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/lit/ - Literature

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21036391 No.21036391 [Reply] [Original]

Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap Long, Ramsey Campbell, Caitlin R Kiernan, Laird Barron, Jack Ketchum, Stefan Grabinski, Peter Straub, and many many more

Discuss your favorite horror tales in both short and long form. What have you read lately? What do you want to read? What's a work of horror fiction or an author who you want to recommend?

>TQ: Halloween is coming. What are your favorite books or authors to celebrate this special time of year?
Previous Thread: >>20976838

>> No.21036406

Books of Blood is an amazing collection, I recommend it to everyone as entry point into literary horror.

>> No.21036427

I'm so glad the last thread reached the bump limit.

>> No.21036449 [DELETED] 

>literary horror.

>> No.21036458

It's unpretentious genre fiction in the best sense of the word, I meant people who haven't read similar books yet.

>> No.21036460
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There are two at the moment:
>The Halloween Trees by Ray Bradbury -- A great celebration of the history of Halloween with some excellent prose and descriptions. The style is rich and very autumnal.

The other is Robert Aickman's collection 'Cold hand in Mine'. The stories and atmosphere are such that the subtle 'wrongness' of the stories bleeds through and makes you question the entire story.

>> No.21036643
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Ive had this sitting on my shelf for about 2 years now, high time I read it

>> No.21036663

Any good naturalistic horror collections? Beside shirley jackson

>> No.21036719

>naturalistic horror
The fuck does this even mean?

>> No.21036735

Im guessing horror caused by natural means or by an natural explanation. Maybe with like serial killers and people going insane?

If that’s the case I’ll suggest

Child of god
The tell tale heart

>> No.21036738

Not supernatural

>> No.21037297
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Find a picture with more talent, you can't.

>> No.21037317
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i cannot
i kneel

>> No.21037329
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read the black stone

>> No.21037410

Maupassant wrote a lot of tales about individuals going mad. Also Ellis' The Informers could fit your criteria

>> No.21037419

oh yeah if these guys are so good, then why can't anyone tell me what their names are from left to right. that's right ... you can't!

>> No.21038343

Richard Laymon and Jack Ketchum write a lot of the people doing awful things brand of horror.

>> No.21038438

Is Salem’s lot worth reading?

>> No.21038578

For a second I thought the thumbnail was The Doors.

>> No.21038686

I’ve almost finished They Thirst. It had a slow start but I’ve really enjoyed it.

>> No.21038739

So are there any horror books that are campy, you know like b-movies?

>> No.21038804


>> No.21038912
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Yes, you could start by looking into b-movies that are adaptations of books, like picrel and Slugs by Shaun Hutson.

>> No.21038958
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Also check out the works of Guy N. Smith

>> No.21039069

Clive Barker, Michael Moorcock, Alan Moore, Ramsey Campbell

>> No.21039089

Are there many "shocking" novels in the vein of extreme horror like cannibal holocaust or august underground? I've red 120 days of sodom. I can't see anything topping that.

>> No.21039112

Look for books in the "splatterpunk" genre, Jack Ketchum is a good start.

>> No.21039175

Other authors and works:
Edward Lee
Aron Beauregard
John Athan
Cows by Matthew Stokoe
Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison
Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z Brite

>> No.21039178

Jon* Athan my mistake

>> No.21039194

Thanks. I'm about to start "Off Season" . I see it was inspired by the same legend that inspired the Hills Have Eyes

>> No.21039231

Why are so many horror writers beta males or literal homosexuals?

>> No.21039276

Why are so many humans beta males or homosexuals

>> No.21039500

It has two sequels too so look out for those

>> No.21040496
File: 29 KB, 290x440, D917D66D-73A5-4D79-BA56-6F6788C3130A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read genius loci

>> No.21040585

I don't want to read it digitally!

>> No.21040697

How can you tell what stories are in books before you buy them? A lot of weird-fiction authors have their stories combined in one big book from individual editors, but separate books can have a lot of overlap.
I want to buy a lot of books from specific authors, but I don't want to get a bunch of stories that I already own.

>> No.21040739
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17,99 usd

>> No.21040743

What copy is that? The ones I find on Amazon are like 30-50

>> No.21040763
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Volume four of this collection, it's quite cheap on Amazon (US), I bought it years ago on Bookdepository and paid full price.

