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File: 33 KB, 474x711, OIP(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21053517 No.21053517 [Reply] [Original]

What did you think of her book?

>> No.21053535


>> No.21053570

>ugly pornstar #56273

>> No.21053573

Busted a bajillion loads to her anal scenes back in the day.

>> No.21053578

We grew up watching her anon show some respect

>> No.21053742

I saw one of her recommended videos once. Couldn't even coom to it. Just this ugly sow screaming.

It's the same with most 'milfs', and in fact almost all porn. It's just that it's pornographic that makes you drop all standards of beauty.

>> No.21053768

Any /t/fags around here to spoon-feed me a link with her best shit?

>> No.21053770

This is /lit/ you degenerate. This kind of thing don't fly here.

>> No.21053772

This is a thread about books sir

>> No.21053839

I have mixed feelings about her. On the one hand I like that she fucks niggers. But I hate how in your face she is about it.

>> No.21054344

I honestly cannot coom to pretty women. They have to have a sexy, fuckable face.

>> No.21054418
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The duality of man. Women believe in separate love/sex compatibility for this reason

>> No.21054472

>Women believe in separate love/sex compatibility
That's just women justifying their innate mixed mating strategy. Alpha fucks, beta bucks. Obviously they'd never admit this, not even to themselves; they "love" the easily manipulable beta after getting pumped and dumped by Chad.

>> No.21054479
File: 38 KB, 680x543, 57231B42-44B0-465B-8ED1-5A81319A7A24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21054483

I grew up watching Silvia Saint and Anita Dark, not this trashy cunt

>> No.21054492

Your vaginal galighting won't work on me roastie. Had enough experience with your kind, got cucked and cucked others too.

>> No.21054500

Not that anon but any woman who separates love and sex compatibility is 100% a whore and I don't know why you're calling the anon cringe for pointing it out.

I only differ from that anon in not thinking all women are whores.

>> No.21054506

Add it to the chart

>> No.21054510

I believe my favorite work of hers is actually an artistic appropriation of several of her works, in which the anonymous creator has spliced together several, if not all, of the video segments in which men - mostly the well-known artisté of the genre, Mr. Adriano - are putting their tongues up her asshole, to her great pleasure.

I revisit this artwork from time to time, it still moves me, animates me, awakens me, even upon rewatching it for the 5th or 6th time.

>> No.21054788

I know porn is a substitute for "real" sexual pleasure, a waste of time, kinda fucks up the dopamine in your brain, and brings pretty much nothing positive to life, but god damn it feels good to look at pictures or videos of sexy or cute women ngl

>> No.21054978

the zoomers here dont know anon

>> No.21055003

This is /lit/ you degenerate. This kind of thing don't fly here.

>> No.21055332

Does she have any picture books?

>> No.21055474

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>> No.21055709


>> No.21055723

What a sad state of affairs

>> No.21055737

for me it’s the scene where she and Julia Ann drench themselves in baby oil and press themselves against glass windows like ridiculous retards

>> No.21055779

it is what it is

>> No.21055864

dont mind me, just waiting for someone to post more pics of her so I cant blame 100% myself for my inevitable relapse

>> No.21056286

that evil angel facial overload scene with her makes me fucking diamonds to this very day desu

>> No.21056423

Based. Same.

Was the first scene I used the Lisa Ann fleshlight I got for my 18th birthday to.

>> No.21056432


It was a creative satire on post-modernist society (hence the decor) and its unsustainable consumption of natural resources (hence the oil)

>> No.21056460

you are circling the drain. your intent is showing. see it and question it.

I'm here for the same reason.

>> No.21056625

I have this fantasy where my girlfriend’s mom (Lisa Ann) invites me to hang out after school to watch le girlfriend’s practice. She’s in this van with fully tinted windows. When I open the door, all my other ex girlfriends moms are there. They sit me between them and tell me we’re going to watch the practice from high school parking lot. I don’t see it when I first get in but there are handcuffs attached to the headrests. They laugh and keep my focus preoccupied and tell me no one can see through the windows, so I shouldn’t feel weird about my classmates walking by. Then when they lock my hands to the headrests they use knives to cut my shirt off. Lisa Ann asks me how will she be able to trust me just before she takes me into her crotch (she doesn’t wait for an answer). I tell her I really have to pee. She says to relax and chews on my earlob. It’s great in the beginning but after I orgasm I feel like that one part in From Dusk Till Dawn when Selena whatever finishes dancing and everyone kills everyone like they all just nutted back in high school. I cry with this duck face, and I moan like one of the special needs kids using that kind of guttural irking sound that vibrates in your head and wraps around your senses like a blanket. So Lisa Ann punches me in the face, the other moms call me a faggot, and really it goes from there.

