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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2101304 [Reply] [Original]

post your book collections.
comment on others collections.
suggest books.

>> No.2101313

Wow, your shelf is pretty much just "/lit/ basics: 101." Did you only recently get back into reading or something?

>> No.2101321

Exactly, Just started a few months ago.
So is my collection good so far?

>> No.2101325

Well, that's understandable then.

I'd say it's definitely a good start. Which ones have you read and liked the most so far?

>> No.2101326

Your collection doesn't need approval. I can hardly suggest books if I don't know which you do and don't like. I could recommend something based on your collection having many books that got adapted for the silver screen, but that would just be silly.

NB: I'm not >>2101313

>> No.2101330

The problem with these kinds of shelves isn't that there isn't good or necessary reads. It's just that there's no personality showing through. I love seeing bookshelves where you can see how the person developed, or guilty pleasures, etc. I can't fault you though if you've just started it, it takes a long time. I'm sure if you came back in four or five years it would be awesome.

Also. I wish all of my books were in such great condition. Do you buy new?

>> No.2101331

Just keep reading, duders. You'll start to discover cool things and your own preferences. Don't take /lit/ too seriously, we're all different levels and types of readers here, just use us for suggestions :)

>> No.2101337

I have read and really enjoyed animal farm and 1984. I rereading 1984 cause i loved it so much.
Also read the stranger, catcher in the rye, fight club, slaughterhouse 5 and clockwork orange.
so far i liked everything i have read.
I'm so glad i got back to reading.

>> No.2101340
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Some of them.
Trolls gonna troll.
Critics gonna criticize.
Haters gonna hate.

>> No.2101350

I would never leave. Awesome.

One thing I don't like is when people have paperbacks on deep bookshelves, and instead of being able to see every title they have them two or three deep so you have to move books to see what's behind them. Yes/no?

>> No.2101354

Yeah, that would be annoying.

>> No.2101357

Y'oughta love mine then lol. I've got 30+ Koontz books, a few Dan Brown, some R. L. Stine & related....used to have another 30+ V.C. Andrews but I ended up giving those away. Kinda sucks picking up a book I really liked when I was younger and thinking "Huh this really isn't that great". Gotta charge my phone before I can take a pic though.

>> No.2101358

Not who you were replying to, but for me it's something I have to do because of space.... I usually end up putting books I've already read/probably won't bring out unless I want to reread them in the back, with books to read and books I'll pull out for whatever reason in the front.

>> No.2101367

Modesitt! Fuck yeah.

>> No.2101362

Yeah, I know what you mean (I never have the space either). I know people who live in practically mansions who do it though lol. Shit, if I was rich I'd have every book hanging from the wall on display. With a spotlight. And ambient music.

>> No.2101376
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Been on a couple of time before. It also has 7-10 more books now, not that you can make them all out anyway.

>> No.2101378

Replying to myself here.
Though I'm in the process of relieving myself of most of them for various reasons. The reasons being 1. Moving them all is a bother. 2. Not much interest in most anymore. Collected the majority of them in teen years when I read a book every day for a long time. 3. Because I am terrible person who has decided that free books on an e-reader is wonderful.

>> No.2101381
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>> No.2101384 [SPOILER] 
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What do you think of these bookshelves?

>> No.2101386

I have a load from my teen years too, so thats why mine library looks big, but everyone's would look like that if they kept every book they read.

>> No.2101392
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Had to stand on the bed to get them all in the shot. I win Shittiest Camera Pic of the day!

>> No.2101395
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Here are my books that don't have a shelf at the moment. Though I haven't read all these yet, I would definitely appreciated suggestions based on them, as this is pretty much where my tastes are hanging right now.

The pile on the right side is textbooks/books for this semester on the bottom half and books I have out from the library on the top.

>> No.2101400

what would be the most trollish bookshelf

>> No.2101404

I don't see why you can't have both. Especially when not every book is available in ebook form.

>> No.2101405

>only buying the magazines
Oh lord, can get you anymore casual?

>> No.2101403


get with the times

>> No.2101416
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Need more books.

>> No.2101420

Hey, wow, you have the winter book, awesome.
I just bought the summer book yesterday, hope it arrives soon. So tell me, would you recommend the winter book? What's your opinion on it? I can see from your shelf you have an interesting choice of books.

>> No.2101426

Hah, haven't read A Winter Book yet! I have read Fair Play and The True Deceiver though, both of which I would very much recommend if you end up enjoying The Summer Book. Fair Play is more about a relationship between two lifelong partners and The True Deceiver is altogether more dark, but from both you get that really piercing insight that is also in The Summer Book. Really hope you enjoy it though! It's one of my favorites.

>> No.2101468 [DELETED] 

>Spice and Wolf LN's

Mah Nigga.

>> No.2101498


How was Descent of Man?

>> No.2101558
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>> No.2101566

Needs a higher res.

>> No.2101597
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>> No.2101612
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>> No.2101624

You know, I always felt good about my collection. Proud, kinda. But I just went into my grandmother's room and realized for the first time how many damn books she has. I guess I never noticed it before because I'm ridiculous about keeping mine looking nice and uniform, whereas hers are just crammed into the shelves in no order, all different sizes mixed, etc.. But I just went through and counted and holy shit 800+. Tons of different stuff. A book on handwriting analysis was jammed next to a how-to guide on growing weed, next to a few Jules Verne books, next to a book about astrology, next to a small leather-bound diary lookin thing with no author's name that just said "BOOK OF POISONING". I never realized how much different stuff she has. I hope my shelves look like that when I get to be that age.

