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/lit/ - Literature

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21056981 No.21056981 [Reply] [Original]

>claims he can read 1000 pages in an hour
>therefore he can read war and peace by Leo Tolstoy in under 2 hours

I’m sorry but this has got to be bullshit, I know he’s a Jew and Jews are le heckin smart but he’s not even ashkenazi. And even he was itd still be horseshit he reads that fast. I read about 10-20 pages a day and I’m thinking I need to slow down

>> No.21056988

I think Bloom had whatever I have because he liked to say a bunch of shit all the time for no reason, he said shit like I make posts, just say whatever the fuck and maybe it's true maybe not

>> No.21056989

Why are your shitposts so bad? You legit sound retarded

>> No.21056992

I think the actual statistic is that he would *eat* 1000 calories per hour

>> No.21056994

There is no irony here, Whatre you confused about?

>> No.21057002

>I read about 10-20 pages a day and I’m thinking I need to slow down
You already used that "joke" in another OP.
Are you a /mu/ poster? Do you think being just being retarded is funny?

>> No.21057009

That’s not a joke I’m a brain-let. And yes I do post on /mu/.

>> No.21057016

>Bloom wrote more than 50 books, including over 40 books of literary criticism, several books discussing religion, and a novel.
Anyone read the novel?

>> No.21057017

And why do you want everyone to know?

>> No.21057021

The novel he wrote is not even in his own cannon. Why would anyone read it?

>> No.21057026

I don’t care if people know I post on /mu/

>> No.21057031

Well i do care because you just can't go around signing your posts in other boards like you are some sort of emblematic poster and now by extension this board is a place for retarded refugees from retarded boards

>> No.21057035

Yeah, there's no way he can read that fast. Maybe he can scan that fast through books he had already read a few times, but no way he can do it with something he hasn't ever read before.
It would be hilarious if he had included it.

>> No.21057037

Maybe I’m misremembering it but iirc he said he never checks the quotes he used

>> No.21057039

I remember saying that once. But i was drunk and my friends laughed.

>> No.21057203

Reminder that Bloom has been caught lying about the amount of books he has actually read numerous times. He put together a collection of Catalan literature, and wrote the introduction--having only read a handful of the works present. When an interviewer asked him about it he was unable to answer even basic questions. He literally ran a book mill in which he paid graduate students to churn out edited books of critical interpretations that were published with his name on them as editor, often which he hadn't even read. He has one on Beowulf that collects a number of essays from some major scholars. And yet, in his critical introduction, it's clear that he hasn't read a single one of the essays collected in the book and his understanding of Beowulf comes entirely from one of his friends who had died two decades before and whose work isn't even collected in the volume.

A retarded, useless gasbag who never wrote a single thing worth reading. Sweeping, strong statements about literature in general extrapolated from readings of one or two texts, laced personal anecdotes and uninteresting commentary.

>> No.21057215

It's some weird gnostic attempt and writing a fantasy allegory.

>> No.21057234

>Maybe he can scan that fast through books he had already read a few times, but no way he can do it with something he hasn't ever read before
That's how most academics do it. And even if they haven't read it, they've probably read something similar so they can skim through it and get the gist. They're not really engaging with it though, just marking it down as "yeah I read it" so they can impress their fellow academics who are expected to read an impossible amount of matherial.

>> No.21057248

I do something similar actually, but instead of skimming through the books, I read the plot summaries. I read hundreds of books per year. This year I've read 286 so far.

>> No.21057263

>I read about 10-20 pages a day and I’m thinking I need to slow down
Are you that slow of a reader or do you just not have much time to read? I can usually clear 50 pages in a relatively dense book in about an hour.

>> No.21057343

If they are all Dr. Seuss books.

>> No.21057384

Why are your shitposts so bad? You legit sound retarded

>> No.21057683

Why are your shitposts so bad? You legit sound retarded

>> No.21058093

Why are your shitposts so bad? You legit sound retarded

>> No.21058282

Arts academia is idiotic. Just a merry go round of publish-or-perish, desperately seeking tenure. All that bizarre passive voice academese prose which avoids having to actually make a claim about anything.
A friend of mine is a minor professor, English lit, everything he writes is papulum, but he has to keep producing it.
The whole field is little different fro. freelance journalism, the same pressures, the same nonsense

>> No.21058306

>If they are all Dr. Seuss books.

Government documents. JFK was a speed reader and really with government shti and think tank shit you glance at a page and you can see there might be one phrace that's got any information in it at all. So you just blast through 600 pages a day of that dreck. Or alternatively you glance through till you see a flagrant lie then toss the entire shit in the waste can.

>> No.21058309

What do you mean he's not Ashkenazi? Bloom is an Ashkenazi name and he grew up speaking Yiddish

>> No.21058335


>> No.21058362

I also post on /sp/ because I like sports

>> No.21058478

>what is gematria

>> No.21058548

That only works against you

>> No.21058658

I also read 20 pages a day you gay retard. If you're reading complex nonfiction it's actually better to keep the page count low. I have a much stronger grasp and memory of material I cover in 20p/day pace rather than 100p/day or more.

>> No.21058663

I'm sure you were all over his cannon

>> No.21058671

Does anyone have that meme of Bloom face palming four times, looking stressed in each one?

>> No.21058675
File: 50 KB, 1024x1006, 00D4D39E-5F51-4AB2-A700-76664D3D4EAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I also read 20 pages a day
These are the people I share a literature board with

>> No.21058689

A dense 2000 page book on philosophy takes approximately 3 months to read at the pace of 20 pages per day. Have you ever read a dense 2000 page book on philosophy anon? When I read fiction, I can do 100 pages per hour. With nonfiction, the number is 10 pages per hour. There's a good reason for that.

>> No.21058759
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>> No.21058765

I read fiction at a pace of 200-300 pages per hour and I’ve averaged 80 pages per hour both with thousand plateaus and critic of pure reason

>> No.21058788
File: 2 KB, 108x124, 1630095660343s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m sorry but this has got to be bullshit, I know he’s a Jew and Jews are le heckin smart but he’s not even ashkenazi.

>> No.21058814

Thank you, anon.

>> No.21058861

His commentary on Dante and Shakespeare was quite interesting.

>> No.21058871

>war and peace


>> No.21058881

I get massively high on weed so that probably slows me down, sober I am closer to yeah 30-40 an hour. I’m just always getting stoned if I’m not working

>> No.21058884

based chudjak