>> No.21056635


>> No.21056642

I have a recurring nightmare of all my ex girlfriends running into eachother, somehow realizing they're all my ex girlfriends, and talking about me, which results in them realizing how shitty I am and triangulating all the different lies I told all of them

It's a nightmare but I always wake up with an erection

>> No.21057025


>> No.21057112

Julia Ann is the superior Ann

>> No.21057857

Reading this thread just reminds me of what an oddball I am compared to the regular porn watcher due to the fact I can only get off to softcore images and none of the degenerate nasty shit the majority of people watch.

>> No.21057868


>> No.21057884

We were all young boys that had unsupervised internet access.

She was a curvy, tan brunette with a slutty sex appeal, and because of that she is imprinted on a lot of our subconscious desires, and how we want our women to be.

While yes, she may be very very nice to look at ... we do need to stop looking at her. Eventually... ... ... ... *anxiety rises

>> No.21057889

Boys that imprint on MILFs are abnormal. As men, you should be desiring young fertile, wrinkle-free women (evolutionarily). And yet here you guys are ... lusting after post-menopausal 40-60yo barren women.

>> No.21057892

the movie was better

>> No.21057954
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>> No.21057993

some people appreciate the fact that milfs can manage to not turn into disgusting hamplanets after shitting out a single future npc

>> No.21058238

I like both

>> No.21058317
File: 36 KB, 852x480, preview.mp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this scene didn't do something for you, you're a faggot of the highest magnitude.

>> No.21058623
File: 58 KB, 460x301, 28085966_002_3abc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when the extras get to touch

>> No.21058681


>> No.21058691

That's too bad Steve! Go back to reading the sorcerer's stone while the adults are talking. Gosh!

>> No.21058794

Porn has nothing to do with abuse, contrary to the atheist propaganda. And another thing atheists push for is ''sex is about power'', as another delusion to avoid seeing that atheists are just hedonistic coomers exactly like people before them. (atheists love to view themselves as having the moral high ground, but once they see they have nothing to offer than the previous ruling classes, they loose their only narrative they used to take power)

Yes women love to be fucked like in max Hardcore or like in Woodman's videos. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''makes them vibrate''

Women don't give a shit about relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad.

The second strategy women build to avoid viewing themselves as slut is their fantasy of ''summer love'', which is just the situation with the ''stranger which makes them vibrates all over'' extended to a few weeks of casual fun sex with no string attached and zero bad consequence for the girl (especially no pregnancy, which is reached thanks to normalization of abortion).

And by the way, women cannot be tainted, because women are not pure to begin with . Purity of women is myth, built by men but which women find very very useful. Jews know that women are whores, contrary to romans who think women are pure lol. So jews only define jewisness through women, because only the mother is sure to be known by the community. On the opposite side is literally homosexuals like greeks and romans who keep basing their lineages on purity of women, which we all know is a lie.
This is why I will always respect more jews than goys.

What a girl utterly despises are 2 things:
-being called a slut, but only outside of the romp
-having physical contact with repulsive orbiters (but still wants all their attention and all their money) which is why tinder and other onlyfan are a godsend and makes women thrive in democracies

Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

Everything you see in porn is the truth about women. And that's why you hate it.

>> No.21058877

Yeah most filmed pornography is disgusting. Illustrations and photos of actually beautiful women are infinitely better.

>> No.21058886

You should really go outside, mate.

>> No.21058891

Do you people even sex?
Fucking is all about the agression. You are not making love, no one makes love anymore

>> No.21058959

manuel ferrara

>> No.21059087
File: 180 KB, 700x518, 1627346873826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear, hear

>> No.21059160

have sex incel

>> No.21059198

Real love is about power. Liberalism has convinced people that the individual is sovereign, and so love must be some kind of connection between equal individuals. Hence they cannot understand how one can both love God and fear Him, how God could both love and judge us. They do not understand how a wife could love a husband, or a child could love a parent, unless those relationships are vacated of their authority and power. "Real" relationships, so conceived, must be both entirely voluntary and entirely equal. But such a relationship is arbitrary. Because the individual is sovereign, there can be no compelling "reason" as such to participate; instead, there can be only a "preference". Reason is objective, forceful, and binding, preference is subjective, impotent, and changeable. If my relationships merely reflect my preferences, then any change in my relationships may be explained as a change in my preferences. I am never wrong. But likewise, because I cannot be wrong, I cannot really be right--there is no standard I can appeal to when trying to evaluate my own preferences, and so no higher order method to evaluate whether this relationship I am in now is better or worse than some possible alternative. This moral sovereignty of the individual is total moral isolation.

