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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 824x928, leaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21020381 No.21020381 [Reply] [Original]

Canada edition
previous: >>21014390

>> No.21020387

Canada should never be depicted as a groyper. Hard to think of anything less groyperous than Canada

>> No.21020393

I can write out the alphabet just off of memory alone.

>> No.21020399 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, A9590959-77F2-4755-B345-BF35E57820DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xi. Don’t elevate the frog. There’s way too much exposure of this old old old /b/ meme here

>> No.21020410


>> No.21020415

Has Canada produced any worthwhile literature outside of Davies and Munro? Anything modern that gains traction is generally just government sponsored liberal hot topic trash

>> No.21020426

been some decent music from there inside this century

>> No.21020428

and brits have the audacity to call americans mutts.

>> No.21020436

Like what?

>> No.21020442

the only canadian bands I know are Annihilator (thrash metal), Voivod (thrash metal), and of course, good old Rush

>> No.21020454

What color should the daltonism conscientization month use as a symbol?

>> No.21020459


>> No.21020483
File: 532 KB, 1443x1271, The Hockey Sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This children's book/short story is pretty iconic. A quote from it used to be on our 5$ bills.
I'll try to find a pdf but you can also just watch the NFB animation. If its your first time seeing an NFB animation you're in for a treat and if its your first time hearing a Quebec accent you are also in for a treat.

>> No.21020508

Hey you said you'd watch Ginger Snaps tonight

>> No.21020539
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>> No.21020550

Fake cat posters should play in traffic

>> No.21020552

errr grimes & mac demarco

>> No.21020570

Mac Demarco actually is good though. His fanbase are mostly intolerable posers but he makes the perfect music for sitting on a cheap lawn chair drinking a beer on a sweltering day

>> No.21020575 [DELETED] 


>> No.21020578
File: 1.72 MB, 1217x1538, D0BA1885-0676-4A4A-8CD2-696344475626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this guy was mouthing off to me yesterday
So i hit him with my book
And I’m glad i didn’t hit him with my book
But oh turns out i actually did hit him with my book
I should have done it by the book
By hitting him
With my fists

>> No.21020588


>> No.21020592

yeah i was being honest i actually like both
just thought i'd get rinsed for saying it

>> No.21020594
File: 16 KB, 677x415, Screenshot 2022-09-21 054605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much for commonwealth

>> No.21020601

Looking for the pasta posted here a while ago about a guy blasting multiple porn movies and waiting for the police to break into his house, it was hilarious anyone saved it? Something about the sounds of moaning and ass clapping being like a philarmonica, to the anon that posted it please share it again

>> No.21020605

The Guess Who
April Wine
Kim Mitchell
The Tragically Hip
Barenaked Ladies
Three Days Grace
Billy Talent
Sum 41
Arcade Fire

>> No.21020613
File: 42 KB, 491x491, Patriote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada needs to be balkanized into the following regions

- Quebec (with Labrador and Acadia and Baffin Island added to it)
- Ontario (with the territories)
- Atlantic provinces (independent as protectorates of Québec)
- Prairies confederation (reuniting Manitoba, Sask. and Alberta)
- People's Republic of British Columbia (Chinese colony)

>> No.21020651

Does the Commonwealth even do anything?

>> No.21020656

it exists & that's the point

>> No.21020658

Frog posters need to be Balkanized into bite sized morsels for my cat

>> No.21020659

What does it exist for?

>> No.21020661

Lol clearly never been East of Mtl. East of New Brunswick Maritimers and Quebecois fucking hate each other.

>> No.21020670


The plan is to take only the French-speaking majority regions through a special military operation

>> No.21020687
File: 44 KB, 127x147, 1663733790896299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry

>> No.21020690

My book:https://densel.gumroad.com/l/dtpqgw?_gl=1*1afqayh*_ga*MTA4MzY0NDYxMC4xNjU5MDUyMjMy*_ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTY1OTU4MTEyOS4xMC4xLjE2NTk1ODExOTAuMA....

>> No.21020711

Guys what the fuck does the commonwealth actually do

>> No.21020762

Pat each other on the back?

>> No.21020782

>Be me
>Get new gf during covid pandemic lockdowns
>Troll my family she was born male as a joke
>Mother must have believed me fr
>Fast forward after covid, uncles 70th bday
>Debut gf to family
>Aunty comes up to me saying she's really beautiful and can't believe she was born a boy and that she supports me

Lmao wtf I completely forgot and wouldn't have thought my mother would have believed me and spread it to the family or whose laughing behind my back. Now I don't know what I should do or say to gf. Think she would be mad and break up with me over it?

There is a part of me wanting to carry on the joke into marriage and even if I ever get her pregnant. Being adamant shes born a dude.

>> No.21020794
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The bunny asks you to stop using singular 'they'

>> No.21020797
File: 52 KB, 640x853, dc826f1a-79a3-4ca3-bfad-925ade91ddaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a certain person thinks a cute bunny will make me stop doing something, they are in for a hell of a surprise.

>> No.21020799

People who specify their pronouns are suspect automatically, spiritually and morally

>> No.21020802
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Hmmm how about two?

>> No.21020807

too hilar not to post in both threads

>> No.21020816
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>> No.21020836

I've been wanting to participate in a book club, whether rigorous or informal like /lit/ reads War and Peace, as a way to practice better expressing my thoughts on what I read and engage with a community around a book, but I started W&P and I'm not really feeling engaged with it. It's something I want to read at some point, but it's disappointing to find myself unenthusiastic with it as the /lit/ reading is going on.

>> No.21020888

Can culture war and tangentially related threads be banned, deleted, or moved, please?

>> No.21020936

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QDKLglEP5Y at a guess from the image

>> No.21020984

I just want to apologize for whining here guys, I love all of you. God, people writing and having a good time, if only things were different and everyone could just be.

>> No.21020991 [DELETED] 
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i made this style guide for AW22

>> No.21021182

How do normies just go "shopping". Besides going to a thrift store, How can they just go to the shops and just randomly browse and buy stuff without having planned to buy it before hand?

