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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 100 KB, 1480x1080, Favorite_Word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21059148 No.21059148 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. My favorite word is "microcosm."
I learned about it in middle school, and it's my favorite word because it's the perfect word to describe, metaphorically, the small version of something big. Like if I described /lit/ as a microcosminc version of the editing world.
Another favorite word of mine is "exaggerate" because I learned that one in second grade and learning such a "big word" made me feel accomplished.

>> No.21059156

Recently I found joy in calling TikTokers "parochial troglodytes"

>> No.21059161

Someone on /lit/ called online ebonics "cyber-nigger patois", I thought that was funny.

>> No.21059200

I like "quibble"

>> No.21059534

exegesis because it sounds cool

>> No.21059536


>> No.21059584

My great uncle taught me this word when I was a kid and we’d play a game of going back and forth with rare words trying to stump one another on their definitions. I thought it was interesting how it describes something no other word seems to.

>> No.21061230

i like the word kaleidoscopic. baudelaire used it to describe lovers of modern life in his essay about constantin guys and it really struck a chord with me.

>> No.21062556


>> No.21062586
File: 817 KB, 1276x3200, Tumult of the Niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Nigger", unironically. You could write a philosophical treatise about how using the N word is the ultimate act of rebellion in current year. Basically, finding yourself in a place where you can say nigger without consequence is like listening to jazz in Nazi occupied France. A delicious and daring—brave, really—taste of forbidden expression. Heresy against the church of St. Floyd.

>> No.21062634


>> No.21063023

Holy fucking shit picrel is insane

>> No.21063050

Holy shit, how does one reach these levels of schizo as in picrel?

>> No.21063056


>> No.21063062

Tyrant, probably

>> No.21063229

>Heresy against the church of St. Floyd.
I'm going to steal that. Also lmaoing at that pic my god

>> No.21063249

You can say bigger all you want, there’s a lot of places for that. Too bad those are exclusively third world shitholes. I wonder why

>> No.21063260
File: 1.74 MB, 1912x1080, Screenshot_20220930-140619-479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That arrangement of small niggers to actually spell out nigger on the page itself.
Genius. Is there a name for this technique?

>> No.21063298

>using the N word is the ultimate act of rebellion in current year. Basically, finding yourself in a place where you can say nigger without consequence is like listening to jazz in Nazi occupied France.
Bro nobody cares about you saying nigger on an anime board. If you actually think youre being rebellious you must have nothing exciting going on in life

>> No.21063330
File: 454 KB, 1080x1985, Screenshot_20220930-142419-910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, seems people care enough to arrest, imprison and convict you.

>> No.21063519


>> No.21063566
File: 183 KB, 569x546, 1664274519063430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dare i say... based?

>> No.21063579

>on anime board
yeah you can get away with it on anime board because it's anonymous, but try somewhere with your name attached to it

>> No.21063863

Try saying nigger outside of an anonymous image board occupied by autists and neo-nazis. See what happens.

>> No.21064762

>Hey /lit/. My favorite word is "faggot."
I learned about it in middle school, and it's my favorite word because it's the perfect word to describe, metaphorically, this faggot. Like if I described /lit/ as a faGGOT version of the editing world.
Another favorite word of mine is "nigger" because I learned that one in second grade and learning such a "cool word" made me feel accomplished.

>> No.21064798

>Bro nobody cares about you saying nigger on an anime board. If you actually think youre being rebellious you must have nothing exciting going on in life
He's on 4chan, what do you think?

>> No.21064805

Is standard of living determined by nigger-saying?

>> No.21064986

If you're black or retarded-looking, you should find a way to work exit Jesus into a conversation in place of exegesis.

>> No.21065025

Here's your favorite phrase: I'm gonna kill myself.

>> No.21065053

Get a life my man.

>> No.21066291

I don't know about favorite, but frequently I want the word for "exalted"
but instead when I reach for it I find "exquisite" or "elevated" or "exhautic" or even "epicurean"
I should probably just use sublime and save myself the trouble