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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 116 KB, 768x1024, Christina-Hendricks-boobs-images-8-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21023285 No.21023285 [Reply] [Original]

You didn't think you could publish without connections and money, did you anon?


>> No.21023294

she is grotesque

>> No.21023301

only in america or everywhere? I live in poland, i imagine more people here would be interested in memoir capturing zaitgeist of modern day mediocre male ennui

>> No.21023303

For what it's worth I have published a book, with no connections and no money. What I had was a small but dedicated online presence that got a publisher it to take a risk on me.

>> No.21023304

My grandfather is in the publishing and printing industry. I have no need for your coping

>> No.21023308

Just self publish on Amazon if it's good enough it will take off on here and be guaranteed a future beyond this site (if it's actually good)

>> No.21023318

Cope harder tranny. One of my mistresses published her badly written fanfiction online and made an easy 5 figures.

>> No.21023330
File: 29 KB, 695x600, FHmFUzOVUAUBg7z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have the connections already
>tfw you have the material and the skill
>tfw too depressed to finish writing a book

>> No.21023369
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>> No.21023456


How did your book do?

>> No.21023490
File: 570 KB, 1125x624, A1C75961-29D5-449F-9A3E-AA704C651F8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a being came to you in your dreams to tell you if you didn’t write every day from then on you would die
>only kept it up for a bit over two months

>> No.21023503

I sold less the a thousand. thought the publisher claims to still want to work with me

>> No.21023520

For what it's worth I have published a book, with no connections and no money. What I had was a small but dedicated online presence that got a publisher it to take a risk on me.

>> No.21023543

Those are entities which are basically cosmic clouds that have learned to communicate with humans via electric stimulation of the brain. They use humans to coax them into creating art for them. They have done this for thousands of years. They seem to amuse themselves with it. Most of them have never bothered to learn any human language because those change too fast. So they usually communicate with showing you images.
Not even a schizo btw. You can see the entities' influence all over art history if you ever look into how artists produce things.

>> No.21023552

Yeah fuck it why not, probably.

>> No.21023562

Also, they're more of a curse than a blessing. "Demon" is not entirely correct but it's a fitting word.

>> No.21023570

She's perfect a piece of art.

>> No.21023602
File: 76 KB, 500x447, 3485993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is repulsive

>> No.21023603

Is there a name for this or an elaboration of it somewhere?

>> No.21023623
File: 53 KB, 828x804, 1661893401262061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a disgusting parody of what women should be.

>purely an object of lust
>artificially made attractive
>only liked because of her looks
>has no appreciable talent, skills or abilities
>is famous for having comically largr breasts on display
>gets made when you notice them or draw attention to them
>all acting roles have them featured clearly

>> No.21023627

Not that I know of but it's definitely a pattern that holds through since the earliest records of art creation.

>> No.21023738

One of the many justifications a quitter jumps on in order not to feel to bad about his lack of grit and follow through.

>> No.21023805

House of leaves is high-brow?

>> No.21023838

Imagine taking dick in the ass and actually admitting it

>> No.21023843

Well you're honest man thanks for that I hope it gets better! What's your book I'll look into it!

>> No.21023847
File: 36 KB, 333x500, 51IHDTRRBeL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover looks gaaayyy

>> No.21023873

Imagine not

>> No.21023884

I thought the cover was actually pretty cool, the story is also very unique but approaching issues like consciousness through a logical approach is going to net you nothing in terms of audiences. Americans are dumb. They are so fucking dumb. Like the dumbest fucking country out there. The only ONLY reason other countries (until now) were afraid of Americans is nukes and money. Now they don't matter and Americans are starting to realize that being dumb will have you end up a stain on the concrete or locked up.

>> No.21023984

kys coomer

>> No.21023988
File: 15 KB, 213x236, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like it belongs in the homo - lit section. Pic rel

>> No.21024012

I'm in the middle of publishing a book right now actually. I'm making my own imprint and I'll be using Amazon's printing services and bookstore, as well as libraries and other local bookstores.

It's actually pretty easy. Dinosaur publishers are going extinct for not being able to keep up with the times.

>> No.21024031
File: 35 KB, 535x299, 1662475639411913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no wonder why great literature has died. It's no wonder David foster Wallace killed himself he finally realized that his book and talents were wasted on mere idiots. He knew this and other authors do as well attempting to write true thought provoking art. Instead everyone wants to know the color of JK Rowling feces in the morning or whether Brad Sanderson is writing a new book or if GRRM is eating a twinkie
I hate Americans so fucking much they all deserve a nuke.

>> No.21024034

You misspelled gorgeous

>> No.21024036

The author is a rat faced loser.

>> No.21024044
File: 1.17 MB, 337x222, No4chan November.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figures you'd say this

>> No.21024049

I already did, though. I mean, it wasn't very good, but my current WIP is way better. I'll publish it unless I die first.

>> No.21024052

If I ever write anything I'll just reach out to one of the college profs who really liked me, and have them give it a read, ask for advice, secretly nudge them into helping with the publish, etc. No big deal.

>> No.21024074
File: 263 KB, 1080x2200, Screenshot_20220921-141551_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll probably get your wish

>> No.21024114

You need to get off /pol/.

>> No.21024157
File: 55 KB, 850x400, coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I correctly spelled grotesque, and you probably agree with picrel

>> No.21024166 [DELETED] 

(he died of syphilis btw, as all coomers should)

>> No.21024175


>> No.21024202

Yesterday I learnt that Police Squad! (Leslie Nielsen) ended up being canned from TV in the 80s because you had to actually watch the show - there were constant gags and puns at all times that if you weren't actually paying attention, you'd lose most of the humour. I'm not a big fan of TV, but it goes to show how stupid the American populace is that they can't even pay attention to something entertaining, let alone something thought provoking.

I don't know who she is, by your description I'm guessing she's just like every other Hollywood actress. Acting is so unimpressive.

>> No.21024247

I think lit fic is dying, but for a certain kind of writer there's no other clear path--they assume you have to do as has been done.

Self publishing and online publishing need better gatekeepers, but that's where the exciting stuff is. Indie presses are more likely to capitalize on the need for these gatekeepers, probably cherry picking the best of the online slush to get their next gen of writers.

>> No.21024251
File: 332 KB, 750x1334, AH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finding beauty of life reason enough
>How feminine!

>> No.21024274

no one wades for gems in a sea of shit

>> No.21024283

Left America in 2016 and have not regretted it
For some reason UK is far more literate and friendlier than any American city I've visited. I'd be scared to live in America in this day and age cause a nuke may very well happen soon.

>> No.21024332

publisher rejection 1:
>this kind of serious novel about a tortured male genius is a tough sell in this moment
publisher rejection 2:
>I do worry that a perspective like his—very male, very intellectual, and usually the smartest in the room—would be tough to position to our audiences
it's over isn't it

>> No.21024372

This. /r/redscarepod faggots seething.