Most things I buy, I spend all this time researching it, looking for the best price, checking out reviews etc before pulling the trigger. But people seem to just say "lol I need a fridge", go to the store and just pick one there.

>> No.21021183

Normies aren't afraid of making quick decisions on the spot, or they wouldn't be normies, they would be autists instead.

>> No.21021189

It's just so strange to me. Since we became adults a bunch of my family members made a ritual to go to "boxing day sales" after Christmas. Like why? There isn't even anything particular they seem to be after, just going there check what's there. How do you not feel like you're wasting time if you don't even know what it is exactly you want.

Even people who simply need new clothes. How do they not at least check out the online version of the store to see what they have there before heading down.

>> No.21021205

They just kill time by browsing through items. It's like when you browse through online store, they just do it on the spot.
It's a bit silly you are so flabbergasted by this, online stores are a rather new thing, before them everyone went into a store blindly.

>> No.21021219

If I had a time machine, I would first do the boring thing, go back to 2008, buy a million bitcoins.
With the newfound wealth, however, I would acquire 25.000 or so small arms and a few dozen million rounds of ammunition, then go further back in time with that, and arm Spartacus during the slave revolt. I would love nothing more than to see Roman testudo formations being completely fucking ripped apart by full-automatic 7.62 barrages with armor piercing rounds cutting through their gay little scutum shields and turning them into swiss cheese.

What would you do with a time machine? No baby hitler shit, its boring.

>> No.21021227

Dan and Marty are such a cute couple, shame Brian and Kevin made them robots instead of evolved face dancers or ghosts or something

>> No.21021412

My high school girlfriend (who I lost my virginity to ten years ago) just came out as ftm trans.

Does that retroactively make me gay? I had her clit in my mouth many times and enjoyed it. I am now being led to believe that this was actually a penis all along. It is most unsettling.

Opinions, anons?

>> No.21021446

Just transition yourself so it all evens out.

>> No.21021465


>> No.21021466

isn't it weird how traditionally weapons of mass destruction were this list: chemical, biological, and nuclear, but in biden's interview last week he and the host both talked about the danger that putin might deploy chemical or nuclear weapons. what happened to biological weapons? they aren't a weapon of mass destruction anymore? i wonder what might have happened recently that the president and the media have decided to no longer mention biological weapons? so weird....

>> No.21021557

I really hope that when I sleep tonight, I dont wake up.

>> No.21021595

Blew up at my boss yesterday. She accepted my apology but there's no work

>> No.21021599

No. Deal with it, Euroshit

>> No.21021613

I hate machine world.

>> No.21021631

You're just another guy with a crazy ex-girlfriend.

>> No.21021724

Girl I've been having a huge crush on for the past few years is a good decade older than me, about early 40s and her FB wall is full of "this child needs a transplant" or "this child has this rare decease and needs this costly operation, please share etc".
Very weird to think that a drop dead gorgeous woman like her hasn't had children yet.

>> No.21021761
File: 825 KB, 2000x2475, ReeseWilkerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That episode of Malcolm in the middle about Reese not having friends and sits outside friendship groups and then your whole family teasing you asking if that's what you're like at school.

Lol for some reason when they were clowning on me I felt humiliated and embarrassed and everything reese felt even though I did have friends back then (stopped having friends though once hs ended though lol)

Becuase of this ep I always felt insecure that I might be over imposing my presence on people if I tried to make friends. When I semi had friends I always felt like I was on fringe outskirts than being actually a part of the group then ultimately stopped hanging with them because i felt like I'm just the Reese of the group

>> No.21021771

i'm 6'1, which yeah is kind of tall but not very but each time i post on fa they say i look tall

>> No.21021779

same i may be a loner but i will Never Ever be a beg friend

>> No.21021800

Nothing weird about it. Biological weapons have not seen widespread use in modern combat. The Japanese dropped a bunch of infected rate on China maybe, and that's pretty much it. Chemical weapons, on the other hand, have been used far more frequently (WW1, Iran-Iraq war, Yemen, Syria). Nuclear weapons were used twice obviously, and we all know how deadly they are, far deadlier than even the most potent biological weapons. It's just not something that comes up often.

>> No.21021820

uhh anon

>> No.21021843

Is synthetic a priori surprise buttsex possible? Wrong hole, the imperative is categorical, but what about just this one time?

>> No.21021847

*solves the pulling out cumming in dilemma

>> No.21021878

how did duster become a tiktok hit? i remember listening to them in 2015 they didn't have a wikipedia & no one on mu even knew them.

>> No.21021887

lol my one memory of Malcolm in the Middle is Malcolm saying to Reese "You don't have any friends" and Reese responding "Mom says you're not allowed to mention that"

>> No.21021889

oh christ

>> No.21021921
File: 114 KB, 1106x828, ddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gen z are kind of cool

>> No.21021949

It’s disappointing that fiction is rarely discussed anymore. Did all the novel readers leave?

>> No.21021970

I made a thread for people to talk about novels the other day, it might still be in the catalog. But yeah generally there's no point in making individual threads about specific books.

>> No.21021990

Any idea why that happened? This used to be a great place to discuss fiction. You could even get replies for niche books or writers if you were lucky.

>> No.21022028

Less is a more advanced tool than more with a more complex manual.

>> No.21022066

Somebody asked why everyone is so depressed and misanthropic all the time. Whether its everybody, I don't know. If it's true, there are all sorts of reasons you could point to. I think there's one big reason that nobody talks about and that's that I can't help but feel that people are just starting to loathe this industrial civilization we've built for ourselves.

>> No.21022123

Its called having a normie gf.

>> No.21022132
File: 643 KB, 564x423, wizard40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were in one of those negative thought-loops again.
This wizard breaks the cycle. You are free to move to greener pastures.

>> No.21022140

Rape bitches while serving in the great horde. That or kill spaniard jews and gypsies during la noche triste.

>> No.21022149

Your dick game was so weak she decided to cosplay as an ugly manlet. Just dabbed on yourself little homie.

>> No.21022185

people have no faith hence the sarcasm, cynism, depression and misanthropy.

