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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2115678 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to discuss some questions on trip fags on this board, or similar ones. That is, on D&E especially.

Why do you (or some) reply negatively to his posts, regardless of content. It's like the normal courtesy of expressing anger at tripfags on /b/ has spread to this board, needlessly say that they have little in come, and therefore this unneeded behavior.

>> No.2115692
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I for example, have no degrees, and have read far less substantial works than most of the e/lit/es. I am therefore obliged to people who correct me, when i am sure they have greater knowledge than me.

The gulf between communication on the internet and in the "real world" is far to wide in my opinion. Why don't /lit/ show the same respect for people of higher education here as in the real world?

I've often disagreed with tripfags, like D&E, but just as often have i found that their conclusion weren't invalid, we just had different premises. The idea of tripcodes is great, because it gives an empty post a glimpse of meaning.

>> No.2115693

I don't see the problem with trips, as long as they aren't asshole troll trips. I kind of like seeing the same person posting once in a while.

>> No.2115699

I too find it interesting if some kind of persona posts every now and then. Theres only one tripfag who is a genuine fag.

>> No.2115708

I hardly ever see D&E actually discussing books or philosophy, it's always something about how he is a learned scholar and can achieve higher levels of enjoyment. Or the same shit about the critical evaluation of literature.

>> No.2115714

D&E's sole purpose for posting on /lit/ is to make himself feel superior to everyone else.

>> No.2115718

D&E's alright if you ignore his bluster and bravado. Don't pay attention to what he says, pay attention to the ideas he brings up. And research a little too, dude trolls all the time. I generally ask a philosophy professor or a buddy who's a philosophy major about that stuff too.
Caracalla's way more informative than D&E anyhow, although sometimes his opinions on society and/or people make me lolwut a little.

>> No.2115720

Come on you guys, time to grow up. He's not real okay.

>> No.2115729
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>dude trolls all the time

>> No.2115731
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>D&E's alright if you ignore his bluster and bravado. Don't pay attention to what he says, pay attention to the ideas he brings up. And research a little too, dude trolls all the time.

>> No.2115736
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>> No.2115739
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>> No.2115741

Deep&Edgy !pSkjEcB9sQ Sun Feb 6 21:50:39 2011 No.1529551 [View]

older than brownbear and tybrax
>Currently Reading:
genealogy of morals, metamorphoses
>Favourite Book:
don't have favourites, idk maybe something like rules of attraction/ dice man/ steppenwolf
>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):
>Any other information you wish to share:
I'm just this guy

Deep&Edgy !pSkjEcB9sQ Sun Feb 6 21:50:39 2011 No.1529551 [View]

older than brownbear and tybrax
>Currently Reading:
genealogy of morals, metamorphoses
>Favourite Book:
don't have favourites, idk maybe something like rules of attraction/ dice man/ steppenwolf
>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):
>Any other information you wish to share:
I'm just this guy
Deep&Edgy !pSkjEcB9sQ Tue Feb 8 19:35:09 2011 No.1535752 [View]

>age:younger than isabelle older than brownbear



>contact details:

>favourite book:
idk maybe dice man or steppenwolf

>favourite author
hermann hesse maybe

>any other info:
no subhumans please

>> No.2115753

Who or what is this D&E you speak of?

>> No.2115761


no style, no flair, no innovation, just a trite take-down of the easiest target imaginable. if he's ironically boring for epic trolling he's a shithead

>> No.2115766
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I don't think Eeep and Dedgy is so bad...

>> No.2115771
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>> No.2115792

Aren't you condemning yourself?

>> No.2115798
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I only saw troll posts by D&E until recently. Then i saw posts regarding actual discussion, which i liked.

Theres some kind of intellectual acknowledgement i like about trip fags, logical reasoning is always the best.
Intentions and opinions are worthless if they're not built on some kind of .. "truth". I don't know if i make any sense here.

D&E, your about the effects of anonymity here have been shown in quite a few threads. Still interesting.

>> No.2115801

I think that "Married oldfag" tripper have some screwed ideas.

>> No.2115804

i'm not too fond of d&e because i personally prefer posts about books to posts of philosophical maundering but whatever floats your boat

>> No.2115808
File: 83 KB, 500x500, infintenigra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the greatest tripfag on /lit/

>> No.2115810

D&E is an ugly person. I don't think his trolling is even intended all the time. It's more likely a consequence of what a terrible, terrible individual he is. Most of the time, trolls are just silly internet masks, but here it's D&E's real life unpleasantness permeating into the interwebz. I'd like to meet him in person. I'm genuinely curious to see what he's like. Maybe I'm simply misguided.

