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/lit/ - Literature

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21063635 No.21063635 [Reply] [Original]

The /lit/ of today:

>> No.21063644

based jannies

>> No.21063645

/pol/ has infected the whole site. I got called a double nigger troon on /ck/ of all places.

I wonder if there isn't like a deliberate effort to turn every online space into a battleground for this artifical culture war. There cannot truly be this many people seething at max volume about trannies and Jews 24/7.

>> No.21063687

I only chudpost when I see retard trannies like you. You're radicalizing my naive impressionable mind right now.

>> No.21063695

the chuds went too far with this one

>> No.21063707

Troon, you'll never be accepted. Rant as much as you like, but you're just another banal bitch. You know it, we know it. Just leave.

>> No.21063739

Stupid /mu/poster

>> No.21063797

Do you ever stop thinking about transgenders or is it pretty much a constant thing for you?

>> No.21063823

It's how the thread opened and the post you chose to reply to. This screams
Troon seems more likely.

>> No.21063851

/lit/ was the only board I liked on this website but now it's getting pretty low IQ too. It's pretty sad.
Lmao based chud.

>> No.21063924

>Everyone who disagrees with me is secretly transgender
Seek professional help

>> No.21063988
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I made a thread a while ago commenting on the quality of the board and it pretty much got overrun with tradcath larpers admitting they have an explicit intent of trying to drive out all literature discussion and maintain the board as a means of religious recruitment. Take that for what you will.

>> No.21063992

maybe you should go back to r*ddit if 4chan is too crazy for you, snowflake faggot?

>> No.21063996


>> No.21064014

For all the chud’s bitching about trannies, how man do you know in real life?

>> No.21064022

Yeah, many have a clear agenda here

>> No.21064034

I bet you think people that say chud here are leftists

>> No.21064057

I don't think it's fair to say it's all actually just tradcaths though. If I were to split the demographics its larping for their respective religion, or people insistent on using this board for philosophical debate, which really needs it's own board.
Although the idea of using 4chan as astroturfing for the republican vote is definitely a strong incentive for people.

If the board was split into literature/journalism and religion/philosophy, we would probably see a decent containment effect happen

>> No.21064065

I put tradcaths under the /pol/ sphere. Same with incels. Many right wing anons come here with a slant

>> No.21064074

Also to add, philosophy and religion need their own board yesterday. /lit/ is almost a debate board now. Very few fiction anons left when that way the lifeblood for the 2010’s

>> No.21064093

4chan is a safe space, that's what makes it so insufferable.

>> No.21064098

>maybe you should go back to r*ddit if 4chan is too crazy for you, snowflake faggot?
Endlessly jacking off about how much you hate trannies isn't "crazy," it's monotonous.

>> No.21064100

Journalism is not literature

>> No.21064106

>Hunter S. Thompson
>Hernan Cortes
>David Foster Wallace

>> No.21064108

Don't forget Orwell and Hemingway.

>> No.21064113

I doubt splitting the board would help with ideological people doing gay activism here.

Anyways, racism can be funny and maybe calling everyone a tranny is kinda fun too, I don't think that's going away because shitposting is fun. It's the faggots who are sincre and intense about it that fag up the blue boards.

>> No.21064122

The only acceptable division would be literature/mithology and philosophy/humanities
Ideally that division already exists in /lit/ and /his/ but the rules are not enforced.
The bible has been in the top 10 books of the board for almost a decade. One can't not simply come here and expect its discussion to be moved to /his/.
Literature/mithology already includes criticism, poetry, journalism, classics and fiction in general.
The rest social sciences should go to /his/

>> No.21064129

Issue is a lot of those shitposters and activists don’t read

>> No.21064137

>gay activism
There is barely any, unless you count the likes of Burroughs
>racism can be funny
It can be, just not people who voice that sentiment themself
>calling everyone a tranny is kinda fun too
It's repetitive and recited by the same dipshits who think saying "kek" or "mogged" was ever cool

>> No.21064149

Yeah I think that's evident whenever someone brings up Marx and you get these 70 IQ Fox News boomer type of takes who think Communism is when billionaires tell little kids about neopronouns.

>> No.21064161
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>what is /his/

>> No.21064171

This should be enforced

>> No.21064184

Well then we have two possible answers
>The mods of /lit/ are windowlicking dumbshit fuckwit retards who suck at their job
>The mods of /lit/ are idelogical schizoid brainwormed nutjobs who think the board needs their help

>> No.21064202

>what is /his/
The worst. Here the philosophy meta evolves. Who the fuck is Brandom?

>> No.21064206

This is actually a perfectly valid post on a literature board.

>> No.21064214

>mods are trannies shitting up the board with podcast politics and twitter level of discussion
>mods are uneducated tradcath larpers obsessed with dabbing on trannies and bunkerchan
You have to get your shit together

>> No.21064219

>we have any regular jannies at all

>> No.21064225

not much irl but quite a few online. usually friends of friends who don't get along with me very well. I've even seen pics of them. its really as bad as you might think. they're everywhere. usually they're confused late millenials (born 90-95). I've also known a lot of real life queers in my life, like several dozen. this is not even an anomaly they're like everywhere. pan, bi, lesbian, standard issue gay men

>> No.21064235

>mods actually do not give a shit but sometimes delete some random threads to make it seem like they're doing something

>> No.21064240

You know dozens of fags and trannies bc u are one yourself

>> No.21064255

for the record I got banned the other day for an otherwise legit question on /ck/ about why blacks like to over salt their dishes. there was no malice behind the post, because I do act touch grass and interact with American blacks a lot irl who help my situation out and sometimes give me dishes they've cooked. I wasn't even trying to be rude but the jannies there put me in I think a 4 day timeout for simply parsing the question. never said the n word in my post, just asking for literal, empirical reasons as to why. it was flagged for "trolling" and I got put in virtual jail over it.