>> No.21022196

Humanity is lucky that I know how to convert my homicidal thoughts into suicidal ones

>> No.21022371

Little chords

>> No.21022387

The society I consider "ideal" is a society I would hate to live in. A society must be constantly growing, conquering, expanding. If it does not do these things, it will be conquered and replaced by a society which does. Thus, the following are the ideal traits for a society:
>High birthrate, the higher the better
>Violent conquering mindset
>Desire to spread and take over the world
But while this is the sort of thing the most successful society would be based on, living in such a society would be quite miserable. So, how do we create a society worth living in while ensuring it is not wiped out by those who are willing to live in a miserable society better equipped to win?

>> No.21022435

This is something I'm currently writing about. I'm probably going to dump it over at &amp because it would never get published anywhere else so keep an eye out for it.

The main reason everyone is depressed and misanthropic is the internet. The internet promotes shallow, rude, transient interactions in which the other person is viewed not as an actual human being but as an alienated, intangible other. Social media brings out the worst in people and when you've had too many disappointing or upsetting interactions on it, this begins to negatively influence your conception of humanity as a whole.

Basically people upset each other online and then are still mad about it when they're offline. Eventually, they generalize this resentment to everybody. "Was it you who said that? Or was it you?"
At least that's what I think. I'm quite certain the internet has made people worse and more contemptible as a result. Even if it only brings out what they're truly thinking it was better when we didn't know back in more innocent times.

>> No.21022451
File: 109 KB, 736x1204, 1660141845080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come guys don't draw adorable fanart of their favorite ships? How come it's all massive titty hentai versions of their waifus?

>> No.21022468

> "Was it you who said that? Or was it you?”
sounds less like resentment and more like paranoia

>> No.21022492

Oh I'm writing about how it increases paranoia too. It definitely makes people more paranoid as well. The constant self-monitoring and surveillance, the fear of defying the mob lest you face its wrath. The knowledge that something you once posted when you were a foolish fifteen year old might lead to you getting punished and canceled and fired today if it resurfaced. The worry that what people think online about someone like you they might be thinking right now as they walk by.

>> No.21022531

Ontario needs to be further balkanized to get rid of Toronto, this can then be the non-white ethnostate.

>> No.21022567
File: 238 KB, 1280x1860, tumblr_pt9h7x0gT61uh8v19o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too prefer cute fanart

>> No.21022616

the prairies confederation would never make it

>> No.21022637

imagine being a russian /lit/ anon right now

>> No.21022663

Do people even read?

>> No.21022676

How many anons here have actual "ships"?

>> No.21022756

I'm quitting my job. I don't know what else I will do, but I won't do this anymore.

>> No.21022783

I have lots of ships, as in character pairings I enjoy. Some examples from popular media:
>Star Wars
Boba Fett/Leia

>Harry Potter

Witch King of Angmar/Eowyn

Captain America/Black Widow
Spiderman/Black Cat

Domeric Bolton/Sansa Stark
Aegon VI Targaryen/Shireen Baratheon
Aegon VI Targaryen/Myrcella Baratheon
Robb Stark/Daenerys Targaryen

>> No.21022809

Nietzsche was a good Christian who sacrificed himself in opposing Christianity to make it stronger. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger he said. If he wanted to make the anti-Christ side stronger he would've opposed his own side because opposition makes your opponent stronger.

>> No.21022875

Hm. That's not how that works.

>> No.21022878
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>> No.21022884
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wait, so what's your favorite dynamic?

>> No.21022903

That's very sad.

>> No.21022937

cant tell how i feel about this calamansi flavored ramen

>> No.21022970

Could all my issues with self-esteem and anxiety simply come from my parents derision towards and and dismissal of everything I've been interested in?

>> No.21022981

Not sure. Enemies-to-lovers? Opposites attract? Earn your happy ending, maybe.

Life is too short to feel shame over what makes one happy

>> No.21023010

We need to talk

>> No.21023018

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

>> No.21023023

About what?

>> No.21023030


>> No.21023037

kek, just tell your girlfriend and don't deny anything till the day she gets pregnant

>> No.21023043

only now do I know what I should've said on that fateful day :
"don't leave, I need you"
"you are my universe"
"please stay you punk ass bitch because otherwise I'm going to feel needy for the next two years and that won't do"

>> No.21023047

>honey, I have to confess something. I don't really remember why, but I made a stupid joke a while back- and before you get mad, the upside is that we now have the opportunity for some great pranks.

>> No.21023050

You haven't been the same recently and I'm worried about you. Did something happen to you? How have you been feeling?

>> No.21023067

>Most things I buy, I spend all this time researching it, looking for the best price, checking out reviews etc before pulling the trigger.
that's probably because you are autistic and poor, and I know because I am also autistic and poor. normies don't even think twice about buying a $700 phone the day it's out because they don't think about the future. they live in the present, where every possibility seems like it will lead into a whacky rabbit hole. we don't do that shit because we know there is a day after tomorrow and even possibly years after it

>> No.21023073

You’re the one who hasn’t been the same recently, and I’m worried about you. Tell me what’s been going on with you first. Did something happen to you? How have you been feeling?

>> No.21023087

there's a more 'less' way of putting this. how does it go again.
less is more

>> No.21023117

I'm living my life in a quiet agony and silent desperation. I want out

>> No.21023128

What’s wrong? Want to talk about it?

>> No.21023152

Why is my life shit bros, what did I do to deserve this

>> No.21023158

Most people are deeply in debt

>> No.21023191

I should kill myself for being a manlet.

>> No.21023238

Regretting my choice of college, collegiate performance, and subsequent career choices.

>> No.21023242

The primary reason I stopped believing in God recently.

Is because I lost my dick. Because of my conservative shy nature I never got a gf ever. No sex. And because of other reasons I didn't get married. My libido has been declining for the last 3 years and as my 28th birthday came close it send me into a wave of panic.

My dad already had a 5 year old kid at this age. An entire youth of experience of sex, gone for me. All those years of horny anticipation and in the end I just lost my dick and my horniness. I will never have normal human experiences.

And so I decided that God really doesn't exist.