But of course there is a solution. Liberalism is wrong, the individual is not sovereign. By nature individuals have constitutions, and this constitution is how they function in the world and with others. What is good and bad is a reflection of objective facts about the kind of thing that you are, not some preference that lives in a private, subjective ontology. And so it is with love--love is a recognition of a common good (which objectively exists, as a consequence of one's nature) that you can have with another. This common good is not a union of sovereigns, it is a harmony of natures. As such nothing about love requires equal standing. The parent does not love a child as an equal, nor does the child love the parent as an equal. They love each other as parent and child. So it is with men and women. Women crave expressions of power from men but have to frame these desires as subjective preferences in order to speak about them in our culture. They have to articulate these ideas in a way that's consistent with liberation and equality, because our culture is dominated by liberal thought. And men try to express their love for women as equals and respect their sovereignty in a relationship, and of course in so doing they, for the most part, fail to give women the kind of love they need.

>> No.21059270

>not a pasta
someone unironically typed this out

>> No.21059279

>boomers found this attractive
Seriously? This woman is DISGUSTING, her face and skin are like leather, from the neck up she looks just like an old grizzled man, and there's 3 basketballs not 1 in that picture, if you take my meaning. I honestly thought this was a drag queen at first.

What the hell is wrong with you porn addled retards?

>> No.21059291
File: 235 KB, 755x1130, kesha-rocks-fringe-at-pride-2022-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's bogged to hell and back, all women are getting horribly bogged now

>> No.21059292

Dude I'm asking again. Which atheist raped your mom in all holes. This is not normal, maybe we can help you

>> No.21059342

I dont understand how you cant find her hot, at least during the early 2010's
her tits were horrible tho

>> No.21059346

She looks like your average Italian construction worker lmao, you are fucking gay dude.

>> No.21059386

whats the word for when you want to do something but at the same time you dont want to do it?

>> No.21059405

fucking faggots just discovered milf pornstar is ugly
beautiful milfs are very rare,the reson we like milfs is that they are dirty,plump,huge tits and asses,hairy smelly pussies all this shit turns on something primal in you something that want's to fuck not appreciate beauty

>> No.21059477
File: 104 KB, 640x918, BDE85821-56FD-41BA-AE41-076FA5CAE8E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you admit you have terrible taste dummy?

>> No.21059498

a cute loli to cuddle and kiss
a bimbo bitch in heat to release my primal urges on
whats so hard to understang faggy?

>> No.21059646
File: 6 KB, 251x201, 1635557007110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does sex feel like bros?

>> No.21059659

any interesting anecdotes from this tome?

>> No.21059666

>woman does at least 3 things that annoy you and detract from her sexiness before you even get your dick in
>feels fine, very warm
>would feel really good but have to wear condom
>can't get mind off of how pointless it seems to be coming into the tip of a little dick balloon
>not as tight as jerking off custom fleshlight deathgrip
>obligatory "Maybe I should stop jerking off forever so sex will seem better" thought crosses mind
>have sex.jpg
>very nice if you love the girl, but who can love a girl anymore?
>adequate otherwise
>if you're lucky she gets off from penetration too
>some don't so you gotta finger them or eat them out
>you should do those things anyway
>women get off 27x longer and harder than men so you mostly focus on her
>space out and think of paying taxes
>arm is tired
>she sighs and says "I love you"
>first instinct is to say "Alright"
>"I love you too"
>wants to rest her head on your sweaty ass chest and cuddle
>maybe I'll just take it to HR Block

>> No.21059688
File: 6 KB, 234x250, 1659333739037685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's not that good then why is everybody obsessed with it? are you circumcised anon?

>> No.21059735

>she sighs and says "I love you"
>first instinct is to say "Alright"
>"I love you too"

>> No.21059767

>it's another incel who has formulated an entire armchair theoretical metaphysics of women from reading redpill blogs, /pol/-posts and mass shooter manifestos
>writes an entire essay that proves nothing but his complete lack of experience with women and his intimate knowledge of the most pervese pornography right down to naming studios/producers
Alright man, you do you, I'm gonna go make love to my girlfriend.

>> No.21059773

>I don't care at all, that's why I prowl 4chan looking for people to tell I don't care in 200+ words
Seems like you care honestly

>> No.21059776

>it's another incel who has formulated an entire armchair theoretical metaphysics of women from reading redpill blogs, /pol/-posts and mass shooter manifestos

>> No.21059778

>being this bad at estimating word count

>> No.21059782

Don’t listen to this anon. Once you find a girl you really care about and that is good at sex, it’s the most addicting feeling in the world, and I say that as someone who has tried most drugs known to humankind. And yeah condom sucks, again, find someone you trust and care about

>> No.21059783

You want to keep going? The ultimate not caring act?