>> No.21064258

nah not even, these are mostly acquaintances at best and I'm strickly into women. classic case of "you know people who are x therefore you are x" sort of related to how people say "you don't like spiders therefore you want to have sex with one" don't bullshit me, pal.

>> No.21064263

Everyone except Whole Foods shopping kinds of white people over-salt their food. Ever go to a restaurant? Restaurant soup is like drinking fucking water from the Dead Sea.

>> No.21064264

I tried posting some frogs on /mu/ and /tv/ but i'm shadowbanned there.
What are the chances of the "stupid frogposter" poster being a mod?

>> No.21064277

jesus christ fuck off retard, asking in this thread should answer why you're "shadowbanned"

>> No.21064284


>> No.21064289
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Frogposters may be stupid but at least they post frogs.

>> No.21064353

Why do you keep shitting up /lit/ with this?

>> No.21064367

Why do you keep shitting up /lit/ with /pol/?

>> No.21064371
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>> No.21064378
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>mfw exactly ten years ago the situation was 100% reversed
>mfw i and others were making threads about how the mods were so leftist slanted that they banned even mild jokes in random threads
>mfw the shoe is now on the other foot
>mfw back then it was right wingers requesting free speech and less overbearing moderation
>mfw today it's left wingers requesting less free speech and more overbearing moderation because they never get banned/persecuted for their views, they just want others to be

>> No.21064400

>t. pedo lefty

>> No.21064403

This never happened. Ten years ago politics weren't controversial at all

>> No.21064408


>> No.21064415

I'm a lefty, sorta and I don't mind right wing views so long as they're not retarded. Censoring retards is just gatekeeping which is good.

>> No.21064422

Yeah you’re obsessed with trannies

>> No.21064424

The issue with politics now is that is ALL some anons post about and shoehorn into every thread

>> No.21064445

it's not about your views, it's about the board being on topic
moderation is good and necessary or else every board will become /b/+/pol/

>> No.21064450


>> No.21064465

I wouldn't go as far as my family being Whole Foods level rich, they're more of the Meijer/Giant Eagle (Pittsburgh grocery chain) level shoppers

>> No.21064474

"books for x" threads should be deleted on sight and its ops given a "lurk moar" temp ban, or there should be a /rec/ general for genuinely curious people
but i honestly don't think it's possible to have a decent /lit/ in 2022, literature requires a certain open mindedness that is not found on here anymore among the 'jaks and "gigachads"
people only come on here to bait and be baited

>> No.21064476

This. Get rid of books for, pol and incel threads and lit is useable once again

>> No.21064481

This is true.

>> No.21064499

Books for this feel don't make a large percentage of shit threads

>> No.21064512

It has nothing to do with whether I agree or disagree with the views being screeched all over the board. If every other thread was about bananas "I LIKE BANANAS" "BANANAS GOOD, BOOKS FOR THIS FEEL?" "BOOK ON WHY BANANA-HATERS ARE MANLET PEDOS" "BOOK TO HELP HAVE SEX WITH BANANA???" it would still turn the board into a shithole regardless of whether you like bananas.

>> No.21064524
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Since most users are teenage neo-nazis or tradlarpers there is very very very little to discuss. Everything posted is checked by this clump of most-active users against a few dogmatic principles to determine whether it is based or cringe, and various canned insults are then returned, in a chinese room sort of fashion where one cannot say for certain if there is any underlying intelligence. Something like this happens on any forum and has always happened, but what sets the last half decade or so apart is how staunchly ideological the concerns are. Even though the users are anonymous, what they have made of that anonymity is rather shallow. What makes them anonymous isn't the lack of persistent identity; it's that the post could have come from any one of them because there is so little differentiation. They do not try to read or understand or opine on a text, but pallidly scrape it for bits and pieces they can use to signal their bona fides to other posters, who are doing the same thing. Literary otaku have been replaced by political otaku, whose prime interest is to collect and show off their inventory of beliefs.

>> No.21064542

Ok pedo

>> No.21064547

I guess the proper response would be to call you transgender or something

>> No.21064552

>trying so hard to sound smart yet still sounding like a literal retard

>> No.21064560

two great examples of why /lit/ sucks

>> No.21064563


>> No.21064565

pedo tranny
rent free
blah blah blah blah blah adlskjaestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtestihaoweuthaewoituhapeiuthabndkjsgnaipsuthapieutbapeiuthapeiuthwapieuthapeiutapiejtngapieuthaewipauewhtaekot8wytoht

>> No.21064602
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I suppose I must have hit the nail on the head for a response of this caliber

>> No.21064612

sneed dilate goyslop globohomo

>> No.21064615

okay, now that we've delivered all the canned political insults, do we just start from the beginning again or what?

