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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.16 MB, 1373x1693, J._K._Rowling_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21046506 No.21046506 [Reply] [Original]

>Makes a successful franchise
>After said success, retroactively make all your characters gay in some way for brownie points
>Alphabet people start demanding more like they always do
>Get uncomfortable with the fact that these same predominantly male fetishists are now dressing like women and claiming they are women because it's trendy to get even more degenerate as laws lessen for alphabet people
>Make a statement about this degeneracy denouncing it even though you were directly a part of the mainstream push to this point
>Get shit on everywhere by men in skimpy dresses and now your entire legacy is in question
Why should anyone feel bad for her? Sounds like the chickens coming home to roost.

>> No.21046511

Literally who?

>> No.21046527

And it’s 2011 again

Grow up, people

>> No.21046681

Stop seething.

>> No.21047014

Don't people complain about jk Rowling using way too many adverbs like 1 ever 80 words or some shit. This is supposed to be a criticism to her bad writing but imo Harry Potter is a superior book to 99% of other books because it manifests in the mind better than most books and that is all that matters

>> No.21047073

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21047284

She’s a queen and fuck trannies. YWNBAW

>> No.21047311

>you were directly a part of the mainstream push to this point

>> No.21047318

>retroactively make all your characters gay in some way
not true

>Why should anyone feel bad for her?
Does anyone?

>> No.21047399

How many adverbs are proportionally in Joyce, Proust, Nabokov, etc.? Nothing wrong with adverbs as long as your sentence structure doesn't become repetitive and predictable. I've never read rowling and don't care one way another to defend or attack her.

>> No.21048249


>> No.21048511

The world will move forward and people like you and JK Chudling will be dragged kicking and screaming able to do shit about it

>> No.21048575

Counterpoint - this is a temporary insanity like a thousand ones before it and your nonsense will be as relevant as shoulder pads and pet rocks in a couple of decades. Your inability to leave the little children alone will be your downfall.

>> No.21048580

>manifests in the mind better
literally only an issue if you have aphantasia. Me? I read Ender's Game and I was in those battles. simple as

>> No.21048599

I think this too

>> No.21048602

thing is that this involves irreversible biological and psychological transformations. god knows what HRT-undergoing teenagers will be like in the next two decades

>> No.21048637
File: 117 KB, 1170x657, shitting up board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21048676
File: 386 KB, 640x513, 1663714865146836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally don't care; it's always nice to have another billionaire against the tranny menace.

>> No.21048828

>god knows what HRT-undergoing teenagers will be like in the next two decades

>> No.21048831
File: 394 KB, 802x722, 25F824BF-BF3B-4811-853E-D27995B6D7A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21048866

>Why feel bad for her
I don't, and I'm a Nazi

>> No.21048874
File: 3.18 MB, 640x360, A1CDADA6-0012-4B09-B2CD-3DB6F5AD7940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m a nazi
You’re not a member of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, you’re a larper

>> No.21048899

>He stretched his legs

>> No.21048913

This is called Darwinism. The only reason ape gets to have intellect and sentience, is all apes who weren't smart enough being eaten by a tiger or starving to death in winter. However after ape constructed secure environment without tigers and cold, intellect became redundant for survival, and evolution doesn't like redundancy. Intellect will keep decreasing because of that, until lack of it starts killing again through various new means, such as self-castration by advise of someone totally friendly and smart, or taking a hiking trip through Middle East or Africa.

>> No.21048917

> and evolution doesn't like redundancy. Intellect will keep decreasing because of that
Holy shit the amount of bullshit people spew with absolute confidence

>> No.21048918

she needs to get blacked

>> No.21048979

I experience a Lovecraftian level of derangement and madness for every Heeb I lay eyes upon. I'm a Nazi.

>> No.21048985

Post fertility statistics by IQ

>> No.21049009

The problem is if you post fertility statistics by IQ in the 1800s you end up with a completely different result.

>> No.21049017

She pretty much got what was coming to her. Trannies still aren't women though.

>> No.21049039

>you and JK Chudling will be dragged kicking and screaming
I guess you aren't even hiding the fact that you're a pack of nazis