult-like behavior. How do you break-up a cult with a majority of society in it?

>> No.21195197

You would be surprised how many adults are essentially illiterate. I go to AA meetings twice a week, and we often go in a circle reading out loud whatever the lesson is for the day, most of the guys in the room read like a 5th grader.

>> No.21195218

Porn, weed, vidya, and social media have fried everyone’s brains, especially the under-30’s.

>> No.21195228

Honestly the movie part is pretty based. Im not wasting any more time watching kike hollywood movies that turn out to be shit. I literally dont remember watching a a good film that was made in the past few years.MVXJW8

>> No.21195513

>I literally dont remember watching a a good film that was made in the past few years.
Well, your fault

>> No.21195516


>> No.21195640

I skip long posts very often. If I see that a post will be Incel Screed #389, then I just skip it. I already have a mental model of what an Incel Screed is. I don't need any more examples.

>> No.21196042

can someone sum the post up so I can read

>> No.21196044

4chan used to feel like having a weird and fucked up but intelligent pen-pal. Now it's just retards flinging shit.
Sad days.

>> No.21196058

I sent a couple pretty easy to understand jokes to my brother a while ago and he was like ???
I think people are becoming retarded.

>> No.21196072

>type two paragraphs where you explain your point
>"I'm not reading your schizo rant"
the problem with this site is that it's full of hard leftist immigrants whose brain is malfunctioning and cannot think of anything but what label to slap on the other guy which is the same label that says "white straight man" in different ways

>> No.21196215
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The big brains lurk now, but they pop up in specific threads every once in a while. Sometimes one big brain posts something then a bunch of other big brains respond to it, like it's a bat-signal

>> No.21196374


>> No.21196390

Good lord this thread is terrible

>> No.21196621

>4chan used to feel like having a weird and fucked up but intelligent pen-pal
that was literally never ever true
maybe /lit/ was like that at some point (when you were dumb and inexperienced yourself so from your perspective it seemed as if people here are actually knowledgeable) - but it would never apply to the whole site

>> No.21196629

It’s so common when you’re watching a movie with people and they pause it so the can read the short paragraph of context some films show before the film starts in earnest. The kind that gives backstory to the world like in bladerunner or gives historical context like in countless war movies.

But it stays paused for ages, like five minutes and you’re looking around thinking “wtf?, how have you not read this ten times over by now?”

>> No.21196658
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>> No.21196724

Based. Just because it can be read doesnt mean it should be.

>> No.21197558

My optimistic take on this is that kids raised by tablets will be the first generation to realise how fucked up it is as a whole. They'll notice that it's not good for them, that they can't get anything done, and they'll put two and two together. At least TV required an attention span. TikTok and Instagram don't even require that. I'm seeing phrases like "dopamine hit" pretty regularly now, it's becoming the new buzzword, and this knowledge will be spread around. People like their lives to be together, and with the way people are today, the kids will google "why can't I focus on anything?" or some variant of that, and they'll find out about dopamine and skinner boxing and nofap will evolve into something greater than what it is.

At least I really fucking hope so.

Reading books on your own and trying to understand them is the fix for all of this. There is a cure. But how the fuck do we get people to take their medicine? People won't take cough medicine unless it tastes like strawberry, how on earth are we going to get people to sit down for 20 minutes a day and read a chapter of a book? At least ereaders exist, so maybe that's part of the solution.

>> No.21197564

It really was like that in the early days, the mid to late 2000s and even the early 2010s to an extent. Honestly the whole internet was better as a whole. But more and more people started using it, and it just got worse and worse.

>> No.21198126

It's always like this

>> No.21198156

You're proofing his point.

Do not waste time browsing 4chan, or any form of media for that matter, if time is important to you.

To funnel more money in education and indoctrinate the population from class 1 is the answer.

