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21056575 No.21056575 [Reply] [Original]

why was all quiet on the western banned in Nazi Germany?

>> No.21056580

Because it's against war.

>> No.21056581

Because banning things is fun, whoever is in charge always bans the things they don't like. That's the whole point of being in charge

>> No.21056583

So was Hitler

>> No.21056585

Didn't pass the vibe check with all of that ani-war manifestation

>> No.21056591

Because Hitler was a dog hating, one-nutted, vegetarian faggot who wanted to bang his neice and an heroed because he was also a pussy.

>> No.21056592
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>> No.21056593

King of stupid posts for the day, anon.

>> No.21056597

But Hitler didn't start any war

>> No.21056610


>> No.21056612

>if I invade a country whose independence is guaranteed right after provoking everyone else with several other invasions its actually their fault for declaring war

>> No.21056621

They were simply retrieving their territories right before WWI.

>> No.21056622

So if Germany had guaranteed the independence of the Boers, that would have had no geopolitical valence or ramifications, it would have been "oh oops fair's fair cancel the Boer War everyone"? Britain wouldn't have said "you are de facto allying with someone I am compelled to invade who is in my sphere of influence, this is provocation"

Because Britain saw Germany just WANTING A NAVY as provocation

>> No.21056631

The Nazis burned the works of a great many acclaimed German authors like Thomas and Heinrich Mann, Lion Feuchtwanger, Jakob Wassermann, Arnold and Stefan Zweig, Erich Maria Remarque, Walther Rathenau, Albert Einstein, Alfred Kerr and Hugo Preuss. But not only the works of dozens of German writers were burned. A good many foreign authors were also included: Jack London, Upton Sinclair, Helen Keller, Margaret Sanger, H. G. Wells, Havelock Ellis, Arthur Schnitzler, Freud, Gide, Zola, Proust.

>> No.21056644

The Brits were right

>> No.21056660

Inventing concentration camps and practicing genocide on women and children as a terror tactic, because their plan to rig a foreign nation's elections so they could steal its newly discovered gold mines failed?
>During the Second Anglo-Boer War which lasted from 1899–1902, the British operated concentration camps in South Africa: the term "concentration camp" grew in prominence during that period. The camps had originally been set up by the British Army as refugee camps in order to provide refuge for civilian families who had been forced to abandon their homes for any reason which was related to the war. However, when General The 1st Baron Kitchener of Khartoum, as he then was, took command of the British forces in late 1900, he introduced new tactics in an attempt to break the guerrilla campaign and the influx of civilians grew dramatically as a result. An epidemic of measles killed thousands.[1] According to historian Thomas Pakenham, Lord Kitchener initiated plans to flush out guerrillas in a series of systematic drives, organised like a sporting shoot, with success defined by a weekly 'bag' of killed, captured and wounded, and sweep the country bare of everything that could give sustenance to the guerrillas, including women and children. It was the clearance of civilians - uprooting a nation- that came to dominate the last phases of the war.

>As Boer farms were destroyed by the British under their "Scorched Earth" policy—including the systematic destruction of crops and the slaughtering or removal of livestock, the burning down of homesteads and farms—to prevent the Boers from resupplying themselves from a home base, many tens of thousands of men, women and children were forcibly moved into the camps.[3][4] This was not the first appearance of internment camps, as the Spanish had used internment in Cuba in the Ten Years' War, but the Boer War concentration camp system was the first time that a whole nation had been systematically targeted, and the first in which some whole regions had been depopulated.[3]

>Eventually, there were a total of 45 tented camps which were built for Boer internees and 64 additional camps which were built for black Africans. Of the 28,000 Boer men who were captured as prisoners of war, 25,630 were sent overseas. The vast majority of Boers who remained in the local camps were women and children. Over 26,000 women and children perished in these concentration camps.[5]

>> No.21056666

Based bossy banners.

>> No.21056688


>> No.21056770

It depicted german boys as weak pathetic crying babies

>> No.21057466

Such a good book on par with Storm of Steel though just emotionally not in prose

>> No.21057504

>why was all quiet on the western banned in Nazi Germany?
Because it's against war.

>> No.21057686

I want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.21057988

The post-WWI treaty that they signed said it wasn't their territory anymore.

>> No.21058010

aw did he hurt your feelings, tranny?

this is a /pol/ board, every board is a /pol/ board, when you leave 4chan you leave /pol/ or in Soviet Russia /pol/ leaves you.

>> No.21058043

Because it's against war.

