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File: 138 KB, 1000x1524, 71J0YpG-HNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21051324 No.21051324 [Reply] [Original]

Harassment Architecture at least was funny.
This guy seriously thinks he's the next messiah, but he sounds like Milo's washed up boy toy who is terminally online. Honestly writes like a fucking homo.

>> No.21051385
File: 898 KB, 200x152, Gothic Violence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21051548

The BEE plagiarism chapter was pretty fun. Telling that the best part of the story is the one Ma basically didn’t write

>> No.21052166

Is Mike Ma actually gay?

>> No.21052195


>> No.21052228

Ugh...first Gardnerspamming, and now this?
/lit/ is heading straight toward rock-bottom...and that's saying something.

>> No.21052245

oh no not that, how dare people not behave in ways i accept...

>> No.21052270

It's a bunch of self-stroking shill-spamming.
It's like someone jacking themselves off in public...just major cringe.

>> No.21052276

do you really think he would spam about him being gay/trans when his whole political platform is about hating those things?

>> No.21052279

Yeah what's with all the failed and wannabe influencers shilling their fucking 2016 meme war books and pathetic blogs here lately

>> No.21052308

Sure, why not. Anything for attention.
No idea. I've written 2 novels but have the decency not to spam them here.

>> No.21052443
File: 149 KB, 749x1083, gothic_violence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder from last thread, anon decodes Mike’s tranny nightmare

>> No.21052460

>Honestly writes like a fucking homo.
Post something that will demonstrate this for me, please. Thank you.

>> No.21052474

Of all these hack internet bloggers turn writers, I think I have a soft spot for Delicious Tacos. He at least seems genuine

>> No.21052540


>> No.21052575


>> No.21052577

Honestly, I’ve enjoyed Ma’s work, it’s honestly been a sort of catharsis to be lifting and in between each set read a passage and repeat. His work can be radical and seem preachy but his points still stand; what is a man in todays society to do? Just watch like a bitch or try and become everything current society is afraid of?

>> No.21052582

You know what current society is REALLY afraid of?
Honesty, decency, and hard work.
Look at how much they recoil from such values.

>> No.21052585

You have ten minutes to explain this to me or I am leaving this thread OP.

>> No.21052605

The “hard work” of today is working a shitty 9-5 then coming home and jerking off between beers and eating yummy got slop. Meaning in a meaningless world is empty and only used to build pleasure domes for the mega rich.

>> No.21052610

Really couldn’t say what OP was talking about, Mike is avidly homophobic is harassment architecture.

>> No.21052612

It’s just that

> “I support transgenderism because both passive and active participants of the new global Babylon should be faced with its end product. I support the trans-revolution ahead because I support the waves of head-spinning and the mental gymnastics to follow. Welcome to it all.”

seems like something that would be written by a troon

>> No.21052623

Seems like you don’t understand connotation vs denotation…or really either, I mean did you even read the passage? He ““supports it”” because it’s all contradiction and impossibly confusing. The point of the books is accelerating, this is accelerating the decline of the west through degeneration of our enemies. It’s not really ulysses levels of deep meaning/theme so I don’t exactly know why it confused you so much.

>> No.21052624

Yeah I think OP is probably just a contrarian little bitch who's full of shit and doesn't really mean anything he says. The kind of person who'd post a "slide thread".
Yeah that's dumb, but I'd consider this just standard pseudcore. Not sure homosexual is the best way to describe it. Was hoping for some critique of the themes/style/narrative.

>> No.21052631

Indeed, that's all "hard work" is to most people.
When they see what I do...they act genuinely offended.
And I love every minute of it.

>> No.21052645

I love how his assmad little fanboys always come out of the woodwork when I point out Ma’s massive troon cope.

>> No.21052649

hi mike. i bought your books. they were ok, first was funnier than the second but i liked the part in GV where you trashed your tinder hookup's house after claiming your name was david foster wallace

>> No.21052655
File: 333 KB, 2048x1720, 97B2614A-2E5C-4377-A7D6-C2502FBB594F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluoride fried

>> No.21052660
File: 66 KB, 896x896, 8F1F74FB-FBF5-47D0-BC2D-E0A534D1E287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered getting my cock out of your mouth and getting original thoughts?

>> No.21052666

where did you get this newjak?

>> No.21052673

It is obviously "transphobic" though. Hes basically calling them clowns who he supports because they accelerate clownworld and make it more obvious

>> No.21052675

Found it in some shitty twitter thread, I enjoy his complete disgust/disappointment

>> No.21052676

That's a great wojak. I am stealing it.

>> No.21052679

Couldn’t have said it better

>> No.21052680

No it fucking isn't.

>> No.21052685

Think of it as a spreading of some memetic brain slug not stealing anon, I’d hate to leave something like theft on your conscience.

>> No.21052700

Cope and seethe.
That's oddly considerate of you anon, thanks.

>> No.21052707
File: 73 KB, 897x877, 9469ED9C-0371-4116-824A-A0ACF4FD326B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try, anon, I try.

>> No.21052731
File: 110 KB, 750x1108, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, to me it just comes off like someone who’s secretly looking forward to the rise of troon tech. But what do I know.

>> No.21052737

People who get really upset about trans might be repressing some kind of inclination they have themselves, sure. Thats always true. But there are also people who just outright dont like it

>> No.21052757

Why are you like this?

>> No.21052898

Most of your artwork is stolen, the content in your books is stolen from other alt right authors. At least the people who have to work 9-5 put in actual effort and physical labour rather than just larping to whatever the current internet culture is based upon

>> No.21052903
File: 1.13 MB, 1170x1425, 00397A5C-50C4-475C-A228-00967DC4A777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder wagie

>> No.21053827

Is the artwork really stolen too?

>> No.21053866


>> No.21053928

Lmao fuck off you grifting loser.

>> No.21054827

Can we just go back to slut shaming him, discussing the actual work is boring

>> No.21056091

Mike Ma is great. I recently read both Harassment Architecture and Gothic Violence. I highly recommend him. He's much more than some 4chan meme. I can guarantee you all that.

>> No.21056103


>> No.21056194
File: 115 KB, 1000x432, 73FD8542-AB6E-4224-8513-182DDF5E10C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of easily amused meat heads. Or, to be fair, it's not so much that you are easily amused as much as it is you must always be amused by something. Read more about "accelerationism" on your twitter threads. Think more about blowing up cars while commodifying your masculinity at the gym. Don't you get it by now? Your ideas and opinions don't mean shit. To be an "accelerationist" is not something you can adopt and abandon, take on and off like a coat, or something that you can keep within a safe distance by relegating it to the realm of thoughts. This is the end point of ideology. The final line for a person who's "development" consists of nothing more than the donning of new clothings and new masks. There is no longer anything integral, anything non-negotiable, anything personal nor anything impersonal. There is only "the spectacle" and its mass of passive observers. The opining of individuals in the audience changes nothing. Critics betrayed the final life line of hatred when they channeled all hate into the containable reservoir of opinion. Worst of all are those who participate. The namefags. The overwhelming majority of actors in the ridiculous events of the last 10+ years are the arch enemies of the values they supposedly represent. Their crude icons contain and materialize the things that are larger than life, shaving them down to fit into a viewable frame. The hungry soul, presented only with a buffet of lies, must find the strength not to take a bite out of it! But the weak ones, who's bellies always bring them back down to center mass, make themselves sick trying to clean their plates. "If we devour all of it, then there will be lies no more". But all they've done is fill up this sad little room with shit and puke.

>> No.21057907

Mike is shilling for the tech fags now lmao