>> No.21198418

Resisting free and easy rewards that are constantly accessible on the devices everyone needs for work and life is just not possible.
Any attempt to build up in this ecosystem is either swamped by retards or choked out by neurotic tech sociopaths. Self-improvement was a huge thing circa late 2019 and then every forum cracked down on it via the anti-porn connection and /fit/ got increasingly swarmed with depressive incels and the pandemic just sealed the deal on those trends with finality.
I can only hope there's a hell after death so that all the broken people maintaining this state of affairs (me included) can gain some measure of perspective and honest regret unadulterated by self-pity

>> No.21199283

it's fun :^)

>> No.21199285

part of the dometication of the peasantry

>> No.21199306
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In a few decades, anyone with passable reading comprehension and computer skills will achieve the rank of a mentat, earning six figures or higher just by dictating, transcribing, and parsing emails for the adhd brains.
People who say having children is selfish in this world lack imagination. If all you do is raise a kid with no internet access you could have an ubermensch on your hands.

>> No.21199361

>Are people getting worse at reading?

>> No.21200314
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I can gladly say that as a full grown adult, I have reading speed of 10 year old

>> No.21200388

if this was a problem of your superior fucking taste then you would simply not watch new movies at all, watching youtube summaries of them is some sort of consoomer adhd behavior. and if you actually think you're determining a movie's quality from a plot synopsis then you're stone cold cinematically retarded.

>> No.21200425

there would be random nonsense and shitflinging but you would reliably find an interesting conversation in the middle of it if you were wiling to commit to it and actually discuss something for real. this doesn't happen to me anymore, i just don't get responses when i seriouspost and whenever i get into a longer exchange i realize after a few posts that i'm talking to a mentally ill person whose autism i've accidentally triggered and who is just going to type the same shit over and over again without engaging with my posts.

>> No.21200451

If you surround yourself with these kinds of people, then what do you think that makes you?

>> No.21200501

Yep. The education system makes kids, mostly boys hate reading for life, and social media is killing everyone’s attention spans.

>> No.21200674

The problem is they can't notice anything. They're stunted people. In traditionalist terms they are completely fallen and degenerated into the lowest caste levels of thinking, they don't even have access to the kshatriya level of action and honor, or the mercantile level of cleverness and orderliness anymore. They have descended to the lowest levels: they are regulated by the dying vestiges of a mercantile caste, or rather by the clever "systems" this caste created to manage everything and freeze it in place at a bare minimum of activity, and the most they themselves can accomplish is to rise to the "merely clever" level and participate in it as its servitors.

People have to stop thinking in generational terms, as if anyone has to care about the "stock" of a given generation beyond certain strategic considerations like not being lynched by a mob of them for having the wrong propeller hat on. Think instead in terms of carving off the least broken, highest potential sections of a generation of and then anchoring them with an elite minority that DOES have access to higher principles.

For example, the total degeneration of the zoomer may create a subtype that is merely barbaric and empty-headed, but basically healthy. Maybe in rural areas you will get "back to the land" types who just want to disconnect from a collapsing urban society. These people can't create anything directly, but by giving them purpose and access to the vertical dimension in a way that anchors their horizontal activity, you can stabilize them in such a way that at least their children or children's children will be capable of thought.

If you try to save the whole garden you are just going to have a lot of dead plants and then a lot of weeds on your hands. In the future it's going to be necessary to identify parts of the garden that have become unmoored from the other, diseased sections, probably by some complete fluke of geography, and then to complete the disconnect from the diseased parts by helping to fertilize that section of garden while also building walls around it.

Don't think "how can I save Rome," think "what is the best bunker zone to build the Theodosian Walls around and teach the inhabitants to use Greek fire."

>> No.21200923


>> No.21202219

I'm a zoomer and I can't stand to talk with other zoomers besides my core friend group. They fetishize idiocy. When I was in school it was easy to not notice how bad it was getting, I was in ap and dual enrollment but when I got out of high school and college and had to interact with real people in the real world I was appalled at how braindead the average person is. What's worse is they do it on purpose, I know tons of people that could be very intelligent but they choose to be mindless. It is infuriating.

