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21063849 No.21063849 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Furby edition

>> No.21063853

Stupid /mu/poster

>> No.21063854
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>> No.21063871
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imagine gouging those eyes out of her eyeballs

>> No.21063875

Weird ass dude, you need pussy.

>> No.21063880
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no, i need her eyeballs

>> No.21063910

It is amazing that in a world as populous as ours that some people still suffer from loneliness. It seems that we are doomed to always isolate ourselves from each other, no matter what.

>> No.21063921
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I didn't choose to be born, I was thrown into the world. I exist. This condition is inherently dehumanizing. There is no more cruel action than to force someone to endure the pain of existence. Without the certainty of death our lives would be a hopeless chaos.

>> No.21063928
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I like breasts, it's a Freudian thing

>> No.21063935

same, buddy

>> No.21063942
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Do you guys want to be friends?

>> No.21063950
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Dude. Stop trying to make these if you can’t make them right

Previous thread

>> No.21063952

fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear

I have a real big problem trying to move myself to do anything whenver there are doubts and fear involved. I just can't move towards whatever action it is, my body freezes and I run away to some escapist activity wishing that a miracle is going to happen.
I wonder why it is so strong.

fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear

>> No.21063956
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Im scared of synthetic MRNA/ bioweapons and 5g

>> No.21063966

I failed two studies. Both times i had to do a presentation at the end of the year. This scared the shit out of me and i was never able to narrow down or properly determine my researchtopic. I collected lots of information but couldnt do anything with it. I panicked and just have up. Then i attended the presentations of the other students and they were laid back, personal, perhaps a bit shallow but competent and coherent. Somehow i imagined it was going to be a presentation of an in depth investigation in front of a skeptical audience that would tear the speaker apart. I still have this fear every time i have to publicly make my choice known about anything really. And then i cant choose and say or do nothing.

>> No.21063971

Well, time to overthrow state-capitalism, because that’s the system that believes we need such things in the world.

>> No.21063973

Apparently me having Saturn on Ascendant is akin to being cursed. A lot of negative energy.

>> No.21063982

Are you girl? Can you suck my dick please?

>> No.21063986


>> No.21063989

Bros what the fuck am I gonna do all day? I couldnt bear another day of just sitting around inside

>> No.21063994

I'm not a girl.

>> No.21063995


>> No.21063997

He’s gay and just going through a phase, okay?
Same as the trad caths kids.

>> No.21064005

But you kinda fancy the dick hehe

>> No.21064010
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>> No.21064013
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>> No.21064016

Once you embrace it, then it's not bad at all. Not being obligated to anyone elses bullshit is nice. I'd rather live a selfish life and be happy then give myself to other people just for the relationship to crash and burn eventually.

>> No.21064018
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Heh you think you have it bad? Saturn fucks up my whole life

>> No.21064019
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Are you a tankie? I have to confess, I used to hate communists and was pro capitalism in my libertarian phase but now I honestly hate unregulated capitalism and corporations more than I could have ever imagined, I dont like living in a Plutocracy where these billionaires, corrupt politicians and trillion dollar corporations from big pharma and the millitary industrial complex push their agendas on the entire population

>> No.21064027

You're right about state capitalism. We need National Socialism instead

>> No.21064028

>I see demons in anything artificial
>he says on discord

>> No.21064029

I see the demons behind my reply to you.

>> No.21064030

he is controlling that demon so that he can use it to its full potential and then kick it away

>> No.21064035

The thing to take away from this is to realize that the individual is not the most fundamental or important unit of society and that society is a continuum of people. You dont have to convert to Marxism to realize that there is a collective good

>> No.21064036
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I too have Saturn rising, anon. Sometimes I feel like my own personality is a painful cross I have to bear.

>meet cute girl in class, brief interaction
>start searching for info about her online
I'm thinking whether I should bring up said info the next time I talk to her. Do women like it if you know a lot more about them than they expected? Will I look like a creep or can I pull it off?

>> No.21064037

Also, not only are these fucks pushing agendas but managing to use their wealth plus the entire goverment force to subvert and submit the entire population to their psychological operations with the intent of influencing and manipulating millions if not billions of people.

>> No.21064040

>Sometimes I feel like my own personality is a painful cross I have to bear.
Interesting. I feel like my personality is non-existent, only doubts exist.

>> No.21064044

Loneliness is a matter of quality over quantity. True there are all those people. All those people are atomized into nuclear units. We prioritize economic productivity over community.

Speaking of population. I live in one of the most populous cities in the world and have recently gone for evening constitutionals in one of the most iconic parks in the world. And I couldn't help notice how there are just too damn many people.

Now , I fully acknowledge I am part of the problem. But we are a cancer, a blight of locusts. What would otherwise be a scene of aesthetic beauty was terribly blemished by dense clumps of people scurrying about like rats. Once I realized how much nicer everything would be if the population would be if it was reduced by 2/3rds I was filled with horror. Because the thought that occurred to me, a regular old middling pleb, must've also occurred to supepowerful elites with the ability to actually bring about a great culling.

And I don't even say this out of misanthropy. I don't necessarily hate people as a concept although there are plenty to dislike. It was more of a basic, factual realization that there are just too many of us and it's a problem nobody even knows how to begin to discuss.

>> No.21064048

No. Why would you?
That’s just more state capitalism. See China? Not far off of what naziism turns to. Except imagine if China wanted to invade everyone and exterminate large populations. This ideology is just evil and only edgy assholes adopt it.

>> No.21064050

Whats your political stance or ideology? Im just a third positionist and dont care what rightoids say but honestly National Socialism and Communism(the original communism, not the one profesed by trannies and modern sjws) where virtually identical with some key differences here and there.