>> No.2115814
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x1600, tripfags lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfags are always looking for attention and/or trolling, and 100% of the time their posts have nothing to do with literature

>> No.2115825

Since we are all having fun, here's my analysis of D&E:

1) A man of about 30+
2) Above the above average intellect a keen feeling of being surrounded by idiots
3) Does some minor useless work concerning the faculty of Humanities. Providing some kind of services. Now lives on scholarships mostly (I think) ;)
4) Relation with parents almost null; relation with friends are diminishing or diminished rapidly. But at some point of time was sociable.
5) Above average build and facial features
5) Taking a linguistic course so late means that there was something disqualifying about the earlier education.
6) I can't make up any more shit.

>> No.2115829

This is clearly contradicting, as any posts with any content can contain a tripcode.
Come on, logic.

Also, different anonymous forums are great escapism, posts are still anonymous as concerning your real identity, when using a tripcode, it only makes you recognizable. D&E is for me for example, rather anonymous. As i have no idea who this is.

>> No.2115830
File: 32 KB, 423x417, lil-wayne-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bitch that pic is from like 1889, most those faggots are dead and buried...we relevant now

>> No.2115834

>Is my blue your blue?

>> No.2115922

In some ways, admitting everything we post here have little value, we can only set us self free of these meaningless discussions by ridiculing, thus creating our own values. Norms and dogmas are also found on the internet and these are worth breaking free of as well.
>D&E = übermensch
>just made a pointless post. about posts being pointless.

>> No.2115932

I've seen you post this before, and I'll say it again:
Jesus was not a Christian. People who follow Jesus's teachings and accept him as the Son of God their Savior are Christians.

>> No.2116099 [DELETED] 
File: 706 KB, 1021x663, tripfagslit3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you're part of a dying breed

>> No.2116188

>nobody remembers me even though i'm one of the oldest trips from /lit/

>> No.2116213

>Implying that there's anything negative about troll trips
>You are a faggot

>> No.2116215
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>> No.2116376
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damn wish i could have been there

>> No.2116384

Cause some shit. It will get you noticed.

>> No.2116391

you even forgot your own password?

>> No.2116400

To my recollection, D&E mellowed the fuck out very suddenly sometime... last year? When Fab was taking the fore and before Quentin and his various alter egos started forcing memes on /v/.

I don't know, though. My timeline of tripfaggotry on /lit/ is a bit hazy. I do remember him being more aggressive and shitty, though.
His greatest accomplishment as a troll was really introducing us to the arbitrary distinction between analytic and continental philosophy. I was very impressed by that, and he has yet to top it.

>> No.2116406

Stagolee is still the best triptroll IMO. He had a great run with the constant pictures of the guy from 3rd rock from the sun.

>> No.2116410

I vaguely recall him, but I can't quite place him. I think I categorize him in "the early days" before I developed a prerational dislike for tripfags.
When mogwai and all the pseudo-/mu/ trolls were here? Somehow that doesn't seem right, though.

>> No.2116422

I think it was around this time last year that he started to really go nuts. He had all the other triptrolls beat at the time. It got to the point where he would make athread and you would see 20 posts in a row of sage sage sage sage. It probaly got dull after that and he left.

>> No.2116435

Had to have been, the last time I was here was for about two or three weeks during March time. I left because I was sick of him derailing and destroying every thread he touched. I'll say that it was a pretty impressive in retrospect.

After participating in a thread with him today, I must say, he has mellowed a LOT, and I rather enjoy him now.

>> No.2116468

Okay is stag - Quentin? Where the hell is brownbear btw? And mog?

this board would be nothing without it's tripfriends

>> No.2116472

Brownbear cowardly ran away when 4chan found out his real name and address.

>> No.2116477
File: 158 KB, 750x650, 1273073709394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favourite poster, i love you so much!

>> No.2116485

I don't think so. Stag was stag. He's even got a post in this guys post, near the top left.

>> No.2116492

this thread is awful

>> No.2116495

Okay well. When the fuck did fab get here and Quentin? Who the fuck are these tags? D&E I can stand, barely. The other two I can't. I am curious of their origins and why the hell they are here.

>> No.2116498


>> No.2116500

quentin, at least the original one, has been since around april 2010 as stagolee. fab i dunno about. maybe early this year

>> No.2116502
File: 42 KB, 780x620, 1273077212863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post here more often!

>> No.2116506

i can't it gives me nasal inflamation.

