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21024660 No.21024660 [Reply] [Original]

Do you journal? What do you use to write? What do you write about?

>> No.21024671

My sexual escapades

>> No.21024760

We don’t write.

>> No.21024787

Yes but then I realized that nothing interesting ever happens in my life and I haven't made a single entry in months.
Also my handwriting is so shit that I can't even read it myself most of the time.

>> No.21025771

I do. I usually use an app on my tablet, but for the first 6 months or so I wrote in a real journal.
In the beginning I wrote a lot about my thoughts and feeling but now I mostly just write what happened in the day. Been a couple years now, since august 2020. It's kinda interesting reading entries from this day a year ago or two. I noticed a lot of my feeling and phases kinda sync up. And even more random things. Like I went and got a cinnabon at the mall almost the exact same day I got it last year. spooky coincidence

>> No.21025789

Dear diary,
Today I jacked of to Japanese drawings of underage girls again…

>> No.21026923
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Im thinking about doing this, through my work im engaged in reasonably complex mechanical operations, it gives me a good amount of time to think. I want to catalogue these thoughts. What formats are good or what methods did you eventually find yourself using?

>> No.21026979

Bought my 3 year old son one so that he can do what my parents never let me do. I hope to rectify those failures and bring him some comfort in his thoughts so that he can have a better chance than I will at making something grand.

>> No.21026993
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Thinking of getting one of those leather journal cover things that you can slip in/replace notebooks and and paper. What would you recommend for an a5 size? And what are some good notepads to slip into it?

>> No.21026998
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I am happier having read that, anon.

>> No.21027003
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I write my emotions when flustered or angry
I write short biographies of notable figures that people/culture references, but whose lives I am not familiar with (for instance, I’m staying on Ponce de León Ave in Atlanta right now, so I Drew a portrait of him and transcribed his Wikipedia article)
I write tons of lists about places I want to go, things I want to do and see, books to read, movies to watch, foods to try, etc.
A lot of goal writing (3 days, 3 months, 9 months, 1 year, 3 years, etc.), these are great to refer back too and see your motivations change over time.
Sometimes I write some bad cringe poetry
Sometimes I draw maps of the places I am in
Sometimes I draw nice buildings I see, or flowers I see
It’s an essential habit now, I actually left my journal at my uncles for a few days last week and I felt naked the entire time I was without it.
Picrel is a backpacking trip in Shenandoah NP I did a few years ago that I want to recreate with my friends.

>> No.21027009

Nice, good for you. My parents discouraged my writing when I was young, or, I guess more aptly, they never encouraged it and didn’t care when I wrote anything, so I gave up on my childhood passion of fantasy writing early. They got mad when they found a giant fantasy island map I made because I drew a mermaid over the compass and I drew her 1-pixel nipples too. I wish I still had that map.

>> No.21027629

Vim and a markdown file.
Usually write about my problems and my life which consists mainly of problems.

>> No.21027647

No. I rarely have thoughts worth writing down. If it's important, it will come back to me. If it's not important, why record it? I doubt I'd ever read the journals either, nor do I think the act of writing down random thoughts would help me in any meaningful way.

>> No.21027664
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You sound like a good dad anon

>> No.21027759

I put down random musings so I don't blurt them out the first time anything vaguely connected to them appears.

>> No.21028083
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>> No.21028109

I've literally jsut started getting into the habit of opening that shit up that it's an abyss of just vocabulary and puns

>> No.21028929
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>> No.21028978

Digital. Laptop and phone. Add to the journal over the day. In the morning lately, I write in it for an hour, maybe more. Averaging about 6000 words daily recently. In the past, it was more like 1500. Maintained it for almost three years now. I believe it is probably over 1.5 million words total now. I enjoy it very much. It was a chore at first, and I skipped days, weeks. Eventually, however, it became second nature, like breathing, except for the soul hah I have a superstitious need to write in it now, each day. Never break the chain. Sometimes I fantasise about having God as a personal journal so that I might organise my life, to sort myself into any category I might care to examine; the journal of my intestine, for instance, or to see at a glance the consistency of my shits over the past ten years with explanatory notes on factors that affected their nature, how many insects I've killed or swallowed in my room, how much time I've spent masturbating, or thinking of masturbating, or how many gallons of sweat or cum I've produced masturbating etc.

>> No.21028988


>What do you write about?