>> No.21202415

based metaphors

>> No.21202630

>They fetishize idiocy.
For much of the 19th and 20th century High Society (for obvious reasons) and then later pop culture in general was about knowing a fair amount. You would want to have read the newest pop-sci works just to keep up with conversation. You would be expected to have opinions of Shakespeare and other classic literature or at least appear like you do just as a pre-req to be normal. When this flipped shit went downhill fast.
Imagine a civilized society going from one where you're expected to read literature just to hold conversation to one where you're expected to NOT read anything so you're dumb enough to hold conversation.
Total collapse

>> No.21202674

This argument is underdeveloped. There are shreds of truth in it but I can tell it's very biased. I would say the blame falls more on social media than Hollywood

>> No.21202684

Too optimistic :(

As a young adult(19) watching the first of the tablet kids grow up, this is not what's happening at all. We're drugged up and our phones are the most potent drugs of them all.

Last two responses to your post sum it up perfectly. It's so sad. I take comfort in the fact that not everyone is like this. Keep those who aren't fried close to you, because there's not many left.

>> No.21202817

>the kids will google "why can't I focus on anything?" or some variant of that, and they'll find out about dopamine and skinner boxing
Imo that is wishful thinking, it's just mind boggling to me how there can be news about instagram being (supposedly, studies) responsible for depression in a significant percentage of young folks with no one changing anything about it. It's the definition of addictive behavior: knowing factually that it has a negative impact but indulging anyway. That apart from the fact that you're seen as a social outcast, or at least rather weird, nowadays without a social media presence.
>Keep those who aren't fried close to you, because there's not many left.
Well said, fren. Unfortunately I can only agree. It seems unbelievably irresponsible giving 4 yo's smartphones, but their parents are often too distracted by bs themselves not that it would do them any better (speaking from experience here)

The only positive might be manipulation people easier in the future, thus literate/smart people being able to accumulate more wealth, at the cost of not being able to converse with (most) people meaningfully anymore.. bleak times lye ahead

>> No.21202826

>it's just mind boggling to me how there can be news about instagram being (supposedly, studies) responsible for depression in a significant percentage of young folks with no one changing anything about it.
>It seems unbelievably irresponsible giving 4 yo's smartphones, but their parents are often too distracted by bs themselves not that it would do them any better
I think blaming the parents is right but it comes from a place of ignorance not malice. kids and adults alike completely fail to see how horrible social media is for the mind. like you say nobody is changing anything about it, so most parents will not have any reason to think they should change.
do you believe it is unintentional that the upper class is attempting educational segregation? do you think it's just an accident?

>> No.21202852

Smartphone technology changed how most people process information. It was always sort of there with the rise of social media and the internet, but smartphones have people the ability to be wired constantly.

>> No.21202863
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Internet addiction destroys people's brains. Being constantly bombarded with useless, disorganized little blurbs of information (in the form of Tik Tok videos, tweets, instant messages etc) destroys your brain's ability to focus on longer (and/or normal length), complex, elaborate streams of information, and think and contemplate on them. Your brain gets used to and trained to respond to only the things that give you instant gratification.

>I sent a joke to a friend
>one guy/girl
kys zoomer tranny scum. Stop butchering and bastardizing the English language and the identities of the sexes. You are no better than those retards you're talking about.

>> No.21202871

kids these days amirite! original thought never before seen in every children's generation +1

>> No.21202931

>thought never before seen in every children's generation +1

That's not true. I do believe that people who've been shilling this idea recently are trying ti distract from how fast shit is declining