>> No.2116509
File: 97 KB, 500x500, 1273076071547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww...... I still <3 U

>> No.2116512

/lit/ already has a long and illustrious history of tripfag drama. Stagolee (who morphed into Quentin/q-ball), Tybrax, Fabulous, and finally D&E. D&E is not well liked because arguments with him tend to go in circles and pedantry. The guy is legit smart though. Like all internet arguments though, it is very frustrating and with him particularly so. Also he has been caught saying quite elitist things. If he meant them who knows, he's a master troll too.

>> No.2116513


>> No.2116516
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>> No.2116519

I'm curious about this now.
Here's my weird, confused oral history of trifaggotry since I started coming here. I'd appreciate it if people could correct me where I'm wrong.

When I first came here, I feel like things were still getting started. There were some trifags and avatarfags that I don't remember anymore, and one who I had a few interesting conversations with who avatared as the guy from Iron Giant. During this period, Ayn Rand and high school literature were the primary troll topics. I learned of the existence of Murakami and Mark Danielewski.
Then at some point (I think it was summer?) there was an influx of at least 3-4 simultaneous tripfags, the most memorable of which were mogwai and haley williams. By this point, I think I was already aware of Arcueid and maybe D&E? This was the first time I was aware of tripfags dominating /lit/ posting. I think shortly after this, Infinite Jest became popular.
It was during this period that I became more aware of regular philosophy topics on /lit/, and "genre fiction" was being used regularly as an insult. Near the end of this time, I think I was aware of TyBrax.
The next major event that I recall was a series of near-identical /sci/ related troll threads. By this point, I think I was aware of Stag and Quentin, and maybe Fab? Onionring came later, but I could never tell him and fab apart. It was all just variations on TyBrax's attention whoring and D&E's elitism.

I would be interested to see what others can remember.

>> No.2116528

Remember those gifting threads? So rare now.

>> No.2116531

i put my thing up for a joke and someone bought me a book :o

>> No.2116534

Didn't like those. They always reminded me of Steam begging threads. :/

I miss the occasional writing exercise thread, though, so I guess we can be cancer together.

>> No.2116537
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1273078713000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There there.

>> No.2116539

Who was the tripfriend who kept wanting a bookclub?

shit maybe I shouldn't mention that considering how it always went.

I never actually got a book or used one of those gifting threads, but I think it probably made /lit/ nicer having gifts and shit.

>> No.2116540

Why can't moot just ban tripcodes on this board? Leave them on /soc/ and /b/ and some others, but the ones who just make mean, combative, and attention mongering posts just shit up the place.

>> No.2116543

Tripfags can be good and bad, obviously. The quality of /lit/, more than other boards, seems to fluctuate dramatically, perhaps because there's so few posters. It really does go through moods - it can be a great place for discussion for a couple weeks, then really bad the next. It's a shame that we can't sustain that quality for long. Although I do think that /lit/ likely has one of the highest proportions of people who have been posting on it since its inception.

Ceterum censeo, Tybrax esse delendam. Quo usque tandem abutere, Tybrax, patientia nostra? Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia?

>> No.2116545
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>> No.2116549

i'm old now.. please just leave me be.

>> No.2116550

Oh man, I forgot about Courage Wolf. He never did anything of value, so it's not surprising, but still.

>> No.2116551
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>> No.2116555

no. you're the fucking worst. go away, leave us, be gone.

>> No.2116560

what was the last terrible thing i did?

>> No.2116562

Well, since we're talking about tripfags, whatever happened to Stradlater? I miss that faggot.

>> No.2116563
File: 49 KB, 780x620, 1273077570867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing hun!!!!

>> No.2116564

hmmm well pretty much every breath you take is a crime against all that is beautiful in the world, so i'm going to go with 'your continued existence'

>> No.2116572
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>> No.2116604

I'm sure I've seen OP's image before, but with Brownbear instead. Has anyone got that one, or any other tripfag comics?

>> No.2116612

i'm sorry... i try to comprise between existing and not inflicting myself upon you.

>> No.2116711

Let's see, do I have any fond memories of tripfags?
Maybe not...
That Iron Giant Avatar guy and capsguy are easily the best identifiables on the board, but there are definitely tripfags to whom I am more or less indifferent (so I certainly don't have a negative kneejerk reaction to them).
Stag (Quentin now) really stands out in my memory. He was terrible, but then again, he was pretty great. I always used to say "Stag is the best tripfag on /lit/" etc., etc.

D&E, though... Oh god, D&E. I really must not get it. I know the general anon here is far from moronic, so it's not likely that they'd be won over by D&E simply insisting that he is the best. But if that is the case, why can't anyone explain to me what D&E has done to demonstrate that he is anything but an ass? I can tripfag and call everyone stupid all day--is that really all it takes to be considered a genius? I really want to believe that I'm missing something, but what?