>> No.21040787
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Thank you, anon!
I've been slowly building up a large collection to read through for my project, do you have any more recommendations? Anything involving creatures, gods, or fantastic settings is great. Stuff that borrows and builds on Lovecraft's ideas.
I've got currently;
>The Complete Works of H.P Lovecraft
>The White People
>The Dark Eidolon (and a few others of C.A.S's)
>The Willows + The Wendigo
>The Great God Pan
>The Mist
>The Hastur Cycle
>The Rim of Morning
>The King in Yellow
>The Ceremonies

>> No.21040815

Don't Dream by Donald Wandrei published by Fedogan & Bremer.
The Golden Age of Weird Fiction by Frank Belknap Long published by Wildside Press.
The Twenty Days of Turin by Giorgio de Maria published by Liveright.

>> No.21040842

By the way, if you want to save time and money, buy complete anthologies is going to be faster an cheaper than having to hunt down story by story. Night Shade Books published the complete fiction of C.A.S. and William Hope Hodgson and a complete collection of stories featuring Jules de Grandin. Fedogan & Bremer published the complete weird fiction, fantasy and science fiction of Wandrei. Hippocampus Press published the complete fiction of Arthur Machen and Ambrose Bierce. Leonaur published several complete collections (Machen, Doyle, Shelley, Lawrence, etc).

>> No.21040891
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>> No.21040907

Fucking based. I also want to read Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly and Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam

>> No.21040940
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I have a translation, it's pretty good.

>> No.21041142

>read genius loci
i have it in my collection already along with tales of science and sorcery
looking to get all the lost worlds, hyperborea and zothique as well

>> No.21041211
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Since it’s coming up on Halloween, any good (and short) Halloween novels that take place in New England during the time of the Puritans? In the mood for something like “Young Goodman Brown,” by Hawthorne.

>> No.21042189

Is the Island of Dr. Moreau considered horror?

>> No.21042494

Yes, some of Wells' novel are sci-fi with horror themes. I would say The Island of Dr Moreau it's more horror than sci-fi a bit like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

>> No.21042524

>Michael Moorcock, Alan Moore
not talented

>> No.21042530
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>> No.21042907

Fantastic, thank you.

>> No.21042921

you're welcome

>> No.21042930
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pic related is the copy I have which has it and its on sale on amazon for $11

>> No.21042935

if they have ebook versions then dl them on soulseek

>> No.21042936

I try to find them on google books which usually has a preview of the table of contents page.

>> No.21042947

Yeah I have that one too at the moment, I've been reading through it today
I just want the rest of his stories but I don't like the idea of buying another book and like 20-60% of it is just stories i already have

>> No.21042968

I had that same struggle with the works of hp lovecraft. I must have payed for 7 different collections before getting the one I have now (which still doesnt include his ghost written stuff).

>> No.21042974

Ordered the fisherman yesterday. I look forward to it as an Anon recommended it highly once here on /lit/.

>> No.21042984
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Currently I just have this one, has around 1100 pages and its massive. Says "Complete Tales" but I'll probably research if thats true or not once I'm done with all my current books.
Only as of yesterday did I break the halfway point of it. Things huge.

>> No.21042986
File: 39 KB, 433x708, 6C4E7E87-948F-445F-8552-CBCAAEBFAF57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this then. It has all his ghost written stuff and those stories he made substantial edits of. Make sure it’s the ST Joshi edition though with this cover. The previous editions are Derleth’s treachery.

>> No.21043107

Just bite the bullet and get the entire Night Shade Books collection of CAS.
>what if Lovecraft but better

>> No.21043117

had no idea this was on sale, just bought. Thanks

>> No.21043138

will do. thanks anon

>> No.21043154
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this is the one I have. Its got the stories broken up into cheep portable hardcovers that are small enough to not be a burden when I want to take them into the woods behind my house to read.

>> No.21043185

whats wrong with the august derleth editions?

>> No.21043188

I plan to once I get another book shelf and a little more money.

>> No.21043218
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speaking of Joshi has anyone here read the spectral realm journal? Im interested in the idea of weird poetry.

>> No.21043258
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For me this is one of Yoshi's best, he's hilarious at shitting on Stephen King, Dean Koontz, James Patterson, Dan Brown etc

>> No.21043265

>five million years in photoshop
That looks awful and sounds pretentious

>> No.21043269

Hi Dan Brown.