>> No.21202938

Ofc the parents don't want their child harm, but as I see it they're so absorbed in their phone activities, be it texting, surfing ig or whatever, that they apparently have lost interest in some way in their child growing up. Also the prevalence of phones in and of itself is problematic as I see children being fascinated with them (I'd be too at that age, ffs) and nogging their parents 'till they get theirs one.
>educational segregation
Revising my comment on these two keywords for the third time, keeping it short: The educational gap widening the last couple of decades is strongly intertwined with what our dear colleague Ted Kaczynsky suggested as well, the rise of technology and thus easier ways of living - which in and of itself isn't bad, but in the long-term it accelerates reliance on these technologies, taking them for granted instead of being curious and wanting to learn about that tech. So we arrive at (current year) where we among other things have abundance of food practically 24/7, warm shelter, no natural enemies (as in mitigated by various means, you don't fear of a wolf attacking you or a storm arising making you freeze to death) and in the last years omnipresent access to (para)social interaction and gratification by means of our economic landscape. I mean why would Instagram for example make their app and business less addictive and thus profitable? Though that fact has an element of lack of social bonds in modern societies, especially large cities with millions of inhabitants

>> No.21202948

Most people can read but are unable to do it proficiently. It is the same with any other skill, like driving a car. Once taught, it takes constant use to be any good at it. Most people don't read for work or even in their private time which results in them being practically illiterate.

>> No.21203130

I love this meme because invariably if you go look up these quotes less than a generation later their civilization was dead. But normie retards think societies never collapse because Reddit hasn't had a news story on it happening in the last 10 years lmaoo

>> No.21203137

Societal collapse happening =/= it being the fault of whatever generation was young adults at the time
The collapse of American society is 100% the fault of the boomer generation, for example

>> No.21203147

>spreading another girl's bellybutton pussy

>> No.21203151

>history occurs
>therefore kids bad
Kids these days lmao stfu

>> No.21203169

We read more than ever before, especially the young generation, but zoomers aren't used to reading long paragraphs of text at a time. Their low attention spans demand short strings of text that pop up at intervals. I'm a zoomer myself and thankfully I don't use social media, because I always viewed it as poison.

>> No.21203181

Yes, people are. Data supports this, but you don't even need data; just look at the reading level of the average book published today and just 40 years ago.
I see comma splices online in almost every piece of writing. It's so ubiquitous that I doubt if even 1% of people understand the use of a semicolon. The standards of our education are falling, mostly due to blacks, and there is less focus on literature both in school and after it. Reading has been supplanted by more engaging hobbies. Even I find myself drawn more to screens than to paper; the screens are designed and optimized to addict your attention; technology and the internet fight bitterly against our betterment.

>> No.21203199

There might be a bit of selection bias there, alkie

>> No.21203220

I've never seen that. I'm glad none of my relations are that retarded

I noticed this pattern in my own speech last year and have taken steps to correct it. Not sure when it began, but I think it started when I began to date for the first time, and I would be intentionally vague about the gender of who I'm spending time with to avoid embarrassment (oooooh a girl?!)
I also notice people using "that" instead of "who" recently, which is equally annoying.

>> No.21203340

Most people who read don't read for knowledge or wisdom they lead for pleasure. And you can find pleasure in easier ways. No need to move your eyes from page to page to get x amount of "dopamine" when you can just post "politician is bad" on Facebook and get likes.

Unless you read books like you would when you study for an university exam you DO NOT learn anything from them and you're not an intellectual. I seriously hope people here don't consider themselves Kants just because they read NYT bestsellers, that are basically 200-400 pages of bullshit that you could've condensed in 1 4chan post.

>> No.21203346

It took you 5 paragraphs to say:
>some people dumb some people smart
>dumb bad smart good

>> No.21203357

You're talking about midwits who think knowing the name of a character from a Shakespeare or Aeschylus play makes them smart. Verbal diarrhea and virtue signaling.

>> No.21203364

midwits always think like that. It's the same fucking thing over and over again, but at least they can quote Shakespeare which makes it different this time, right? It's not about the youth in Ancient Greece, it's about ZOOMERS CHOOMERS DOOMERS COOMERS GOOMERS SHOOMERS LOOMERS and so on.