>> No.21064051
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LONELINESS IS A CENTRIFUGE: art, genius, is the puncturing of immanence(s), that's why inspiration sometimes phases into bacchanal, the madness of an Outside: capitalism arrests the Dionysian instinct with the infantilizing vortex of pop culture, nerd culture is dysgenic, cinema is the depiction of /deliberate/ time: films are the elision of boredom, emptiness, but the womb of genius is vacuum, stimulation is de-individuating because only solitude can be the rehearsal for death, our 20s are now a kind of post-adolescence: social media prefigures the cybernetic emancipation of the cogito, bodies colonized by the virtual so that we might know the frictionless gliding of selves, Instagram thirst as Cybele worship, brains kidnap souls from the Ungrund to feed their hunger for stimulation, the tragedy being no soul pre-exists its "kidnapping" (instantiation): souls do not move bodies, they are the movement /of/ bodies: being does not depend on enunciation, enunciation depends on being: Descartes didn't really break with the Scholastics, he just displaces Aquinas' coincidence of esse and percipi (reserved for God) onto the cogito: "I" does not predate the mouth that speaks "I". The theist says "thou", the metaphysician says "I": Descartes says neither, he reverses the ontological priority of essence over existence by making the "I" the /performative identification of itself/, that is, dependent on time to arrive to itself /as that which is perpetually arriving/: the living thing calls "I" like a heartbeat, only so long as it can: Parmenides and Shestov: the power of thought to command (utter) itself into being degenerates into its slavery to the a priori logicity of its own saying: the bindu depends on the negative space of its inscription to be itself: thought is what /posits its own positing/: its technological mastery of the world is a standard of mastery immanent /exclusively to itself/: Western metaphysics of presence is directly responsible for this need to reconcile God's infinitude as noun with his "verbal" becoming in time: modernity is accomplished when thought's reflection in the mirror of its own activity becomes transcedentally recognizable to itself as itself, when thought maps itself on its own (apperceptive) stanchion: that is to say, the Idea of something just is its coherence through time: Forms are the children of memory. Human ideation is non-being: universals are only a problem for temporality. Plato could say I don't need time to know red, and he'd be right, but I do need time to know redness qua redness: for the non-temporal "consciousness", there are no judgments, no heuristic algorithms, and so there is no likeness or difference: The identity of objects through time is artificial, /nominal/, epiphenomenal to (the empty form of) becoming, and so an ontological fiction: one that completes itself with my death - but death is the restoration of innocence: dust sings when nothing ticks, not even your heart.

>> No.21064055

he is a hylic know-nothing. alcohol is an ethereal and highly spiritual (see: etymology of the term spirit) alchemical substance useful for banishing many demons

>> No.21064062

I am not a tankie. I believe in decentralization and democracy. Power to the people, but in such terms the individual can exercise a lot of freedom

>> No.21064067

What site is this?

>> No.21064068

>to realize that there is a collective good
nigga glad Im not american but if I was half of the country would probably want me dead for being right wing and not supporting faggots and trannies. Globally speaking, half of the world population would want me dead for not taking a vaccine that was made by the most evil and corrupt motherfuckers out there. What collective good are you talking about?

>> No.21064070


>> No.21064073

Holding hands helps
Also so does having a super hot gf

>> No.21064077

doesnt seem like a bad chart.

>> No.21064082

Neat. Thanks for this.

>> No.21064083

Zoomer confirmed

>> No.21064094

At risk of being called a troon, you're misguided for internalizing US culture war bullshit. The vaccine is just a vaccine and who fucking cares about some 0.2% of mentally ill trans people?

What you're doing is letting these shitlib types get under your skin. If they weren't enormously shrill obnoxious faggots about these things you wouldn't care either. You're being manipulated by their faggotry, by taking up a knee here contrarian stance.

>> No.21064103


>> No.21064107

I hate being boxed in by ideologies and I hate wearing ideologies as a costume. I have been involved in far right and 3rd positionist circles for a long time, but that time was mostly a period for me to deconstruct libshit programming. I try now to hold a more holistic, pragmatic, and immediate view of things.
I see some basic principles
>We The People isn't just a phrase. Sovereignty is ultimately held by the people at large, not on a basis of democratic elections but on the monopoly of violence
>We The People exist in a dialectic with the political structure. Legitimate power comes from We The People to collective action which is rightly used to better the social fabric
>The most fundamental unit of society is the family. An individual without a family unit is merely a disparate fragnent until binded to a family
>properly functioning family units entail defined social roles
>it is partly the function of the state to ingrain social roles through education, not merely academic
>it is essential that spiritual institutions be integrated into society and allowed independent operation
>the social continuum is thus Family, Community, and Church. Each piece is independent and yet interconnected
>Economic wellbeing as measured by gdp is secondary to social well being
>real economic output is tangible; financial capitalism drains real production
>economic self sufficiency necessary to real sovereignty
Thats just a rough sketch.

>> No.21064121

America is in a terminal stage. There's more cancer cells than healthy cells now. This happened because we refused to affirm a collective well being and permitted all kinds of deviancy and degeneracy. The organism has to die before we can start again

>> No.21064124

>scorpio in Lillith
Im fucked bro

>> No.21064127

Goddamn I want a collapse so bad. Urbanites need to die

>> No.21064133

Some people on this board have sex. Others don't. Do you have sex? If so, why or why not?

>> No.21064136

kek reminder christianity didn't stop the jews or trannies from taking over.

>> No.21064142
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Of course, me fren

>> No.21064143

I used to be a sex haver until two years ago, after that I kind of just got absorbed into other things and stopped trying, then this became I habit
Currently trying to resharpen my approach skills but I always put something else first and end up not doing it

>> No.21064146

Well I guess nothing stopped them given that they're in power.

>> No.21064148

there weren't many things around though, only christianity. it still is, mostly in boomers. boomers are also the biggest cucks

>> No.21064153

You're around now. Go stop them tiger

>> No.21064154

What the hell is that

>> No.21064160

not really, I'm expecting christianity to do that. I'm looking for a religion that isn't completely useless

>> No.21064162

> can't redo your 20s

>> No.21064163

Go window shopping then.

>> No.21064165

I'm a 30 year old wizard.
It's over for me and I dont feel anything. Perhaps it's been my destiny all along.

>> No.21064169
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What are we going to read, fren? You choose

>> No.21064177

no need, I might make an error. I am human and fallible. I'm just looking at the countries who were religious before (or still are) and are the least degenerate

>> No.21064178

I need to take action, to stop floating in fear and hesitation through life and to take arms agaist fate and its curses, to make my own path, build my own castle, to seal my own destiny.
I never "wanted" anything, never had a real drive towards any goal and never devoted myself to any cause. Failure after failure, regret after regret, this lack of will mixed with fear, leading me to this pathetic existence, a mouse in the dark, scared of cats it isn't even sure exist. I'm trapped in my own head, cycles of motivation clash with the antecipation of regret, taken as certain. "Nothing is going to work anyway, you are fated to be a loser. Give it up before you make a fool of yourself", it says in my head, each decision, each opportunity. I can't trust my own senses, I don't know what to do, they lie to me.
Yet, I need to do something, but I don't know what it is. Many paths and choices lie ahead of me and they all seem mistakes, each step it appears certain that I shouldn't have moved at all, that I was dumb and now I'll face the consequences.
I'm crazy, this is all nonsense, I hate myself. pathetic insignificant loser, can't do a thing right and accomplish anything in this pathetic life
why am I even alive?

>> No.21064187

I think you'll love Iran

>> No.21064190

I have strong emotional reactions but no passion. its so strange.