Is it simply that D&E makes for a fascinating virtualized interpretation of the ubermensch?

>> No.2116718

As much as I dislike D&E, he has shown some amount of knowledge about philosophy and literature. If you talk to the guy, he does know shit.

Of course, he's an ass and what's worse a troll, but he's not an idiot.

>> No.2116725

>D&E, though... Oh god, D&E. I really must not get it. I know the general anon here is far from moronic, so it's not likely that they'd be won over by D&E simply insisting that he is the best. But if that is the case, why can't anyone explain to me what D&E has done to demonstrate that he is anything but an ass? I can tripfag and call everyone stupid all day--is that really all it takes to be considered a genius? I really want to believe that I'm missing something, but what?

This is exactly how I feel about D&E. It's like one big joke and I'm the only one not laughing. Are we supposed to laugh at insufferable shitbags nowadays? Is that the cool thing to do, or what?

>> No.2116727

Mengele was an extremely innovative doctor.

>> No.2116732
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No love for Koroviev/Behemoth.

>> No.2116738

I agree. I think the consensus is that D&E is a complete cockblanket personally, but it's so hard to tell if he's adopting it as a persona or is simply that much of a douche in real life that they don't really attribute his behavior so much to him as to the general culture of 4chan.
As to his work as a troll, he's got good command of jargon and he's made some good arguments, which I think we can all agree is the most aggravating thing in a troll when mixed with a healthy dose of brash arrogance and the occasional sign of obvious stupidity. I've certainly been introduced to some new concepts by him, and while I have no doubt that his knowledge is boosted by reference to wikipedia and whatever class he's taking that week, he's certainly far from stupid.

>> No.2116741

You're all right, kid

>> No.2116744

At least 25% of /lit/ has at least a "BA-level" of knowledge about either philosophy or literature, or so it seems to me. It's easy to differentiate someone who is formally educated and well read from a high school student just starting his intellectual journey, but people seem to think of D&E as more than just "well read and educated." There's this mystique about him... as if he speaks with some kind of honorable authority. He could be a PhD, but I'd like to think there are at least a few anons with the same qualifications. He could have a 180 IQ, but on the internet, you meet autists/aspies like that at every turn. The problem, here, is "what difference does it make?"
First of all, how are we supposed to tell what level of education someone has? There's nothing anyone can possibly read that even begins to suggest that he is more than commonly educated. There's no subject with which D&E can be familiar that excludes him from "merely" being a BA.
But, sure, let's assume that D&E is on some elite level. It's definitely not impossible, and since I'd like to believe that there are "elites" on /lit/, he might as well be one of them. From this, we can consider some points D&E often pushes, like "My opinions are better than the average anon's, so people should listen to me." If being "superior" causes ones advice to become more useful, then the advice stands on its own! Are D&E's words really consistently "more useful" than the average anon's? D&E seems to spend the majority of his posts discussing his own superiority. If someone is conceited 90% of the time and helpful 10% of the time, how is that "better" than someone who is simply wrong 90% of the time?

>> No.2116750

I should be clear, first, that I don't mean to defend D&E. He's an annoying shit. Second, I think that I don't rate D&E highly so much as I rank the rest of /lit/ much lower than you seem to. Third, I don't even know because my only point was that D&E is not an idiot, he's a guy who knows what he's talking about who's also an insufferable jackass. I have a headache so maybe this doesn't make sense.

>> No.2116769

Therein lies the problem. In an argument, must you back an insufferable jackass? Unfortunately, yes. I attribute that to /lit/'s general lack of philosophical knowledge and D&E's jargon rhetoric more than anything else, though. The bar is set so low when arguing with anons (some of whom are 14-15 years old), how could D&E not look smart?

>> No.2116775

Not that guy, but if you want to understand why D&E holds a special place in our heart, consider the REST of the trolls on /lit/. Think of how many threads they start. Think of how many threads they derail. Are these threads /lit/ related? Are they even /phil/ related? Rarely. On occasion, quentin will start an objectivism/weed/highschoolliterature thread for the easy 50 internet points that those guaranteed replies will give him, but on the whole they subsist on /lit/ because of the culture of tripfag hate that trolls like D&E built. The reasons we revere him are A) Because he's probably the oldest tripfag remaining on /lit/ and B) because he actually tries, instead of airing out his dramawhore laundry for a little attention, he goes out of his way to fuck with heads. On 4chan, especially /lit/, there is a genuine love-hate relationship with tripfags. We don't like them personally, and we don't like the points they press, but we LOVE to argue with them. It helps us build our ideas, defend our ideas, and feel good about ourselves in a twisted sort of way. D&E is the only one on this board who we can both recognize and who's worth a damn for that purpose. We don't like him, but we appreciate him in a creepy, symbiotic way.