>> No.21043278

st joshi is a nobody and you're even less for simping for him

>> No.21043316
File: 43 KB, 324x499, 62F13562-E315-4D22-849A-8BF752991B18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking about picking this one up. I bet it contains some decent recs if nothing else

>> No.21043336

He's my favorite book critic because he's entertaining and not afraid to call a crap a crap whether I agree with him or not. Much better than modern criticism where everything is just "pretty good"

>> No.21043455

They’re just more inaccurate, have errors, or include stories Lovecraft had no part in. Derleth also willingly misread Lovecraft as cosmological morality (forces of Good gods vs Evil gods) and I hear that shows in his edits or own stories.

>> No.21043462

I have that issue and I’ve sent him poetry. Send what you want to him if you feel like you’re interested in it. Penumbra does short fiction and Lovecraft Annual do essays. Although there’s sometimes crossover.

>> No.21043476

The reason I ask is because I quite like august derleths writing. my regard for him as an author made me think he would be the one to publish great quality collections. sad to hear this may not be the case.

>> No.21043495

how is the quality of the poems (or in the case of penumbra, the stories)? Is it drabblecast level hit and miss or is it actually good?

>> No.21043514

The reprints of older poetry are fucking fantastic and the newer stuff has surprisingly good rhythm or flow. I just read through a random one and the iambic pentameter had no glaring flaws, which is not to be found anywhere else I can think of. I suggest just picking one or two up as it comes with free shipping with another item on Hippocampus Press. There's plenty of books there that will pique interest, such as the letters, scholarly works, or collections of Lovecraft's or CAS's poetry with proper annotations.

>> No.21043523

I just ordered 2 off amazon for under $15. issue 15 is on sail right now for $5. thanks anon

>> No.21043573
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>Still nothing that surpasses it
I guess horror peaked more than a century ago

>> No.21043591

Yeah. I was just thinking about how The Wendigo genuinely unnerved me, and that was after reading many shitty imitations on /x/.

>> No.21043606

Almost anything by Amelie C. Langlois.

>> No.21043617

I've yet to read "The White People" but I'm currently reading through >>21042930
I did read The Wendigo and The Willows, though. But I can safely say the Willows genuinely scared me by the end, while the Wendigo was more unnerving and eerie.

The Willows really fucked with my head. I think it was the idea of that "distant gong" sound they said that rhythmically played, that freaked me out over the rest of the story. Its a very impending, wild idea. Like an eldritch version of a ticking bomb, and you don't know when it goes off

>> No.21043620
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The Cellar

>> No.21043661

Algernon Blackwood?

>> No.21043748

Chaosium always has typos, even in their fictional collections. Reading through The Klarkash-Ton Cycle and it's rife with errors. Pretty annoying considering they have a lot of staff that could proofread.

>> No.21043885

Thanks, added to my list.

Off Season is great so far. Just the right ammount of comfy buildup and history and then BAM super nasty violence. It takes place incredibly close to where I live too. Closer than any Stephen King novel. I might actually take a drive out to that area and finish the book there.

>> No.21043977

Should you start with the first volume or are there better ones in the middle?

>> No.21044261

Start with the first. Just know it's quite unremitting,even now.

>> No.21044269

The Wasp Factory I can wholeheartedly recommend.

>> No.21044510
File: 59 KB, 438x700, 817D6740-BA8B-4A7D-9C62-6E640409AE5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s nothing more horrifying than the preternatural Moby Dick…

>> No.21044819

It’s good nigga read it when I was 16 and had me paranoid for weeks

>> No.21044915

Anyone know of horror series (of any medium, including books, web comics, manga, etc.) with a similar tone and feel to Arai-san Mansion?

>> No.21045893


>> No.21045923

Most horror manga/anime I’ve read was pretty tame, but I feel like Midori is a good one to try.

>> No.21045946

Is Salem's Lot good?

>> No.21046007

I really wish they’d make a one volume omnibus edition.

>> No.21046051

Aw man I'm jealous of you living in Maine.
I read through Offseason and Offspring in August. There's no movie of Offseason, and a pretty low budget version of offspring. But after those, you can watch the Woman which is a great movie.
(Darlin was stupid)

>> No.21046277

What are some of the best horror novels that you've read that were published in the last 10 years or so?