>> No.21024383
File: 15 KB, 373x437, Natalia 96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedophile nazis can't properly judge bounteous beauty in all its flaws.

>> No.21024394

I agree she’s very pretty but only nature can be beautiful and as the other anon pointed out she goes against nature.

>> No.21024422

She doesn't. Makeup and bras aren't going against nature. Implants do.

>> No.21024448

Yes I will. I will self publish, have 20 of my friends and family buy it, then leave it to rot with the rest of the trash on Amazon.

>> No.21024466

Good luck with learning to read. You’ll get there, don’t worry.

>> No.21024474

I guess a big strapping black male with sizeable quads and pecs is more your thing anon, sorry the female with big titties scares you

>> No.21024479

Family and friends are the worst audience dude trust me. They love being a part of the ride but then when it's over they hate seeing it because it didn't fall in line with what they expected. They'll still buy it of course but not really give a shit

>> No.21024495


>> No.21024499

I know. All I want is people to enjoy it, but I'll be content with my 10 totally legit amazon reviews

>> No.21024500

Seriously can someone please help with why I feel this undying adoration of boobs? It's at the point where I nearly have my relationship with God at risk.

>> No.21024532

Meh ultimately they do buy it. I mean... I guess it's not that bad anon. They might actually be good tools to push the book to their friends etc
Yea scratch what I said I just have no real family but idk about you

>> No.21024540

Are you for real anon?

>> No.21024609


I wonder what your publisher will think if he finds out you've been posting on /lit/.

>> No.21024741

why wouldn't I be?

>> No.21024753

I'm a reader, not a writer. In fact, I loathe writing.

>> No.21024775
File: 128 KB, 728x544, live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21025026

please tell me there's still hope. i might kill myself. is it really this fucking hard?

>> No.21025039

I prefer the Jungian explanation.

>> No.21025076

To "make it" is a trick, to publish, no.

>> No.21025120

If you're interested to hear that's a very impressive feat to even get rejected as an individual and then with those comments is great. At any rate, I hope you are not prideful.

>> No.21025696

>My principal worry is that this kind of serious (dare I even say Franzen-esque novel) about a tortured male genius is a tough sell in this moment
>I do worry that a perspective like his—very male, very intellectual, and usually the smartest in the room—would be tough to position to our audiences

>> No.21025701

How does Jung explain it?

>> No.21025765

Australia is in the same boat—although, I recently moved to Western Sydney and this area is far more artistically inclined and interested in showcasing the talents of young people than the south coast, eastern suburbs and CBD combined
on your point about the UK: I did a couple of writing courses in the UK and they are so determined to cultivate their literature and build up the careers of their writers, more so than Australia and America from what I can see. They have a lot more pride and enthusiasm about their creative works

>> No.21025768
File: 1.17 MB, 260x173, indiana-jones punch 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ticket

>> No.21025787
File: 294 KB, 640x830, crumb_hobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only goes for memes. Publishing on Amazon is perfectly fine of course, but you absolutely need to take care of getting it out there, getting your name around with a website, instagram, twitter. It's absolutely necessary for self-published work today. There's too much out there for anyone to still have an overview. It's crucial to be able to identify target audience, and to then ensure your work will reach them. Yes, it might be unfortunate, but as a self-published writer, you need to be a salesman, too.
Of course you don't. You will also not elaborate on this when asked, and just pretend that everyone who doesn't agree is dblind and eluded. "Not schizo" my ass. Pic related.

>> No.21025796

>Of course you don't. You will also not elaborate on this when asked, and just pretend that everyone who doesn't agree is dblind and eluded.
Very rude considering I'm interested in the topic and just asked >>21025701

>> No.21025808

Rainbow = gay!! >:o
These people refer to others as NPCs btw. lol

>> No.21025840

I gotta add: Crumb's cool though. I forgive you for your rudeness, anon.

>> No.21025860

/lit/ is not that bad

>> No.21025951

I'm about to publish some semen on that semen demon aayo

>> No.21025960

about to stimulate my brain right now if you know what I mean

>> No.21025962


>> No.21025965


>> No.21025979

No, I don't know. What do you mean?

>> No.21025980

Or what. Continue to debase yourself for an agent instead of actually writing?

>> No.21025985

kys coomer

>> No.21025986

Franzen was the best

>> No.21026034

99% of the mainstream publishing industry's books are vanity projects by women and minorities in state schools, that have good family connections.
They never sell more than 10 copies.
Meanwhile anonymously published books like:
>Harassment Architecture
>Bronze Age Mindset
>They Had No Deepness of Earth
Sell millions, through 0 advertisement.

Zero HP's "They Had No Deepness of Earth" was originally sold over the blockchain.
He sold out of his original limited edition run in under 12 hours, and made a total of 1.2 million USD in sales during that time.

This caught the eye of Penguin Random House, and he got an offer from them and Simon and Schuster to buy the book from him.

He refused and gave everyone a free pdf version instead.

The Passage Prize books similarly sold out and made over 1 million dollars.

Stone Age Herbalist just published his first book, a collection of dissident anthropology essays. In the first 19 hours of it being on Amazon, it made it to #1 in the Ancient History tag.

There is no reason to go through traditional publishing. Traditional publishing is dying. It's not profitable without millions in tax cuts and government subsidies (because cultural capital control is central to the desires of the regime).

A new literary era is being born from its ashes. A better faster network of custom publishing runs, and custom books are going to be formed.

>> No.21026036

You need to go back.

>> No.21026039

No, YOU need to go back to Africa

>> No.21026042 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 640x361, t6ptgpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never titfuck a milk goddess like this

>> No.21026046

>anonymous racist short story writer: 1.2 million dollars in under a day
>the average Eng Lit major with the full backing of Penguin Random House: most don't sell over 12 copies
Remind me again why we need agents and gatekeepers?

>> No.21026047

This post might be the gayest thing I ever saw on the internet, and I saw loltrain back in highschool.

>> No.21026049
File: 51 KB, 640x361, t6ptgpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never titfuck a milk goddess like this

>> No.21026055

Are they gatekeeping the breadline, while we're over here eating sushi and steak?

>> No.21026119

You will someday! Never give up!!

>> No.21026122

I already did
Multiple times, in fact

>> No.21026126

>t. envious femanon

>> No.21026130

I'm never going to grab tits like that

>> No.21026134


Im quite proud of it, it was a short prose piece/ poetry book, with about 40% old stuff from my substack and 60% new work -- which i guess explains the low sales.
not posting it here, but im happy with it as work.

>> No.21026145

>publishing industry converged like education and medicine almost exactly 100 years ago by NYC carpetbaggers is a sclerotic and profoundly inbred scene populated by shitheels
Colour me surprised

>> No.21026210

there are no girls on the internet anon

>> No.21026282

Just start your own publishing house.