>> No.21064642

Fuck off homo you don't belong on this board stick to Discord

>> No.21064649

honestly im just kinda bored

>> No.21064688

>Protestant false flag operations still going strong
This is kind of funny because if the trad larpers knew anything they'd know Catholics can't recruit that way so what they're doing is sending people who Catholicism would probably never touch directly into vincible ignorance. It's kind of reminiscent of America's love for a Zionist Israel because their foreign policy is based on a weird cult interpretation of some end times revelation a drunk guy had at a tent revival once. The amount of genuinely retarded shit American anons can believe about nonWASP American and nonAmerican cultures is uncanny.

>> No.21064695
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>> No.21064701


>> No.21064703

Are we sure pringles aren't a book? They taste the same.

>> No.21064705

It's somewhat acknowledged publicly now that people get paid to shit up boards on 4chan in the hopes of devaluating the site in the hopes of reducing the price tag on inevitably buying it out.

Back when cp was a big issue on 4chan, it later came out that it was special interest groups trying to make the site seem worst than it is so it could be further vilified in news media.

Another good example of this is how clearly off the mark Fox News was with 4chan in the 00s, so now it's viewerbase are encourage to adopt the lingo and shitpost, so it makes Fox seem like it's no longer the village idiot of broadcasting/web journalism

>> No.21064707

>It's somewhat acknowledged publicly now that people get paid to shit up boards on 4chan in the hopes of devaluating the site in the hopes of reducing the price tag on inevitably buying it out.
Holy meds

>> No.21064714

>Taking meds
>Shitting up the board for free
2020 called and wants to sell you an nft monkey grandpa

>> No.21064742
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>> No.21064744

I'm not sure how this is a schizo take. It's the complete norm for corporate entities online to manufacture issues in a community especially through perpetuating a vicious atmosphere through it's social platforms, and it usually causes a moderation team totally lacking in experience to try and make a decision on how to handle it.

More often than not these teams fail, and the corporate entity conveniently walks onto their doorstep and offers what is simply, a faustian bargain. This already happened with Moot and this very site, so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you're a newfag or one of these paid goons.

>> No.21064755

To be fair, the same can be said in reverse

>> No.21064763

A good example of what I posted here
virtually none of the political adages in that image have actually been discussed here, and most of the posts have been apolitical if not unsatisfied with tangential rhetoric of all kinds.

>> No.21064765


>> No.21064769

>be white
>find salt too spicy

>> No.21064777

The Incel epidemic won't end until every man is guaranteed a wife, and I don't see that happening any time soon

>> No.21064787

You jest but I love spicy food and not so much salt.

White people were cursed by the temperance movement that thought spicy food was Satanic and everyone should eat the blandest shit possible so they can suffer more and be holy. Hair shirt kinda bullshit.

So all the white people are learning to cook from their grandma's making flavorless mayonnaise sandwiches with the crusts cut off. They never stood a chance.

>> No.21064788

That's not what I mean, I enjoy spices just fine. Dumping ten tons of MSG on food isn't adding flavor its just a waste of good food

>> No.21064799

The incel epidemic here can be ended by making a No Pussy General (NPG) where every incel thread is moved.

>> No.21064826

The incel epidemic can be ended by boys manning up and not being afraid of rejection because of fragile egos. If you want to date, you’ll have to face rejection eventually. You’ll live

>> No.21064832

The incel pandemic will unironically only end with blood. Just like the anti-white pandemic, the left-wing pandemic, the politics pandemic, the tranny pandemic, every pandemic. We're heading towards that with speed and only retards can't see the obvious.

>> No.21064835

Like a sobriety test?

>> No.21064848

You are a leftist transgender and are very angry.

>> No.21064852

>Back when cp was a big issue on 4chan, it later came out that it was special interest groups trying to make the site seem worst than it is so it could be further vilified in news media.

>> No.21064855

Fuck off commie. As long as a 10/10 tradcow with giga-milkers doesn't land smack in my lap courtesy of the government I'm going to keep incelposting. Seethe

>> No.21064857

The guy on the left should have a MAGA hat and a shirt saying something along the lines of "Sorry, did my FREE SPEECH offend you?"

>> No.21064858

Nah probably they'll come up with an OLD app that works for boring/ uggo dudes and hooks them up with fat busted chicks on their level.

Not that a pogrom of incels wouldn't be based as fuck I'd definately join the death squads if that happened.

>> No.21064865
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>The incel pandemic will unironically only end with blood. Just like the anti-white pandemic, the left-wing pandemic, the politics pandemic, the tranny pandemic, every pandemic. We're heading towards that with speed and only retards can't see the obvious.

>> No.21064874

You clearly haven't spoken to many anti-marxists here or you are genuinely retarded to get that away from their posts. Now shut up and wait for the revolution to happen or something.

>> No.21064883

Giving a shit about spice is decadent in itself. Europeans conquered the world for spice when they should've done it either way and just burned the spice just to flex on the turks

>> No.21064884

>t. 70 IQ Fox News boomer type who thinks Communism is when billionaires tell little kids about neopronouns

>> No.21064889


>> No.21064892

>Now shut up and wait for the revolution to happen or something.

Inshallah, comrade I am STILL waiting for Obummer to push the button that makes the Obamiltia take to the streets and impliment Full Islamic Communism. The man on AM radio said it would happen any day now.

>> No.21064894

This is beyond schizoposting. You actually believe in the shit you sell.

>> No.21064899

I think Europeans coped by pickling everything, which is kind of the same effect as spices you buy from heathen Turks or whatever.

>> No.21064900

With what?

