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[ERROR] No.2103960 [Reply] [Original]

Is Consumerism the nexus of the derailment of the goals of Early Feminism and Women's Emancipation?

>> No.2103970

What's she buying?

>> No.2103969

No. hth

>> No.2103974



>> No.2103980

No. Bras.

>> No.2103991

no, it isn't.

If anything it'd be in favor of women's rights due to the fact they'd have an expendable income

>> No.2103994 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2104026


To challenge this, you could say that there is a connection between Consumerism and the use of contraceptives. As examples:

>''Buy X Contraceptive. It's better than those other contraceptives.''
>''While you're at it, buy this dress. It'll make men want to have sex with you so that you can use X Contraceptive and not have to worry about getting knocked up by some Alpha Douchebag at a nightclub''
>Etc, etc, etc

>> No.2104117
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Consumerism prevents feminism. Consumerism creates a culture where women view themselves as objects to be desired. It is a self-perpetuating situation; no child can opt out of this society surrounded by such ubiquitous gendered advertising, and whereas mothers of the past would greatly shape the role development of girls, now there is such an oversaturation of media that the message "You are an object" is subconsciously dictated to females as the norm.

>> No.2104122

Consumerism objectifies men too, you are the job you work, you are the car you drive, you are your fucking khakis. If both men and women are objects than they're equal.

>> No.2104131


tyler durden, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.2104132

Feminism prevents Feminism.

>> No.2104144

You are wrong. This description of men only applies to a slice of society: namely, the middle class. Neither the poor nor the elite are defined by their profession, by their car, by their pants.

Any man can step into any position in society, especially the middle class man you described. He can leave his life, become a biker, a hermit, a craftsman, an entrepreneur. To a lesser extent, women can do this, too. Your profession may work to define you, but it does not make you an object except from a corporate perspective. In our society, women are objects from every perspective.

Women are unconsciously trained to be consumable by men. They are held in check by each other in every interpersonal relationship. This does not compare with the role of men at all.

>> No.2104151


>> No.2104153

why don't they stop doing it then
problem solved

>> No.2104154

>Thinking women are 'oppressed'.
>Thinking are forced, or 'trained' to consume.
>Not realizing that men are now the subjugated ones.

Oh /lit/

>> No.2104162


Are you talking in terms of the work of Esther Vilar, or is there something here that I'm missing?

>> No.2104164

butthurt white male detected

>> No.2104170 [DELETED] 

>commenting on a feminism thread on /lit/

Oh tripfag
(escape while you can)

>> No.2104177


Yeah. White men aren't allowed to have socio-economic concerns, no, no, those are reserved for women and ethnic minorities.


I read that book, and some of what she said resonated with things I've thought in the past (although I didn't like how polemic she was).

More generally; I think the notion that everything negative one could attribute to women is somehow foisted upon them by men, is patently bullshit. It grants women this gigantic victim complex - it assumes that they can't simply refrain from consumerism for instance. Women LIKE dressing up, they like buying shit, and while they don't like being 'objectified' they are very willing to use their sexual leverage as an advantage.

>> No.2104181


kill you're self

>> No.2104187

I always suspected you were a pretentious dumbass but now it's confirmed

>> No.2104190 [DELETED] 

>people responding to a tripfag on /lit/
>not having ! in your filter for /lit/

Is it your first day here?

>> No.2104194

So how do you feel about Camille Paglia?

>> No.2104196


this kid tryna tell me how to /lit/

>> No.2104223


Lol, enjoy your incomplete /lit/ experience.


Wow. What powerful counterarguments. It's almost like you don't have anything to back up your blubbery vaginal assertions.


I don't even know who that is. I've never been interested enough to really study this shit. From observation, the sort of people who can be fucked really studying 'difference' like gender and race usually have an axe to grind, or some sort of chip on their shoulder. Shit's worth a passing look, but most people would rather just get on with life and focus on intellectual concerns that are more productive.

>> No.2104288

Feminism is at least understandable from a historical pov but the idea that men are subjugated in any meaningful is just laughable

>> No.2104296


It isn't that crazy a notion.

Feminism assumes that the ways in which women were historically repressed weren't counterbalanced by certain advantages that men are without.

If you challenge that assumption, and argue that while society barred women from certain functions it also gave them certain advantages, you can argue that feminism largely removed the oppressive elements while retaining the advantages, ergo, men are now the ones undergoing inequality.

Think about legal rights re. children. Think about the law of sexual and domestic abuse. Think about military conscription. Think about the things women can do whilst being socially acceptable that men can't. Consider that males are under-performing academically and that women outnumber men in medical degrees and law degrees. Not to mention the sexual imbalance. Also, while women might sometimes struggle with objectification, men are largely denied it.

>> No.2104298

not really.
The derailment is when they started listening to filthy communists and jews and going against the natural order.

>> No.2104444 [DELETED] 

but they're different, physically. So no, they are not the same.

>> No.2105628

lol right. When was the last time a woman was sent to the chair? Hm?

>> No.2105635

>posts 19 hours after last post
>expects response to his question

>> No.2105638

It was a rhetorical question, meaning I did not expect an answer.

>> No.2105647
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>women's emancipation