>> No.21023265

you could always become a beekeeper :)

>> No.21023273

You asked for movie reccomendations but you never watched the movie. That fucked up

>> No.21023284

Like, is it still attached? It sounds like your libido went down, which isn't the biggest deal

>> No.21023292


>> No.21023293
File: 226 KB, 351x360, 1651796421209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based just be sure to atleast be productive while you coast on EI. Biggest mistake I made when I lost my job during covid was to waste months masturbating, reading and listening to cumtown.

>> No.21023313

i torrented the movie but then got high and watched japanese kino instead.
im sorry

>> No.21023321

You chose jap kino over canadian kino? Shame. Anyway you didnt need to torrent. The full movie is on youtube

>> No.21023328
File: 47 KB, 500x463, HOT-2015-New-Sid-The-Sloth-Ice-Age-Mascot-Costume-Adult-Size-Cartoon-Character-Sid-The.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is running, we need a contemporary spiritual guide, instructions for mentally already existing in the context of the kingdom we're trying to build and how to do so in the current year, deconstructing popular baits etc. We need to create a defined type of spirit, identity, mode of being before big tech takes advantage of our current inability to properly define and categorize all the new objects surrounding us for what they truly are in some sort of archetypal hierarchy

>> No.21023342

I wouldn't mind it if I had experienced copius amounts of sex when there was still time. But now I can just seethe. I feel wronged. Like something fundamental was taken from me.

>> No.21023349

Im too exhausted to read after work

>> No.21023354

Heh you fucking lame. Tell me what shit movies you watched.

>> No.21023377

i watched Hanabi (Fireworks)
bro this does not look like Canadian kino, but for the sake of not being a dick, i will give it a shot.

>> No.21023387

I'm looking at the Wikipedia for the extended Dune universe. Having the prequels for the great houses and the imperial bureaucracies makes sense and could be interesting, but why the fuck would you write another story about Paul other than making money? His character arc was done and he's been analyzed to hell and back by every undergraduate. Why not write a story about Ghanima? She's everything Leto is but without the sandtrout armor so she has opportunities to experience and do things Leto can't, and she doesn't have any content past Children.

>> No.21023460


>> No.21023481

Kitanos only interesting movies are his manga adaptations.

>> No.21023485

What? It's literally Canadian. Filmed in canada, canadian actors, canadian producers, canadian screenwriter, canadian director.
Wtf man.

>> No.21023506

fucked up opinion
im saying it does not look like a good movie

>> No.21023553

Only real alchemy is alchemy of the soul by the way of turning sexual energy into spiritual energy aka chi, ki, vril etc. For best results you should engage in sexual acts with a female partner but refrain from blowing your load, you can also do kundalini yoga or some pranayama and eventually awaken your chakras and go from there

>> No.21023556

Watch it once through. The first 20 minutes are a filter

>> No.21023569


>> No.21023592

You still smoke dirt weed like a teenage thot and fuck streetwalkers that bukowski wouldnt touch with a rented dick.

>> No.21023604

Users should realize that less(1) provides more(1) emulation plus extensive enhancements.

>> No.21023621

I would have liked to study Classics instead of Economics

>> No.21023629

bugman problems, no one cares

>> No.21023636

I hope hell is real so I can burn. If acts of wrongdoing remain fixed in their place in time forever, then so should punishment extend.

Don't kill your passion.

>> No.21023694

I hesitate to call it a passion, but it's too late regardless.

>> No.21023696

watching now. did you learn about this movie from machine girl?
is this really what you imagine me as? pretty funny tho

>> No.21023713

>is this really what you imagine me as?
no one thinks you're cool dude. we all imagine you as an incredible fuck up. i mean you use a trip on 4chan.

>> No.21023723

L'amour me rend complètement zinzin bordel.

>> No.21023728

You freely admit to trolling bars for desperate women.

>> No.21023737
File: 15 KB, 303x347, LVFrty5rj4iu3744Gz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sick and have taken creepshot pics of friends feet on 3 occasions.

Last time I did it was years ago and I'm still paranoid someone might have noticed or caught me. Was so thrilling though

>> No.21023748

Those are nice

>> No.21023750

Some autist on /tv/ would spam webms about the movie for months on end. It then became a meme. Great movie, i really appreciate that autist. Think he killed himself

>> No.21023759

Just get thclassics and read them yourself.
>noooo I need my heckin college professors to spoonfeed me!

>> No.21023771

Get a gf and you can kiss her feet to your heart's content

>> No.21023779

But you've deleted them by now? Never put them online?

>> No.21023785

Do girls like that shit? Tbh I could never get myself to admit it to past gfs didn't want to think me weird. Just admired on the downlow

>> No.21023786
File: 902 KB, 941x824, 1661896993398016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>femanon (female) mid 20s
>massive shotacon
>work as a personal trainer
>gym opens its doors to patrons aged 13-17
>boss asks me if I to be an instructor for a power yoga and beginner weight training class for U15s
>mfw had my first session today and my entire class is middle school aged boys
>usually wear yoga pants and a tshirt to work, the gym I work for is independent and we don't have uniforms
>thinking about wearing only shorts and a sports bra to the next class
jesus christ i should not have agreed to this. They're so fucking cute, they have no right to be this cute
Some of the younger boys are going to jerk off for the first time in their lives in the next few months and the possibility that one of them is going to spill his seed for the first time to a picture of me he's downloaded from my Twitter page turns me on like nothing else.

>> No.21023793

yeah thats right im the xi jinping of weed smoking and i smoke copious amounts of weed and have fun posting in these threads.
theres nothing you can do about any of this.

>> No.21023824
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Why are you so special?

>> No.21023835


>> No.21023848

A good college literature course will include secondary materials which approach the work from multiple angles

>> No.21023854
File: 791 KB, 1087x795, fuckingnices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman being interested in young boys is fundamentally different from a man being interested in young girls.
Penetrating is an inherently dominant act which is why a grown man penetrating a little girl draws reactions of disgust from people while a young boy penetrating a fully grown adult woman gets a reaction of "fucking nice" from the average person.

>> No.21023872

Det finns alla skäl att tro att jag kommer ha allvarliga emotionella störningar för överskådlig framtid. Det är inte ditt fel, det har hänt saker du inte vet. Om du vill ha barn är det nog läge att skaffa dem med någon annan. Jag kommer inte kunna ta hand om dem.