>> No.21064903

Communism was born as controlled opposition.
Notvwirking is a feature, notva bug.
Low iq troons cant understand.

>> No.21064909

Looks like this rural retard had a stroke while replying to you. >>21064903

>> No.21064913


>> No.21064914

communism is created by jew to destroy the good races

>> No.21064916

No, you're supposed to wait for the non-existing proletariat to do a little uprising against the bourgies who intentionally cum in your cheerios every day. You're supposed to wait and not show any consciousness because that's not very wholesome historical materialism. Then the peepul can finally control the means of production and everything will be totally different and the state will go away and there will definitely be no more conflict because everyone's a mindless prole now.

Also, stop trying to be funny.

>> No.21064919

all me

>> No.21064920


>> No.21064922


>> No.21064931

The weird thing is you're clearly familiar with some elements of Marxism (e.g. the supposed withering away of the state under socialism) but then you also apparently think workers don't exist or something.

>> No.21064932

Pickling is more about preservation. But that's not the point, they shouldn't have invaded because of spices. They should have invaded for the sake of war and domination, in the name of ideology.
Also, the Turks embargoed europe with ludicrously high prices. They should've burned the spice just to make them cry

>> No.21064935

Not a stroke.
Im being chased by nigros.
Hard to fight and post at rhe same time.

>> No.21064937

>you get banned for saying nigger, troon or even mentioning george floyd
May as well be reddit

>> No.21064939

If you have a compulsive need to say nigger and troon you might be the guy with the problem, chief.

>> No.21064940
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You are a jewish pedophillic black trans liberal communist socialist lobster author? That likes pringles?

>> No.21064947

There is no monolithic proletarian class and the state has always been and will never go away. Historical materialism is willfull ignorance on behalf of marxists in order for them to avoid taking the final logical step of their theory into biological determinism. All because Marx was to retarded to understand Darwin.
Also, social relations precede material conditions.

>> No.21064949

It's like that everywhere, people get more stupid by the day. I just recently realized how stupid Lex Friedman is. It's getting hard to get any content that's not retarded.

>> No.21064950

no no anon, the double-meme-arrow means that i say all of those things. when you dereference the first arrow there is still another arrow.

>> No.21064951

What are you doing here then? This is the troonnigger namecalling central

>> No.21064953

Ok, but he shouldn't be banned.

>> No.21064957

I'm something of a retard myself but Lex is insufferable. It's like he's on sleeping pills all the time.

>> No.21064958

>There is no monolithic proletarian class
Duh, even Marx didn't assert this.

>the state has always been and will never go away.
This is stupid, the state didn't develop until around the development of agriculture. Look at how Aboriginal Australians lived before the arrival of European colonists.

Like I said, you clearly have some actual familiarity with Marxist theory, but then you keep delivering these peculiar non sequiturs. If you're trolling, well done, I guess.

>> No.21064959

Summer's over, kid. Back to school.

>> No.21064967

The content is shit, the guests are shit. I swear everyone is becoming retarded. We're in a bubble of retardedness.

>> No.21064968

Are you a low quality troll or something? You don't sound very bright

>> No.21064969

Because people should be obligated to babysit a crying baby? If you can't keep yourself from saying nigger and troon every 5 seconds, you aren't bringing any worthwhile discussion.

>> No.21064971

nigger troon

>> No.21064979


>> No.21064993

>Duh, even Marx didn't assert this.
let me rephrase this. there is no group in the world that fulfills these qualifications:
1. is the overwhelming majority
2. whom society depends on
3. is in dire need
4. has nothing to lose in a revolution
there is no proletariat as Marx understood it today.
>the state didn't develop until around the development of agriculture
this is stupid enlightenment drivel, the state never spontaneously poofed into existence because some guy started to harvest crops. It exists in every human community and is the foundation of any society. We live in an uninterrupted state of nature which is that social relationship between master and servant. All societies have a hierarchy by simply not being nihilists. Someone always represents someone else and is influenced by an ideology that is set by a handful of people.

>> No.21064994

Thats what I've been saying, this kind of shit talking about Marxism is much better cause you're at least aware of the parts of the ideology that are kinda dumb. It's the the 'Marxism is when the government turns the frogs gay' shit that kills me.

>> No.21064996


>> No.21065000

I like shitposting as a hard-core leftist and a hard-core right winger. I don't care about politics in the slightest, it's just very effective at getting (You)s on several different boards

>> No.21065003

Dilate, chud

>> No.21065006

can you pretend to be a girl and post your feet once, that'd also get you some (You)s and would be pretty funny haha like epic trolling

>> No.21065008

The fake lefties are so easy to spot.

>> No.21065010


>> No.21065012

Why should anti-marxists give a fuck? It's not like you retards even bother to be charitable to fascism or something. Marxism can just as easily be described as an ideology of people who hate traditional social bonds because they see them as oppressive and want to destroy them out of power-insecurity, paterphobia, or because you want to fuck shadow the hedgehog for all I care.

>> No.21065016

An observant post.

>> No.21065021

You say that but you must remember that there are people out there who unironically use the word "chud"

>> No.21065022

if they are righties larping as lefties then yes, if the larper comes from a neutral standpoint then not necessarily

>> No.21065032

unironic seething moment.
>everybody has to take me seriously!!!

>> No.21065034

It was probably written 19 year old afroamerican girl raised by twitter and the youtube algorithm

>> No.21065036

sex with that

>> No.21065037

how can you possibly tell?