>> No.21026329

Otherworldly, sure, obscene, perhaps, but most of all just impossible, perfect, the embodiment of the archetype of the Mother Goddess, Demeter and Freyja made flesh, oh such rich and voluminous flesh,
There are literally billions of souls who dream of sucking on those tits.

>> No.21026378

zerohp sold well because he brands himself on twitter as BAPs best friend.
all those books you mentioned were made by twitter celebrities

>> No.21026384

LMAOOOOO! You think that the UK will rise above a nuclear war with Russia? Fat chance. Russia would be prioritizing NATO in Europe over NATO in NA because that's where the nukes they worry about the most are.

>> No.21026391

I published a novelette they trimmed to a short story in one of those sci-fi pulp magazines still around. They even paid me like $400 which is like a day's pay for like 3 months of work.

I just submitted to everyone until someone bit and accepted it for editing. The bar isn't very high for this kinda speculative fiction maybe.

>> No.21026432
File: 2.65 MB, 3251x1989, D0A72F09-D597-4D64-9EC7-D8AFC0B03FA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21026477

no I won't...

>> No.21026483

The unifying theme with these authors and their success is that they specifically pander to a specific crowd: there's a pre-existing market for the kind of stuff they're writing. Is that the secret? To link yourself up with a pre-existing genre?

>> No.21026588

The problem with publishing is not really what it is you're writing. The problem is what the publishers are willing to pick up and push out there with their names on it. The environment is undoubtedly friendlier outside of the English-speaking world, but the same phenomenon occurs.

>> No.21026596

I need big tits

>> No.21026667

They're extremely active on Twitter and Social Media. It's not true at all that they have 0 advertisements. I also doubt they sold millions of copies.

>> No.21026690

Yes, but also marketing. Writers generally don't understand that while book-writing can be like art-making, book-selling is more like product-selling. This is why books from the Obamas and Clintons make the NYT best-sellers lists automatically while truly talented writers barely sell a dozen copies. Their names and fame do the selling for them. These writers not only targeted a reader niche but were extremely active in that niche on social media, which is a form of marketing. Writers are allergic to money, finance, and sales, and do not understand these things, generally do not try to understand them, and in this epoch, you just can't afford to screw that part up and expect to live off it.

>> No.21026716

it's obviously going to be less pozzed but publishing in polish is going to reduce your potential audience by like 95% compared to english so your chance of making a living from it is going to be much lower

>> No.21026741

Grotesquely hot, yes.

>> No.21026755

these are social media personalities making money off of their fandom. the books are like merchandise you buy to express your adoration for your internet idol, it's a completely different business from publishing and it has more in common with onlyfans. a real writer would not be comfortable having his writing be a footnote to his career as a twitter clown.

>> No.21026857

Based. Hope it goes well, anon.

>> No.21026860

Personally I think Rowling's turds are Slytherin.

>> No.21026871

In america I can write whatever the fuck I want. In UK they send people to jail for tweeting that maybe pakis should stop raping little girls so much.

>> No.21026892

>it's over isn't it
I hate women, but even I have little interest in that kind of novel, specially from an unknown author.

>> No.21026940

You can, but you could be censored, lose your job, have your bank account frozen, and you certainly won't be published.

>> No.21026951

The hard truth is that the best predictors of book sales today are celebrities or endorsements by large institutions. Perhaps eCelebrity is more realistic than traditional celebrity or being endorsed by the World Economic Forum.

>> No.21026960

fron the collarbone upwards she's a 4/10. downwards she's a 9/10. too pale. i don't want to fuck mozzarella cheese

>> No.21027097
File: 240 KB, 903x2000, 1654063134446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true take

>> No.21027151
File: 40 KB, 480x480, 746708ef2813647d169d83a7aac108f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a loving relationship with a nerdy girl with glasses. Stop watching porn and big booba harlots.

>> No.21027181

What is the material in this context?

>> No.21027238

I wonder how much you'd sell if you peddle it yourself

>> No.21027302

Shorter pieces, plans for novels with some chapters already written, lots of notes, life experiences in general plus 2000 books read

>> No.21027312

how would i advertise it?

>> No.21027332

I dunno, put a box of books on your back and go sell it friday night on the bohemian district. Focus on "peddle"

>> No.21027361

You make more going the amazon route nowadays anyway if the Penguin suit numbers are reliable.

To actually get the kind of numbers that could make writing outside of the academy a career, you do need connections though, or a ton of luck.

>> No.21027400

This post is beyond based. Well done brother.

>> No.21027409

>Nerdy girls
There's no such thing.

>> No.21027420

Good post, the best kind of truth: so simple and obvious that retards need to be reminded of it even if they scream and punch their retard heads in anger

>> No.21027436

This is true.

>> No.21027438

wtf I LOVE /pol/ now

>> No.21027488
File: 207 KB, 540x810, 1640119988780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not visit /pol/. Predominantly only /lit/ and /fit/.

>> No.21027496
File: 690 KB, 220x223, 1661891126526662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Predominantly only

>> No.21027519

Then /pol/ is already living rent free in your head, mr nazi dubs

>> No.21027756
File: 773 KB, 931x767, PennywiseTheClown1990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lit thinks this is attractive

>> No.21027802
File: 121 KB, 647x757, pol-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a world-view, anon.

When I feel unmotivated and loathe the idea of working out, I am able to motivate myself rapidly with very little effort. When i feel immense joy, almost to the point of tears, lying on the couch with a book and my fiance laying against me sleeping, i can not help but think it is because of my adoption of this world-view that secured it for me.

I want those like me to understand it is possible to obtain what the frog posters meme over.

>> No.21027807


>> No.21027919

Stop shutting up the thread.

>> No.21028000

>scared to live in America
>because of a nuke
>lives in the UK instead
Nebraska will be just fine, but most of the UK will not.

>> No.21028012
File: 595 KB, 612x818, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll be alright, thanks for worrying about us though.

>> No.21028038

You're missing out.

>> No.21028050
File: 87 KB, 683x1024, christina_hendricks_hot2-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21028054

>midweest inbreeding is totally legit and fine
OK cletus, keep shoveling shit

>> No.21028058
File: 42 KB, 574x690, 1661656575155066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21028074
File: 189 KB, 1080x1184, beae3776422f333af2ce60e10b9673514232ae9671f449fb0d93317201afbd04_1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I didn't know Gorge R.R. Martin posted here!

>> No.21028088
File: 181 KB, 741x1078, christina_hendricks__really_fat_by_cahabent_d9adwbu-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21028090

>waaahhhhhh I am a mentally weak loser
>waaaahhhhhhh I am le depressed waahhhhhhhh life is soooooo heckin harderinooooooo

>> No.21028125

ZHP only became popular as a twitter celeb because of his blog-published short stories. Same goes for BAP, who wouldn't have a following without BAM. They wouldn't be social media personalities if their writing hadn't found an audience.

This is also the reason publishing houses exist, and it's why the Passage Prize was a smart move. Let the writers write, and the e-celebs market it for them.

