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File: 37 KB, 540x316, John-Barth-mainpage01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2103260 [Reply] [Original]

Most underrated contemporary author? Barth wields Gaddis' notion of counterfeit reality in one hand and Pynchon's sense of entropy in the other. Thoughts?

>> No.2103270
File: 13 KB, 250x247, dfw-sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2103286

I do like DFW, however I don't consider him underrated. 10/10 Twenty-somethings have heard of him. John Barth is rarely heard of by anyone.

Guess I'm just fishing for some Barth fans here.

>> No.2103297

These are all underrated on /lit/, at least:

László Krasznahorkai
Olga Tokarczuk
Andrei Straiuk
Ismail Kadare
Ivan Klima

>> No.2103301
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>> No.2103310

I don't know about 10/10. Maybe 5/10 at the most. I don't think you realize how little people today read

>> No.2103316
File: 1000 KB, 1720x3150, the 2011 visual book list online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Margaret Atwood
Jonathan Franzen (outside America, where nobody has heard of him)
Paul Auster

That's all I can think of. A great author and two good ones, in that order.

>> No.2103318

Can we just look at Barth'sGiles Goat-Boy. A speculative fiction based on the conceit of the university as universe. A boy raised as a goat discovers his humanity and becomes a savior in a story presented as a computer tape given to Barth, who denies that it is his work.

>> No.2103341

I've read Lost in the Funhouse and despised much of it. Stuff along the lines of 'Echo' and 'Night Sea Journey' undeniably have some chops, and then you get the odd metafictive piece that works like 'Anonymiad' and the tedious Ambrose pieces that you have to cut a bit of slack for. A lot of stuff suffers from utter banality though, a lack of concupiscence to get past the byzantine structures and form Barth has composed to engage with the reader with any urgency.

Your comments seem to pertain more to his longer pieces and they certainly haven't discouraged me from checking them out someday (Giles Goat Boy has always seemed interesting). That said, 'Jack of all trades, master of none' seems somewhat apposite here, as is my misgiving about Gaddis and his misanthropy that he takes much too seriously. It seems this whole 'counterfeit reality' shoulder chip is somewhat of a by-product of this.

But, I suppose this comes at a point when my faith in the aptitude of Post-Modern Writers is at a real low, when even DeLillo feels a little off mark and Pynchon's brilliance resides fitfully and in isolation.

Krasznahorkai, as a central european, is giving a lot of German, culturally more obvious writers, like Boll, a run for their money, right now, in terms of numbers of allusions per month. Otherwise, I'd agree.

I think you should get a goodreads account. It should curb your gratuitous posting.

>> No.2103345
File: 73 KB, 367x493, 1306175614363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the monkey that beat the shit out of caracalla.

>> No.2103348 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 518x394, 1315367678390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..........he did it agin...........

>> No.2103349

Allusions per month on /lit/, you mean? I'm not sure how Boll is fitting in here, as he's definitely not contemporary. Maybe compare him with Bernhard in popularity. I definitely don't see him getting as much attention as that guy does.

>> No.2103353

Never stop. I can't stop. Laughing.

>> No.2103355


I don't get it. it's funny but I don't get it. why is this posted so often

>> No.2103358

Ahh, okay, didn't read the OP closely enough, but I suppose it doesn't matter too much since I was thinking 'Central Europe' and 'culturally obvious' rather than contemporary and there, Boll serves fine as a comparison.

Bernhard's really gone off the radar since the 80's, I think. So it would make sense he isn't mentioned...

>> No.2103361

Because that was the monkey... caracalla

you get the idea.

>> No.2103364
File: 7 KB, 291x173, 1311151218698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's posted it twice and obviously thinks it's too dang funny for words, the smug little cunt.

>> No.2103367

> Bernhard's really gone off the radar since the 80's

nope, he did not. maybe stop talking about places you only know from the tv and your moms bookshelf.
if anything, its Böll who was only recently rediscovered, his works were out of print during the late 80s and early 90s.
look it up, there is extensive writing on this.

>> No.2103374
File: 55 KB, 300x312, 1315597172756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe stop talking about places you only know from the tv and your moms bookshelf.

Boo hoo hoo, you're sucker, getting vexed about publishing details...Save the empassioned rhetoric for something less banal...

>> No.2103380

says the guy who got beat up by a monkey

>> No.2103383
File: 144 KB, 480x352, tumblr_lokck8bYVQ1qdp2veo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says the 14 year old with his smug cunt of a mouth is still curled in a rictus of narcissistic glee because he still finds his shitty little troll utterly hilarious.

Watch the .gif fudge packer, this is the last time I need to tell you I don't give a fuck.

>> No.2103395

maybe there shouldn't have been a first time of you telling me, and this would be more convincing

monkey bait

>> No.2103398
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>> No.2103400
File: 24 KB, 460x276, Monkeyblogsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2103402
File: 45 KB, 407x407, 1314209602148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2103406
File: 78 KB, 400x267, a_wild_caracalla_appears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2103408
File: 57 KB, 720x576, 1315148268504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to memegenerator.com

>> No.2103410