>> No.21065042

I still haven't be able to decipher if people say rightist ironically or not. It's rather new on 4chan

>> No.21065043

I forgot to add:
you could say that so long as there has been a family, there has been a state.

>> No.21065045

They're all trolls. Lefties don't have the balls to be on here.

>> No.21065049

>ideology of people who hate traditional social bonds because they see them as oppressive

Missed the mark there. That's definately more like Anacharism and they do tend to think like that. Marxist-Leninism is all about family units and solidarity within organizations. It's the anarchists that come up with ideas like having your neighbors raise your kids on a rotational basis.

As for Facism I think it died when they strung old boy from that lamppost. It did pretty much the exact opposite of what it set out to do idk why people defend it still, Hitler did nothing but get millions of Germans killed.

>> No.21065056

Yeah now I want to fugg that Afroamerican girl. I will read Yeats to her while we have sex.

>> No.21065058

I cringe everytime the argie animeposter from /int/ posts that

>> No.21065063

I don't hate them. They just haven't written any good books.

They're treated like kids whose parents hang their bad drawings on the fridge, but now the fridge is the western canon

>> No.21065066

>They just haven't written any good books
Chud moment.

>> No.21065070

Pessoa is good though

>> No.21065073

I just assume based on observations, righties can't convincingly larp as lefties mainly because their seething comes through and their knowledge of how leftists act is based on some meme twitter screenshots that likely were trolls in the first place, if someone doesn't have these strong prejudices and maybe even interacts with leftists themselves then they would be able to embody the role much better

>> No.21065076

>idk why people defend it still
hitler dabbed on jews, commies and weimar trannies

>> No.21065077

>What makes them anonymous isn't the lack of persistent identity; it's that the post could have come from any one of them because there is so little differentiation
Some things are so obvious that there's bound to be agreement among the truthful anonymous. There are only so many ways to say the sky is blue

>> No.21065082

When are we going to acknowledge that a jannie made this thread to vent his feelings at the current users of the board

>> No.21065088

this is elite-level /pol/troon mental gymnastics

>> No.21065089

they'll often post smug replies right before deleting threads too

>> No.21065101

>That's definately more like Anacharism and they do tend to think like that
Stop pretending Communism isn't essentially anarchism already. Of course, that's ultimately why it'll never happen.
>Marxist-Leninism is all about family units and solidarity within organizations
Don't forget retardation and hypocrisy. And best of all: Failure.
but seriously, they do not support traditional social bonds, they support the subversion of existing bonds to fit some new modernist ideology. Also, what was it that Lenin said about children and their parents again?

The only thing leninism had was it's cultish spirit that convinced people to die for some decrepit old revolutionaries in the name of liberation. And even then, Mao mogged them in that department with his movement's spiritual fervor.

>It did pretty much the exact opposite of what it set out to do
What did it set out to do and holy shit man you say this as if it even matters to you people.

>> No.21065118

Red-Brown types I usually associate with actually do it quite well and use theories like labor theory of value and dialectical materialism to further their views

>> No.21065119

I'm pretty far right but even I know that's a lie. However its mostly the exception and not the rule

>> No.21065122

i'm pretty far right too, i just like posting "Chud moment."

>> No.21065123

Cool story bro

>> No.21065124

I beg to differ. I think it's mainly just people intentionally being retarded and your too autistic to comprehend it or most right-wingers don't bother trying to larp as retarded Marxoids.

>> No.21065125

People often say "rightoid" but "leftoid" is much rarer in my observations

>> No.21065129

"leftist" already carries with itself negative connotations.

>> No.21065131

Are you that assblasted at being called a teenage neo-nazi? If all you want to talk about here are far-right views on culture war issues because those discussions are banned elsewhere then you deserve it; maybe you're twenty-three at the oldest.

>> No.21065134

Hitler was all defeated utterly by those same people.

Look into the Soviet Union in the 70's and 80's. It wasn't really that bad you can't really call that a failure. It collapsed due to internal politics and cronyism not that it's economic system was unworkable. Same with commie Yugoslavia. Mao did dab on them by making it's flavor of socialism something people wanted rather than just sort of ordering things into place but I think that has more to due with cultural differences.

I want to say Facism meant to expand their nations' borders, uplift and hone their people into a unified and cohesive nation.

Instead all their countries got SMALLER, their best genetics got flushed down the drain fighting in the war, their culture got winnowed by their occupiers, their countries bombed into rubble. Fascism had some ideas and when they implimented them IRL they got fucking clobbered. Much worse results than even the most backwards implementation of socialism short of Pol Pot.

>> No.21065151

Everyone has an internet connection and the average user is less intelligent than he would have been years and years ago, when trolling had more finesse to it. People think it's "trolling" if you get any response at all now; gone are the days of executing the most perfectly clever jab to bait the opponent into crafting a five paragraph essay oozing with his outrage.

>> No.21065168

Yeah idk I tend to take everything people say here at face value because it's more fun that way. I definately don't get emotionally invested in whatever people say though.

>> No.21065171

>uses transgender and not trannie


>> No.21065177

>Look into the Soviet Union in the 70's and 80's. It wasn't really that bad you can't really call that a failure
>It collapsed due to internal politics and cronyism not that it's economic system was unworkable.
I forget how autistic you guys are about economics. I guess that's historical materialism for you. Hopefully you'll realize soon that ideology and internal politics is much more important than any 'economic system'

>Much worse results than even the most backwards implementation of socialism short of Pol Pot.
Pol Pot didn't really have the entire world trying to kill him but sure. There is no excuse for losing in the only game that matters i.e. War.
They're both enlightenment ideologies that ultimately do not describe reality in any meaningful way. Worthy of the dustbin.