>> No.21064196

>you're misguided for internalizing US culture war bullshit.
its not "just US culture" because its a global phenomenon now. Sure ideologically it definetely started in the US but it quickly spread to the rest of the world.
>What you're doing is letting these shitlib types get under your skin
I'm not, but to assume that theres a collective good and that majority of people want the best for the individual is ridiculous. Once again, a big % of the population of all countries would actively want the worst thing to happen to you just because of your beliefs of what you represent, theres some really evil people out there.

>> No.21064199
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>The most fundamental unit of society is the family. An individual without a family unit is merely a disparate fragment until binded to a family
This is the single most important thing and it's implications are most of what matters in the internal politics of a country and what decides its fate long-term. The modern state exists as buffer to ensure that individual households can't accumulate too much wealth while at the same time making sure economic mobility remains as high as possible. It's a balancing act and the only thing that prevents us from regressing into feudalism. The problem is this system, if not managed diligently, is easily subverted to the whims of financial speculators and easily hijacked by organised in-groups within the society that see themselves as separate and have values that allow them to undercut the majority. I think, being on this site, you can see where I'm going with this.
Secondly, it's apparent through history that if the Church/spiritual authority isn't kept separate from the state it's quickly subordinated from within and becomes a highly intricate bureaucracy for the latter to weaponize and use at the behest of internal cabals and the aforementioned groups that are willing to get their hands dirty. You don't even have to go back to the Middle Ages, just look at the history of liberation theology in Latin America throughout the twentieth century or the Ayatollah's regime.
>economic self sufficiency necessary to real sovereignty
A high level of economic self-sufficiency, is the natural result when these parasitic tendencies from society are kept at bay, because, as an economic factor, it has an antagonistic relationship with the aforementioned financial speculation.

>> No.21064203

really? why?

>> No.21064211

Why things there are so easy for everyone else are so difficult for me? I wish I could turn my brain off and live in automatic mode

>> No.21064222

What does your brain say?

>> No.21064224


>> No.21064236

No, you don't. You don't wish you could be a mindless automaton.

>> No.21064244

not that anon but it's easier that way.

>> No.21064267

I really didn't want to be a a man with daddy issues but my dad is a fucking faggot nigger

>> No.21064278

artificially distilled alcohol is definitely daemonic
~10% abv is naturally occuring

>> No.21064279

the girl i love has a partner

>> No.21064285

im in my 30s and just got a random boner. something must be wrong

>> No.21064303

Im 26 and I refuse to date vaccinated whores. My goal was to eventually start a family but since every roastie is vaccinateed is basically over for me, I wont risk it having children that might turn out retarded because of the synthetinc mRNA/DNA that is incorporated into their genome.

>> No.21064306


>> No.21064309

should i buy that realistic bbc dildo somewhat reasonably priced

>> No.21064311

t. roastie

>> No.21064317
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I'm reading Shakespeare's sonnets, but I'm opened to any kind of poetry, desu. Wanna choose?

>> No.21064333
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Im basically only reading nonfiction right now, but I'm open to expand my tastes if you give me a poetry recommendation. I have Dante's Divine Comedy pilling dust, would you do that?

>> No.21064362

>distillation mean le demon
The shit I read on this site

>> No.21064365

oh no, you won't pass on your 4/10 mutt seed

>> No.21064376

I'm going insane just sitting around with nothing to do. Its been like this 2016. I cant handle it anymore

>> No.21064379

Does anyone else have Kafka dreams where absolutely everything goes wrong in the most absurd ways, you're always guilty, and people constantly correct you and tell you you don't know what you're doing, getting lost in overly complex buildings, being unable to reason you're way through anything?

I had another dream that started off with me missing a flight because a woman handed me her deformed child to cradle, and when I made a face of disgust a gang of children derided me for being offensive to the child, and when I swung back at one of the kids who kicked me they called the police.

It ended with me returning home, only to find my house flooding. The plumber insulted my mother, and when I told him to watch his mouth, he said, "In my day this is how we talk to people. You have been gone a long time."

>> No.21064393
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>Divine Comedy
Sure thing, frogfren. That's the kick I need to finally read it. I'll buy a copy tonight

>> No.21064407

I can't decide if I want to go to school or be done with school altogether. On one hand, I've finally got a sense of what education I want and I want to finish it. On the other hand, I've spent the better part of a decade studying or working in this school.

>> No.21064417

I regret taking this job, honestly. I can't find a single admirable person who started their career in a university, let alone the same university they graduated from.

>> No.21064427

if you can't get enthusiastic for ANYTHING, let along reading/writing (we're on lit..). LEARNING.. gaming. fuck it. i have no sympathy for you.
don't be basic. get inspired

>> No.21064438

>revelation 21: "new heavens and new earth...he who overcomes shall inherit all things and i will be his God and he shall be my son"
everyday i wake up is one day closer to new earth, my motivation will never die

>> No.21064449

Sounds good anon, this is perfect since I also needed the motivation to finally read it

>> No.21064455

so you only do things to get rewarded? are you an animal? good luck in the afterlife

>> No.21064458

>be alone at home
>feel like an insect
>go for a walk outside
>feel above everyone
what mental illness is this

>> No.21064463

Pretty normal feel when you're fit desu, are you fit?

>> No.21064469

It makes me happy to know people this beautiful exist

>> No.21064472

I work out but I don't think it shows

>> No.21064473

because you're just prioritizing getting trashed instead of how god intended
hyper-efficiency is not elegant

>> No.21064480
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You have Heimlich the Beautiful Butterfly Syndrome

>> No.21064490

which one are you on? I read up to the 70~ and then tool a break because I was taking too long on them individually. I was reading them in the shakespeare-sonnets website. Might pick them back up soon. The one that has always stayed in my mind is the sonnet 129 which I read first here on lit and made me pick up the book.

Know this too well. Don't really have a solution since I struggle with it too. I started writing about how bored I was and how little I did with my days, which felt good at the time.

>> No.21064495

The culture war is moronic, even more so for Europeans to engage in it. It doesn't exist outside the anglosphere and western Europe.

To engage in it at all on either side is undignified and you're undermining your own agency. These culture war issues do not matter at all. They're the least important matters in the world, it is all a deliberate attempt to make you irrationally hate your neighbor over basically nothing. I'd rid yourself of those brainworms cause you're falling for their tricks.

If liquor is demonic, my demons are all super chill. At worse, I will fall asleep early at a party, or make mildly rude remarks to people.

I also have no passion. I have a huge variety of hobbies and things and like my career and all but passion seems like a form of autism. I will pick up a hobby, get really into it until I achieve a certain level of proficiency or experience then lose interest in it. Idk.