>> No.21028194

books about fathering her children

>> No.21028224
File: 176 KB, 1024x639, pol-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is aged and childless. She has foregone the greatest joys of life and neglected to have a family. Now as she enters her twilight years she will have nobody to give her comfort and love.

She has less than a handful of years left before age and the required surgeries begin to become obvious to the layman and so too will the roles and opportunities dry up as well as her body.

>> No.21028240

do you have children, anon? do (You)?

>> No.21028256
File: 83 KB, 486x599, 1652924596212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expecting my first one in May. We are very excited.

>> No.21028338

i will translate my first novel myself and they will shill it in my home country and publish both versions at the same time. If it successfull then they will even hire dedicated translator to closely work with me on my next novel. Thats how it will be

>> No.21028347

Based. I've been thinking about writing in english, but I can't even understand the difference between "in" and "on" half of the time.

>> No.21028351
File: 35 KB, 408x408, christina-hendricks-1658245306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm putting down good money right now that if I google Christina Hendricks she's already bogged as of 2022.


>> No.21028358

I still would.

>> No.21028359
File: 30 KB, 550x390, Architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Need a woman like this.

>> No.21028367

Why all these Hollywood women start losing weight as they age? Don't they understand that it only makes them look older because we can see all their wrinkles? Young women can get away with being skinny because their face are naturally chubby, but old hags don't have that privilege.

>> No.21028376

Babyfat is the gift of youth, maintaining anything like the blessed natural babyfat glow of the 20 year old woman as a 25+ year old woman requires being a chubbo

>> No.21028384

You're a homosexual

>> No.21028386

oh. congratulations! may your youngling drink much and sleep long!

>> No.21028404

What are you saying here?

>> No.21028408
File: 107 KB, 774x600, 774px-David-Oath_of_the_Horatii-1784-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Three is minimum for me.

>> No.21028413

Make sure you have several boys no matter what, girls are a wildcard in this culture and you can lose them to TikTok at any time even if you raise them as fringe Mennonites. Boys you can at least install a good base hardware layer of values into.

>> No.21028424

Indeed. My cousin has had several daughters and one son. Some of the older daughters, despite being raised very conservatively and in the church, are rebelling. Two of the older ones shoot me fuck me eyes all the time, despite being family. And, the oldest one moved out to live with her bf asap after high school and barely talks to the family anymore. Boys are your only hope for normal offspring in this day and age.

>> No.21028441

>And, the oldest one moved out to live with her bf asap after high school and barely talks to the family anymore
that's a traditional relationship (in america)
>they shoot me fuck me glances!
you're a projecting creep

>> No.21028455
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>conservatively and in the church
Neither of these things is a guard against anything. The problem strikes me that you have failed to have them understand the values you force on them, and have not arrived at them themselves.

The underpinnings of the Church are useless, anti-natal and actively hostile to what i stand for. You can place your own personal spin on them and justify what you like but the notion of all being born in to sin (even the most innocent newborns) is disgusting to me, the revalation that nothing you do can erase the sins of your ancestors (Moral basis for white guilt, used to be Catholic Guilt) and worse the only means to escape this situation is to accept the pain and suffering of the one who originally condemned us.

I suspect this will bring out all the virtiol from people.

>> No.21028457

>that's a traditional relationship
Not really. Traditional would include dating for a long while, and then getting married before moving in together. You sound like a beta lib shit who thinks cuckolding practices are traditional.
>you're a projecting creep
Nope. They really do. I wouldn't accept, but that's the reality of the situation.

>> No.21028461

There's no hope bro, it's human nature to want to fuck around, I fucked two Muslim girls who wore headscarves and everything in college, just had to be discreet. I swear as soon as they get a bit of autonomy they're going to act on their basic mammal instincts that's just how people are and always have been.

>> No.21028463
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Forgot to add, conservatives only care about conserving their money and obstructing government. They are becoming worse than the Left as they are just Libertarians/Liberals until they want to enforce their own unhelpful stone-age morality.

>> No.21028465
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Rejection excerpt:
>My principal worry is that this kind of serious (dare I even say Franzen-esque novel) about a tortured male genius is a tough sell in this moment,
It's over. It's unironically over.

>> No.21028474

>you have failed to have them understand the values you force on them
They're not my kids. I didn't raise them. Also, you sound like a pagan. Go enjoy your hedonism, before the eternal burning.

>> No.21028492
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>Go enjoy your hedonism, before the eternal burning.

You are proof-positive your religion means nothing, is nothing and protects against nothing. Your response is same as a female shrieking and immediately spouting off what they think are viciously barbed insults. Can you not engage with the actual argument i have against your creed?

>> No.21028496
File: 165 KB, 890x670, roseofversailles_caps_00041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls are a wildcard in this culture
not if you raise them as boys

>> No.21028497

What argument? "Religion bad"?

>> No.21028526

Coming into this thread to see why Miss Mommy Milkers is looking at me on page one over and over.

I have self-published hundreds of shorts and also have had short stories published in e-zines and won honorable mention in a Writer's Digest contest. Does all that count?

>> No.21028530

how many kids do you have?

>> No.21028548
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Outlined here >>21028455 if it is unclear i can try to simplify it.

Outlined here >>21028256 if it is unclear I can not simpify it.

>> No.21028565

My mistake. your argument isn't "religion bad" but "Christianity bad". Gotcha. Congrats on the kid, but you're not really arguing anything except that you think my religion "is disgusting". The fact that you can't provide any real refutes to it is all I need to know.

>> No.21028617
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That is not what he wrote or what you read, why would you say that it is?

>> No.21028631

>The underpinnings of the Church are useless, anti-natal and actively hostile to what i stand for.
>the notion of all being born in to sin (even the most innocent newborns) is disgusting to me
It is.

>> No.21028743

A few deranged ones found their way to /lit/, not that the rest of us are any less deranged

>> No.21028973

Thank you for reading that article. Did you see the YouTube videos in thread?

>> No.21029239

garbage thread
just came here to post "booba"

>> No.21029488

They wouldn't look good on you

>> No.21029502
File: 1.29 MB, 450x251, Chocolate Moose 500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an anti-world view

>> No.21029526

>the gif doesn't show the end of the scene, where the Nazi falls, hits the ground, and is made of ceramic and shatters into a bunch of pieces - only to never be addressed or referenced again
I'm a white supremacist Nazi, and I love old timey Hollywood Jewish absurdist humour - Zucker and Zucker movies are the best

>> No.21029543

There is no british accent, it's not a thing. It's original english.

>> No.21029546

>There is no british accent, it's not a thing. It's original english.
Nice b8 m8. If you don't speak like you are a knight of Arthur's court, are you even trying?