>> No.2116783

D&E is the elitist pig to anon's general working class mentality.

>> No.2116784

Who the fuck is d&e and why are we all slurping his cock so loudly

>> No.2116785

Are you the anon from this morning (or was it last night) with the stream of consciousness about "have you ever tried falling asleep sober"?

And now, on topic, yes, I think I understand exactly what you are talking about. I feel like such an idiot for saying something like "25% of /lit/" with absolutely no basis like that...
Let's reevaluate with the premise that only a small minority of posters on /lit/ have valuable contributions, and that D&E's useful contributions are normative on that tier. In that case, D&E is still a jackass. It fascinates me that there seem to be people who still insist that "not being an idiot" is more important than anything else. Are those people a smaller minority than I assume?
Besides, I'd argue that D&E is, if he isn't trolling, lacking a serious form of intelligence. He can't conduct himself in an effective manner. In the real world, he would be severely autistic. If he is trolling, he's pretty good (based on consistency, at least). The term "master' may or may not apply, depending on whether you mean in the "cheesemaker" or "chessplayer" sense, or in the "Donatello" sense.

Heheh, although, now that I think about it, Donatello might not be a bad analogue for how D&E likes to portray himself.

>> No.2116805

>Are you the anon from this morning (or was it last night) with the stream of consciousness about "have you ever tried falling asleep sober"?

no. i just have this pounding headache.

>Let's reevaluate with the premise that only a small minority of posters on /lit/ have valuable contributions, and that D&E's useful contributions are normative on that tier. In that case, D&E is still a jackass.


>It fascinates me that there seem to be people who still insist that "not being an idiot" is more important than anything else. Are those people a smaller minority than I assume?

I don't think that

>I'd argue that D&E is, if he isn't trolling, lacking a serious form of intelligence

He's trolling. He's absolutely trolling, at least a non-trivial portion of the time.

>> No.2116824

who the fuck comes up with these things?
how do i into writing like that?
is there a name for this meme?
an archive?

>> No.2116827

You see, I think the trouble here is that you mad. You so very very mad.

>> No.2116831

Mmm, this thread is actually doing what it set out to do rather well. I really feel like replies like these are helping me come to terms with, and develop my own ideas about the status of tripfags on /lit/.

>> No.2116854
File: 3 KB, 197x136, 1317666141185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else love this little wiggly bloke as much as I do?

>> No.2116863

Wait a minute
I thought D&E was a frankfurt school marxist

>> No.2116887
File: 84 KB, 661x716, 33kvkhz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love the "Nietzsche Nietzsche Nietzsche" panel, but the wiggly guy is definitely way way up there too. Actually, I keep reading OPs comic over and over again and laughing. Does anybody have copies of the other ones that match it? For some reason I feel like OPs one is the funniest one I've seen, though...

>> No.2116894


when do you ever see objectivists on here? and why does he have an ancap flag? objectivist are generally minarchist/constitutionalist, ayn rand herself was a republican.

>> No.2116899
File: 5 KB, 181x140, 1317702263683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2116906

I never, ever get sick of this

>> No.2116912

You know, I'm really surprised about D&E's lack of participation in this thread. That makes me think he has changed a lot. That or he's just a completely different person. Both outcomes are possible considering how drastic the change is.

>> No.2116916

He's out having steak and chips with the lads.

>> No.2116920

Nor shall I, nor shall I.

>> No.2117440

Honestly? Becuase when I edited the picture (10 months ago) I couldn't figure out what he should be waving around, and I thought I could get libertarians pissed off if it were the anarcho-capitalist flag.

>> No.2117588
File: 4 KB, 548x475, 1286830110203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made the thread and refreshed it when i had time, i had little time to reply to posts here since i had things to do before i could post. And when i had the time when I created the thread, there was few posts in it.

I'm sure D&E is just absent because he haven't had time, posting in a thread mainly concerning himself seems just elitist enough for him.

Anyway, I've seen some intelligent posts from D&E, intriguing you could say, which seems just like arguments my old highly educated ancient history and philosophy teacher would come up with.

Besides the few oasis of genuine discussion, you must admit there is not much else to do around here than to trool.

>pic related; D&E fishin'

>> No.2117594

I could totally imagine a "Nietzsche" cheering audience.
And then especially D&E teaching the audience of the thread about Nietzsche, clearly stating himself above them