>> No.21203378

I remember reading Merchant of Venice in high school and it normalized calling people a jew when they're being greedy, I love being a zoomer

>> No.21203402

You can learn the same thing by browsing /pol/ for 5 minutes and staring at images, which is why zoomers prefer to do that instead. And blaming everything on da jooz is stupid. There are many people out there that have the mentality of a joo without being joos

>> No.21203424

>Minimum word count for this essay: 300 words
modern education I guess

>> No.21203467

no shit I literally said as much in the comment you're replying to. The point is that they actually still knew stuff unlike now when they literally know nothing. It was objectively harder to brainwash people who know stuff whether they wanted to know it or not. Pop culture no longer caring about being educated has been disastrous for the human race.

>> No.21203544

Measurably objectively harder? Yes, my friend, I agree.
Significantly harder? I'd say no.
Brainwashing the NPCs is very easy and it doesn't really matter if they have read 1000 plays and poems or just 1.
Maybe their vocabulary will improve, yeah, and maybe they will make slightly better decisions in their daily lives, yes.

Reading Shakespeare won't teach you to kill your sex drive so that you don't get women pregnant, so that you avoid having to wageslave extra harder for Wifey (a deceitful human engineered to extract resources from men using mind-control devices like tits n vaginas) and 2-3 kids that will just end up replacing you in the workforce. That's how brainwashing works.

>> No.21204728

I am the only person I know who reads the newspaper. I have yet to see a single individual, young or older, smart or stupid, actually picking up the daily paper and reading through the articles instead of just flipping to lottery winnings or obituaries.

>> No.21204751

Over socialisation and cognitive dissonance. A very powerful combination

>> No.21204776

No anon they don’t read even when it is transactional. I graduated last year and believe me 90%+- of students just read the summaries and memorise key points. There are genuinely people reading NOTHING above the level you mentioned. It’s extremely frightening

>> No.21204822

>play games with my roommate
>any part where there's written dialogue, I'm always sitting waiting for him to finish reading
>that's if he bothers reading them
>have discussion with him about subvocalization one day
>he's like "yeah, isn't that how you read?"
>the more I talk with him, the more it becomes apparent that he literally sounds out words as he reads them as if he's still in kindergarten
It was a very sobering realization.

>> No.21204832

People aren't getting worse, you just started paying attention.

>> No.21204906
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I’m very worried about those kids. What you have to understand is that the neurodevelopment and brain growth that happens at that age is crucial and absolutely will determine a ton of things in your life that you can’t really change. (For example ADHD occurrence is very strongly correlated to delayed learning to walk/not enough crawling in babies. Furthermore babies who crawled and walked earlier have been shown to have better memories on average as they grow older) These kids won’t simply be able to be better through will power. If this digital childhood does have negative long term effects they will never be able to fully overcome them. The brain for young children is like a sponge that solidifies over time. Once something is in there it’s baked in there.
Forgetting even about them being raised on a tablet we should consider the effects of lockdown on them. The face has 100s of potential nuanced positions to communicate emotions and the brain has a very sophisticated (and poorly understood) mechanism for recognising what they mean. However it is believed that understanding these emotions develops very early in childhood. (Babies react very strongly to people pulling faces at them for instance). These kids not only spent almost 2 years disconnected from others but they also had to deal with masks and face coverings.
“Learning” online does not allow them to exercise or socialise with others. The problems here are self explanatory.
Gen X and early millennials have seriously dropped the ball. I’m very pessimistic here. The best outcome I can imagine is that these fucked up kids will serve as an EXAMPLE for what future generations should never do.
Either they will be fine and all of this is overblown or they will be impulsive, unable to focus, unable to socialise properly, unable to adequately read emotions among other things. It has the potential to be REALLY fucking bad because it’s the perfect storm. Lockdowns mixed with being raised on mobile devices.
And it saddens me to know that these kids will never get a “thank you” from the older generations for being sacrificed. It was the older generations that benefited overwhelmingly and children who suffered disproportionately. That will never be acknowledged.
I just pray that these kids will be given loads of assistance and help from adults and schools. They will need it.