>> No.21046554

I can't imagine many good ones have been written. Too many kids writing them nowadays. I have heard good things about Adam Nevill's The Ritual.

>> No.21047178
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Haven’t read it but i seen this get posted around here.

>> No.21047633

Between Two Fires

>> No.21047646
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I don’t get it

>> No.21047721
File: 583 KB, 374x603, Hast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the first well-recognized weird fiction stories (or collection of) that was strongly influential. Hence Lovecraft's appreciation of it
It's the various perspectives of people reacting to the story and how they come to deal with their changes in sanity
Some have their horrors manifested through dreams, some through reality.

Narratively, its able to play the same hook on the reader every time and keep it interesting. Not to mention the concept itself is pretty awe-some, a silent cult-deity that reigns over a fantastical city hundreds of lightyears away.
Hastur is definitely one of my favorite weird-fiction deities

>> No.21047914

just finished it, pretty damn good. what other stories should i read from ashton smith?

>> No.21047937
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I actually just finished Genius Loci too, about 30 minutes ago.
Pretty spooky but heavily reminiscent of "The Willows". I prefer The Willows a lot more though.
Not to say Genius Loci doesn't have good ideas of its own, but The Willows has that harder-hitting gut punch in the middle of its story. Where the tension peaks higher and higher at multiple points, instead of just a singular climax like Genius Loci.
Anyone else feel this way?

>> No.21047949

yes, very, his best to read in the fall time rivaled only by pet sematary.

>> No.21047970
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i still need to read the willows, that's by blackwood right?

one other thing, I adore these sites dedicated to housing all works of a given author, it's best with short-story and pulp since the website format lends itself to brevity. I've already found these two, one on CAS and Lovecraft, any others? can't find one for arthur machen.


>> No.21047979

is teatro grottesco worth a pickup for this october?

>> No.21047989
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Yeah, Algernon Blackwood. I've just been absolutely burning through all these books I got for my birthday recently, of which included The Willows and The Wendigo. Blackwood's stuff is genuinely REALLY good.

Lovecraft is a nice hybrid of realistic-meets-otherworldly-horror that I really like.
Clark Ashton Smith is a lot more fantastical and magical with his approach to weird-fiction, which is also really good.
Algernon Blackwood, from what I've read so far, does the best in terms of really conveying unsettling or GENUINE horror.
Lovecraft and Ashton are both pretty "Matter-of-fact" with their foretelling of their stories, to the extent where you pretty much know the outcome already, but Blackwood's style has your heart in your throat in the latter half of the stories. Its really good.

>> No.21047997
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What are some good folk horror books recommendation?
just watch the wicker man and thought it was neat so yea

>> No.21048001

Aum Shrinkyo but white lel

>> No.21048017

which blackwood collection would you recommend?

>> No.21048025

Uhh, I don't know actually. Those are the only two Blackwood stories I've read so far, but I'm planning on picking up more.
I'm just currently reading through this Penguin Classics Clark Ashton Smith collection, I plan on reading The Hastur Cycle next.
I also hear T.E.D Klein is really good, I have The Ceremonies currently shipping here

>> No.21048046

okie, i've sorta been inundated with books recently, and don't really need an excuse to buy more stuff, especially at university, but thanks for the recs, i'll be to sure to pick up these guys at my library.

>> No.21048187

I enjoy the works of Grady Hendrix a lot, but it depends on your enjoyment of 80s paperback horror style with a modern twist

Greener Pastures I think is the name of a short story collection by Michael Wehunt thay is just phenomenal folksy meets Lynchian horror

>> No.21048275
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>> No.21048310

Whats the premise? This sounds promising

>> No.21048346

Dark ethereal coming of age horror set in a decaying town plagued by suicides. It's really atmospheric and unique. Yeager does a really great job of creating this believable world with locales that feel realistic and almost eerily nostalgic.

>> No.21048364

Its my favorite of Stephen Kings horror books. Ironically my favorite Stephen King book is 112263 which isnt much horror but i recommend it

>> No.21048371

Reminds me when i was in my grandparent’s garage. I was rummaging though boxes and found this newspaper clipping of this reservation facing a string of suicides. As i was reading it, my head started to throb, so i placed it back in the box.

>> No.21048395

That's intense

>> No.21048615

Revival looks like the one I'd like the most

>> No.21048771

The Groomer was wank and I haven't picked up anything by Athan since

>> No.21048826

The Great God Pan and Lolly Willowes (not really horror)

>> No.21049072
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where were you when stealth press released this beauty in 2001?