>> No.21064507

How is that even relevant to what I said? I'm lonely and bored so therefore I'm incapable of passion? Its so obnoxious to be accused of non sequitors

>> No.21064508

>finally achieve straddle planche
>look up nakayama planche
>allegedly more difficult than full planche
>try it
>do it easily
lol who TF makes these lists

>> No.21064519

>I started writing about how bored I was and how little I did with my days, which felt good at the time.
I've been taking notes on books I read which is kind of nice to do. I like summarizing on my own words and understanding the concepts Im digesting. Its so much easier to return to my notes than thebook itself. Lately I've been wanting to do more independent writing. Do you have any advice on journaling? Should I use prompts or something?

>> No.21064534

you might need something else to keep you stoked.
watch videos, lurk related general, community anything. these things can create
can create some sort of positive feedback loop, if that even makes sense

>> No.21064572

It doesn't say anything, it is more about feelings that everything is going to turn out the worst way possible, plus complete lack of social skills and decision-making skills

>> No.21064584
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are you unironically me? I'm dealing with the same problems yet I cant find any solution apart wishing that I've been born as a different person.

>> No.21064611
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what class did u guys play in tf2

>> No.21064613

what do you want?

>> No.21064617

Pali canon
Phaedrus, Timaeus, Phaedo, Republic, Meno
De Anima, Metaphysics, De Caelo
The Bible
The Quran
Confessions, City of God
Phenomenology of Spirit, Science of Logic
Thus Spake Zarathustra, Will to Power
Critique of Practical Reason, Groundwork for Metaphysics of Morals, Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch, Religion Within the Bounds of Bare Reason
The World as Will and Representation
Rousseau, Derrida, Foucault, Sartre, Heidegger, etc
>non schizo
Tao Te Ching
Laws, Parmenides, Apology
Organon, Nicomachean Ethics
Outlines of Pyrrhonism
Critique of Pure Reason
Twilight of the Idols
Plato's Camera

>> No.21064625

unrelated (and speaking of..), but i dont think philosophy belongs on /lit/.

>> No.21064630

I'm sort of constrained by a bunch of obligations and a relationship I don't actually do anything cool anymore I just read or shitpost here. So I'm sort of speaking retrospectively.

I generally dislike watching videos, reading is faster.

>> No.21064634

Didn't ask

>> No.21064643

like in general?

>> No.21064651
File: 34 KB, 564x570, 1643188075666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really like cute anime boys getting the absolute shit kicked out of them. There's nothing that gets me more excited. Handsome young things with long limbs, eyes full of tears, terrified, lost to despair, their bodies shuddering with their sobs, faces twisted in anguish, or slack with disbelief... Is there anything more delicious?

>> No.21064665

>forgets thread name
yea; it's a fucking honeypot for /pol/tards and it's barely about the ART. and more of its own autistic sport about cope that no one (who has sex) cares about. it'd make a good isolated general, and i appreciate it for what it is. but yea, it's the contamination

>> No.21064684

You're the worst. That's what's on my mind now.

>> No.21064691

perverting your coping mechanism isnt mastery (or superiority). why not just be true to yourself, and face your problems head on?

>> No.21064726

hm. i assume you meant to quote a different post? because absolutely none of that pertains to what I posted.

>> No.21064767

doesn't it?

>> No.21064783

Not even a little bit.

>> No.21064785

Hi guys welcome to my wholesome lgbtqia+ live stream. It's "wholesome" but I feel the need to label it with my porn preferences.

>> No.21064790

I wish I could be a tortured artist but I'm just tortured and torturer at the same time. No creative ideas or skills.

>> No.21064797


>> No.21064808

Interesting. I don't find her attractive, personally.

>> No.21064825

>it's a fucking honeypot for /pol/tards
What is?

>> No.21064838

He said alcohol not getting drunk or even drinking
Also Christians have a caricaturized view of daimonia

>> No.21064840

I think she's cute but past the big eyes (probably a filter) and 'interesting' hair she's just a generic white chick which I don't find particularly attractive myself. Idk why.

>> No.21064860

She just looks like a prostitute to me, not "beautiful."

>> No.21064921

years of weed smoking fried my brain

>> No.21064926
File: 173 KB, 616x684, 1664332693954593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make some friends and get a gf because my loneliness is killing me but I literally have no idea how, not because I'm a sperg but because coald approaching women makes me feel uncomfortable
>t. 25

>> No.21064927

we get it, you smoke weed. can you die now? kthxbye

>> No.21064930

Why do I keep feeling like I need a major goal in life in order to continue it? The thing autonomously creeps into my mind and bothers me throughout my years, but I never have anything to satisfy it.

>> No.21064943

leave our resident pothead alone. he's in the least annoying percentile of this goddamn board.

>> No.21064954

>waste life for years
>find out how off-putting you are

>> No.21064980

Why do Americans hate people from Ohio? I'm not from US and don't understand.

>> No.21064991
File: 162 KB, 962x856, 6EEAA429-063D-4045-9026-DF3B50368940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. I hate everything.

>> No.21064995

I like shitposting as a hard-core leftist and a hard-core right winger. I don't care about politics in the slightest, it's just very effective at getting (You)s

>> No.21064998


>> No.21065004

Indulge in all the most decadent or futile fantasies, as long as you can curb the indulgence, like that of alcohol. Ride on the nightmare, if you prefer such horse flesh; only do not let the nightmare ride on you. Find the mare’s nest which rocks on the tallest and darkest trees, and steal the addled eggs; but do not make your breakfast off them every morning for ever. Learn to be nonsensical and then to be sensible again; to create strange things and still to be independent of them. Learn to suggest a thing, to urge it, to prove it, and still to disbelieve it. For the very few things that are really worth believing are not worth proving.

>> No.21065048

Nobody cares about the previous thread, stop being such an autist over them.

>> No.21065060

if saudi arabia makes gaming great again i may actually convert so help me allah

>> No.21065065

My mind is blank.

>> No.21065067


>> No.21065092

same, I sat next to a schoolgirl in the bus today and just being close to her felt like a predator

>> No.21065095

by schoolgirl in mean highschool or freshman

>> No.21065100

Literally me for 10 years only to find a goal I needed to start years ago to achieve it

>> No.21065103

by in I mean I

>> No.21065112

have you ever been creative? do you want to write?

>> No.21065116

maybe because you have subconscious sick thoughts. idk. are you not able to be around kids?

>> No.21065127

In butter or vegetable oil?