>> No.21065178

This. Holy fucking shit. I've been trying to tell people for fucking years that just copy and pasting some political opinion from (insert side here) isn't trolling. How these idiots think this is somehow clever is beyond me.

>> No.21065185

If niggas ain’t going to stick to the rules they should just stay in their own threads

>> No.21065187
File: 171 KB, 1400x1619, 5888 - clothes glasses hair soyjak speech_bubble stubble twink twinkjak variant_classic_soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man, 4chan used to be a place of unchecked freedom where you could troll freely and be as provocative as possible...
>but now... idk man... now they've started saying the n-word and making fun of my transgender friends

>> No.21065190

schizo moment.

>> No.21065204

Glownigger moment. Fuck you.

>> No.21065211
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I'm inside your head right now feeding your seed.

>> No.21065218

Are you that assblasted at being called a 19 black teen?

>> No.21065228

You misunderstand: I have no problem with shitposting. It's when people post the sincere beliefs of others without adding or changing anything just to get (you)s. It's empty attention whoring. Nothing more.

>> No.21065229

There are no trannies on 4chan. Only trannylovers

>> No.21065230

It's just silly to assume everyone irritated by post-stormfags is an urban youth

>> No.21065231

>wonder if there isn't like a deliberate effort to turn every online space into a battleground for this artifical culture war.
Maybe, but just look at the news, the news normies are starting to see.
The culture war is everywhere now; I don't even think they need to force it when you see stupid shit like pedoes getting arrested at the door of school libraries on mainstream news every other week.

>> No.21065238
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>The /lit/ of today:

>> No.21065246

For a site that ridicules normies and groupthink, it’s funny to watch the hypocrisy and total lack of self awareness

>> No.21065245

>basedjaks and ynbaw-posting
alright folks wrap it up, we're done here. see ya in the next thread

>> No.21065247

I think an ideology that heavily focused on war and conquest and subjectation was pretty much what was counterproductive about fascism to say the least.

Nobody ever accuses Nazis at being bad at fighting, it's just they never stood a chance even with arguably the best military and strategy they could possibly muster, but it boiled down to an economic calculation I don't believe they thought mattered. They kinda drank their own Kool Aid about their superiority and gravely underestimated their opposition.

So I'd say Fascism's mechanism of collapse was directly baked into it's ideology. Not dissimilar to the structure of the Soviet Union with its built in mechanisms used to unravel it.

Idk maybe a kinder, gentler Facism would be sustainable but what would that even look like?

>> No.21065252

marxoids literally do nothing but talk about their faggy little science for human emancipation and how best to bring about the revolution. You are missing your dilation

>> No.21065255

Literally all those topics are forming the great /lit/erists of tomorrow. It’s essentially they be supported.

>> No.21065258

Why are you spacing as if you were on reddit?

>> No.21065261

how is what he said schizo? Are you a bo?

>> No.21065262

Indeed. Stormtrannies are the biggest crypto-normies of them all.

>> No.21065279

>I think an ideology that heavily focused on war and conquest and subjectation was pretty much what was counterproductive about fascism to say the least.
that sucks because it wasn't nearly as integral to their ideology as many people think. Also, Marxism is under the delusion that they are constantly in a war with the elusive bourgoise so that doesn't fit well into your post.
the point is that war is the ultimate determinant.
> but it boiled down to an economic calculation
not really. Hitler was a retard and you admit this further on. again, economics is not a primary determinant. It's pretty nebulous. They're society wasn't even as closely militaristic as some people think. Imagine wasting manpower on killing yids, imagine wasting effort on creating some artificial coffee for your decadent nation which can't go a day without it.
If a country can overcome the hedonic treadmill then I truly think it would be unstoppable.

I don't consider myself to be subscribed to fascism or any post-enlightenment ideology for that matter. There's only so many ways you can try to convince me how your specific form of democracy/oligarchy/monarchy is cool because you've baked your specific party ideology into it.

>> No.21065281

There are less than 10 mods sitewide, i doubt /lit/ even has a single dedicated moderator

>> No.21065283

>>but now... idk man... now they've started saying the n-word and making fun of my transgender friends
Yes, these people are retarded, but what you don't understand is that the average IQ has gone way down and as a result the 'trolling' is retard-tier and completely misunderstands what trolling actually is. For trolling to be trolling it has to be funny, not just to you, but to the audience who witnesses the troll. When you just post something retarded and annoying with the express intent to annoy someone: Only you derive satisfaction from this because you received a (you). There's no joke, no humor, nothing, meaning it isn't trolling. It's bait. It's attention whoring. Bait is not trolling. It's the misunderstanding and bastardization of trolling by retards who were the marks of trolls and wanted to get revenge by getting in on trolling but were too stupid to understand what it was.
You poor dumb underage newfag niggers have no idea.

>> No.21065289


>> No.21065290

All I can say is the culture war needs to end. Retards on both sides are fucking up the internet and real world. What I don’t understand is how lit became a casualty. Just being adjacent to pol? At the end of the day, if you don’t read books you shouldn’t be here regardless of your beliefs. And no one gives a fuck about your beliefs anyway so keep them to yourself

>> No.21065294

I disagree that trolling has to be funny to anyone but yourself or other like-minded anons.