>> No.21023881

Not doing yourself any favors here you creepy bitch

>> No.21023895

just read the secondary material

>> No.21023896

Then buy the secondary sources and read them yourself

>> No.21023898

i've only ever done this once and i still look at the picture years later. for some reason i still get a thrill out of it. weird stuff

>> No.21023899

nah take a step back your post is actually really creepy

>> No.21023904

I dont understand all these weird and arbitrary associations people make with "penetration"
Are you going to tell me that stabbing someone is inherently sexual due to penetration?

>> No.21023922

It's a distinction that goes back to the ancient Greeks
Penetrating another guy = not gay
Getting penetrated by another guy = turbo gay

>> No.21023923

Bitch you're a literal pedophile

>> No.21023931

So now he's 15 and she's 25. Let them alone, I say

>> No.21023935

>Penetrating another guy = not gay


>> No.21023940

Sounds like a completely arbitrary distinction

>> No.21023941
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>> No.21023958

>I can't decide to read these two books
Are these people even real or bots?

>> No.21023961

Just as long as you don't do anything but flirt, you're in clear. No peeping, no touching (in that way). Be a good randy teacher that helps them grow and get girls their own age. Maybe someday one will find you again when he turns 18.

>> No.21024417

I was supposed to do things today. Then I got a message on Discord from someone trying to get a hold of me because I disabled my cell phone. One message and I spent the entire day an anxious wreck, my heart racing every time I heard a car pass thinking it might be someone who decided to show up to my house in an attempt to talk. If I can't talk to one person, if I'm a mess over one message, how am I supposed to do anything in life?

>> No.21024438

The original Londonfrog posted but it was deleted

>> No.21024444

He should include a statement in his next post: Is there another fake LF poster or not? Because it certainly seems like it.

>> No.21024463

yeah pretty sure that one was fake

>> No.21024475
File: 180 KB, 1280x1447, 1655064591145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Principles are sacred, not rules.
I shouldn't have to follow societies rules because I am a principled man.
For example, I should not have to stop at a stop sign when no one is around. The reason being is that I am an alert driver by principle. Other people who may not pay attention as much while driving should stop at every stop sign. But I know to stop when I should, so when I don't have to I shouldn't.
To put in in Kantian terms, I should be exempt from the categorical imperative because my rationality will not suffer if I violate it, and as long as people respect my principality and know that they are not exempt unless they are as moral as I am, then the collective rationality of society will be preserved as well. Other people who have proven themselves to well disciplined and moral should also be exempt from the pointless rules that exist only to keep the masses from destroying themselves.

>> No.21024480

Nah. You think it's fake because you think the fake one is the real one. But that is the fake LF. Just compare the style:

>> No.21024488


>> No.21024490

I would've liked to study them as a vocation, not just a hobby.

>> No.21024501

i just wrote 2,000 words. it's a combination of revelation literature, a dialogue, and a narrative.

>> No.21024656

When viewed as a foreign religion, Christendom can be praised for its merits and criticized for its demerits.

>> No.21024680

I should be able to covet my neighbor's wife if he is willing to let me smash because he wants to raise my offspring because he's just that cucked and betabucked.

You should be rational enough to call the cops on the inevitable violence and not buy real estate next to hypothetical me. Also you should take it upon your wealthy rational politically supreme total unparalleled power to sew my semen in bottled perfection to prevent this natural outbreak of agreeably consenting desire serving reason off the rails of custom.

>> No.21024698

Plato's republic in a busted nutshell

>> No.21024712

Taken to its institutionalized extreme, orphanages and foster care and adoption agencies should be run by PUAs who want to smash MILFs with impunity

>> No.21024717
File: 115 KB, 850x850, 1632416969755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite literally and unironically this is how I think
You may have written all that out to show how stupid my philosophy is when fully realized but I do not care

>> No.21024786

Call me schizo but the gubberment wants me. Gang stalking for me is just an elaborate interview process.

>> No.21024820
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 1637735428161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was one of those boys
I'd make sure to give you my shota cock

>> No.21024844

I would love to see 4chan get bought by some company who cares about their image and banning right radicalism similar to Reddit and the trump sub. The amount of reeee’ing would be off the chart. Board quality would sky rocket once the permabans start getting dished out.

>> No.21024848

it would just become a dead site overrun with lefty grifter podcasts and shit

>> No.21024859

Maybe it would go back to the way it was. /lit/ was pretty apolitical when the meme trilogy reigned. Definitely better than these times

>> No.21024863

I have no ideia of what I'm doing, what I should do or where is my life heading towards.
I completely lost control of my life.

>> No.21024870
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>> No.21024882

you know why /lit/ turned so rightwing? it's not "tourists" from some election five years ago. it's because "the next billion", as google calls people in the developing non-western world, are coming online and people in latin america and south asia are culturally, if not economically, conservative by american lib standards. instead of trying to protect your privilege, why don't you welcome our brothers and sisters in developing economies?

>> No.21024884

Why not just browse reddit then

>> No.21024888

Someone either stole or threw away one of my notebooks and boy am I LIVID. It contained two of my nicest works. An essay about how the world should embrace heavy metal, and a story about a small Italian town which attracts tourists for being host to a little girl who shows saintly signs of stigmata and beatification. I can't find it!
To whoever took it: I WILL KILL YOU. I will kill you and the laws of the land will deem it right to overlook it. Inner justice trumps legal justice in the eyes of enlightened power.

>> No.21024898

this desu

>> No.21024899

I know exactly what I want, I am researching it to death and I still feel like I don't know how two do it just right, but I know I'll just jump in and get something going.
Get your life under control. Have fun with it.