>> No.21049426

Yes. Ligotti is great and theotro has "gas station carnivals" in it which is one of my favorites of his stories

>> No.21049436

I have pic related that has both the willows and his best story, "the wendigo" as well as a few others. all the stories are good and its pretty cheap which makes it great for someone who is getting into blackwood.

>> No.21049479
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and I forgot the pic. sorry anon

>> No.21049592

most of his stuff is readily available online if you want to sample some of it first:


the wendigo is great but for me personally it's a descent into egypt.

>> No.21049631
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>> No.21050223

I'm very new to horror, what are some good intro books for the genre?

>> No.21050250

scary stories to tell in the dark -> the ghost stories of m r james -> edgar alan poe. if you are still interested in horror after this move on to lovecraft, blackwood, and the like. if you dont like the style of poe but enjoyed the other two read more modern horror like stephen king, dean koonz and others like them.

>> No.21050264

What are the best publishers for Horror books. Trying to submit mine

>> No.21050279

what kind of horror you writing? there are specialist ones that publish a lot of submissions simply because there arent many people writing that particular type of horror.

>> No.21050323

What type of horror are you writing? I know a few with ties to the contemporary extreme stuff

>> No.21050346
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anyone read this one?

>> No.21050414

Not that anon, but I’m also writing a story. I feel like it leans more towards weird fiction. But, if you know any magazines that specialize in ghost stories, let me know. As i got a few phantoms bouncing around, wanting to spread their ghastly influence, via print.

>> No.21050456

any good cosmic horror recommendation aside from lovecraft?
anything scifi horror actually, just finished blindsight and the sequel a few months ago and I enjoyed the event horizon vibe/ ship of fools it had

>> No.21050461

I will soon, when that book arrives

>> No.21050470

Read Clark Ashton Smith outer space stories, The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis is a good start.

>> No.21050471
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What was her fucking problem?

>> No.21050487
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I read that last night, and.. while I'm loving these Clark Ashton Smith stories,
He sure uses the same ending for a lot of them.

>> No.21050501
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I'm planning on streaming myself reading horror books for family and friends over fb and discord during the whole month of October, I'd like to do 1 per week. I'm looking for suggestions, so far I have these pre-selection, thoughts? recommendations?
>Pet Sematary by Stephen King
>The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins
>Those Across the River by Christopher Buehlman
>The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
>The Descent by Jeff Long

>> No.21050546

>Father is ancient eldritch fertility/healing/horned god archetype deity
>Father is ancient eldritch horned god type deity

To be fair, the story was written for a Victorian audience, so to the modern man, a lot of the horror is less horror and more horniness. The things that are implied she did other than having a two digit body count would probably be considered horrible to humans, but anyways.

TL;DR, Divine fertility god father, divine levels of sex needed

>> No.21050713
File: 126 KB, 500x749, Samhain+Sorceries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just released. Based.

>> No.21050723

based fellow dmr books patrician

>> No.21050785

I suggest sticking to short stories. You won't get through many book unless you plan on doing long streams. I just saw a video of reading and it took the guy longer than hour to read one short story.

>> No.21050810

I was thinking 3h streams; but I appreciate the advice non the less, any short story recommendations? looking for the spookiest of the spooks, low on sexuality if possible, prose not that important since I'll read them in spanish.

>> No.21050815

Writing a horror-fantasy. Or wrote, I should say. Traditional Urban Fantasy, where things go wrong and it becomes more of a fight to escape death than one to defeat a big bad. Something like if Nightmare on Elm Street had a concrete fantasy aspect

>> No.21050854
File: 78 KB, 500x500, crowley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this - it's a collection of his short stories. Any ones I should pay special attention to?

>> No.21050898 [DELETED] 

I second want to know about this collection. I Crowley a good writer, or is book just a novelty? I almost never hear about it.

>> No.21051096
File: 202 KB, 1596x1890, 1642415939885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many endings of these goddamn stories involve the protagonist escaping something by the skin of their teeth only to willingly return to it like a dumbass

There's gotta be more ways to end these kinds of stories

>> No.21051178

Is Scanlines by Todd Kiesling good?

