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21058714 No.21058714 [Reply] [Original]

How good do you gotta be to make a living from writing?

Are you a full time writer? How long did it take you to get there.

>> No.21058773

Retards confusing jobs and hobbies need to understand simple supply and demand. Writing is a hobby. Its perfectly fine to want to write, or to do lines off a hookers ass on a beach, but treating these things as a job is like treating lottery ticket as investment. Statistically, you are not gonna make it.

You are supposed to become a writer when you die and someone discovers your writing. I dont need another writer right now. I need an electrician. A welder. A mechanic. I need a construction worker. I need a heart surgeon, and I need a guy working hypersonic and ballistic missile interceptors and over horizon tracking radars and whatnot since Putin and Biden started threatening nukes.

I really really really do NOT need another writer right now. And neither does the next anon. Get a real job so you can afford a vacation where you get to write and do other hobbies.

>> No.21058784

>You are supposed to become a writer when you die and someone discovers your writing. I dont need another writer right now. I need an electrician. A welder. A mechanic. I need a construction worker. I need a heart surgeon, and I need a guy working hypersonic and ballistic missile interceptors and over horizon tracking radars and whatnot since Putin and Biden started threatening nukes.
>I really really really do NOT need another writer right now. And neither does the next anon. Get a real job so you can afford a vacation where you get to write and do other hobbies.

Pretty based, I was just wondering if anyone had made some money off of what they wrote.

>> No.21058798

Somebody probably did. Just like somebody made a career out of being a soundcloud rapper or an onlyfans prostitute. But how many people exactly? This is where your IQ is supposed to kick in. You are supposed to analyze the market, since making money is your motivation. And you are supposed to figure out you are supposed to be a dentist.
I mean do zoomzooms who want to write think that someone designed a rocket engine because he was quirky, or because it was his hobby, or because he felt like it that day?

Only a rich, spoiled, sheltered low iq retard could think that he is entitled to hobbies as a lifestyle, you cant reap before you sow, you cant eat icecream before your veggies, you cant spend before you earn. You god damn fucking child. How old are you? And how do you not know this already???
God damn spoiled children.

>> No.21058827
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What can I say, I'm motivated by money ÷ time commitment.

>> No.21058854
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>Only a rich, spoiled, sheltered low iq retard could think that he is entitled to hobbies as a lifestyle

a lot of young people have been trolled into wanting to be social media influencers, if anything the % of delusional people in society chasing clout in the creative fields has increased dramatically because of the internet. 50 years ago you'd have one foolish kid thinking he could be the next michael crichton, now you have ten times that kid hoping they will blow up on twitch because real work sucks and they've already seen the alternative, how self-actualized people actually live.

this is good because work IS a fucking scam and is basically the process of slaving away for a dogshit master in this society, young people SHOULD be so divorced from the idea of "realistic" employment in this hellish world that they are appalled to learn how hard life really is. let them be surprised in mass numbers, in fact so surprised that a HAPPENING begins and overturns the world order.

>> No.21058855

And I don't need the same shitty bait poster as the last threads but here we are.

>> No.21058874

>do zoomzooms who want to write think that someone designed a rocket engine because he was quirky, or because it was his hobby, or because he felt like it that day?

Half of the computer programs that you use were designed by people who just felt like coding it for fun.
Do you not know about Homer Hickam, the NASA scientist who got hired because he and his friends made rockets as a hobby? He wrote a pretty popular book about it but I know people here don't read.
That's also why people in this thread are saying "We don't need more writers" because if they did read books they would understand that we don't have enough good writers. If we had more good writers, they would be able to btfo the grifters currently saturating the market and force them to get real jobs

>> No.21058927


I think yours is the voice of reason and reality. I've been told since I was a kid that I was a good writer. I've always loved to read. I've always wanted to make a living as a novelist. I've been trying to make a living off writing for 30 years. In that time, I've worked as a substitute teacher, a lawn care guy, a fish gutter on a fishing boat in Alaska, served in the military and deployed to Iraq, and as a newspaper reporter. I've been writing the whole time. I've received numerous rejections, never found an agent or publisher, and have self-published eight books on Kindle. I make about $300 a month on my books. In my best month, I made about $1,000. I thought my latest novel was my best and was going to push me over the top, but it is not selling. Maybe it's not as good as I think it is. I am now thinking about getting a teaching credential and spending the rest of my life teaching, maybe write something on the side in the summers.

>> No.21059112

You're confusing "becoming a writer" with "becoming a good writer". Nobody knows if OP will be a good writer and the overwhelming odds are he won't. That being said the only way to become a good writer is to give it your all and that includes being willing to risk everything, so if OP knows that he wants it that bad he should go for it (as will I.)

