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[ERROR] No.2110743 [Reply] [Original]


can we talk about this series?

game of thrones was great.

clash of kings introduced a lot of new characters so it was slow but picked up towards the middle to end.

but fuck, storm of swords was truly amazing. the previous books definitely had there moments but this book seriously never had a dull moment. i could not put it down and i was always at the edge of my seat. i laughed, i baww'ed, i cheered and i got depressed.

about to start feast for crows. please don't tell me that the next two books don't let me down!

>> No.2110744

You're about to get let down.

>> No.2110755

Ye be warned: A Feast for Crows revolves exclusively around events in King's Landing, along with Brienne's quest and Sansa at the Eyrie, along with a couple of new perspectives.

Everything happening at/above the Wall and away from Westeros is featured in A Dance of Dragons, which I'm about to start reading. Both books happen at the same time.

Book 4 will be harder to get through, at least for me it was far to full of King's Landing politics and I really had to slog through. Around 2/3 through it starts to get interesting, so don't give up.

>> No.2110757

it was an awesome buildup in game of thrones and clash of kings, and an epic climax in storm of swords, and an unbearable plateau in feast for crows.
Really it's only to be expected though, just time to start building it up again.

>> No.2110769

Hm, yeah, next two books aren't so great. they ARE good but nothing in comparison to the past 2 books you've read

>> No.2110772

I just finished A Dance yesterday. Nothing Happens: The Book

>> No.2110780

I hear this complaint once or twice, but its not very true. There is a funny /lit/ macro that says "Are they still at Meeren?" which is very true but other than that, nah, shit happens.

a new war about to happen with the new dragon. Stannis might be dead, meaning one less opponent. Jon might be dead meaning new master of the wall. And Cersei has lost all power and King's Landing is now pushing for Targeyean resurrection. In fact, the epilogue itself has lots of key important events with the death of 2 important characters. Also, Dorne is gaining influence in the north

>> No.2110829

My main complaint with the series is that it has at times a very "made for TV" quality about the descriptions. Not a whole lot is left to the imagination.

I guess one shouldn't be surprised though, since he was a TV writer.

>> No.2110992

reading storm of swords just the read the bit about rob and his mother getting killed. wtf mate?! that pissed me the hell off. if the other two wolve boys die by the end i will drink enough alcohole to forget the series out of spite.

>> No.2111411

Won't be happy if Stannis dies. He was one of the "better" guys.

I think Jon has the strongest shot at being Azor Ahai reborn, and I honestly don't think he's dead. He seems too important to just kill off so quickly. Plus he was bleeding smoke, and something else I forgot. Melisandre saw him in the flames constantly, and he whispered Ghost's name when he died. He could have unconsciously skin-changed.

I did like the Epilogue which was basically SHIT SON, WINTER IS HERE. But 10 years and we'll get to read the next book.

>> No.2112045

It is known.

>> No.2112059

honestly, seeing that the first book was written in 1996 changed me as a reader...
it's going to take so fucking long for this story to complete itself
on another note, I think GRRM's beard started off as a few wisps of unruly hairs when the book was first written but then steadily evolved into the Masculine Forest of Testosterone it is now

>> No.2112328


Stannis is my favourite character in the series, but Roose Bolton is one ice cold motherfucker, who knows what happened?

I'm beginning to feel like some characters now have extra-thick plot armour (Dany, Arya and Jon especially) and even though it's a series where you don't know who is going to die next, you can't help but feel they will make it through to the end.

>> No.2112331

I actually wouldn't mind Dany dying. She just reeks of typical TEENAGE GIRL syndrome. Maybe she'll become a martyr during the last book or some shit.

I'm annoying at how Arya probably won't even be fucking useful until the last book since she'll probably become a Faceless Man at the end of Book 6, and I want to see Rickon appear riding Shaggydog and kicking ass like the Lord of Winter he's going to become.

>> No.2112337

Anyone else want to join my petitioner's group?
We're going to sue Martin for compensation of wasted time

>> No.2112352

>feast for crows
The King's Landing focus/Brienne and Jaime adventure bored me to tears but I loved the introduction of Dorne and particularly Doran and Arianne. You might get let down but there will be a POV that you'll find interesting.

>dance with dragons
Took me ages to get a third of the way through but then I couldn't stop reading. The Theon/Winterfell chapters were especially compelling and I did such a turnaround on that character after I hated him earlier.

>> No.2112400

ITT: Shit-eating mongrels.

AFFC is the best book in the series.

Best PoV line up by a mile and let's face it, the characters are what make the series.

>> No.2112408

you are so entitled that i'm surprised you don't shit retardation

>> No.2112411

I don't know about the best POVs, but I adored the subtly increasing magic in AFFC, and just want to get back to the shit happening in Oldtown with the Maesters.

>> No.2112413



>> No.2112451
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>> No.2112490

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2112513

So how much raping actually goes on in these books?

Or the other stuff I've heard about them on /lit/?

Basically this series has been hyped up to me as major boner material so if I don't pop at least several priapisms saying hello to me while reading this book I'll feel like I wasted my time.

Can anyone here tell me?

>> No.2112525


Hardly any of it is depicted. Sure, it happens a lot out of sight and we see some of the after effects, but the whole thing is blown WAY out of proportion by irrational fucktards who want to besmirch the series.

In the 5 books there are only a few times where rape is actually happening in "real time", some with the dothraki (although it's sometimes hard to distinguish whether it's actually rape or ceremony) in book 1 and once in a story described by a soldier. That's it.

>> No.2112531

Not nearly as much rape as feasting. I gain 5 lbs. with each book.

>> No.2113556

This. I don't know about best in the series, but AFFC is wonderful, and the POVs were to die for. The Iron Islands and Dorne are interesting as fuck, as are their characters. Brienne 's chapters were a little boring, but had their moments. Jaime's were some of the best in the series, with some extremely poignant moments. If AFFC had Theon and Davos chapters, it'd be the perfect book.