>> No.21051670
File: 277 KB, 961x585, clark books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can put the delphi classics version of clark ashton smith complete bibliography to libgen? American't buy it.

>> No.21051954
File: 3.23 MB, 1638x2184, Halloween Reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique my October reading list please. Not everything is strictly horror I know. Anything you'd switch around/replace?

>> No.21051988

I’ll replace mountain of madness with the strange case of Charles dexter ward ( if short stories count, I’ll instead add the temple by him) and that dan Simmons book with the monk by Matthew lewis.

>> No.21052002

Id second charles dexter ward over mountains of madness or maybe dunwich horror. especially if it is your first lovecraft. I think mountains of madness is great but I also think that it is very stylized and not very emblematic of his writing style and can give people the false impression that lovecraft is overly wordy.

>> No.21052037

The Temple is really good. Im surprised it isn't talked about more

>> No.21052144
File: 176 KB, 500x767, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frying my brain with Richard Laymon next month

>> No.21052231

Ligotti sucks. Like if Niles from Frasier wrote shit

>> No.21052392

Is that Richard Stallman?

>> No.21052416

I'm fucking ADDICTED to this genre
Glad I haven't eaten through all these books yet but I know I'll be very sad when I'm finished with them all

>> No.21052466

Out of all of them you read, what’s your top 12 favorite?

>> No.21052503
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I was reading my 1985 Scream/Press edition

>> No.21052509

I just reread it recently, breddy gud.

>> No.21052516
File: 204 KB, 1200x1099, Kvlt Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the first volume, should read through it at some point.

about to start reading the willows, will be back in an hour or so and give my thoughts.

>> No.21052567

Valancourt, Night Shade Books, Hippocampus Press

>> No.21053117

take a shot every time laymon writes about some girl's rump

>> No.21053532

It's already on 1lib.org
I have only read Who goes there? out of your list. Campbell didn't strike me as a good writer. The story was fine, but he's not a master of words.
Yesterday I finally read some Blackwood (Wendigo) and it was incredible. I'm not eloquent enough to describe it, but he certainly is. People on goodreads even cry that he's Too eloquent and wordy. I loved how he can make a simple story about a group of men going to a forest genuinely scary.
Looking forward to reading more of Blackwood's stuff.

>> No.21053805

Are there more authors that have similar stories? I've read most of his stuff so I need a new source for that kind of horror

>> No.21054119

Clark Ashton Smith
Arthur Machen
William hope hodgeson
Hanns heinz ewers
Thomas liggotti

>> No.21054401
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best kane story, wagnerbros?

>> No.21054630
File: 167 KB, 800x1366, Le Passager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do wish more of Patrick Senécal stuff was translated. I feel like Seven Days offers more closure than Lets Go Play at the Adams'

>> No.21054671

algernon blackwood
Robert Blochs mysteries of the worm
henry kuttner
frank belknap long
august derleth

>> No.21054905

All the stories in Night Winds are bangers.

>> No.21054915
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>> No.21055310

I've yet to read the Kane stories, how do they compare to the likes of Conan or Elric?, do they have a heavier focus on horror?

>> No.21055755

>do they have a heavier focus on horror?
Yes. Wagner wanted to attract Horror readers to Sword & Sorcery through his Kane stories so he wrote them with a lot more emphasis on the horror.

>> No.21055825

They’re dark. It’s like if conan was written by sam pecknah or Verhoeven. Lots of violence, no clear cut good guy, bad guy, and every one is morally grey. Im currently reading dark crusade and so far not too many horror elements. But I’ve heard it becomes more spooky at the end though. Not sure if it’s likes in the other kane stories. If you care for pretty prose, then you’ll be disappointed. It’s concise but none of the poetry in REH’s works. Even he admits this and said that being a psychiatrist might have damaged his wordsmithing skills.

>> No.21055838
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Thoughts on this?

>> No.21055841

>I've yet to read the Kane stories, how do they compare to the likes of Conan or Elric?, do they have a heavier focus on horror?
Heavy emphasis on gothic horror mixed with touches of 60s and 70s psychedelia. imagine the darker REH tales like bran mak morns worms of the earth with an immortal, amoral protagonist

>> No.21056099
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>> No.21056114 [DELETED] 

Any good naturalistic horror collections? Beside shirley jackson

>> No.21056117

What horror books have you read that have really scared you?