>> No.21059263
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You saying I have a chance to be a good writer wow thank you

>> No.21059276

In the 1920? Not that good, just a bit lucky and willing to work hard, as long as you had some talent to work on in the first place.

In the 2020s? Are you a fag, woman, retard, crossdressing child molester, or shucking and jiving perpetually aggrieved minority, the kind of person who thinks lapsing into your native language's pronunciation of words while using them in English sentences is a radical act? Do you know at least one Jew? =

>> No.21059585

Just a retard with a heart of gold. It's less about the idea and more about making it fun to read. I suffered from ADHD untreated until now and for the first time I can sit down and concentrate. When I started reading a book for the first time in my adult life I began to notice how the words flowed.

I was simply asking about finances.

>> No.21059627

Well the problem is that nothing really sells these days except wokebait (and that is mostly astroturfed and nobody really reads it) and the lowest of the low machine-generated romance novels and soldier memoirs for boomers

I don't think there's much of a market either for DFW/Franzen/Bret Ellis/Ligotti "white male" social commentary novels anymore. Not just because the realist-in-outlook-postmodernist-in-presentation fad kind of came and went with the 90s and early 2000s, but because the demographic that would normally buy those books, college douches art hoes and upper middle class people trying to be sophisticated by reading the New Yorker, has morphed into a multiracial, shrill, heavily feminized managerial caste that gets most of its "I'm participating in the public discourse!!" stimulation from listening to podcasts and posting on twitter. These people not only have less patience for yet another Franzen novel, they have turned hating Franzen "white males" into one of their little activist rituals.

You have to be establishment vetted already to keep publishing in this genre. A new David Foster Wallace could come along and write some magnum opus and probably nobody would publish it, but there is infinite money to go around for ghostwritten transgender latinx memoirs, and general nagging and bitching about white men.

If you want to publish in genre fiction it's almost as bleak. Look up the controversy with the Hugos a few years back, probably still ongoing, I don't care because as with most serious people I just filed the Hugos unconsciously as yet another victim of this shitty culture, not worth paying attention to anymore. But fantasy and scifi are dominated by "young adult" crap and by really sleazy business models where you take influencers with existing audiences, ghostwrite or "help" them write some scifi trash, and then sell it to their existing audiences, at a rate of profit 100x higher than an exclusive contract with a reanimated Heinlein or Dick.

The audience for Robert Musil and Gottfried Keller was high bourgeois people increasingly bored and depressed by how European civilization was melting into undifferentiated mass democracy. They didn't have TV and Twitter so they subscribed to literary magazines and gossiped every day about the latest novella. When you think about writing, think first and concretely about audience. There is no "writing" in a void. Writing has to be for some readership, because a publisher has to take a risk in publishing it.

>> No.21059643

>just do what you luv in life lol
too often is this idea expressed near adolescents

>> No.21059649

STEMchads we can't stop winning!

>> No.21059662

Disregard this entire post. After I wrote it I realized I’m a faggot.

>> No.21059683
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I can only offer my own experience.
I've had two books published, one of which was shortlisted for an award. I make about $200 (Australian) a year from writing at the moment which means of course that i still have my day job.
The number of books i'm selling is slowly but surely increasing and i hope when i get my third book out net year the growth will continue but realistically unless i win one of the big awards or get a netflix adaptation of my stuff i'll be needing a day job indefinately.
I've actually been thinking about writing a novel that would be easily adapted to netflix and be a bit hip and current moment. Kind of feels like selling out but then again i really want to quit my day job.

>> No.21059695

>I make about $200 (Australian) a year from writing
Damn, I was inspired by your post in another thread a couple weeks ago. I thought you'd be making at least 10 grand a year.

>> No.21059699

I mean it's growing, a year or two ago it was like $70 a year.
I didn't want to lie to the OP and give him unrealistic expectations.

>> No.21059745

Who cares what you need?
You think you can just "become" a writer in your 70s on retirement if you barely wrote anything before? Don't be delusional, its craft as good as drawing or programming, you need lot of practice to be good.
You may even have talent and you are wasting it by wagecucking instead of nurturing it, what do you think you will likely more regret on the death bed - "i wish i spend more time wagecucking for my boss" or "i wish i actually spend more time on my talent that i got from God so i could truly express myself through it and inspire other people, by expressing worries or insight they though are their alone". Think about it.
How many good writers you know who were wagecucks and "discovered" after their death? I only know about Pessoa, maybe Kafka. Most good writers were aristocrats with tons of free time, and they never gave a shit, that pleb like you think their art is "useless"

>> No.21059777

I consistently get poems in magazines and journals and have a chapbook coming out next year (in shallah)
Never made money. My day job is head of finance for a company about to float on AIM. I expect to make more money from my options than I ever will from my writing

>> No.21059884

Listen anon I tend to automatically disregard all posters like you (vast majority around here) who use the term 'wageslaving' because they are automatically a priori wrong.