>> No.21065130

My sister is moving back in the apartment with me and my parents
For years shes been psychologically torturing, provoking and manipulating me. The issue was i fought back. That was a bad idea since shes infinitelly more better than me at deceiving, bullying and being overall evil. So i ended up with a capgras syndrome which is when my amygdala starts detecting my sister as a hostile entity but visual cortex detects her as friendly. I ended up in a mental hospital bcos of it. I basically believe/ know shes evil.
Shes living worldy life with bf, parties, bartending in techno clubs, spending money, etc. She hates christianity, goodness and me.
I dont know if i will survive this bros. Hope i will, if not, hope something better awaits me after this life

>> No.21065132

Just ignore her

>> No.21065139

Yes, thank you, ive been doing that ever since i got back from mental institution cause then i finally figured out its her thats the problem. I havent talked to her ever since(3 years) and i never intend to do so in the future.
But its scary. Apartment is full of her stuff . Parents dont understand the issues i have and are oblivious

>> No.21065140

You better conquer that fear because this is something you have to do in almost any job at some point or even in a job interview

>> No.21065146

turning yourself into a caricature of what you believe males want to jerk off to is the furthest thing from beauty possible disgusting subhuman coomer

>> No.21065148

Disregard parents. If you have to be in proximity with her just treat her as you would if she were a stranger on the bus. Polite but indifferent. Its how I deal with my family. I treat them like casual acquaintances or coworkers I have to see

>> No.21065152


>> No.21065158

Women who don't care what men think is attractive are called dykes. Unless you find women who look like 1920's ironworkers spitting dip juice off a girder to be beautiful.

>> No.21065160

Yes but the issue is i woud give anything for my family but im just not able to. There is no reciprocity. My mother is flawed but good i think. My father is unable to be a fully functional man
Im scared for my future. I have no one to defend me. So i just pray that God defends me

>> No.21065162

I remember trying to get into drawing and writing but then quit because of lack of ideas.

>> No.21065163

I hate my fucking life. I hate who I am

>> No.21065165

Yeah those are great options and all but my real problem is social isolation. I was going out and doing all that kind of shit alone for a long time but it all felt like cope for having no friends. >>21065152

>> No.21065170

Gotta become self sufficient man. I know it's hard. I'm pretty fucked too. Gonna take me a few more years before I can achieve it. But its the only way out

>> No.21065174

the posts in these threads are becoming increasingly depressing again

>> No.21065176

What do you hate about yourself?

>> No.21065180

I was gonna relate a really soul crushing life event here but caught myself cause it's already gloomy enough here as it is.

>> No.21065196 [DELETED] 

kill fat subhumans
kill trannies
kill niggers
will whiteoids

>> No.21065199

Yeah sorry m8 but i dont really have anyone to share. Im all alone. I dont even know what i did wrong, i always tried to be good and to fit in. God is my only hope, its yours too. U can share your story, or maybe some other day if you wish so

>> No.21065207

If i did that it would be beautiful. But i dont have a job atm and im really not good at functioning at a job and with other people even tho i do have skills

>> No.21065217

you can share it. i was just making an observation on the amount of replyless depression posts there have been. things are pretty grim in here

>> No.21065241

Nah, tell us about it.

>> No.21065256

Did we all catch the sad at the same time? Is there some kind of psychic virus making the rounds? Or do people just naturally get depressed when the end of the year rolls around?

>> No.21065259

Constant action is the best way. Just always be doing something. Even if you're not good at it. Just be doing something productive

>> No.21065265

i mean seeing how there's only 50 posters id imagine a lot of it is the same people.
i hope they have a good weekend

>> No.21065266
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>> No.21065268

Im fairly good at programming but IT is a slaughterhouse of souls. I was active everyday until i was 23 or 24 when i realized i have nothing to show for it

>> No.21065270

This thread is always said, they believe being sad is what cool literature guys should be like. It's about aesthetics.

>> No.21065274

Has nothing to do with programming. You learn gardening to grow tomatoes not to work in the gardening industry.

>> No.21065275

Americans be like "Hello I'm from Delaware, Ohio" (Yes that's real)

>> No.21065278


>> No.21065293

>"Nice to meet you too, I'm from Truth or Consequences, New Mexico"

>> No.21065297

Yeah exactly I meant to shout it into the void cause I don't have anyone to relate it to. It was on my mind when a coworker innocently asked me about my family and I did a pretty good job of burying it. Like it happened to another person, or in another lifetime.

It's almost too personal to share even to little blue squares of text and probably not an appropriate place anyways. I'd probably have to get drunk first. Or maybe just write it down then throw it in the trash probably accomplish the same catharsis.

>> No.21065316

Programming gives you power over the world. The kind of power that means you don't have to live in the industrial era as a factory worker.
Your tomato growing operation doesn't need to be globally competitive to make tomatoes.

>> No.21065318


>> No.21065322

Bro now im curious whats it about? Cant be much worse than what i wrote up there, can it?

>> No.21065327

I still can’t tell if I have autism or if I have an extreme social phobia and bipolar disorder that manifests autistic symptoms
>inb4 mental illness isn’t real
>inb4 see a paychiatrist
How al I supposed to do that when I have extreme social phobia?

>> No.21065338

If i understood u correctly...i already program for the sake of building something cool. But at the job its a completely different story, i have to deal with managers, bosses, stupid clients, its impossible for me. To be independent i need money

>> No.21065340

I'm a Macedonian like Alexander the Great, from New York.

>> No.21065354

Programming is not related to your personal issues and inability to escape corporate brainwashing. There is no downside to programming.

>> No.21065356

>Intercourse, Alabama

>> No.21065361

wherever there is alcohol there is drinking they used to have ethanol cars in some countries and people got drunk in gas stations

>> No.21065373

Ok why didnt u immediately say that youre a lunatic schizo so u didnt waste my time

>> No.21065379

Why did "u" pollute the world with your inane babbling?

>> No.21065384

So I'm the only sincerely sad guy who mistakenly thinks he's found company?

>> No.21065388
File: 18 KB, 367x342, b5f9983e-45b6-4c01-ba1f-7031d3c341f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This random ass dedication on an ecology monograph has more emotional impact than many book that I have read
Biologists are the real goats of literature

>> No.21065390

There are a lot of sad retards here. Does the amount of similar retards help you cope? Do you want to cope or grow? Grow actual physical tomatoes retard.

>> No.21065413

My hatred for Mark Fisher knows no bounds


>> No.21065415
File: 42 KB, 545x311, cobb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone compete?

>> No.21065418

That's south and a few miles west of me (I think, ill have to look at a map)

>> No.21065419

what a low T thing to write

>> No.21065420

There's a conspiracy surrounding that city

>> No.21065432

>Do you want to cope or grow?
Growth is when you craft more elaborate copes

>> No.21065436


>> No.21065437

Growth is when you extend your power over the world like through knowledge.