>> No.21024903

I don’t want dirty pajeets and illiterate 3rd worlders either. Clean pajeets and literates are fine. Don’t act like you know my political beliefs. I just want this forum to discuss books and not shit about this culture war or politics. There is a board for that. I feel like the only sane man watching this culture war as if it was 2 retards going at it. Kinda amusing from a distance but once they start scooping up their shit and flinging it all over the place the fun ends and everything is ruined by shit

>> No.21024904

based trips of rightful rage

>> No.21024908
File: 3.11 MB, 500x338, 1658546793877462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at seed and feed store
>6'2" sex machine black lady works register
>her bald 4'10" manlet boss walks by
>tfw imagining being him and being raped by her

>> No.21024909
File: 1.90 MB, 3105x1759, do you remember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /lit/ remember?

>> No.21024919

My social ineptitude is fucking killing me inside. I just cannot talk to people. I cant fucking do it. People are like aliens to me. I get scared and freeze. Even when people approach me I turn into a total sperglord. I can only cope by pretending like I just don't care about anyonearound me. Feel like thats a better image than stuttering and being awkward but needy. Because holy shit I really am needy. If I ever build a close relationship with someone I will be like a tick. Fuck I hope some predatory woman can see how emotionally starved I am and sinkher claws into me

>> No.21024935

You want some cheese with all that whining?

>> No.21024940

Nope. Im literally you but playing devils advocate and I can only pull my punches aimed at myself.

I have cucked cuckolds before and felt there was no arbiter of justice above me, only fairy tales with good heart better than those around me. It's like being a wolf with lambs waking up prying your jaw open but being raised to think and act like a lamb.

>> No.21024942

the dollar store by me got a new manager after i guess corporate fired everyone who used to work there for some reason. obese white lady with a karen cut but speaks spanish. anyways last two times i went there they had a huge line snaking around the whole store with one register open, but there are employees doing irrelevant shit like putting back returns or stocking halloween decorations in september. luckily, both times there was a loud black lady in the line who sounded like she had retail experience that started going "the damn line around the store and ya'll only got one damn register open?! really?! we gonna be here all damn day!" etc. and next thing you know two registers are opening up and the line is moving, we're all saved and out the door in like five minutes. makes me wonder about implicit bias in hiring. they hired a white karen lady who looks bossy but clearly fucking sucks as a manager. why didn't they hire one of those black ladies who probably have ten years experience working retail and know you don't leave one person on the register during the busy hours. i hate woke shit as much as the next working class guy, but i can't help but think they could have made a better hiring decision for that management position.

>> No.21024950
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>Hey Alyona!

>> No.21024957

Its a fucking dollar store. What do you expect?

>> No.21024969

it's still a publicly traded company competing with target, walmart, and amazon for retail dollars. if i were a big shareholder i would not be amused.

>> No.21024974

It's a fucking dollar store

>> No.21024978
File: 234 KB, 2226x956, bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy your books from Indigo you're part of the problem.

>> No.21024988

That doesn't negate what he said you fucking retard, in fact his post was responding precisely to this. Do you think a contracting company should tolerate its subcontracted plumbers being incompetent and late for work constantly because "bro he's a feces de-clogger"?

>> No.21024996

Dollarstores are currently rolling out self-checkout automation in all of their stores. She's could be doing it to justify giving hours to employees when their store comes up.

>> No.21024999

Globohomo would be the best thing ever if it wasn't Gay Jewish and Retarded

>> No.21025002

>It's a fucking dollar store
and walmart was a five and dime store. as prodigy of mobb deep once rapped:
>it was a small thing really, yeah
>But keep lettin' them small things slide and be a failure
>If I'm outta town, one of my crew'll take care of ya
>The world is ours, and your team's inferior

>> No.21025007

Nigga, half this board is about whining and coping, even your beloved right wingers. Especially Twitter and Reddit threads

>> No.21025020

It's a dollar store. Go to a grocery store and pay the extra 45 cents for off cleaning products and find another place to procure your chipped kitten statuettes.

>> No.21025025

You're both legally and illegally retarded.

>> No.21025037

It's. A. Dollar Store.

>> No.21025043

I'll call a waaaaaambulance for you, crybaby.

>> No.21025051

Kek. Good one. You think that up all by yourself? I’ve never heard it before. What a total BTFO!

>> No.21025058


>> No.21025061

Put your pacifier back in crybaby

>> No.21025064

That's not real. There's no way they sell anal plugs.

>> No.21025072

He's right. That was incredibly lame and it's obvious you're a tranny.

>> No.21025080

Stop shilling your buttplugs, faggot

>> No.21025084

They're Heather's.

>> No.21025096

>nooo, I get a low quality of personal service while shopping at a store for poor people
Kek, at least I can afford Dawn™ dish soap .

>> No.21025104

Wednesday night and I’m back on the floor with my headphones on— it’s like a pathetic little routine that I have. I let the sound of his voice wash over me for a little while and just forget everything else. I know all too well that I’m indulging in some kind of unhealthy parasocial fantasy—that he’ll never actually talk to me again, that he holds me in contempt. But for a few fleeting minutes I allow myself to forget all of this.

I know that, after the hour ends, the weight will descend again and I’ll feel even worse than before. And I know that I won’t be able to keep myself from crying, even though there’s never any real catharsis in these tears—burying my face in my pillow to muffle the sobbing, until it subsides and I relax into a sort of calm despair. I’ll tell myself very sternly that this will be the last time, but I can never resist for long—inevitably, I’ll do the same thing all over again next week, because this is all that I have left. I’d rather have these distant fragments of him than have nothing at all.

>> No.21025111

You write like someone who deserves to be alone.

>> No.21025113


>> No.21025130

You’re probably right..

>> No.21025132

I’ve been getting BJ’s from a REALLY young group of girls. I’m afraid people are into us as ive been getting stern looks from adults in the community

>> No.21025134

Got into them at the same time but now I hear them playing in cafés on their dumb Spotify auto-playlists. Weird feel.

>> No.21025136

How young are they and how old are you

>> No.21025144

Trips don't lie. Go to a bar and talk to an old person.

>> No.21025149

I’m 34. They are much younger

>> No.21025155

sounds like they want to suck your dick too

>> No.21025154

How young

>> No.21025162

Don’t worry about it, Mr detective

>> No.21025168

> Trips don't lie

>Go to a bar and talk to an old person
I don’t really participate in the social culture of bars, and alcohol is ridiculously expensive here. Anyway, I don't see how talking to some random old man will better my situation

>> No.21025169


>> No.21025176

What is this about?

