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21060128 No.21060128 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is happening to the algorithms on youtube and other platforms, it's like they want us even more addicted, I find that the internet is increasingly turning into a schizophrenia simulator, I checked the frontpage of youtube today and I think I'm just about completely detached from everything, it's like a digital version of fast food for your brain, from the shorts to the random popular videos that show when I search for something, every platform in a need to increase retention is turning into a house of lunatics and garbage.

I need a book or blogpost that explains this in lenght.

>> No.21060169

The Internet just tailors is algorithm to you; this just means you're becoming more schizophrenic

>> No.21060211

No it doesn't, it USED to.
Now I'm getting things that are completely unrelated and clearly made to be as addictive as possible while being super clickbaity.

>> No.21060219

The Internet just tailors is algorithm to you; this just means you're becoming more schizophrenic

>> No.21060222

The Internet just tailors is algorithm to you; this just means you're becoming more schizophrenic

>> No.21060234
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What is an "Internet"?

>> No.21060306

The Internet just tailors is algorithm to you; this just means you're becoming more schizophrenic

>> No.21060333
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It's an attack on peoples attention spans. The addiction to scrolling, the little rush of dopamine you get when a new text or alert messaging app comes your way, the way websites are designed, the algorithms...they're all designed to turn you into a dumbed down, consoomer multi-tasking schizophrenic with adhd. Tiktok is probably one of the worst offenders I've seen, it absolutely devastates your attention span.

You should probably look into "the dead internet theory", it goes over how bots are in alot of the comment sections on places like YouTube, Reddit, 4chan, and various social media sites. It goes over how everything is becoming increasingly centralized, how everything's being funneled into only a handful of websites, how they began a "silent purge" of the internet back in 2016 (around the time on YouTube when all alt-right related channels considered controversial were taken down). How all search engines have been purposely gimped, even those claiming to be censorship free..anything you search abruptly ends at page 40-50 or so (even though it supposedly has billions of search results), often with repeated entries. How the internet is a "potemkin village", which is basically a fake cardboard cutout of a town they use in movie scenes, that has the illusion of being a town, but upon further investigation is shown to be fraudulent

They've censored search engines in a number of ways, mainly to block things like piracy, extreme political ideologies, racism, malicious sites and so on...but they've taken steps even far beyond that. Everyone uses the internet to source their information, so they're shaping the minds of future generations. They're literally socially engineering on a mass scale, influencing peoples opinions, causing fake (deepfakes via a.i) or artificial drama and so on. With the power they have, they can create fake narratives, make sellouts famous overnight, blow someone up, censor someone to death.

There's nowhere left to escape. Everywhere is censored, and the only place that isn't (4chan) is filled to the brim with bots and shills. They'll always keep this place around, because they want us all in one easy to monitor place

I think it's time to get off the internet. You can't trust anything you see on a screen anymore. Time to get back to local communities, using a library, doing stuff in physicality etc

Here's the dead internet theory videos btw:


>> No.21060390
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Recently there was some drama on the forum "kiwi farms", apparently some tranny activated a 2 year old "sleeper account" and made a death threat. This immediately caught the attention of authorities, and cloudflare had the site blocked, it was later blocked in Russia, China etc, then finally hacked and taken down.

Kiwi farms is an "invite only" forum community, so you don't get the same problem with bots and shills that you do here. Attached is a picture of the post quality you might find there, it's quite refreshing seeing non-bot posts...a.i still has a very difficult time replying to something lengthy and contextually relevant. That's why sites like twitter, which allow only 200 characters max, are prime game for bots and shills.

ANY site that manages to generate a tight knit community, and is censorship free, on modern internet gets taken down. Users getting to know each other and form relationships is a big no no to big tech. So they get people to come in and pose as radicalists and make death threats, or post child pornography to get it immediately reported to the authorities and taken down. Kiwi farms was a threat because it had a sizable userbase (from the old internet I might add) and was invite only. Not to mention it had a ton of resources exposing the globohomo agenda. So that leaves the only websites to discuss things being places like reddit, which is chock full of ban happy onions and tranny moderators

>> No.21060410

Luke Smith put out two videos with clickbait titles last month.

>> No.21060415

Kiwi farms isn't exactly clean of hands. Most people on that site are just purplepilled subnormies who still at the end of the day are midwits, just like Something Awful but slightly less cringe.

>> No.21060433

Technology is becoming dumber at the same time that’s people are becoming dumber in a feedback loop where people are dumb so you simplify interfaces to make them easier to use with less effort, people become lazier and dumber as a result requiring developers to lower the bar again until everyone is a functionally illiterate retard

>> No.21060435
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Despite everything I unironically have yet to find a place with better people than here on the internet, which is really saying a lot looking at the quality of the average poster here. (Even ignoring all the glowniggers, shills, and bots.) I think it's safe to say the internet, as it was envisioned by it's libertarian nerd founders in the 90s, has been a resounding failure.