>> No.21065440


>> No.21065442

Threadly reminder that the word antonyme to the word cope is the word trump

>> No.21065451
File: 534 KB, 960x960, 1600335930781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling self-conscious about my writing ability.
>effectively a writer's block.
>remember Stephen King would do all kinds of drugs and start writing whatever the fuck wanted.
>start slamming back some wild turkey
>"I'm the best writer that has ever lived."
>No longer self-conscious, writing whatever kind of wild shit pops into my head, internal filter that stopped me from being creative has been completely blown the fuck out.
Winners do drugs. Don't listen to the PSAs. Get fucked up and follow your dreams.

>> No.21065456

This is cope to avoid acknowledging the value of things that are hard to attain like knowledge.
Power has measurable results. You're the one complaining about money, looking to circlejerk about how hopeless your situation dominated by lack of power is and coping when it's pointed out that you just have to actually fucking do shit.

>> No.21065461

I used to love his stuff.

>> No.21065477

man that half-assed defense of vatican 2 by george weigel in todays wsj was so lame. if you still have to try to convince people 60 years after the fact, it wasn't good.

>> No.21065484

I dont complain about money or power and I have pretty good breadth of knowledge.
>and coping when it's pointed out that you just have to actually fucking do shit.
I do do shit though. You're not being poignant or coherent.

>> No.21065498

The reply chain you're responding to is in response to a guy complaining about money.
>I do do shit
Like pretending you're doing enough shit on the internet while in the previous breath complaining that it's not working for you. Retards like you using the word "coherence" is blasphemy against reason.

>> No.21065506

His whole solution is basically LARPing so its one of those honey traps

>> No.21065511

>The reply chain you're responding to is in response to a guy complaining about money.
You should check that reply chain again
>pretending you're doing enough shit on the internet while in the previous breath complaining that it's not working for you
Doing stuff and not being satisfied isnt mutually exclusive. Lots of unhappy busy bees out there. Not really sure what your point is.

>> No.21065515

The rumor is I think a freemason lodge has been built hundreds of feed below the surface that happens to be an important meeting ground of "initiates"

>> No.21065522

Boredom. I’ve read everything imaginable. Watched every imaginable kino. On to vidya. Where should I start?

>> No.21065524
File: 59 KB, 1080x392, poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were the biblical poor different from modern American poors?

Obviously mocking the poor and laughing at their strife is bad, but it's hard to know how to be charitable when it's clear so many of them are where they are because of bad decisions and not lack of opportunity. How is a good Christian supposed to think about people who spend their welfare bucks on cigarettes instead of learning C++ and getting a tech job?

>> No.21065544

Pity rather than mockery

>> No.21065550

>You should check that reply chain again
You're right. I thought you were the guy complaining about the IT industry.
>unhappy busy bees
Only if you don't get any fruit. So just do something you know produces fruit, like growing fruit. Same in programming, make something happen early in the project to motivate more development.

>> No.21065572

What I'm doing right now wont pay off for another couple years, so I'll just have to be unhappy in my circumstances until then. Guess I'll shop around for short term goals to distract myself in the interim and hope that my regrets dont consume me as I wait.

>> No.21065623

>I'll just have to be unhappy in my circumstances until then
Doubt some material change will suddenly make you "happy". If it's hyped for years it will likely disappoint.

>> No.21065663

I work out exclusively to mog normies and women

>> No.21065714 [DELETED] 
File: 527 KB, 2560x1920, Poisson_saturne_revisited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is insane.

>> No.21065796

> nice brown hair
> no blue eyes

>> No.21065799
File: 81 KB, 1080x1331, 7FC4174A-BFD8-4D36-9376-74290EB2FF0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>attend Bartending classes to diversify my skill set
>we’re doing cocktails today, get slightly tipsy from all the tasting
>feel my usually autistic ass loosen up
>after class flirt with petite 18 year old Latina qt 3.14
>gather enough courage to ask her number
>she gives it to me
>we talk a bit on the way home
>mfw pic is how I’m feeling right now
How do I set up a date niggas?
I’m a 24 year old virgin and this is a golden opportunity

>> No.21065802
File: 19 KB, 640x348, 1-7-e1577373984658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I combine social media pics of girls I know and porn to fap.

With social media so prevalent its getting so easy to get good hi res pics off of girls social media pages. Been doing it since MySpace days but really wished we had the same quality pics back then.

Even manage to find video of them. Like clips they had to make for their work, or stuff they made for social media and things like that while I keep it in a loop so I can hear their voices again or view them in motion while I jack it. Feels good man.

Do it to friends, coworkers, girls I went school with and heck I do it with clients or associates I meet now. If they're email has their name or I somehow learn their full name and they're cute. I'm searching them on social media that night. It's pretty insane how easy it is to find good fap material of girls you know. It's borderline addictive. You feel like a detective or something finding these pics/vids. Then mix it up with a porn clip on one half of a screen then fill in the rest of the screens with face/body pics. I even have a screen I can put in portrait mode so I can have a full blown face of a friend or coworker staring into my face as I coom. I always was content with a single ultrawide monitor, but literally have 3 monitors now just for this and don't even have the others switched on at all unless it's fap time lmao

Helps too being a footfag, so if I'm lucky enough to find bikini pics during summer periods, you can find feet pics so it's like getting a taste of them full nude. It's crazy, even fapping to just porn is boring. I decide which friend or person I want to fap to and just have to have multiple pics of their face staring at me fapping to a porn clip. Try it some time hahaha

>> No.21065824

text her after 24h have passed and just tell her you'll be at X place in two days and that she should come join you
make sure the bar is near your place
then move to your place for a last drink

>> No.21065832

Fine I'm drunk now. So a number of years ago my GF killed herself, with my pistol, while 4 months pregnant with my child. I was out of town for work.

So a lot of this is my fault. We decided we wanted a kid but she was taking SSRIs and meds that she honestly needed and she quit them to get pregnant. Her personality soured and changed and I kinda got sour at her at the same time. I left my pistol, for smoothbrained kinda "in case you need to protect yourself" and she knew all about the thing cause I trained her to use one. To a woman with a history of major depression. She sent a lot of weird sad text messages leading up to it while I was gone and instead of being supportive or whatever I was still pissed at her for another irrelevant thing and was like "babe I'm working 84 hour weeks can this wait?" she went radio silence for a week then got a phone call from the police. So it completely fucked me for like a year, that funeral was the worse day of my life. Then I just sorta put it behind me. Like it happened to another person, another lifetime.

