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21032246 No.21032246 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best fiction related to the Romans? Other than Augustus and I, Claudius.

>> No.21032271

Appianus. It's clearly fiction but it holds a grain of truth and is very entertaining. I'd say he's better than Livius. It Basically reads like the Silmarillion.

>> No.21032273

Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.21032281
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You mean this one?

>> No.21033461

It's a shame we don't have any records of the Atellan or Menippean theatre; presumably the comedy gold was going on there, and not in the dry humor of the books.

err.. wait you said fiction.. hmm.. are there any? now that i think about it, wow, fiction didn't seem to exist.

OH i got one, Josephus wrote a pretty funny story once upon a time..

>> No.21033470

and you didn't say authentic, you said related.

>> No.21033567
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>> No.21033642

Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.21033717
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>> No.21034318

>fiction didn't seem to exist.

>> No.21034344

Augustus was kino but is I, Claudius good? Augustus appears to be painted in a negative light as a ruler in I, Claudius whereas Williams' Augustus was fairly benevolent but I know fuck all about it apart from what I read from Williams

>> No.21034354

It's tons of fun, one of my favorite books. It's not negative, it's very human, it's basically a soap opera about byzantine court politics in the Julio-Claudian family.

Less literary but still fun, check out Imperium, about Cicero. It's a trilogy I think but I've only read the first one. It's pretty good. There's also Hadrian by Yourcenar.

>> No.21034357

Oh I misread sorry. Augustus is painted as a complex and flawed person in I, Claudius like everyone else, I'd say. But he is a peripheral character since the story is told through Claudius' eyes.

>> No.21034367

Alright, sounds good. Buying it now. Thanks for the other recs too

>> No.21034684

It's fine but honestly this one of those rare situations where the movie is better than the book. Definitely check out the BBC's adaptation if you like that sort of thing.

>> No.21034691

>Definitely check out the BBC's adaptation

>> No.21034700

i think it's on amazon if you're a normie

>> No.21034701

You could read Shakespeare. That's fiction about Rome. Titus Andronicus is the most 4chan play by Shakespeare.

>> No.21034713

codex alera

>> No.21035053

You know, fiction. Made-up stories. I was thinking OP was talking about fiction 'from' that time, not 'of' that time. I can't think of really any 'fiction' - except the ones that stand out and make a point of saying that they're making stuff up; lucians "trips to the moon" with asparagus armed soldiers.

It's just an interesting consideration that fiction-fantasy doesn't appear to have existed; other than theatre and religious-myth. Which still doesn't really fit what we mean by 'fiction'.

>> No.21035079

novels didn't really exist, I think but stuff like the Aeneid existed

>> No.21035408

Reading this these days, it is pretty good

>> No.21035437

aren’t satyricon and the golden ass novels?

>> No.21035439

Every day I want to kill myself knowing we lost most of the Satyricon. That shit is fire.

>> No.21035446

The Bible

>> No.21036525


>> No.21037170
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greatest tgirl story ever told.

>we lost most of the Satyricon. That shit is fire.
You know I don't think it was that good and I don't think he himself wrote it - it was so-so, don't get me wrong. BUT it fucking pales by comparison to what Arbiter himself likely 'would' have written; imagine a guidebook to the dining etiquette of the court of nero, from that beautiful middleline between epicureanism, hedonism and hard soldiers discipline.

Coolest part though is for lacking a book about it we get to write it ourselves.

My view is that 'if' he wrote it, it was a novel he wrote as a kid, like Martials early unknown works which he thought were so-so and unrefined.

Pretty deep subject though, as I've spent the day weighing this: >>21035053 to consider that 'fantasy-fiction' as a concept would have been alien to a Roman or a Greek. Who needs fantasy when you're living it, I guess is conclusion.

rom. invic.

>> No.21037215

I liked the Life of Brian better.

>> No.21037262
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