>> No.21059789

>if it's not that good then why is everybody obsessed with it?
human biology + social conditioning

>> No.21059794

a little too milfy for my tastes but she has big tits so I guess that's a plus

>> No.21059808

I only like dyke porn and even then it usually has to be somewhat tasteful. not shit like scat or fisting or other weird shit.

>> No.21059816

Condom sex is terrible, considerably worse than masturbation in every aspect except boosting your ego. Raw penetration can be overwhelmingly intense especially if you're inexperienced horny teenager, but the magic never lasts. Once your hormones cool down and you get to know women and their vaginal mindgames better, the whole thing loses its appeal.

>> No.21059819
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check'd and literally me

>> No.21059856

This anon >>21059782 is correct. I know it sounds like a meme but unironically if you and her love each other the segz unironically brings you closer together and will be more than just physical and it's really nice honestly

>> No.21059873

I dunno man, most women I've fucked absolutely were complete against me wearing a condom of any kind

>> No.21060068

Tara Tainton is the superior mommy.

>> No.21060124
File: 757 KB, 522x671, tara-tainton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtual mommyporn>>>>>>>>mainstream porn

>> No.21060160
File: 178 KB, 720x405, xev-bellringer-penis-assessment-image-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xev Bellringer is my e-mom

>> No.21060210

"Cuddlefucking Mommy" is her Best work

>> No.21060235

modern men are truly pathetic

>> No.21060238
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For me, it's "Taking Advantage of Your Slutty Mother

>> No.21060240
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This is my struggle bros. I can get it up and last for 10-15 mins raw with my gf but when I'm single and need to JO, it feels so fucking good. I don't even watch anything real degenerate, at least nothing I wouldn't participate in in real life. I know it's bad for me, especially dopamine receptors but I have yet to notice any consequences in my day-to-day life.

>> No.21060248

i hate this dude, most annoying faggot ever.

>> No.21060263

Really good, at least raw sex does. I normally need to jerk off 2-3 time a week but I could fuck twice a day, maybe I'm weird but it's totally different. For me it's more about intimacy and getting my partner off but nothing feels better, and as cringey as it sounds, primal, than nutting raw in a girl, especially one that you love.

>> No.21060275

pre-pregnancy xev makes me so fucking horny bros

>> No.21060624

>armchair theoretical metaphysics of women from reading redpill blogs, /pol/-posts and mass shooter manifestos
jesus christ lmao

>> No.21060698

Overrated, it's the love part that's good.

>> No.21061573

>Guy with another guy in a wig
>Y-you're the faggot

>> No.21061613

for me its her butta

>> No.21061764

her scene with him as a waitrress makes me coom all the time, that little waitress dress look so good on her and her giant tits

>> No.21062642

Just hire a prostitute.

>> No.21063736
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>you boys are being so good - who wants chicken tendies?

>> No.21063848

do chicken tendies mean blowjob in this context?

>> No.21064200

if you have foreskin
have you ever had those hentai manga that say
>it feels like my dick is melting
well, that's true - it's pretty much overwhelming

>> No.21064215


>> No.21064217
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im part jew so no

>> No.21064218

because it's thought (by the Media) that's it's the ultimate thing (which kind of is) but it has been perverted to hell
remember Friends, that retarded series?
it became basically a socializing triviality that means nothing but some form of "high" of whatever is said to be a relationship nowadays
well, you can fuck a thousand people and not be """afraid""" of pregnancy, so it loses the mean meaning, right? you had to only do it with someone you """risked""" being linked to death, or even """worse"""
>till death did you apart

in the end, if it all means nothing and there's no risk nor """risk""" at all, why not just prostitutes (not even meaning the profession)? just pay for it, but (eventually) don't forget to pay your taxes!

>> No.21064461

based and mommypilled

>> No.21064487

holy fucking BASED

>> No.21064517
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>stop watching porn
>become an idolfag

>> No.21064525

sorry you were born into a genital mutilation cult, bro
shit's wack

>> No.21064862

No, in one of her vids she says she can Cook You some tendies if You earn more good boy points

>> No.21065138

what happend to Pornstar Punishment?

>> No.21065257

Credit card companies threated Brazzers to remove it by saying the site glorified violence against women.

>> No.21065365
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>> No.21065830

too real for this world

>> No.21066377
File: 986 KB, 2876x2556, 1572199507155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my mommy