There's more to it. Thing is we were kinda alone in the world together. I'm only in my 30's but all my siblings and parents passed away too. She hated her family and disowned them. So plus side, no more funerals to attend to. I've already been to every funeral for anyone that has ever mattered to me in life. It's chill bro I just work, drink a bit, shitpost here, do some reading.

>> No.21065833

>nice blonde hair
>nice green eyes
I got it made

>> No.21065841

It's not your fault

>> No.21065858

I had a dream about you last night. We spoke to each other over email, but everything you wrote was strange and cryptic. It was one of those confusing dreams that operate with incomprehensible logic. All that I clearly remember is that it felt so good to talk to you again.

I know the things that my subconscious comes up with have no bearing on reality. Even if it was real, and I did hear from you again, I don’t know what we’d say to each other. Maybe there’d be nothing left to say. How could I even begin to explain?

I hope you’re having a good night, whatever you’re doing.

>> No.21065904

NUclear war right ahead of us and nooen fucking cares. I hate this world. I hope we will get strategic strikes all over fucking europe. Fuck therse people. They deserve to fucking die. Fuck.

>> No.21065928

Why are you here?

>> No.21065948

That's what everyone says but it's at least 40-100% my fault.

I'm loathe to harm other people and you cannot really get close to people without harming them. I gave her everything she needed, or didn't need actually.

>> No.21065961

Because I have no life like you.

>> No.21065966

what is it called when lets say a car needs to speed up towards a ramp so it rides away to get a "??????" so that it has a distance to reach the sufficient speed and make the jump?

>> No.21065983


>> No.21065993

fug bro you had a child out of wedlock?

>> No.21066024


>> No.21066066

i'm bathing in pure reality

>> No.21066080

Anyone want to discuss novels and novelists? Individual threads never do well anymore

>> No.21066096

yes thanks

>> No.21066111

To be just like 3 years younger.

>> No.21066147
File: 40 KB, 600x600, soy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the gunshot you hear upon killing yourself is merely mommy's bang on the bedroom door waking you up from the nightmare

>> No.21066185

Some of you guys were NEETs right? How do you cope with the regret over time?

>> No.21066188

By getting a job and getting on with your life

>> No.21066220

Is the Foundation series worth reading?

>> No.21066248

how can you just get a job after being cut off for so long
it's hard as it is for even fresh college grads
why will anyone employ someone with so much gap

>> No.21066250

I understand now why the gunk that is so caked must be purified with fire.

>> No.21066257

Why are *you* here?

>> No.21066273
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 4F27814E-A1AF-49CA-ACAF-EBCCDF12DA79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Road Trip. You’ll find your answer there.

>> No.21066305

I'm fascinated by the idea of how governments choose objectives, then structure their organisation to meet those challenges. The development of new technological capabilites is especially interesting.
Of course we have real-life examples of the Manhatten Project or Oxcart etc, but I enjoy thinking about OoCP like an alien invasion. Blindslight by Peter Watts is a really good example.
These ideas don't need to be an extended infodump, that's largely up to the skill of the author.
My ideal book would be a series of near future hard sci-fi where humanity has to effectively restructure society and in order to survive an existencial threat, dusting off plans for Project Orion, SDI or Marauder
as well as creating new technologies that wither away for lack of funding or patent hoarding.
So dear Anons, I hope that sufficiently illuminates you.

>> No.21066326

>found out I don't have colon cancer a week after shitting blood
>tfw disappointed
>tfw even more disappointed when I'm told I have to work the next two weekends and start my shift at 4am the monday after

>> No.21066334 [DELETED] 

I wish I could suffer greatly; that is with the caveat of it being from a grand adventure. I know it's greedy for me to want such a thing, but I feel my soul yearn for it.

>> No.21066431

Can anyone rec some good sadcore albums?

>> No.21066457

too many useless eaters in this world

>> No.21066464

Out of everything anon said that is truly the most disturbing aspect left unspoken.

>> No.21066550

The words of a terminally online incel

>> No.21066551

Who are you to judge use? Suppose I judge you useless

>> No.21066553

mmmmmmmmmm........ waltuh im reading...... bookss ohhhh waltuh mmmmmm

>> No.21066570

What is the backstory of pepe and the anti frog anons? He is seen as a symbol of the far right? Or is that just for normies and he is viewed differently here? Sometimes I feel like the only sane man in a clownish world

>> No.21066629

synthetic mRNA

And CRISPR technology. About 10 years ago I started checking out Science (the journal of hte American Academy For the Advancemetn fo Science) after they had a big electron microscope high def image on the cover of a Mediterranean Fruit Fly. They figured out the genetic code sequence for it's multifaceted eye then the sequence for its wrists, elbows, wingtips and antenna tips and then inserted eyes in all those locations. It was a fucking insane feat of intricate gene editing. As I read these articles all attempts to use these techniques on humans failed miserably. Alzheimers patients who were otherwise healthy and happy were turned into non stop epileptics who died soon after being adminstered such gene therapy for example.
Then they took a gene sequence and made it photoluminescent in electron micrograph images and inserted ti precisely into the spot in the chromosome they desired. The only problem is that beyond the mapped human genome there is a vast dark genome with no apparent purpose to us. It's a vestigial genome from our long evolution. bits and pieces of some catfish that crawled out of a primordial swamp, bacteria genomee, some lemur ancestor genome and so on. They found that at the same time they made their precise alteration of the human genome up to 1500 other locations on the unmapped vestigial genome also took luminescent insertions as well. It was like lettign a severly retarded adolescent run wild in the control room of a nuclear reactor throwing switches and turning dials.

>> No.21066641

Does anyone know if there is a single well-formatted epub file I can download from somewhere which includes everything ever written by HP Lovecraft ?

>> No.21066654

Reading Goethe while the girlfriend is sucking my dick

>> No.21066656

Pepe came from some obscure web comic and was forced meme and now it's still a forced meme. I guess it's like an unofficial mascot so anyone glancing at your phone for a millisecond im public will assume you're a nazi and call the FBI on you for being an incel mass shooter.

>> No.21066664

Pepe's Feels good man meme was used practically from the beginning the mid 00s. It got old, so they did variations. They got old, more variations. He's just been turned into everything and shown every emotion. It was old and done by 2015, but stupid people at the Anti-Defamation Lounge pick him as a trigger, so now he became new again to all these "normies". Russian girl started painting classical parodies, but that was the last time he was interesting.
But do you mean just now? Why are people sick and tired of this old and uninteresting dead meme? Because the nature of trolls is to keep doing the annoying thing. Even when the marks give up and let the baby have his way, they till don't give up. Repetition is their only joke. It's work with the jack memes and all their degenerations, but Pepe frog has become especially spammed here. OP are never actually interested in their questions. They'r just here to fill some quota. They like to take screen caps of just how many frog posts there are. That's their only amusement in life. Books? Who?
They should be deleted and/or ban worthy even

>> No.21066665



Title : Complete Works of HP Lovecraft / The Complete Works of H. F. Lovecraft
Year : 2013
Author : Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Publisher : Delphi Classics
ISBN : 9781909496040
Format : EPUB
Quality : eBook
Language : English

>> No.21066668

Why is he controversial here? I like his stare. It says a lot. I’m from Reddit btw

>> No.21066681

I posted so many pics of my dick that I can no longer use the file

>> No.21066698

I've never taken a picture of my dick even though it's a pretty good dick imo. What compels you to photograph it and share it?