>> No.21025177

they told me they were 18, they sure as hell looked old enough, and when I found out I was already in too deep
it could've happened to anyone, fuck off

>> No.21025186

Dubs don't lie either.
>I don’t really participate in the social culture of bars
>Anyway, I don't see how talking to some random old man will better my situation
Old people are easy to talk to and approachable. An old guy at a bar will help you filter the pretentious shit out of your speech thereby improving your social skills and making you less of a pseud.

>> No.21025194

musician moment

>> No.21025195

This >>21025177 isn’t me. You are a nosy mf’er

>> No.21025196

Here's my master plan: I don't need one

>> No.21025198

Well so long as they're high school it's not really immoral on account of age. It was their willing decision to be little horny cock gobbling sluts. Did you have two go at the same time and then tell them to spitball your cum with each other?

>> No.21025200

They all know and you're probably going to jail soon.

>> No.21025202

Hey you volunteered the information in the first place

>> No.21025206

Nah. They like me and won’t testify or write statements.

>> No.21025209

My speech in really life is far less pretentious than what I’ve written here. A lack of social skills isn’t necessarily the problem that I’m dealing with. It’s more complicated than that.

>> No.21025210

You want to see pics?

>> No.21025215

This fresh milk I bought is really tasty. I've drank nothing but water for the past decade.

>> No.21025218

Tell it to an old man at a bar, anon.

>> No.21025222

It’s hard to explain.

Being alone at a bar around drunk men that I don’t know makes me anxious

>> No.21025241

Any recs from their discography? I’m interested in listening to more of their stuff

>> No.21025242

no one on nu-/lit/ gets this reference

>> No.21025258

>Wednesday night and I’m back on the floor with my headphones on

why wednesday? cant you just as easily wallow any other day of the week?

>> No.21025260

i think if you were to go a bar, or any social situation, and be anxious and mousy, you're really just asking to be manhandled by confident alphas who will strip your clothing off and rape you on the spot. it happens far more often than you think. please keep that in mind whenever you are around others

>> No.21025273

When a girl gives herself to you, body and soul, and the pussy is intense, and the orgasm transcending, that is the pinnacle of spirituality. It is godlike. Not this jesus, Yahweh or allah bullshit. The smell, the skin touching, looking into her eyes as you maybe put a baby in her…incels will never know this feel.

>> No.21025274
File: 5 KB, 225x224, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new black guy at work
>he randomly tries to give people massages
>everything he says is to either "jokingly" provoke people or he randomly says nasty shit under his breath and then says "nah im just messin with you"
>calls every white women "beautiful" "princess" or "angel" or "sunshine"
>gives gas station flowers to the 60 yo cleaning lady
>people start to ignore him
>he starts acting emo
>next day pretends to have hurt his knee
>calls me his best work friend in front of like ten people "because you were there for me when i was at my lowest"
>nigga what we barely talk to each other
>"jokingly" steals someones lunch
>asks people to buy him something from the store "because my check aint come in yet"
>first he said hes from new york now he says hes from utah
>someone calls him out on this and he storms off
>he comes back two hours later and says it was just a joke and he need to take a walk "to think about some shit and the way ppl been treatin me"
>gets a sperg haircut "i did myself"
>unironically looks like picrel

blackcels are something else

>> No.21025277

I want to mainly devote the rest of my life to studying the three P's. Philosophy, Poetry, and Physics.

>> No.21025281
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Ten years since; I really hadn’t thought about it much until recently. A few months ago it just popped into my head. I hadn’t told anyone so I’m telling you.
The first week of high school when I was fourteen I was raped after a basketball tryout; I really hadn’t thought it affected me, what was there to affect I was always aloof. I was sure I was fine.
But the effects were there; peering down from the cusp of the pit, mocking me in ways I couldn’t comprehend; puppeteering the actions of my life soon to come.
My first relationship was everything I could have ever wanted; he would eat lunch at a table with girls I was friend with. Mousy in the best possible way, he’d laugh authentically; we’d share glances from time to time. Reaching out to call out to each other, our glances became stares; then one day after school we sat together talking.
One conversation turned to many; he wanted to be a chef, that was the first I learnt about his dreams.
Soon we’d share lunch together in a secluded hallway that overlooked the theater; our legs intertwined while we ate; after I’d hold his hand and he’d hold mine.
We went to homecoming together, in a group; both of us asked out mutual friends who knew. We snuck off into a storage room beneath the bleachers to share a dance.
Afterwards, on a bus headed towards a laser tag venue we shared our first kiss; I fucked it up, and kissed his nose, he angled my head down and corrected it.
Time passed, and the strings became more visible. We tried to share our other first together, I vomited on him while seizing. After that night, things weren’t the same. I couldn’t look at him the same, I wanted to be with him; I didn’t want to be with him. We split, I couldn’t tell him the reasons; I didn’t even know then.
Again; it happened. Again; it happened. Again; it happened. Again; it happened. Again: it happened.
Regardless of my partner I couldn’t overcome it.
I still can’t.

-Praise The Sun

>> No.21025288

I want to work in an office but I don't know how I'd handle shit like this

>> No.21025320

emotional and selfish people in general dont last long in offices. they're flighty and they eventually quit because they get overwhelmed. the best people ive worked with (in any field) tend to have office jobs, because it demands you have a civilized personality and can take random workloads in stride.
offices are basically:
>1/4 cool people
>1/4 middle aged cubicle hermits you never see
>1/4 spergs
>1/4 wannabe bureaucratic dickheads or corporateladder flunkies

i also think having an even male-female ratio tends to tame people for some reason. all male environments tend to form macho dominance displays that get really old. manual labor has too many low lifes.

>> No.21025322

Listen to everything they've got, honestly. Don't skip over the EPs--"Apex, Trance-Like", "1975", and "Transmission, Flux" are all very good. There's also "Capsule Losing Contact", which is a single/compilation track that had its name repurposed for their big anthology that came out a few years ago. The "Capsule Losing Contact" compilation/anthology has some unreleased stuff on it, but only a small fraction.