ANd so this lady lyle of Auelion toke her this swerd
that she broughte with her / and told there shold noo
man pulle it oute of the shethe but yf he be one of the
best knyghtes of this reame / and he shold be hard and ful of
prowesse / and with that swerd he shold slee her broder / this
was the cause that the damoysel came in to this Courte / I
knowe it as wel as ye / wolde god she had nat comen in to thys
Courte / but she came neuer in felauship of worship to do
good but alweyes grete harme / and that knyght that hath
encheued the suerd shal be destroyed by that suerd / for the whiche wil
be grete dommage / for ther lyueth not a knyȝt of more prowesse
than he is / and he shalle do vnto yow my lord Arthur grete
honour and kyndenesse / and it is grete pyte shall not endure
but a whyle / for of his strengthe and hardynesse I knowe
not his matche lyuynge / Soo the knyght of Irelonde armed
hym at al poyntes / and dressid his shelde on his sholder and
mounted vpon horsback and toke his spere in his hand and
rode after a grete paas as moche as his hors myght goo / and
within a lytel space on a montayne he had a syghte of
Balyn / and with a lowde voys he cryed abyde knyght / for ye shal
abyde whether ye will or nyll / and the sheld that is to fore you
shalle not helpe / whan Balyn herd the noyse / he tourned his
hors fyersly / and saide faire knyghte what wille ye with me /
wille ye Iuste with me / ye said the Irysshe knyghte / therfor
come I after yow / parauenture said Balyn it had ben better to
haue hold yow at home / for many a man weneth to putte his
enemy to a rebuke / and ofte it falleth to hym self / of what
courte be ye sente fro said Balyn / I am come fro the Courte of
kynge Arthur sayd the knyghte of Irlond / that come
hyder for to reuenge the despyte ye dyd this day to kyng arthur

>> No.21029631
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Geordie is objectively the best accent in the whole of the Anglo-Sphere.

What a terribly retarded thing to write.

>> No.21029753

You fail to understand the doctrine of original sin.

>> No.21029843

>tfw have never got a personalized rejection
>over 100 queries between 3 novels
what caliber should i use to shoot my brains out?

>> No.21029850
File: 667 KB, 846x654, 1654203176333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain in laymans terms what i got wrong. I do not disagree with all of Christianity, just some. If i am able to reconcile my objections this will help.

I ask you not to use your own personal headcanon and instead cite mainstream institutions.

>> No.21029857

basically. agents don't care what readers want, you can check mswl to confirm that. i've seen typical shit like agents wanting novels set in their homestate or ancestral nation, or a main character who has all the same interests and personality traits they do, or unique special snowflake situations that are obviously their own headcannon and they're looking for someone to write a book for them for free without needing to commission what scratches their obsessive/narcissistic itch. it's a fucked and backwards system and extremely unprofessional, but there is no oversight board to whack these NYC-wannabe jackasses' egos back down.

meanwhile good books don't get published. everything on the shelves is trash that only appeals to the tiny clique of hyper-woke blue haired agents. the normal reader is not considered.

agents: "someone write a book about x y and z for me, set in v where I grew up, thanks, no I won't pay you, you should thank me for this opportunity to massage my ego."

It's their lack of professionalism that pisses me off the most. in any other industry they would be fired for their twitter antics and personal biases.

>> No.21029863

>Western Sydney

>> No.21029866

>move to iceland
>pay someone to translate your novel into icelandic
why is the american market so shite. the only person i know here who got published is a black token author to check their diversity boxes. he's an animewriter doing YA schlock and at best has an IQ of 92.

>> No.21029871
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If I shall relapse I'm taking everyone with me

>> No.21029874
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>> No.21029878

Success in publishing is a exercise in marketing and word of mouth. Any monkey can write nowadays.

>> No.21029880

Melbournite trasnplants are such a joke.

>> No.21029891
File: 322 KB, 780x470, Niel_oliver-780x470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the worst Scotsman I've ever encountered
And that's saying something next to Neil Oliver

>> No.21029898
File: 127 KB, 634x885, 1530C50B000005DC-0-image-m-232_1442813948433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally wouldnt know how to act in front of her, how are you supposed to ignore them when literally everything else wouldnt have any relevance at all compared to them? is just biology

>> No.21029904

Physics. The gravitational pull first catches hold of the eyes

>> No.21030253

NTA but original sin accounts for the state of the world (i.e. what everyone, including newborns, are subjected to due to the fall) and isn't invested/focused on particular individuals aside from the fact they're born into the world and become a part of it. Saying a baby is punished because it's sinful is a shallow read you'd expect from New Atheism retards who haven't put thought into what they don't believe.

>> No.21030559

I want to touch them

>> No.21031381
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>are subjected to due to the fall
There. Speak more on this. Why are we fallen? Not metaphorically or symbolically, every major chruch professes it to be a real and terrible point of Christianity.

Because of Eve being induced by a serpent, lured and encouragee to eat of the tree of knowledge? While God watched and waited. Have an adult conversation about it instead of resorting to accusations, petty insults and stone-throwing.

>> No.21031423
File: 460 KB, 1000x563, Screen-Shot-2020-10-31-at-6.51.31-PM-copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what your mother said, Trebek.

>> No.21031646

Just wait a few years. Past a certain age it becomes impossible to be so naive as to think that other people care about your exquisite sensibility and fine feelings, nor should they. And you realize you have nothing to say anymore, if you ever did, the urgent desire to express may just have been a side effect of other illusions about yourself, your incomplete taste, your adolescent ego. There was probably a muddled sexual fantasy underneath all of it about being a literary rockstar that you will also stop caring about.

>> No.21031686

You are correct. It’s really just about her being hot. The female body overshadows mental clarity. That’s why women aren’t supposed to be running around showing off everything they’ve got.

>> No.21031712
File: 479 KB, 1002x419, 1646159095531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not hot, a uselees word. Her entire image is meant to provoke lust and passion. This is then countered, stupidly, by her rejection and anger of any attention drawn to the fact that she provokes lust in men.

Her beauty will fade after sex, but nobody is looking at her and picturing missionary sex or anything wholesome and romantic. They are imaging all manner of nasty acts that degrade and humiliate. After it all she will be revealed to be what she actually looks like. A tired vessel and object that is close to being all used up.

>> No.21031736

you could not be a more obvious LARPing shitposter

>> No.21031791
File: 25 KB, 377x500, 41F-ordV4YL-2293858492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go. better act quick tho she's probably only got a couple dozen eggs left.

>> No.21031896
File: 117 KB, 1166x960, 1658293530112377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your damaged infant, late stage conception is the greatest predictor, after drugs and booze, of damaged offspring.

>> No.21032075

>fedora tipper confirmed

>> No.21032080
File: 52 KB, 1024x767, 1655453736779m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recent online convert to Orthodoxy confirmed

>> No.21032087

I'm not religious. Like I said:
>a shallow read you'd expect from New Atheism retards who haven't put thought into what they don't believe

>> No.21032097

Nta but why do christlarpers always have to lie about their beliefs? If you take this seriously then how are you any better than them?