>> No.21065298

>All I can say is the culture war needs to end.
OK, how would you like it to end?

>> No.21065299

>what would that even look like?
Where do people use the phrase "what would that look like?", and what does their political leaning look like?


>> No.21065300

You people bumped this shit thread to 200 replies. You are incapable of discussing actual literature. You don't to. You want to complain. Fyck you

>> No.21065306

By the radicals on each side dying

>> No.21065307

>catalog filled with the usual threads as it has had for years.
>one guy calls you a tranny

>> No.21065313

you would be a radical in the 1900s

>> No.21065314

>only midwits are left
the horror

>> No.21065315

Look at the state of the board. The changing of the guard has been a disaster

>> No.21065323

It has nothing to do with whether I agree or disagree with the views being screeched all over the board. If every other thread was about bananas "I LIKE BANANAS" "BANANAS GOOD, BOOKS FOR THIS FEEL?" "BOOK ON WHY BANANA-HATERS ARE MANLET PEDOS" "BOOK TO HELP HAVE SEX WITH BANANA???" it would still turn the board into a shithole regardless of whether you like bananas.

>> No.21065334

Mods suck dick, that's true. But have you done anything to promote the posts or threads you want to see? I'm not even talking making them, I mean: have you even even gotten your fat ass off your greasey chair to bump a thread or give a good post a single solitary (you)? Why do you expect anons to make good threads when they end up dying alone in darkness, yelling into the void?

>> No.21065336

It has nothing to do with whether I agree or disagree with the views being screeched all over the board. If every other thread was about bananas "I LIKE BANANAS" "BANANAS GOOD, BOOKS FOR THIS FEEL?" "BOOK ON WHY BANANA-HATERS ARE MANLET PEDOS" "BOOK TO HELP HAVE SEX WITH BANANA???" it would still turn the board into a shithole regardless of whether you like bananas.

>> No.21065339
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>> No.21065341

>But have you done anything to promote the posts or threads you want to see?

>> No.21065345

I have to admit, that's kind of funny.

>> No.21065347

>funny to anyone but yourself or other like-minded anons
That's exactly my point, though. It has to be funny, and there has to be a wink. If you are trolling with a political opinion it can't just be a copy and paste of a genuine opinion because then only you know that you aren't serious. What's the point? There has to be a wink for other anons to recognize. The humor comes from the mark not recognizing the wink. The tards overlook the wink and think you just copy and paste (insert side here)'s beliefs on a forum where they are disagreed with. That's just attention whoring. Or they post something inflammatory rather than absurd.
The art of the troll is in the wink, or in crafting an absurd opinion that no one else has but is also just barely believable enough for people to mistake it for genuine belief.
The artistry is gone and now it's just irritation for the sake of irritation - for the sake of attention. It's mindless. It's like a girl taking a picture of her ass for likes on instagram. It's bottom of the barrel attention whoring.

>> No.21065348

man, I think antisemitism is stupid but I don't make threads complaining about it unless it has something specifically to do with literature in a clever way.

>> No.21065350

Well it ain’t the 1900’s anymore
>only pozzed and /pol/brain people are smart

>> No.21065352

What did the jannie mean by this?

>> No.21065360

Every time I have a hot take someone always tries to argue with me so I go back and forth on whether its worth it or not

>> No.21065363

>man, I think antisemitism is stupid but I don't make threads complaining about it unless it has something specifically to do with literature in a clever way.
Then you're a model poster. Unfortunately the retard hordes are more numerous.

>> No.21065369

>The artistry is gone and now it's just irritation for the sake of irritation - for the sake of attention. It's mindless. It's like a girl taking a picture of her ass for likes on instagram. It's bottom of the barrel attention whoring.
Well put.

>> No.21065371

The issue is the demographics have greatly changed. Any /pol/cel can talk about politics. Readers can only discuss books they’ve read. /lit/ is infested

>> No.21065375

I don't care for their unsolicited culture war opinions either. You outnumber them here and are by sheer volume more obnoxious, lower quality, and off-topic.

>> No.21065386

That's not what Reddit spacing is newfag.

No you.

Personally, I am not hedonistic and don't believe in utopias. Socialism in reality would be MORE work and MORE austerity because it would be for the sake of future generations. Commies who think about 4 hours workweeks and government paying them to jerk it to anime titties all day isn't it.

I despise the elites because they are parasites and I wouldn't accept substituting them for another class of idlers. So maybe we have that in common.

>> No.21065393

no one cares

>> No.21065402

>I despise the elites
stunning and brave... books for this platitude?

>> No.21065410

The Turner Diaries

>> No.21065414

Wow rude.

>> No.21065444 [DELETED] 

the bananas books thread is OBVIOUSLY bait to talk about gravity's rainbow but you're too much of a dumbass to get it. /lit/ is so bad now, but it's not because of the moderation.

>> No.21065457

>Commies who think about 4 hours workweeks and government paying them to jerk it to anime titties all day isn't it.
you can blame leftcomms for that shit.

>> No.21065475

You don't notice the agenda when it's your agenda. That's how bias works. Every popular english speaking forum everywhere is dominated by "progressive liberal" attitudes. If you went to Africa you would think Africa has been invaded by /pol/ because nobody agrees with your specific brand of hollywood liberalism.