If you are wageslaving, it is telling me you are absolutely unskilled, uneducated, unmarketable and unproductive. Your understanding of the job market boils down to "wageslaving". This means in your life you only had access to floor mopping or making fast food.
This is further telling me that you can not do triple bypass heart surgery, or construct miniaturized naval nuclear reactors for submarines. Or build bridges, or jet engines.
You cant make money in other words. You cant retire in your early 30s. You never had a real job. You never got paid. You never had a clearance, you never had a real degree. You dont know anything.

Average self employed welder or mechanic makes more cash than university professor in my city. But self employment is a science fiction to the people who use the term 'wageslave'. Because they dont know anything. They are unemployable, they can work woman tier welfare jobs, with the rest of minorities, 80 iq 'people', nepotism hires, diversity hires and hr staff. Yeah, that is slaving. But do you deserve anything better?

>> No.21060142
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Over 90% of jobs are wageslaving retard, not just mcjanny work. Pic related is before the 50% inflation and housing market pump. Having a degree, even grad school, doesn't mean shit anymore.
>durr you can't do triple bypass heart surgery
Yeah. Neither can you. Faggot.

>> No.21060185

>How good do you gotta be to make a living from writing?
First, you have to write.

>> No.21060225

Nice assumptions, lot of it and about me as well.
But my opinion is that creating reactors or heart bypass is wageslaving too. Wageslaving is everything you do for other people profit, so 90% of jobs. To be such a highly paid wageslave you don't just need average IQ, you need to spend years and years on education and developing these skills. It is a compromise, because you spend that time learning how to build reactors or heart bypasses but you don't spend that time on writing, which inevitable leads to you being much better at wageslaving of your choice (no matter how highly paid) than you are at writing.
That was main idea behind my post

>> No.21060246

Exactly. You can either choose mammon or God/art/your love/some higher calling. Every religion stresses this dichotomy. I'm not moralfagging, there's nothing wrong with devoting yourself to making money. But these are clashing virtues and nothing kills creativity harder.

>> No.21060280

t. brainlet

Do you think people didn't need doctors and engineers throughout history? Throughout wars? What are you even doing on this board. A good writer can have as much of an impact on society as anyone else, just in different ways. People still die, roads fall apart, countries get shelled desu but a good piece of literature can last forever. This doomer shit is retarded

>> No.21060398
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>> No.21060510

There are more people currently making a living playing basketball full time than poeple making a living writing their own stuff full time. It is an incredibly small field. Most "writers" have a side gig, or even a main gig to make ends meet. There is a very small number of very successful writers at the top of the food chain, and a huge majority of writers in various levels of struggle. Do not pursue writing as your primary source if income unless you have no other choice, unless you are so fully compelled to pursue that life that anything else would be unbearable. Even if you have that passion, you have to have the talent (and unfortunately, it is entirely possible to have one without the other and not know it). And even of you have the talent, you need the work ethic to produce completed works in a reasonable time frame, and often enough to be a consistent source of income. And even if you have the work ethic, you need the persistence to put up with countless rejections, to keep submitting, keep editing for the hundredth time. And even if you have the passion, the talent, the work ethic, the persistence, the spare time in which to produce quality work and a thousand other things unmentioned, you still need luck. A lot of luck. What are the odds you have all of those things, and on top of it all, are lucky as well? Is that really you?

Don't be a writer if you can help it.

>> No.21060656

I don't actually need a ballistics engineer but my tax dollars go to it anyway. I wouldn't recommend conflating necessity and lucrative.

>> No.21061680

Tee hee...


Have fun learning OP and whoever pays to this. Cheers.

>> No.21061684

Posts* (LOLOLOLOLOL) (still no joke that thread, the typo was just hilarious to me...)

>> No.21062126

Put in a very reddit way but ngl this is absolutely true. Write as a hobby and endeavor to get rich so you can spend the rest of your life writing, luckily its not something like sports where you have to make it young or you never will, you can write your entire life if you want to after you've made enough money to check out of the slave system.

>> No.21062133

It really wasn't that bad

>> No.21062679

Are you some kind of bot?