>> No.21032105

Adam & Eve lived in perfect union with God in the garden until Eve, tempted by the serpent, disobeyed God, causing them to fall out of union with God and become subjected to their own will rather than the will of God.

>> No.21032126
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Why was the serpent punished less than eve? She had to be lured and tempted. Remember she had no knowledge of evil, falsehood or deception. To punish such is truly evil. All the while God sat watching, waiting for her to bite of the fruit only to unleash his wrath on us. No intervention on the serpent when it spoke falsely.

>> No.21032146

>Nta but why do christlarpers always have to lie about their beliefs?
Why do you project that?
>If you take this seriously then how are you any better than them?
Athiests always seem to care about being better than anonymous strangers on the internet and (comically shallow versions of) satanic pride is one of their hallmarks.

>> No.21032147

The serpent is in Hell forever, meanwhile Adam, Eve, and all humanity have been saved from the fires of Hell by the very same God. The reason God allowed Eve to be tempted is because He has given us completely free will, as we are made in the image of God, so that we may truly make the choice to love Him.

>> No.21032155

inb4 he unironically projects why his logic is superior than an omnipotent being.

>> No.21032162

>satanic pride is one of their hallmarks.

Lol nice b8

>> No.21032169

>better than them
You outed yourself.

>> No.21032177

Atleast try to make sense christroll

>> No.21032185

Now that it's been pointed out you're sliding and running away from the conversation. Cope retard.

>> No.21032203
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No, the serpent was made to crawl on its belly. Though that raises further questions, either the serpent had free will or it was acting in full accordance with its god given nature.

>> No.21032560
File: 49 KB, 634x671, 53133149-10420017-Honest_Ashley_James_took_to_her_Instagram_account_on_Wednesday_t-m-20_1642627630784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women should just get pregnant instead of surgical enhancement

>> No.21032595

Paradise lost is my favourite poem and I can't tell you how much it has made me hate women; an impressive accomplishment given how I thought my hatred was fiery hot before.

>> No.21032622

Gonna have to disagree. If they remain fat as they get older they just end up having sagging fat faces.

>> No.21032704
File: 169 KB, 310x325, 1652235077652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine hating the most beautiful companion, one tailor made to reflect the opposite of what you are. Imagine going your whole life without experiencing the joy and completeness they can bring life.

If i where in your life, i would be hate filled too.

>> No.21032727

She betrayed all humanity to this hell, you stupid fuck faggot.

Satan literally only tried to seduce Eve out of heaven so he and Adam could chill as just the guys; it was only in Adam (the fool! We must learn from him) choosing to fall with Eve that this beautiful plan was foiled. Women have never been anything other than the scourge of all existence.

>> No.21032738

Just because some people hate women doesn’t mean they don’t desire them. They realize their significant innate shortcomings and this causes the normal reaction of disgust/hatred. It’s only rational to be cautious when it comes to women. Many men have had to learn this the hard way. And seeing the way you write you’ll likely end up learning it the hard way too. At the same time of course they remain biologically hardwired to yearn for women more than almost anything else. It can’t really be turned off after all. And whether or not you get to experience this „most beautiful companion“ is not fully up to you anyways, especially not nowadays.

>> No.21032799
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>And seeing the way you write you’ll likely end up learning it the hard way too.
Not likely, ive seen it in others and that is what motivated me to be a desirable partner. Cultivate beauty and the qualities you want to attrack in myself to attract the same i want in a wife.

It worked, now we are a young couple expecting our first child and we have never been happier.

>> No.21032829

>And whether or not you get to experience this „most beautiful companion“ is not fully up to you anyways, especially not nowadays.
In my experience, most dudes like this are a 5-6, but imagine themselves a 10.

>> No.21032836
File: 953 KB, 800x800, 1653225184817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. And whether or not you get to experience this „most beautiful companion“ is not fully up to you anyways, especially not nowadays
Nothing is promised but you can take strides to make yourself a worthwhile partner.

Can you do 5 pulls up or get a high score on hearts of iron?

Can you change spark plugs on a car or can you reference an obscure anime?

Are you interested in sports and fitness or do you enjoy cartoons and animated shows?

Did you join the military or a mmog raiding guild?
You can not bemoan the absence of traditional femininty when all hallmarks of traditional masculinity are absent. This is not directed at you, but this poor fucker >>21032727

>> No.21032921

>You can not bemoan the absence of traditional femininty when all hallmarks of traditional masculinity are absent
Boom, roasted.

>> No.21032960

Based. If I could genocide two groups it would be white Christians and Leftists. Anyone who sucks faggot Jesus jew dick deserves eternal torment.

>> No.21032973

This is the only post in this thread that matters. Everything else is pathetic cope and Judaism.

>> No.21032976
File: 45 KB, 472x298, 1662733449063869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not reflect my views, kike. You post only to create divison and anger. Kindly stop.

>> No.21033059

I hope you’ll remain optimistic and I wish you the best.

I doubt that. Once you find the blackpill you almost immediately realize all your shortcomings, both physically and in terms of character. If anything 5-6 would be too generous a rating for quite a few guys out there. And they know it.

I certainly agree with your first and last point. It can’t hurt to take action and become better than you were before. And just because there is no hope left for women doesn’t mean that we as men should just give up and abandon masculinity while becoming weak. Striving to become as good of a man as you can possibly be is always commendable.

>> No.21033073

>masculinity isn't definable without femininity
Opposite, fuckface: masculinity can exist without women whereas the inverse isn't true; see the Greeks.

>> No.21033099
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>I wish you the best
Thank you.

>I certainly agree with your first and last point.
That would suggest to me that my examples are what you disagree with?

I have no sense of where you are drawing your argument from. I suspect by your crudeness you wish to redefine masculinity in a way that would include whatevee wild, childish behavior you spent 8 hours a day engaged in.

>> No.21033139

Femininity is the opposite of whatever masculinity is, yet in such a way as to still me insubstantial. Bemoaning the lack of traditional femininity implies that there ever was such an ideal. This is wrong. There have been ideal men, but to be an ideal women would be to not exist. Femininity is a negation of masculinity only.

Also: You are retarded. Read Weininger and then follow his lead though not having understood as he did.

>> No.21033166

No, nothing I really disagree with. Though it’s probably possible to reconcile both sides. You could be fit and still enjoy anime for example. If anything I disagree with joining the military nowadays. If a war is not fought for the sake of God and/or for the sake of defending your family and homeland then there is no point in participating in it.

>> No.21033181
File: 79 KB, 1275x1178, 1641804248384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere did i say they were dependant upon one another. I said clearly that a man, lacking any trace of masculine behavior, traits and behavior should not be at liberty to cry about the lack of traditional females or femenine behavior in society.

>> No.21033251
File: 72 KB, 1200x675, gt4kd4pawvhkgzjkkhjudse6od5mgjrubqvo5s5sm6gikipnzyf2orydyksdlhpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could be fit and still enjoy anime for example.
Im inclined to disagree at the principle you are implying here. There are a small handful of behaviors which immediately destroy any interest a woman may have, just as there are a handful of the same that can destroy a man's interest in a woman.

