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21033743 No.21033743 [Reply] [Original]

How am I doing?

>> No.21033754

A thread died for this.

>> No.21033767

What should I say to continue the conversation instead of it awkward fizzling out here?

>> No.21033779

Ask her what books she likes to read. Then tell her what books she should be reading.

>> No.21033780

You have already ruined your chances and if you're too fucking autistic to realize it you're beyond saving. Try to acquire some actual social skills before pursuing women for God's sake. You are pathetic

>> No.21033783

Treat women with the exact amount of respect you'd give to a man. Don't take bullshit from them and feel confident in the fact that you are being a decent person, no matter how weird or rude their responses or non-responses are. Women aren't special beings with a mysterious power to "reject" you, they are people you're asking to get to know and hang out with. If they choose to act standoffish and weird during that process, it's possible you made some mistake, but only in the same way as if you were rude or off-putting in an exchange with a man you just met. There's nothing additional or magical about it being a woman that makes it justifiable or normal for her to be a cunt. Be a good guy and do your best, don't worry too much about rejections or misalignments, and ignore and pity people who choose to use the small amount of power a woman has over you in a dating app exchange to be petty and cruel.

Don't do what most men do and spend years kissing the asses of women who are rejecting them and soapboxing to them about "how to do better." Treat women like slightly immature younger men, and treat the rare few of them who deserve it like genuinely equals, but never act butthurt or like they have some power over you.

>> No.21033784

Tell her she has a 10 second window to agree to bj or you're walking away.

>> No.21033785

If it’s over why didn’t she unmatch me?

>> No.21033787

>I don't know you
We're on a dating app you duplicitous cunt, nobody knows anyone, we're going to have sex not knowing each other, that's the fucking point. It's like sitting down to dinner and going "Oh no food for me, I'm hungry"

>> No.21033790

A good example of what not to do. This man lives in primal fear of pussy and thinks it's normal for people to disrespect and shame others for being awkward, instead of being polite. He's allowed the power he gives women over him to terrorize him into justifying their abuse of it, and he now wants to shit on the fresh recruits because of all the shit he had to take as a rookie.

>> No.21033810

Ask her some questions about herself or something. If there's one thing women don't like, and I say this from experience, it's when you reveal to them your inexperience and cluelessness. Just make an effort to be interesting. Don't be lame. Even if you're being honest and relatable your uncertainty takes the fun out of the experience for her, just makes it feel too strained when it's supposed to be easy and lighthearted. Of course, easier said than done. I've never had any success on dating apps.

>> No.21033811

Take your meds. I'm just saying he needs to actually learn before ridiculing himself like that. At this rate he'll make a fool of himself several times over before he makes any progress and that's just not good for his self esteem

>> No.21033817

I think you're only partially right. He does need to learn, yes, but he needs to learn through experience, as he's doing now. It's okay to embarrass yourself when talking to women. Happens to the best of us. It's how you learn.

>> No.21033818

virgin detected. ask her if she likes hot guys with big dicks

>> No.21033829
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>> No.21033834

No, you're jumping on him in a completely unhelpful way that is just transferring the pain you've internalized onto him, and you're fundamentally justifying and validating her behavior and the idea that women should be treated in some way other than like adults who are responsible for their shitty behavior. No one should keep talking to someone after that someone rejects them. The best women I've known all hated dating apps because they were good people and knew that the very structure of the interactions was a degrading one for men in most cases, and hated that they were constantly put in positions where the best thing they could do was just the least humiliating thing for the guy (but still somewhat humiliating, like having to ghost a guy who won't take a hint and is embarrassing himself).

OP is not pathetic, at most he's awkward or maybe clueless, but nobody is "pathetic" as long as they're being basically a pleasant well-intending person. That you think otherwise, that he needs to internalize some harsh realization of there being a right way and a wrong way to grovel at a mindless bitchy whore's feet, is on you, not him.

>> No.21033839
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See? Just being nice and normal is good.

>> No.21033840

Nice replies. Casual, direct, unpretentious. You're a natural.

>> No.21033854


>> No.21033876
File: 60 KB, 736x777, b1c24123971f7301376a19d8121eadf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, that obvious; 25y.o. but not kissless. While I may be socially retarded, can at least help those braver than me. I'm proud of you OP.

>> No.21033886

So far so good, post what she said back

>> No.21033908

How is that good?

>> No.21033910

>Treat women with the exact amount of respect you'd give to a man.
This sums it up perfectly. As soon as you put pussy on a pedestal, it's fucking over.

>> No.21033919
File: 35 KB, 500x670, kitten on shoe blessed img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed thread.

>> No.21034219
File: 35 KB, 443x181, 27f132adf78af013bf7d0578363a3e15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were supposed to ask "are you breaking up with me?"

>> No.21034245


>> No.21034476

Tell her you like to read out of the blue and post ss or I'm reporting you

>> No.21034541

This is not remotely book-related. Kill your self, but read Anna Karenina first just so you know how truly, universally socially retarded you are before you die a disappointing, flaccid, pitiful death.

>> No.21034617
File: 71 KB, 873x872, 1659087670761239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're going to have sex not knowing each other, that's the fucking point

>> No.21034625

this, very important

>> No.21034656

>If there's one thing women don't like, and I say this from experience, it's when you reveal to them your inexperience and cluelessness
Indeed. It is like the female equivalent of watching a woman do something very uncouth but seemingly worse. Uncertainty is like hopping up on a table, dropping trow, taking a shit, and burping.
I'm an inexperienced 24 y/o and have been on a couple successful dates with this one girl. I have realized that everything I've been told about women by the mainstream is wrong. Return to tradition. Be a man. Smack a bitch if you have to tell her twice. I joke, but these recent experiences have shown me that isn't anywhere close to as crazy as it used to sound.

>> No.21034664

>I'm sorry I just dont know you
Translation: I'm not interested.
What clearer signal do you need. JEsus

>> No.21034667


>> No.21034674

Nvm lol. Nice turn around