>> No.21066703

It doesn't say a lot. It's a blank stare. They never have any other reactions? Just "Dude. like, I can't believe it, dude". There's no creativity to it.
Can you imagine people still using Happy-Negro or Cockmongler?
I still find Spurdo funny, but you never see that guy quite as often as the frog.

We've grown tired of him a dozen times over. We sit back and wait for the fad to go away, but he appears to be a security blanket for the deeply autistic. A face to put forward. I hear flack for those who do this with anime characters, and they get no end of flack, but the frogs and the jacks are "avatar fagging" as well. Ugly is all that's allowed? Strange coming from people who are supposed to be nazifags. But I donno who's who.

>> No.21066704

yeah i'm doing that cartoon bit where you hear a somewhat disturbing thing and express surprise at a mundane thing

>> No.21066707

To get a 3 day vacation

>> No.21066709

He has a very nuanced expression

>> No.21066712

mmmmmmm im having sex with you right now waltuh ohhhh yeahh

>> No.21066714
File: 63 KB, 637x651, 1655379418916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pepe. The frog is a psychopomp and the colors subconsciously trigger associations with the hit 90s movie Mask starring Jim Carrey. The underlying themes that relate to ideas like integrating the Jungian shadow take a more esoteric form in conceptualizing the frog as an embodiment of a god of primordial chaos who dictates the randomness that gives posts repeating numbers.

>> No.21066727 [DELETED] 

How does anyone think you could make others believe in God by proof of His existence when people don't even believe they themselves or other persons exists?

>> No.21066753

I guess there is Pascal's Gambit. An atheist has nothing to lose by being religious, even insincerely forcing themselves through the motions. Everything to lose should their assumption that religion is fake and gay.

Sort of like Eliminative Materialism. Nobody can refute it exactly, but there's nothing to be gained by picturing yourself as an unconscious illusion created by a faulty meat based computer stumbling along it's programming.

>> No.21066763

i'm indian and it really grinds my gears seeing how the boomers in this country go autistically "good morning" to each other like clockwork even though it's a greeting in a foreign language but fucking boomers hold on to it as though it were a thing of status

>> No.21066779

i try to not participate and only politely nod when they greet that way as a kind of gentle discouragement but it only somewhat pisses them off "hey you no say good morning huh" like i was insulting their anglo master
i*dians truly are a buck broken race of colonized slaves

>> No.21066798

Thousands of year ago there was much less to know about, especially concerning the history of things, but how are people from the far future supposed to learn all the past, or even a general education, if the body of knowledge is ever increasing?

>> No.21066800

This one for instance >>21066714 is a parody of an already existing meme. Why do we not get that meme here? Why is another frog? Why is this supposed to be humorous? It's dull retread. I don't care about the expressions. There's a stock few they choose from. Have you seen the one where he shove his asshole in your face? College humor or just faggoty NEET humor?

>> No.21066801

I truly hate threads that are basically is X any good? Just read the fucking book.

>> No.21066802

You should be grateful you got colonized forever and only got 'good morning' out of the deal.

Look at the poor fucking South Koreans. The US occupied them for like a decade and they're like soulless capitalists anxiously trying to fuck over their friends for pocket change for doing minor favors. They all get plastic surgery to look like Yankees. They have this bizzare taste for Spam and processed meat products. They circumcise their babies.

The US like accidentally did some enormous psychic warcrime on them without even trying.

>> No.21066833

oh the people in this country are yearning for a psychological fucking with their asshole spread wide
any dirty dick thats gets them on par with the western masters

>> No.21066839
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You simply don't have the intellect needed for high brow art like Pepe.

>> No.21066868


>> No.21066877

It's low and ugly art. But it's chiefly just boring.
It's exactly like people who wear their pants drooping so far we can see their underwear'd ass. That's shits been around since the mid 80s. Same mentality perpetuates it.
You're too stupid to invent new memes, so you go back to this old one.

Hell, look what his creator is doing https://mattfurie.com

>> No.21066890

Is unintentionally hearing music the diegetic music of the real world?

>> No.21066897
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>> No.21066951

Are you a stem fag?

>> No.21066964

Anon must see how he is but a sneed;
A basement-dwelling reject without hope.
He browses /lit/, his pseudery to feed.
His widely-read persona? Naught but cope.
He lurks within his cumrag-scattered lair;
Eternal neet-dom is his looming fate.
His threads have picrels showing maidens fair;
He wants them, but he’ll never find a date.
He’ll never touch the girls he sees on /b/,
And OnlyFans will fail to sate his lust.
He squanders hours on banal TV;
His books sit there untouched and gather dust.
An incel loser, plagued by unmet needs;
A /lit/izen who scarcely ever reads.

>> No.21066992

Never search for a photo of the voice actor.

>> No.21067002

be nice to me

>> No.21067016

All lies and fibs
Ignore these looneys
I've read over three things
And seen the movies

>> No.21067039

The Orphic lyre, the shamanic drum, the Albanian lahuta or cifteli, the Serbian gusle, the Finnish cantele, the Welsh cwyth, the Mandinka kora, the Hungarian and Scottish bagpipe, the Japanese biwa, the Nyanga rattle, the terza rima of Dante, the sloka couplet of Vyasa, the 7–5 mora line of Kakuichi, the octosílabo of Jose Hernandez, the Nibelungen line, the endecasílabo, the Eddic fornyraislag, the laisse of Turoldus, the motaqareb of Ferdowsi, the Homeric and Virgilian hexameter, the alliterative line of Beowulf, the iambic pentameter of Shakespeare, Milton, and Wordsworth.

>> No.21067071

As an American should I take more care to reading Moby Dick as something representing me and my nation, like Italians do with The Divine Comedy?

>> No.21067082
File: 211 KB, 973x1469, FCB4369E-B096-41EB-9277-E0CB2A9CEA50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well have fun

>> No.21067134

I love Batman and DC capeshit so much

>> No.21067165 [DELETED] 


>> No.21067181