While the rare individual may be able to get away with it, the majority of average males simply do not have the ability to engage in self-damaging behavior and still enjoy full interest from potential mates, especially from ones that are highly desirable, those being attractive, fit, wealthy and traditional partners that the incel community typically reserve their hatred for.

>f anything I disagree with joining the military nowadays. If a war is not fought for the sake of God and/or for the sake of defending your family and homeland then there is no point in participating in it.
I will also disagree with this. You join because it is a risk. That you have put yourself between danger and something else. The mindset of being able to engage in conflict is the goal here, not the philosophical reasons for a war.

Wars if aggression and resources too are entirely valid, if Russia was not a corrupt shit-tip of a nation and actually took Ukraine in a manner that it had hoped, the current political landscape would be very different. Nations, specifically Poland and Finland, may suddenly wish to engage in territory expanion, where I a man in those nations I would quickly enlist to do so.

>> No.21033266


>> No.21033422

At least they fucking looked at the book. My rejections (assuming I even get one, most of the time they just don't even bother to send an email) always consist of
>This isn't for me and I wish you the best of luck in placing it elsewhere
Did you even read it Ms. I-only-accept-gay-kids-books?

>> No.21033665

This always makes me laugh since YouTube has made more people rich than the country of Russia can by itself let alone a single arbitrary profession.

>> No.21033668

Meant to say China but the statement still stands.

>> No.21033700

Honestly this chick and her huge tits is like some futuristic mementic crime, those tits are like glacing at one of Langford's Basilisks like it instantly overrides your brain. Ought to be against the rules this thread would have slid off the board otherwise.

>> No.21033733

How is this post literature.

>> No.21033944

hhnnnghhh those tits!

>> No.21033954


angie varona just got pregnant, i can't wait to see how her body develops

>> No.21034103

It's hilarious how "Franzen-esque" is a universal insult. NO ONE wants to be Franzen.
To the identity politics crowd, he's a symbol of the oppressive white male patriarchy that they want to overthrow.
To the /lit/ crowd, he's a textbook example of a middlebrow mediocrity, the last person they would ever want to emulate.

>> No.21034490

So how did you obtain it?

>> No.21035207

With effort.

>> No.21035249

Corrections is actually pretty good. Only the pretentious people who don't read complain that he's a midwit.

>> No.21035795
File: 47 KB, 620x726, Mein-Kampf-SDL366205114-1-ddc74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By viewing the world through the lens of blood and soil, a competition, and a struggle. Read Mein Kampf, the book is not at all how it has been depicted.

>> No.21035993

I can't believe you guys shit up my blackpill thread with all this talk of tits and original sin. Honestly!

>> No.21036026

I'm going to try quitting porn again and just watch some nude pics

>> No.21036095

>blood and soil
Nazis don't understand either

>> No.21036133

What else is new? This whole civilization is a disaster and there's nothing good or noble to do in it.

>> No.21036136

What does that even mean? How do you turn blood and soil into a personal ethic and how do you live according to that ethic? You are probably just doing more or less the same thing as everyone else.

>> No.21036183

coombrain >>>/int/

>> No.21036315
File: 45 KB, 324x500, 1663348075362791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you turn blood and soil into a personal ethic and how do you live according to that ethic?
Your own land and people are the number one priority. Your first principles are that one of those two aspects should be made better by your action.

>You are probably just doing more or less the same thing as everyone else.
I may be, but every State in the world is destroying their blood and soil in favor of profit and financial gain.

>> No.21037359

It's just liberalism with an extreme and impossible idealism of purity.

>> No.21037558

Literally who?

>> No.21037704

You still around? I appreciate your article.

>> No.21037707

You need money to own land though, and if you tend to soil like a traditional farmer you're liable to lose money hand over fist. At least, this is what I saw working on farms and ranches when I was younger.

>> No.21037711

Nazi/Fascist doctrine confuses me honestly because, on one hand, they endorsed blood and soil while on the other hand, they endorsed big industry and technology. I just fail to see how these two imperatives aren't at odds.

>> No.21037721

fascist retards like yourself only believe in this because you envision yourself as part of a hugo boss wearing and power wielding clique.
in this imaginary world, you of course would be ruling over a docile plebian caste who, though they receive no gain for their work, are engineered to love their land and people (despite never being given the grace of truly owning a single handful of dirt).

>> No.21037788
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That's the point, to dialectically sublate the two apparent oppositions (modernity and tradition) and reveal them as not opposed.

Marxist Communism seeks to do the same thing in its own way: to sublate the apparent opposition and tension between civil society and the state and reveal they were predicated on a misconception (an inevitable one as it was part of the rise of the bourgeoisie to CREATE the dialectical opposition that the proletariat will SUBLATE).

The "total state," "total mobilisation" (Schmitt, Junger) was inevitable in the 20th century, and we already live in it, or the post-liberal/post-bourgeois version of it, i.e. the managerial anarcho-tyranny welfare-nanny state in which everyone is free because everyone is a slave of an expert class. As Paul Piccone says, the Stalinist USSR just ended up being a mirror image of this, "red capitalism," Djilas' "New Class" of communist apparatchiks were just the Russian mirror of the banking and culture-creating class foreseen by Saint-Simon and Comte, demanded by Bernays (Propaganda) and Lippmann (Public Opinion), and described empirically by Carroll Quigley.

Fascism and national socialism were the attempt at a "third way" between Anglo-American finance and Bolshevism, often collapsed by Heidegger and others into simply "Anglo-Bolshevism," meaning the worldwide technological managerial "total state," political by dint of calling itself apolitical, totalitarian post-political posthumanism. Fascism was the attempt to in-corporate, in the sense of sublating and "bringing up into," all the elements destroyed by managerial technocracy: preservation of and respect for human diversity (multipolarity, genuine federalism), the hierarchy and corporatist autonomy of the lost feudal society (which Marx also acknowledged was more authentic and transparent than bourgeois proletarianization), the democratic principle of liberalism with the realities of mass machinic society, the aesthetic harmony of the republican and nationalist principles (according to which man naturally wants to live in a poetizing collective or "nomos," surrounded by myths and symbols he understands in his heart), etc.

All the contradictions you see in fascism, like the fact that it attracted equally speed- and machine-worshipping Futurists and radical avantgarde artists like Pound and Benn as well as traditionalist corporatists like Edgar Julius Jung and Othmar Spann, are a feature not a bug. Fascism was the attempt at the great synthesis, governed by the principle of faith in man and in what is best in man (his natural capacity for responsible freedom in apparently paradoxical combination with selfless cooperation), rather than the opposed managerial-technocratic principle of pessimism and the concomitant the obsession with "managing" and "curating" society (because man left to his own devices is supposedly evil and stupid instead of noble and good).

