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/lit/ - Literature

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21052462 No.21052462 [Reply] [Original]

How do i leave fate to god and stop worrying?

>> No.21052468

I don't know but just a warning - it gets harder to do the older you get.

t. 27 year old

>> No.21052677

BY steering your life with this freedom you have.
There is no god's fate but your own. FROG POSTER

>> No.21053308

Fate? won't ever happen. Chance? Statistical impossibility. Therfore, neither will happen, neither will be fated or happen through chance, so nothing ever happens ever no matter what man

>> No.21053316

It's easy, just do this:
1. Stop writing blogposts on /lit/
2. Carefully examine the things you can change and improve in your own life, then just do that, it's literally this simple

>> No.21053402
File: 66 KB, 638x761, Cozy Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21053469

Stay fucking cozy my nigger pepe. Love you like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.21053494

Stay cozy pepe

>> No.21053547

Stay cozy pepe
You provide me with hope

>> No.21053680

Watch Akagi

>> No.21053727

Stay cozy Pepe
I will find peace someday

>> No.21053753

If you keep fighting it does. But if you just give up it becomes easier.

>> No.21053761

Stay cozy Pepe

>> No.21053767

Just go with the Dao bro

>> No.21053792

stay cozy pepe

>> No.21053797
File: 7 KB, 209x209, 3990516B-4FCA-4BF2-9964-3716D1F7E46E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could really use some comfy times right about now

>> No.21053798

stay cozy pepe

>> No.21053800
File: 112 KB, 720x720, 3b792ad72325121da4150149a4682a46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no evidence for God or fate and even less for made-up religions, my little amphibian

>> No.21053821

On the other hand, there is evidence for God and fate.

>> No.21053864

meditation/prayer unironically

>> No.21054004

Stay cozy pepe

>> No.21054687

stay comfy Pepe

>> No.21054691

Stay cozy pepe

>> No.21055108

Literally just pray

>> No.21055116

How do I pray as someone who hasn't been close with god or prayed for 20 years?

>> No.21055128

Take Kierkegaard pill, leap of faith

>> No.21055645

Stay cozy pepe

>> No.21055669

By going outside and being a person, you stupid frogposter

>> No.21055744

Stay cozy Pepe

>> No.21055991

Stay cozy pepe

Do it for all of us

>> No.21056017

Stay cozy pepe

>> No.21056022


It's not easy. It requires a profound trust in God, and God's goodness. And it's just not easy to reach that point.

I would strongly recommend reading Caussade, Abandonment to Divine Providence. It's a great book, a work of /lit/, in fact. But more than that, it provides an inspired answer to the question you pose in the OP.

>> No.21056034

that's one cozy Pepe

>> No.21056628

Matthew 6:26-27

>> No.21056652


I am genuinely curious. When posts like this get a bunch of (you's), are the replies ironic, or are the people replying out of some sort of superstitious reaction? I suspect the latter...

>> No.21056727

Stay cozy pepe

>> No.21056731

its the latter

>> No.21056742

Stay cozy Pepe.

>> No.21056789

Stay cozy pepe

>> No.21056798

pretend your younger till you grow old then say fuck you i'm old.

>> No.21056862

Stay cozy Pepe

>> No.21056868

I hate the ones that only give you something horrible if you don’t reply
>Stay cozy pepe.

>> No.21056871

>dude supernatural and mysticism aint real bro, everything is just particles and science my dude
Come back when you are older than like 20.

>> No.21056939

>A man's heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directs his steps proverbs 16:9

>> No.21057334

You just read literature, really.

>> No.21057361
File: 541 KB, 1600x1200, kjv_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ said "Search the Scriptures" in John 5:39 (KJV). Here is the direct quote:

"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."


>> No.21057380

Stay cozy Pepe

>> No.21057407

Stay cozy pepe