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[ERROR] No.2114487 [Reply] [Original]

hello /lit/
I admit that I do not frequently visit this board so I am not sure how this will be received. With that said I am working on a novella about superhumans and the downsides of having powers. (ex. the mind reader can't separate his thoughts from those whose mind he has read.) Would anyone be willing to provide a power and what they believe a downside to that power would be.
tl;dr super powers and their downsides

>> No.2114513

I've got a good one.

Okay, you have absolute control over matter, and a non-linear presence in the time continuum. You are also immortal. This is something that happened to you at some point in your twenties, so you've experienced a fairly decent amount of human life, and all its ups and downs - enough to have developed a fairly strong romantic attachment to somebody, to have lost, etc.

Anyway, your downsides are that you're blue and your penis is too.

I think it'll go down a treat.

>> No.2114536

>absolute control over matter
>you are blue

I un-blue myself.


>> No.2114543


Figurative language.

Think of the connotative meanings of blue.

It's not the >colour

It's the >feeling

>> No.2114578

So un-blue self. Manifest heroin in bloodstream, balancing brain chemistry to prevent chemical addiction and dopamine depletion.

>> No.2114580

>x-ray vision
>day job as nursing home attendant

>> No.2114592
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Manhattan's biggest problem isn't that he is impotent (not sexually, but overall unable to do much despite the theoretical ability), but that he is fated to be that way.

He says it himself, "We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."

Manhattan, though his ability would allow, could never do anything that he wasn't supposed to do; hadn't done; would never do.

In a sense he is no more powerful than you or I, he can change nothing.

>> No.2114600

Maybe have someone who instantly heals every wound. However, because your story follows a weird view of personal identity, every time some occurrence causes him to change his mood or train of thought or try to create a memory his body responds as though the change is harming his current self, and then changes it back to the way it was before. So essentially, he's gone however long he's been alive without the ability to change his mood or encode a memory, so he's an adult baby who is constantly angry and wants his mother. And he has no way of ever changing that, and he's immortal.

You could maybe do a disconcerting stream of consciousness sort of thing with that.

>> No.2114610

I want to argue with you, but since you've hit the nail on the head, all I can do is circlejerk. A story told from his perspective wouldn't be a story at all, but by placing him as an element within a story seen through the eyes of normal humans, his existence can actually become interesting.

Consequence is a matter of perspective. The only prerequisite for free will is the inability to demonstrate a counter-argument (much like how pseudo-randomness need only be unpredictable enough to escape detection in order to be equally consequent as true randomness).

>> No.2114613

Too bad its already been done. Except he wants his sister, because his mommy's a bitch.

>> No.2114757

Oh, I've spent a lot of time thinking about this for a comic idea I have. I've got plenty of examples.

A person has the ability to teleport, but it's literal. Every time they teleport, they're disintegrated. What appears in the new place is a copy. The teleportation isn't perfect either, there are minor changes in this person's brain chemistry, so every time their personality changes.

Any super power without protection from itself would have extremely drastic consequences. Being able to move at super speed without having the extra durability to survive moving at those speeds, super strength but no enhanced stamina or endurance. Being able to produce flames from your body, but being burned by them.

Similarly, take away control of any ability and it suddenly becomes a curse. You could add that it's controlled by emotions for example. Someone with anger problems has the ability to agitate molecules and cause tissue to explode when they're angry.

Any destructive power that can't be turned off would prevent physical contact with others. Same deal with force fields. Completely protected, but completely isolated.

There's also the angle to work with fears. Someone with a fear of heights gains the ability to fly, maybe the psychic is only tuned to hear negative thoughts.

>> No.2114812

shapeshifter - no sense of identity

super-intelligent - constant loneliness: unable to hold conversation with others as tend to rush ahead in thought and domineer or get so bored waiting for others to think the obvious that interest slips

flight - bored when having to ride in normal vehicles with others

invincibility - no sense of empathy, unable to relate with others

>> No.2114817 [DELETED] 

Anonymity - no connection with the real world or how to relate.
TripFagging - no repercussions for feelings and method of diffusing them

>> No.2114828

Cave Johnson, we're done here.

>> No.2116568

op here just wanted to say thank you for the legitimate help

>> No.2116580

Namefag dialogues with yourselfs - ?

>> No.2116660 [DELETED] 

never done it that i can remember.

>> No.2116754

Op, have you seen that HBO documentary on real life superheroes?

>> No.2116763
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Or maybe I have.

>> No.2116788 [DELETED] 


dUDE READ IT AGAIN, Don't give a shit.
Anonymity - no connection with the real world or how to relate.
TripFagging - no repercussions for feelings and method of diffusing them">>2114817

As for:" (ex. the mind reader can't separate his thoughts from those whose mind he has read.)"
I'm trying to get my mind right. I could check myself into a mental health facility tomorrow. Want to see what you douches are good for.

>> No.2116809 [DELETED] 

hey look here it's me???<>AS

>> No.2116889

Power: You have a cape
Downside: People laugh at you for it and spaghetti spills from your pockets at inopportune moments

>> No.2116957

op here, I have not seen it. Is it worth a watch?

>> No.2116964

I thought it was funny and kind of sad. Watch a little, maybe it will be relative to your interests.