>> No.21056374
File: 65 KB, 252x700, images .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, thanks, I'll read them when I get the chance!

>> No.21056488
File: 810 KB, 1165x1435, E1wS_pXX0AMuN6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with night winds or bloodstone
shame we'll never get to see the ravens eyrie that was planned out and later approved by wagner himself aside from a few test drawings

>> No.21056809

*the ravens eyrie comic

>> No.21056842

>some of the best horror novels

None of these books are great, but I enjoyed The Last Days of Jack Sparks and Nevill's The Ritual (although it takes a twist in the last third or so that I didn't like). Also Nevill's Last Days.
The Fisherman (last 10 years?) is good; I'd give it a B+. Come Closer by Sara Gran is potent. Grady Hendrix, We Sold Our Souls was a good read. I also enjoyed Buehlman's The Suicide Motor Club and (not quite as much) The Lesser Dead.

Oh, and I really dug two short stories by Stephen Graham Jones, The Night Cyclist and Wait for Night, both of which are (or were) available free on tor.com. I've been meaning to check out his novels but haven't gotten around to it. Chapter 6 is another good one on tor. Jones is really talented. He has a very nice touch.

>> No.21056960

It's not exactly a horror selection from that book but The Yattering and Jack was great. I still laugh at the absurdity of it

>> No.21056982

I dropped it inmediatly at the first page

>> No.21056986
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>The Mother of Toads
That was unexpectedly lewd

>> No.21057087

>about to start reading the willows
After leaving Vienna, and long before you come to Budapest, the Danube enters a region of singular loneliness and desolation...

Brilliant stuff. What we in the /hfg/ business call a perennial.

>> No.21057167
File: 157 KB, 350x359, pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read The Willows and The Wendigo back to back and, I'll say;
I think the Willows is leagues better than The Wendigo. They're both really good stories though.

The Willows is just so much more proper cosmic-horror and ends up being a lot scarier. It conveys a setting and mood a lot better I feel.

The gradual rising water against the island, the more mysteries gradually building, the descriptions of the scary events.
Normally cosmic-horror has the protagonist going insane with everyone else oblivious (until its too late etc. etc), but The Willows focuses more on the companion's sanity which I found to be a lot more gripping and spooky. He doesn't outright give in to his horror either, he fights against it and proposes a plan, but his matter-of-fact responses scare the shit out of the protagonist which in turn rattles the reader.

The story spends so much time building up this companion to be a logically-driven and intellectually-sound person, so when the protagonist asks him for an explanation of what's going on, it scares him even further that his friend tells him that "something.. not of this dimension, is here."
The protagonist so badly wants to be told he's going crazy instead of actually coming to terms with the fact that shit's going on, so when that fear is reinforced for him, he feels even more vulnerable, because he knows just how credible and sane his partner is, and there's nothing else for him to cling to that gives him the illusion of safety.

Anyone else? I heard you guys praise The Wendigo a lot more and I just can't agree when comparing the two.

>> No.21057170

We Have Always Lived in the Castle is one of my favourites. It's a real shame Jackson died so soon after that, she was really at the height of her powers.

>> No.21057287
File: 34 KB, 314x500, 51WKUIjzC5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon wrote this. Anyone read it?

>> No.21057300

I was one of the Wendigo praisers. I read it because of /x/ and haven't read Willows, although without reading your spoilers it seems that I should.

>> No.21057330

I agree completely, the wendigo is a cool adventure horror story with a nice desolate setting, but the willows pretty much entirely invents weird/cosmic horror with pretty much every single element already in place. My third favorite from blackwood is the man who loved the trees, although it's not quite as full on horror as his two big ones

>> No.21057354

Cassilda’s Song
Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake,
The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa.

Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies
But stranger still is
Lost Carcosa.

Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in
Dim Carcosa.

Song of my soul, my voice is dead;
Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed
Shall dry and die in
Lost Carcosa.

Cassilda’s Song in “The King in Yellow,” Act 1, Scene 2.
—Robert W. Chambers, The King in Yellow (1895)

>> No.21058553

Pretty great but i still prefer events at poroth farm

>> No.21058572 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.82 MB, 480x852, 1630784831274.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me THE BEST horror novel you've EVER read.

>> No.21058644

The Monk

>> No.21059360

Pdf link?

>> No.21059395

the black stone is great.

>> No.21059414

How do you know an anon wrote that?

