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[ERROR] No.2112981 [Reply] [Original]

sup /lit/

Im starting to write a short story, and was wondering if the topic/plot sounds interesting to you.

basically, its about a normal 17 year old who falls in love with a girl he saw in his dream. he has this dream recur for a week or so, but then starts to go a bit crazy when he cant have the dream again.
he would come home every day for 3 months and try to sleep as much as he could so he would have the dream again. he finally has the dream again, and he gets even more depressed because its just a dream. the boy starts to research lucid dreaming, and he eventually has lucid dreams. he does this every night for a month, but is still depressed because its a dream. then one night, he tells the girl in his dream that he knows a way they could be together forever. the next day, he climbs a tall building, and jumps off. when he dies, a young girl with the same description as the dream girl goes over to look at the body, and thats where it ends.

I want the reader to think maybe he wasn't dreaming at all, much like a mindfuck.

does this sound interesting? I can give you what I have so far if you like

>> No.2112983

bump to help, this sounds interesting

>> No.2112984

sounds like ur a fag, dude

>> No.2112986

i like the idea that you try and make the reader think he might not have been dreaming.

id probably check out that story when its done.

what author inspired you if any to write about this?

>> No.2112987

This isn't a mindfuck, it's a dumbfuck.

>> No.2112989



>> No.2112991

A few elements from things i've seen all over the net. For some reason a lot of it reminds me of Danny Darko too, but that might just be the suicide, girl part. If you can craft a strong narrative from it, then feel free to drop a few paragraphs here and we can take pot shots at your self-esteem.

And I hate to say it... but reading this made me think of the /v/ 'Balamb Garden' meme.

>> No.2112993

wow this sounds really boring op

>> No.2112998


ive never heard of that danny darko, what is that?

and ive really only got a couple sentences down, introducing the story. basically all i have written is that he lives in england and lives a pretty normal life.

in case you were wondering, Its inspired by oscar wilde and a dream I had (i dont want to kill myself though lol)

>> No.2113000

sounds pretty solid, not that interested in stories like that though.

good luck dude

>> No.2113001

shameless self bump for more help

>> No.2113023

i dont understand how the girl simply walking over to him is supposed to make you think that she was real and not part of a dream. what clues are you going to leave the reader, besides the ending, that lead to that?

to make this pretty good youre going to have to really sell the him going crazy over this obsession. i suggest riding the bus and finding the crazy people and writing down what they say or do. maybe even go to the mental ward to check yourself out

see what i did there?

>> No.2113031

It's a rip-off from the movie "Stay" with Ewan McGregor


>> No.2113033

Sadly, concur with most of the posters here, OP. For more inspiration on this subject, you should check out Borges' The Circular Ruins (short story).

>> No.2113056
File: 21 KB, 360x453, Bill Murray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


THANK YOU! For the life of me, I couldn't think of the name of what this reminded me of, and google wasn't yielding any good results.

you get a Murry pic for that, my compadre.