>> No.21037808

At their core, it is a liberal scheme. Progressivism was born from a socialist hybridization to capture their younger minds and mollify their more extreme demands. Though some were sincere enough about raising the colonies up with free market strategies , they were also eugenicists and racists. Italian futurism came along later. An early 20th century version of cyberpunk. You see what the WEF are fetishizing now. Liberalism morphs into fascism at opportunistic times. This bothers some of them sometimes. So concerned with purity

>> No.21037830
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The demands of Codreanu and the Iron Guard to the completely corrupt parliamentary regime in Romania:
>WE DEMAND the introduction of the death penalty, exclusively for the fraudulent manipulators of public funds.
>WE DEMAND the revision and confiscation of the fortunes of those that fleeced their poor country.
>WE DEMAND the calling to account of the politicians that have been proven to have worked against the country, supporting fraudulent private dealings.
>WE DEMAND the future obstruction of political persons that have been proven to have worked against the country, supporting fraudulent private dealings.
>WE DEMAND the future obstruction of political persons to take part in administration councils of various banks and institution.
>WE DEMAND the ejection of the droves of merciless exploiters who came to this land to exploit the riches of the soil and the labor of our arms.
>WE DEMAND that the Romanian territory be declared an inalienable and imprescriptible property of the Romanian Nation.

>3) To declare war on misery and general poverty, putting the good to
work and to temperance, sending the parasitical elements to work by
force, which play the sluggard role in the hive of the state, all the
slothful, who watch the coffee shop tables from dawn till dusk, the bored
ones who wander the streets, all the electoral agents from city halls,
prefect’s offices, ministries, the democratic ideologues who wish to keep
cheap discourses.

>4) To abolish all that is parasitism on the worn-out body of the
country, to raise up, organize and stimulate the creative energies of the

>5) To abolish dishonesty and confiscate the riches of the guilty,
bringing the stolen money back to the state coffers, to the last dime.

>6) To take charge of the large destitute mass, for better or for worse, to
eat of the same brown bread and the same poor meal that the
downtrodden worker eats. That in these harsh times, moral filth,
unequal treatment harms much more than material filth. Some live in
luxury, with champagne and caviar and others don ’t even have polenta,
under the people-loving democratic regime.

>10) To raise from the ground up the new ethnic national state, to be
based upon national culture, family and worker corporations.

>> No.21037835
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Fucked up the greentext, but have some more as a bonus
>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and the example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.21038257

That’s the only way to find gems anon

>> No.21039480

Based fellow Spengler and Evola reader. Women are disgusting!

>> No.21039481


>> No.21039483

The artist forgot to draw the axe in the man's hands.

>> No.21039485

Mediturds have no right to talk about white values.

>> No.21039499

I didn't think my opinion on one woman's physical appearance would be so controversial, I feel largely responsible for this somewhat eclectic thread

>> No.21040070

But the contradictions are greater in Nazism than in Fascism proper.

>> No.21040186

Now we've somehow drifted into fascism chat. I know these things are only to be expected, but still

>> No.21040213


>> No.21040235

why are nazis so retarded bros?

>> No.21040247
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>worker corporations.

>> No.21040254

>>WE DEMAND the introduction of the death penalty, exclusively for the fraudulent manipulators of public funds.
what liberal pussy shit. abolish prisons and only utilize executions and excrutiation or stop talking.

>> No.21040287
File: 648 KB, 1500x1600, AmericanPredicament.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Publish a book

>according to CDC PIAAC
>98% of American adults have less mental capacity than an 18 year old
>88% of American adults have less mental capacity than a 15 year old
>62% of American adults have less mental capacity than an 11 year old
>30% of American adults have less mental capacity than a 9 year old

Meaning I'm not going to pander to children? You got me. I've pandered to gays before, and they appreciated it, but nobody cared about the rest of my work. Trying to appeal to the 2% of adults which are mentally capable is even worse, since most all of these people either mimic the childlike humans due to fear of isolation or are afflicted by antisocial character traits due to being angry with the stupidity of the world to the point of seeing everyone else as little more than children to abuse for pleasure and profit.

>> No.21040298

>I suspect by your crudeness you wish to redefine masculinity
my man, your autistic ass hasn't even defined it outside of meaningless buzzwords. You are just regurgitating propaganda in your empty head and worshipping losers.

>> No.21040307

are you telling me that you have less mental capacity than an 18 year old?

>> No.21040347
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>Traditional masculine skills, repairing or general handiness in life. Home, car, garden, etc.
>Traditonal masculine interests, sports, creative pursuits, fitness, etc
>Traditional masculine experiences, military service, home, family

You know what it is. We all know what it is, we can identify when we see it, we can immediately spot where it is absent.

You are like a progressive trans-woman who know exactly what a woman is but refuses to define it like the rest of us because it does not include themselves. So they must either remove the definition completely or water it down to the point it is useless.

>> No.21040392

everything they believe is a performance

>> No.21040406

>>Traditional masculine skills, repairing or general handiness in life. Home, car, garden, etc.
I'd rather make others do that for me, and what bugman gives a shit about cars lol.
you are a mental midget consumerist relying on pictures on the internet given to you by like-minded retards to dictate your life because you are incapable of taking any decision by yourself or even thinking critically for that matter.
>Traditional masculine experiences, military service, home, family
"home" lol. Are women masculine because they have a family? the only specific experience here is military service but I don't think you consider fighting for its own sake or for the simple sake of domination to be very wholesome. You also probably think soldiers are fighting for le ZOG

>> No.21040419

This is true in every other system.

>> No.21040427

interesting, elaborate. It certainly seems like they don't genuinely believe half the shit they spout and only insofar as it helps placate their autism for white people, even though most "white people" think they are retarded and know they aren't actually fighting for their "interests."
When you ask them how they know that their beliefs are good and should be followed they can only use tranny-tier arguments like circular reasoning coupled with paranoid conspiracy theories about Jews dominating the Aryans to justify themselves. It's so pathetic it makes one retch.

>> No.21040432
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>Men have dicks
>so if a man loses his dick he is no longer a man, hah, checkmate bigot

>> No.21040435

not really. Nazis don't genuinely believe half the stuff they preach.

>> No.21040439

>quoting nothing
ok retard

>> No.21040473

I get what you are trying to do.
But it is sloppy thinking. Communists, Liberals, Democratic-Socialists and Conservatives all do the same thing.

>> No.21040485

Many don't. but now I'm curious what you mean by "performance"

>> No.21040517
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Many do. Performative, meaning an act. Either because it is popular or as a smokescreen for other less accepted behavior.

You seem to hold Fascism to a higher standard then Communists or Liberals, why is this? Nobody follows their professed political ideals beyond the moment they come between what they want.

What do you mean when you say performative?

>> No.21041308

Set off some of your paycheck for a hooker. Then realize that emotionless sex isn't very different from masturbation

>claims a family is the greatest joy in life without even having his own
I kek.