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[ERROR] No.2103718 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished reading this book, /lit/. My first Stephen King book, and, in my opinion, an amazing book.
What is /lit/'s opinion on this?
Also, what King's book shall i read next?
Thanks for your time.

>> No.2103750

I liked it. The Stand, Misery, and Needful Things are also pretty good, in my opinion. Depends what you're looking for; The Stand is extremely supernatural and weird, Misery is psychological horror, and Needful Things is a bit of both.

>> No.2103754

The Stand and Needful Things are also massive books with tons of characters, where Misery is basically two people and quicker to read. Just a head's up.

>> No.2103767

Many thanks already guys.
But about The Shining, i was expecting a more "bloody" end. The book end like "And they lived happily ever after."

>> No.2103768


>> No.2103772

Disregard the last three chapters of It.

Needful Things (honorable mention)
The Stand (crowd favorite)
Salem's Lot (personal favorite)
Cell (just kidding)

>> No.2103804

'Rage' is the best thing King ever wrote, if you can find a copy.

>> No.2103806

I actually enjoyed Cell but, as usual with King, the ending was lame.

>> No.2103813

Usual with King? Damn...Do you consider The Shining's ending lame?

>> No.2103866


Kinda. It's a great book and I loved it, but I felt like this guy about the ending.

>> No.2103881

His horror stories typically have pretty lame endings. His non-horror stories (e.g. The Body and Rita Hayworth & the Shawshank Redemption) have decent endings.

>> No.2103912

The Dark Tower series

This is the Series King didn't want made into movies because it has been his baby. It's his Epic. Nearly EVERY OTHER STORY of his has a tie to this series. It's nothing short of one of the best stories ever told. If you don't like the ending you don't see just how incredible the whole of it is.

At points it makes you believe that all stories are part of the real world in ways you might not have ever thought. It's truly amazing.

>> No.2103916

reading Salems Lot right now and really enjoying it

stephen king is that author I when i want good story telling and good writing, if not the most original ideas in the world
basically when i want reading to be more entertainment then information gathering although there is always some of both

>> No.2103921

Very much agree. For me, the ending was the perfect way to express a sense of hope. Roland's goal CAN be achieved.

>> No.2103922

*that author i read when


>>2103912 i agree with all of this

>> No.2103944


Just a heads up. This is quite possibly the weirdest fucking piece of fiction you'll ever read. It's starts off wild-west, develops into wild-west/fantasy, and by the end of the series it's wildwest/fantasy/scifi/romance/thriller/horror/alternate-dimensions/post-apocalyptic/whateverthefuck

Seriously. Stephen King put himself in the book, and made himself a main character.

They're GOOD, but just know what your getting in to.

>> No.2103947

I read The Jaunt last night because several posters raved about it.

Ummm...what a load of shit.

The whole story is a setup for a cheap, shock ending

>> No.2103958


you mean like your post?

>> No.2103964
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No, like your face.

>> No.2103972

hey, fuck you. that story is about the feebleness of the human mind for dealing with the horrifying truths of the universe. the ending was a little dumb, but ultimately aside the point.

>> No.2104037


You mean he did a shitty job at meta-fiction, about 20 years after Barth and whoever else did it properly?


The only people who like King are people who haven't read real writers.

>> No.2104043

Just because King isn't the greatest writer of the century doesn't mean you can't enjoy his books. If you want to be pretentious and insult what other people read, do it somewhere else.

>> No.2104048


You think having taste and standards is more pretentious than being the guy going 'ZOMG Eh put himself in2 da book liek no way. Be warned this shit is real, yo!!!!11!!!'

K bro.

>> No.2104084

No, I'm saying that there's no reason to mock what other people read just because you don't like it. There's no reason to be a jackass just because you don't believe that the series is any good.

>> No.2104100



>> No.2104116


>Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that everything you do has a reason. Go on.

>> No.2104135

can't believe no one has posted this yet but pet cemetery is one of his greatest works pretty depressing read.
stand is great as well I was also a fan of dream catcher, cujo and geralds game

i like stephen king a lot but he over uses his tropes sometimes which pisses me off for example saying "oz the gweat and tweable" and "hey ho lets go" 8 million fucking times in pet cemetary but besides that i enjoy his work

>> No.2104137


oh god, "snood" in 1922 from full dark no stars

>> No.2104139
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Read it when I was like 15 or 16. Dem memories.

Most fags on here who say he's shit haven't actually read him, they just assume popularity = shit

>> No.2104156

I read most of his books when I was younger, have not read much that came out since '94 or so. Really liked It, The Stand, The Talisman (with Peter Stroub,) Misery, Danse Macabre (non-fiction.) Also some of his shorter stories, like Four Past Midnight, and the short story collections were good too. Hated Dreamcatchers, didn't read anything else by him for years afterwards.

>> No.2104159

1408 is the scariest piece of fiction I've ever read.

>> No.2104171
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Read a few King books, OP, so I'll I'll give you short course:

Iconic but shit in comparison to his other work, being first novel an' all.
>'Salem's Lot
Good book not as cheesy as you'd think for vampire story; also great adaptation of it starring Rob Lowe.
>The Shining
You read it so you know it's awesome. That part with the fire hose made me shit brix.
>The Stand
Fucking epic. Read that shit srsly. Like some have pointed out above, ending is not that great like a lot of his books, but damn is it good.
>The Dead Zone
Okay book, depressing.
Another fuckepic one. Read that shit. Again ending a bit shit, but dat journey her takes you on, srsly. That was one summer that will stay in my memory. Dick Holleran (sp?) has a cameo appearance using his Shine in a flashback.
Very suspenseful, typical good story.
>The Running Man
This was a cool dystopian story typical of Bachmann

Shorts collections:
>Night Shift, Skeleton Crew
Both old and kinda cheesy but goood.
>Nightmares and Dreamscapes
Some cool stories in here
>Everthing's Eventual
I really liked this collection for some reason, even though a couple were meh. Title story vaguely ties in with Dark Tower series.

Other collection:
>Different Seasons
I really recommend these novellas. They aren't horror and are a really good example of what King can do when not writing horror.
>Hearts In Atlantis
Stand out on their, kinda depressing and vaguely related stories. Part ties in with Dark Tower.

Hope this helps, OP. Get stuck in there!

>> No.2104179

I thought that was kinda bland and I wondered why they chose that one to turn into a movie, but years ago that I read it. Can you remind me of the scary part? (using spoiler tags ofc)

>> No.2104192