I asked her about it and she said
>"Well when I was your age I promised myself I would have the bookshelf I always wanted. It might not be anything anyone else would read, but hey."

>> No.2101628


about 1/4 of my collection this is the messy part that I haven't organised yet, there are 2 close ups but i cba taking photos of the rest tonight...safe to say I have 3 more shelves of penguin classics of which I have the entire ancient greek range including drama and philosophy plus some roman/more mythology, all of the discworld books and a lot of historical novels and philosophy texts

>> No.2101633
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sorry for such shitty quality, only camera I have is the one built into my laptop, so I had to bring it cllose & hold it up + lighting sucks.

>top left: harry potter and LotR
>top right: random collection, too many to name or give an overall theme
>bottom left: all collectors editions of classic novels. really love these, inherited them from my grandparents.
>bottom right: poetry, shakespeare

>> No.2101661

I kinda want your grandmother now.

>> No.2101698

She's pretty cool. My friends like her because she speaks very frankly without being one of those horrible oldlady bitches.

She still says "Far out!" whenever she sees something cool.

>> No.2101704

>Moved six months ago...
>300+ books...
>Said never again
>Donated everything to the library

>> No.2101725
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>> No.2101744

Assuming you have read the Immoralist, is the writing similar to the Counterfeiters?

I really liked Gide's writing, but Counterfeiters is supposed to be written a bit different, or is it just presentation?

>> No.2102594
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my pic would be of higher quality but somebody borrowed my camera, so i took this pic with my phone.

>> No.2102605


wow. are you me?

>> No.2102615

I just packed up most of my books

>> No.2102623

Looks like the vast majority of you so-called /lit/erates learned how to read a couple years back. Charging my camera battery.

>> No.2102626


>> No.2102627

I mostly just download and then delete when I've finished reading from my Sony PRS 300.


>> No.2102641
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Rows 1-2

>> No.2102643
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>> No.2102649
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5-stuff that won't fit.

That's almost everything, excepting the ones I loan out to ensure that I have (almost) enough room for everything.

>> No.2102656 [DELETED] 


>> No.2102657

if i had money i would buy so many fucking books you don't even know

>> No.2102675

neat. nice variety.

>> No.2102691

Please tell me that bible is for research and not for faith purposes.

>> No.2102693

>not a christian

>> No.2102696

you might try looking at what's on either side of it

>> No.2102719

Christians can't read about the middle ages or have bathroom humor?

>> No.2102734

I'm more concerned about the copy of "God is my co-pilot".

>> No.2102743
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>> No.2103265


maybe. i need recommendations, i'm on my last unread book.

>> No.2103762
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So... /lit/erates...which are the 10 Books everyone should read?

>> No.2103775 [DELETED] 
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mfw condescending douche bag's shelf contains the same shit that everyone else has posted


>> No.2103778

The Bible
The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Plays of Aeschylus and Sophocles
The Aeneid
The Divine Comedy
The Canterbury Tales
Shakespeare's Tragedies
Don Quixote
Paradise Lost

>> No.2103780
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1 - 10: The Bible

>> No.2103786

The only particularly interesting shelves were these guys':

>> No.2103792

Aw, thanks anon.

>> No.2103795

ITT: Pseudo-intellectuals.

Stop giving a fuck about who knows what you read. Start giving a fuck about how much you read.

>> No.2103797

Why can't we give fucks about both?

>> No.2103799


Nice bathos.

>> No.2104216
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>> No.2104237
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yeah shitty webcam

>> No.2104241
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cut out of the frame is America: the Book and Earth: the Book

>> No.2104247
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meant to say out of 3
this is 3/3

>> No.2104258

didn't realize how shitty that looked:

Stolen Lives, the Post American World, Game of Thrones, The Acts of King Aurthur and his Noble Knights, Barefoot Dr's Guide to the Tao, The Importance of Being Earnest, the King James Bible, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (x2) Men at Arms, the Greatest Movies Ever Made, Maverick investing, Gulliver's Travels, To Kill a Mockingbird, the Last Continent, The Tao Te Ching, True Grit, Battlefield Earth

the Simpsons and Philosophy, the Cashflow Quadrent, Rich Dad Poor Dad, 1984, A Narratitive of the Life of Fredrick Douglass An American Slave, The Te of Piglet, The Millionare Next Door, Animal Farm, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Great Gatsby, Honor Lost, Fronters of Science, The Art of Happiness, The Travilers Gift, Lila, Chinese Horiscopes, The Secret Life of Plants, thhe Complete Worst Case Senerio Handbook, Hitchhikes Guide, The Lost World, The Big Black Book, America: the Book, Earth: the Book

>> No.2104266

The First American, Revolution, The Rules of Money, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Odyssey, Moby Dick, 1491, Everyday Japanese, Think and Grow Rich, Catcher in the Rye, Brave new World, Own your Own Corporation, Fast Food Nation, What Happenes, Outside Providence, Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn, The right Way to Invest in Mutual Funds, A Forigein Policy of Freedom, The Rules of Managment, On the Wealth of Nations, The Rules of Work, The Cat who Walks Through Walls, The Three Musketeers, The Time Machine, Brain Droppings, The DaVinci Code, The Qualities of A Leader, the Bhagavad Gita, the Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke

>> No.2104285
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>> No.2105348

Interesting Anon. I'm a native Spanish speaker too.

>> No.2106695
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Oooold pic, but it is not light here and i'll update whenever, etc.

Also, this is the only pic I have and it is mostly comics. Oh well.