>> No.21060450

The nazis saw this coming

>> No.21060489

>Attached is a picture of the post quality you might find there
Look, I lurk Kiwi Farms, but optimistically 5-10% of posts look like that. Most posts on there are either unfunny snarky jokes or some vague insult/criticism.

Although granted if you want a true example of quality Kiwi Farms posts, look at the Wogglebuglove thread. They're helping this woman create her life's work (a media franchise based around an obscure, unlikeable Wizard of Oz spinoff character) and she regularly ridicules and insults the posters instead of accepting their advice

>> No.21060518

We need to bring back anonymous, decentralized forums.

>> No.21060535

I would recommend Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher (though not a fan) and Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han. These books really figure the existential condition of man under digital schizocapitalism, without going too much into the matrix of things (which others like N.Land do).

Keep up the good thread, anons. Have faith and rebel against the blue screen. Prefer not to!

>> No.21060537

>random popular videos that show when I search for something
This shit is pretty annoying desu

>> No.21060542
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The point I was making wasn't about kiwi farms specifically, it was about how free speech communities (that means a community has formed, it's not some desolate random 4chan clone that has free speech but only 5 regular posters) are under attack. Socialization in general is under attack. They KNOW that humans are social creatures, it's integral to our nature. If nobody collectively agreed that money was worth anything, it'd be worth nothing. If nobody collectively agreed upon the meanings of words, symbols, axioms etc...none of it would be valuable or worth anything.

So what these sneaky faggots do, is make socialization easily possible on platforms or things that they want you on, which typically has some toxic design philosophy and elements behind it, and then they neuter socialization on the things they don't want you on.

I remember the old internet and it wasn't like this, the thing is though, that they changed things so slowly, so incrementally and bit by bit that it was virtually unnoticeable...until all of a sudden you're wondering "why is the internet so trash nowadays?", "why does everything feel so empty and dead?". "Why aren't people talking to each other, but at each other?".

I lurk alot of MMORPG chats, various game chats, IRC's..and let me tell you, there really does seem to be an influx of bots sweeping the internet in general. People saying the most random crap, not even talking to each other, not context relevant, inane drivel. It's depressing as hell

>> No.21060547

Does Usenet still exist?

>> No.21060555

Go outside. It's that easy.

>> No.21060570

>There's nowhere left to escape.
Except the Western Canon, of course.
Great post btw.

>> No.21060572

- It's not usually invite only. The site owner temporarily shuts down sign ups when something big happens to ward off potential malevolent actors.

-Kiwifarms is back up and fully functional.

>> No.21060589

^ this is pretty good.
Let's not forget that the behavior of the algorithms is a two way dynamic. We influence the algorithms as much as they influence us. As society grows more deranged because of unaddressed social ills, the algorithms capture and amplify the results of that collective insanity. Ensuingly, the insanity is made worse. It is such a complicated circular relationship that it becomes hard to untangle what the main cause is. Is the algorithms and the unnatural culture that formed around the internet driving society mad? Or is it merely mirroring and enhancing the pathologies that exist independently IRL?

>> No.21060627
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>I need a book or blogpost that explains this in lenght.

>> No.21060700

The other anon hit the nail on the head, we have forgotten out livertarian roots. Whatever happened to information wanting to be free?
But we consoomers have also forgotten our ancient rights, free stuff and no ads ever.
We have to fight back

>> No.21060735

Don't tell him that you'll ruin his dumb schizo bubble.

>> No.21060739

You can't, they get swarmed with pedophiles every time and then national policing bodies coordinate to shut them down.

>> No.21060741

for once guénon is actually a good recommendation

>> No.21060757

And you think that's a coincidence?

>> No.21060784

ive seen enough cunny posters on /tv/ to know that there are just a lot of pedophiles on the internet.

>> No.21060809

You've probably got a fair point but I'm worried about the wrong conclusions that may be drawn.
The internet became stupid because it is inherently democratic and most of the users are stupid.

Also, not /lit/

>> No.21060817

Are you implying that authorities fill them like this as a pretext for taking them down? This shit has been happening since way back in the day. I got shadowbanned on /b/ like 8 months ago because I brought up anon....talk. That shit was like from 2010.

>> No.21060821

And this centralization is attributable to the fact that a handful of shareholders hold a controlling stake in all the major tech corps and hold a chair on their executive boards (or together make up all their executive boards).

>> No.21060838

This, Crisis of the World as well as East and West.

>> No.21060883


>Attached is a picture of the post quality you might find there, it's quite refreshing seeing non-bot posts

I'm completely opposed to the troon deplatforming campaign, but let's not pretend that Kiwi Farms is some oasis of well thought out, rational discussion. It's mostly just messed up weirdos gaining an unwarranted sense of superiority over other messed up weirdos.

>> No.21060934

How can you know if you're shadowbanned?

>> No.21061634

>it's like they want us even more addicted
No shit. It's almost like these massive corporations are a fucking cancer that only care about and can only function on constant, immediate, and perpetually increasing profits. What a shock!

>> No.21061641

sex with this