>> No.21065482

It’s not an either/or thing

>> No.21065491
File: 198 KB, 600x600, kierkegaard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Kierkegaard thread.

>> No.21065509

You have /pol/brain if you think every single poster on this board has an "agenda".

>> No.21065514

I really like his idea that when you create an idea you also create its opposite. So, with Christianity you also create anti-Christianity, or Satanism. Something that is often overlooked is the fact that without Christianity there is no Black Sabbath. People want to destroy Christianity, or eradicate it from memory, but even those people love Christ's red-headed step-children: The Satanists, or those who were inspired by Satan. The anti-Christians, are, themselves, products of Christianity. Their culture derived from the same well-spring that is Christianity.
If we can take one thing away from Christianity it is that it is the most powerful cultural lightning rod to ever exist. More great art and culture stems from that one religion than any other (in the West, at least).

>> No.21065526

Every place is inundated with one political perspective and when it's even slightly challenged you reduce it all to "/pol/brain". That it even occurs to you to complain about some expression of the natural reaction that will always inevitably result from the propaganda being spread globally shows you have absolutely no self awareness. You really are mindless media controlled zombies like the memes portray you.

>> No.21065530

Satanists are just atheist edgelords fedora-enjoyers who adopt some of the aesthetic trappings of Christianity to mock it.

I guess you're right. What is anti-islam then?

>> No.21065535

I don't know. I'm not familiar enough with their culture.

>> No.21065557

I think Muslims hate ex-muslims more than anything. They will put up with flawed Muslims, or Muslims like Bosnians who are basically atheists who don't eat pork.

People who renounce Islam entirely they absolutely loathe. There's just not enough of them, tiny fringe minority because most secularized Muslims still claim the title even if they don't practice it.

>> No.21065561

Can you discuss something without bringing politics into it?

>> No.21065577

if you went outside you'll realize most normies are not racist, unfortunately so. especially white people.

>> No.21065585

Your perspective and biases will bleed through and when some of those are pointed out people will call that political. As if I'm supposed to accept your perspective and politics as the authoritative official perspective in all speech. This propagates your perspective implicitly, even to children. Your desire to avoid "politics" has then become a tool for propaganda.

>> No.21065591

You need to play multiplayer games with more 14 year olds, the new crop of racists is more powerful than I could have hoped

>> No.21065596

We may live to see the first post-ironic lynching

>> No.21065598

I’m pretty neutral and apolitical so it’s possible. If you are incapable of not bringing politics into everything then you are the reason this board is shitty and this retarded culture war is going on

>> No.21065606

A lot of people grow out of it though or at least stop caring about it much.

>> No.21065610

case in point: the jannies banned me for three days for making a meta thread, but this thread will stay up until 300 replies.

>> No.21065614

there are no jannies, just a script that randomly deletes threads and bans users. it keeps the board on edge.

>> No.21065625

They are overpaid

>> No.21065632

>I’m pretty neutral and apolitical so it’s possible
Maybe it's possible but you're not an example of that. You're an example of exactly what I just said. Your perspective is not neutral or objective.

>> No.21065637

>neutral and apolitical
On here or in general? If it's the latter I'm not sure I believe you

>> No.21065644

A lot of that is shit talking. I used to be a 14 year old teller of racist jokes and etc but was never actually racist. I've always found racism abhorrent.

>> No.21065647

I am here to discuss literature. I can appreciate a wide range of writers regardless of political affiliations. If this board was overrun with leftist I would be bitching about them. It isn’t the particular politics that ruin this place but the fact that it is over run with them and some anons are here to discuss nothing else. And we all know nothing will derail discussion faster than politics. What makes it even more ridiculous is that there is a board specifically for them one click away

>> No.21065654
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>I am here to discuss literature.

>> No.21065658

In general. See my post >>21065647. I’ve learned that fixating on politics will bring negativity and unhappiness. I’m not going to change the world by airing my views and neither will anyone here

>> No.21065671

A bunch, including one I've been dating for almost a decade. The ones I meet IRL are the same mixed bag as everyone else. Some are great, some are batshit insane. I think it's bogus to blame the former for the latter.

>> No.21065680

I know I’m retarded for holding out hope this place will change. Fortunately for you I’m clearly recognizing it isn’t. Believe it or not, this place used to be pretty good for discussing books and writers. Crazy, right?

>> No.21065682

The punchline is, of course, that people that age in the United States are mostly POC.

>> No.21065685

I think it's less about that and more about there being a bit of a trail of ancestry behind the ideas, despite how different they are in scope. Critical Gender Theory/Queer Theory spawned out of Critical Theory from the Frankfurt School, pushed predominantly by self-identifying Marxists.

>> No.21065726
File: 49 KB, 750x600, anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely agree, however I feel this is a good thing for us. It's a safe space in the sense that you can say or post anything you want (aside from illegal content) without worry of harm coming to you for being an asshole. This allows people to be complete assholes to others without social consequences (unless they namefag or something of that nature). The people they are being assholes too also gain this same benefit, as nothing said or posted can actually harm them (following dangerous advice is still a decision that you make with your own agency and willful ignorance). People can let loose on each other, while at the end of the day we all know we're just random anons in the wild laughing at each other, while hitting the deeper, more nuanced points of discussion without filter.

>> No.21065750

>If this board was overrun with leftist I would be bitching about them.
This statement is a matter of perspective, it is overrun with leftists and you're discussing politics right now.