Reflections on the past.
Prostitutes I've banged.
Ideas from books I've read.
My own original ideas (tm) on political and social theory that will never be read by anyone else.

>What do you use to write?

A cheap cartridge fountain pen.

>> No.21029394


>> No.21029422

Based Journaling Chad

Do you ever go back and read old journals / entries?
What do you get out of it ?

>> No.21029462

All the time. The best is when you see passages you write years ago agonizing over goals, and having accomplished them a long time ago, you wonder why you were ever worried at all. Or, conversely, reading goals you wrote and being like: my goodness, why did I even think I wanted that?
Both worth it.

>> No.21029492

quite cool ngl. btw what notebook/pen do you use?

>> No.21029570

I don't.
My life is too boring to write about it.

>> No.21029628

Anon, forgive me, but that's so simple-minded. The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide; your lowest thought may lead to your highest epiphany. You are worth more than you believe. Write your thoughts down. Not all of them, you are right, are worth writing down, and there is no doubt that things are also as you believe them to be; but to assume that that is all there is, is short-sighted.

>> No.21029644

I have a moleskine I was gifted years ago never used it until recently. I'm just reading war and peace and copying out quotes and passages I enjoy while reading through it

Made me realise how bad my writing was and how my arm seems to barely have any writing stamina anymore

>> No.21030492

Sounds sad.

>> No.21030748

imagine writing some embarrasing shit then some dumbfuck peeks into it

>> No.21030758

a while back i thought bullet journaling was great for an autist like me
it did help me for a while

>> No.21031058

No, I sometimes think about it. Instead I always notice how I string together multiple pages worth of stories whenever I'm outside and am on my way to some place. Afterwards I forget it all of course. Should probably keep a notebook of sorts with me but then I'd have to spend 15 minutes writing something down when I should be going somewhere. If only I had a machine that would extract my thoughts and save them for later usage. Already thought of recording it but imagine some dork walking about the town talking to himself.

>> No.21031282

I've been using one for two weeks, and so far it's been really comfy. I write down my thoughts about anything, draw sketches, write restaurant reviews or note new info/experiences. Letting my thoughts out on a piece of paper has a therapeutic quality to it and I'm more satisfied with journalling than I would've expected

>> No.21031300

>Yes but then I realized that nothing interesting ever happens in my life
According to who? Who are you comparing yourself to?

>> No.21031620

I only use Leuchturm1917 in B+ size I think. I buy a different color each time. They last about 3 months. For pens, just any G7 or G5 with the darkest blackest ink.

>> No.21031628

Exact same thing here. I do the same shit every day and all of it is either mundane or disgusting. My head is empty and I have no thoughts of value. I bought a very nice notebook for like 20 bucks almost three years ago and I haven’t even filled half of it.

>> No.21031647

Just thoughts I have.

>> No.21031851

Initially I journal to vent emotions and record what happened. The more I write the more I feel like it is a great place to grab what is on my mind which remains elusive unless being written down and discover new ideas

>> No.21032165

I have a diary that I use solely to record the start and end dates of projects I do such as books or video games. It's good to look back on and know when on a calendar these happened.

>> No.21032221
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My kids will have a journal from the first year of their lives to read as adults. I'm on kid 3 now, and book 4 of the journals. I've been a stay at home dad more often than a working parent now, so I have time to write about them. I record what we do everyday, how they look, their positive attributes, qualities, and attitudes and how they're developing as people.

I write in a4 plus size ledgers. I started in an old archival ledger and moved on to travelers Midori and leuchtturm1917 a4 masters. I have 5 fountain pens and I buy a few new inks every few months to keep things spicy. I just used sailors shivering ink itazora, and have bottle of 224 en route. I like kon Peki, sailor souten, and I have lots of herbin, and diamines.
I sometimes write my own thoughts, sporadically in a few scattered places. House maintenance, to do lists, reading accomplishments, paper contributions, etc.

>> No.21032438
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Ink arrived today from Japan

>> No.21032653

Write about nothing. Stop making excuses. You think you have no thoughts of value, but the truth is that you have to develop your ideas, you have to make an effort. Nobody cares about adventure stuff except normies and plebs.

>> No.21032661

>1.5 milion
that's a lot.

>> No.21032974

>Journal to the Self: Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth - Open the Door to Self by Kathleen Adams

This is a good book with lots of ideas and techniques for how a journal can give you greater self-awareness and control over your life. Download a copy from libgen and skim through some of the techniques.