>> No.21059723

Any good horror recs if I really liked Lovecraft (Color/Music/Dagon) and Chambers (YK)?

>> No.21060448


>> No.21060592

Ask about it in /wg/. He shows up there.

>> No.21060798

Barker is fag who injects his sexual perversion into everything with very shitty prose.

>> No.21060932

horror novels are a fucking scam. ive seen furries on reddit pump out more interesting stories than some of the ""top"" writers in this genre

>> No.21061682
File: 187 KB, 720x960, Zothique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has neat little illustrations

>> No.21062019

The Sisterverse and the Talons of Ruin, if you can get past the insane amounts of edge.

Between Two Fires was also really good.

>> No.21062494

>Between Two Fires was also really good.
No it was not, stop shilling it.

>> No.21062617

Was pretty strong near the beginning but I was dissapointed by the ending. You might want to read The White People before this one, it's not mandatory but there's a lot of references to it.

>> No.21062627

Damn those are some dope hats. Wish I had one

>> No.21062695

Why didn't you like it?
Haven't read it btw

>> No.21062747


>> No.21063159

my dad had these prints and I read them all when I was a kid
I think I've made a similar comment on the OP image before. whoever makes these threads has great taste

>> No.21063172

Good body horror recs?

>> No.21064570

whats the press that made this copy? might need to get it

>> No.21065541

Looks Dennis Cooper inspired so I'll probably give it a go

>> No.21065848

stallman is john titor

>> No.21066369

Based. Nice dubs

>> No.21066396

Get a life

>> No.21066425

>Derleth Bad
Stop with this fucking meme.

>> No.21066575

Does anyone know if there is a single well-formatted epub file I can download from somewhere which includes everything ever written by HP Lovecraft ?

>> No.21066580

Did you check Z Library?

>> No.21066606
File: 34 KB, 259x384, Harvest_Home_(novel)_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just bought Harvest Home. You guys get any other recs for classic folk horror novels and short story collections? I would also like recs on occult detectives.

>> No.21066608


I see that they have a complete works book, I just wasn't sure if it included every single poem and letter that is known to be written by him. I'm just getting into his works so I don't know enough to know what's missing, was hoping someone else already knew.

>> No.21066613

It’s a bot. I’ve seen this post on different threads.

>> No.21066620


Not a bot, I'm just not a /lit/ regular, I posted on the SciFi/Fantasy general before realizing there was a Horror general I should have used.

>> No.21066623

Are you high? I ain't no fucking bot, fool. Just a concerned anon looking out for his fellow anons. A lot people on this website have lost it with the bot and shill shit.

>> No.21066632

You guys are full of shit.
And these are the ones I know, if you're actually being sincere, then delete these posts instead of shitting up other threads.

>> No.21066639

What kind of mental fuck does this?

>> No.21066640

who made you the police of 4chan to be asking people to delete shit. Those posts take little space for to be this pissy about them. Get a life.

>> No.21066647
File: 555 KB, 1571x2398, 91OJKqI9P3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe I didn't read this sooner. Anno Dracula is really fun. Highly recommended

>> No.21066648


Lol, I don't know what's going on then. I genuinely posted the question in both the SciFi and Horrors generals myself. I didn't post it in any other threads, not sure if it's a bot or if someone saw it in two threads and starting copying it to more places for the memes.

>> No.21066652

This place is called 4chan. Reddit is that way --->.

>> No.21066780

I mean, the bot thing was always a cope outside of like normie political comment sections and Twitter. There are actually a lot of these little cliques that get herded like zombies at whoever pissed off their thought leader and they're usually organized out of discord.

>> No.21066823

Not classic but Richard Gavin writes folk horror that's highly acclaimed

>> No.21066830

Have you even read the book?

>> No.21066852


I'm noticing some other posts getting randomly duplicated to numerous threads, too. So it's either a bot picking random posts and copying them around, or discord trannies doing it manually which I guess is even sadder.

>> No.21066856

Along similar lines, Sherlock Holmes Meets Dracula by Loren D. Estleman was a very good read. I thought it would be tossed-off and schlocky, but it was very nicely done, pitch-perfect in capturing the mood and feel of Conan Doyle's Holmes stories. That is to say, there's nothing tongue-in-cheek or camp about it.

>> No.21066975
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I always liked this short story. Before you ask, no, it's not mine.