>> No.21058052

>burn works by Albert Einstein and other jewish scientists
>be surprised when America gets the buke before they do
Nazis were such retards.

>> No.21058070


>> No.21058143

WOW I just watched this movie tonight for the first time and I just need to say
am I right? WOW
What a moving experience!! now I think war bad
You reading people must be soo smart to see this story before they make it move in 1980 :D

>> No.21058147

>t. sucks cocks

>> No.21058152

I meant the Brits were right about the threat of the German navy.

>> No.21058573

That meme language you're using is employed to make fun of black people. Wouldn't your fellow anti-/pol/ people cancel you if they knew you are making racist jokes?

>> No.21058622

The original AQOTWF film was made in 1930

>> No.21058629

Did you not read it or even look it up on wikipedia?

>> No.21058762

How do you propose they cancel anon on 4chan(nell)?

You simply didn't think this through, did you.

>> No.21058771

You most definitely cannot boast of the best reading comprehension, to say the least. I say:
>wouldn't they cancel you if they knew you are making racist jokes
Obviously the "they" i am talking about cannot know he is making said jokes, this being an anonymous website. The question is if his fellow anti-/pol/ people would or not cancel him if they indeed knew he is making racist jokes on the internet (which they almost certainly would).

>> No.21058777

Hypothetical. You're a retard grasping at straws.

>> No.21058789

>bro Hitler totally didn't invade Poland
>bro Hitler totally didn't invade Russia
>bro Hitler totally didn't declare war on the US after pearl harbor

>> No.21058790

Induction. In all observed cases of someone in current age making a racist joke with their identity exposed, that person faced trouble if there were enough people to see it, especially in the case of people whose social-groups are of a social-justice type. It takes no genius to draw the conclusion for this that what would most probably happen in said hypothetical scenario would be for that poster to be ostracized or cancelled. In order to deny so, you have to be severely misinformed or simply dishonest.

>> No.21058875

>netflix announces remake of all quiet on the western front
>"suddenly" "le deep lore" youtubers start making videos about how the original is "le disturbing horror movie?!?!?"
I'm so fucking tired of this shit. It could all be fixed if there were more than 5 websites, but no. Everyone has to be where the advertising money is so they can turn talking into a fucking video camera into their career. I hate this shit.

>> No.21059144

neck yourself.

>> No.21059154
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>> No.21059245

then your vision of history and politics is that "whatever the brits say is a provocation can't be done by other sovereign countries, even the simple act of having a military force smaller than britain's own; other countries cannot dictate terms to britain though"

which is retarded, which was the whole point

france's collective security arrangements in eastern europe were explicitly formulated in terms of an encirclement just like britain's prevention of german colonization. two countries effectively bordering you, your biggest rivals, are telling you that they intend to reduce you to perpetual economic insecurity and thus effectively vassalize you. if germany saying "no i want a colony or two" is an act of war, then so is this.

>> No.21059274

>nooooooo poor germania just wanted to play with ze krieg ship

>> No.21059530

This thread went south real quick.

>> No.21059635

Well yeah. It's bait.

>> No.21060408

Because it's sappy fan fiction by some weakling who shat his pants after spending 20 minutes in the vicinity of the frontlines.

>> No.21060801
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>This is what /pol/ unironically believes

>> No.21060814

>whatever the brits say is a provocation can't be done by other sovereign countries, even the simple act of having a military force smaller than britain's own; other countries cannot dictate terms to britain though
Yeah, and replace Britain with whomever you want, that's power projection and realpolitik.

>> No.21060829

because they didnt want it to be all quiet on the western front, duh, are you retarded?

>> No.21062609
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>> No.21062702

Lmao the nazis loved war and they believed the young especially needed to be brutal, and cruel, and run on instincts. War was always in the plans, and they bad promised geographical expansion in 1920. God you fucking nazi apologists are the dumbest, most ignorant motherfuckers who love to pose. Kill yourself.

>> No.21063416

is that how you justify working for free

>> No.21063446

>A society built on military power, strongmen, and duty.
>A book about a soldier having the life sucked out of him and being turned into a murderous, unfeeling automaton out of some abstract "duty" to the nation.
It wasn't appropriate. Like trying to read the Torah in a mosque.

>> No.21063452

There's nothing wrong with reading the torah in a mosque though

>> No.21063507

Yeah and the original point was that was what Germany was doing in its sphere of influence too, it's not only Britain that is allowed to do it

>> No.21063531

>He believes nukes exist
based retard