If you want to get into the bootlegs (and you should), my favourites are "Experimental Dust" (solid composition), "On the Air" (shares "I Am the King" with the former, which is my favourite Duster track; and also has an extended version of "Stars Will Fall"), and "Low Earth Orbit" (which is quite a bit different-sounding from any of Duster's previous eras, but still really solid in parts).

There's the Duster side-project, Valium Aggelein, under which they released two really good albums. Both worth listening to, and they follow a little more closely to the sound of Stratosphere.

Regarding their new material: I've only listened to their most recent album, "Together", and mostly ignored the one they released a few years back. "Together" is very good while being quite different from their original music (there were already a couple eras to Duster sound-wise, and "Together" feels like a suitable third). Dunno anything about the other album (I think it's self-titled? I dunno) because the one or two songs I heard from it didn't suit me and I didn't bother to listen to the rest of it.

(Duster stops here and I start rambling.)

Beyond Duster itself, the members went on to form quite a few other bands, of which Helvetia and Eiafuawn are the most notable. Eiafuawn has some variants of Duster demos buried in its bootlegs.

Going even further, you'd probably like slowcore as a genre in general, although there are very few bands that sound like Duster (which I've heard called a weird space rock infusion to slowcore; maybe listen to some later-wave post-rock for that). There's Automine, who released "Padington Band" and went on to become Animal Collective, but that EP is their sole release. Then Mid-Air Thief might work for you. And maybe Monopot's album "Something Is Like Nothing Was".

The newfound popularity of Duster also sparked some slight copycats, but the only worthwhile ones I can remember are Melrose (find their self-titled) and Eoin Coffey ("SFSE (demos)"). Okay, now I've remembered Computer Dating and their album "To Weave a Wall", which may not be very Duster-like but is excellent slowcore.

Sounding even less Duster-like are Ylayali and Clothesline From Hell. The former had some really heavy slowcore-type albums he scrubbed from his Bandcamp ("yy", "picked apart", and "pumpkin patch"); very apocalyptic sounding in those three albums, but considerably more upbeat in recent stuff (also very good). Clothesline From Hell has a self-titled and "The Something Nothing Tape". Worthwhile stuff. I like it, anyway.

>> No.21025327

My 3 P’s are:
>punking bitches like you

>> No.21025331

This https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1663814313246753.webm

>> No.21025334
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, 1637249935170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you really went there.

>> No.21025348

She literally said listening to whatever she’s talking about is part of her Wednesday night routine, that just screams typical rigid autistic person with weird rituals. Why even ask? Wish these depressed spergs with oneitis would fuck off forever.

Fuck off back to /mu/ with your gay wall of text, sperg

>> No.21025350

Canada sux

>> No.21025353

my computer chair just basically split in half. i was like leaning back watching a video and it started leaning waaay back. at first i'm like oh shit this is p comfy, i didn't know it goes back that far, then i'm like ok this is getting weird, then next thing i'm on the ground. the metal thing the chair sits on just bent all the way back but somehow didn't snap. i got it off amazon for like $100 some time during the obama presidency so i guess i got my money's worth. it's just, now i don't have a chair until i can get to an office store. i hope my back isn't sore tomorrow. i'm not as young as i used to be.

>> No.21025358


>> No.21025370

she's humble bragging that she had a fling with some eceleb who publishes their shitty podcast or streams call of duty or whatever on wednesdays. here i have a jam for that mood:


>> No.21025379

Pleb spotted.

>> No.21025381

Is it safe to live in a high rise if you're often suicidal?

>> No.21025389

What zoomer boys need is balls to the wall, unabashed heavy metal. They should appreciate music which promotes beating your opponent's face in. They've been deprived the opportunity to bask in the savage, obnoxious libidinal power of all-powerful, world-conquering, garish turbocharged masculinity. And it's what those boys need. They need someone who justifies their instincts.

>> No.21025398

Idk if shes humble bragging, seems like an autist with oneitis
> I know all too well that I’m indulging in some kind of unhealthy parasocial fantasy
shows the typical autistic self awareness

Retarded /mu/fag spotted.

>> No.21025449

Fuck off.

I’m not autistic, but
> depressed sperg with oneitis
seems to sum things up pretty well.

No eceleb podcasters or twitch streamers were involved, but the song seems unfortunately apt.

>> No.21025453

MASSIVE fucking PLEB spotted.

>> No.21025468

No one cares abt the shitty bands you like, fuck off back to /mu/ or start a gay little substack newsletter or podcast or smthn to sperg out about this shit.

>> No.21025487

How the fuck did I spend nearly 23 years being guilty to the point of near psychosis over the most mundanely 'anti-social' shit? I can't believe I spent time feeling awful about doing this or that to people richer than me. I constantly had that Kierkargaard moment where he'd go home feeling awful after everyone praised him and laughed at all his jokes. Despite the fact that I was always on the train at 3am with the fucking bums, going to my tiny apartment in my shit neighborhood. Sometimes I'd neglect looking in the mirror because I was ashamed for getting attention and 'preying' on people. All this time I had pretty intricate knowledge of many moral philosophies and moneky science shit as well but I still couldnt detach from the feeling. I only fully got over it once I realized how low I am down on the rungs and how bleak my future looks like. I

>> No.21025490

Thanks, I’ve heard of some of these artists. I just checked out Ylayali’s Bandcamp and I like his sound. Do you know where I can find his older albums?

>> No.21025502

If you consider French-Canadians Canadians then Alain Grandbois is the best Canadian author, by far.

>> No.21025503
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>> No.21025507

The west is declining rapidly. At least the madness is entertaining as I spend my life alone in my room.

>> No.21025512

I remember watching some porn years ago where some white perv got hot Thai or jap girls to wear huge inflatable breasts. Was weird but the girls were great

>> No.21025539

i have become disenchanted with canada. i am closer to 30 than to 20. i am an only child. if you can believe it, i bought a house that is almost a hundred years old--for close to a million dollars because this ponzi scheme of a country and this fucking scam of a province called ontario is built on real estate prices engorged by immigrants who stake their entire generational livelihood on buying here--to make my girlfriend happy.
she's happy. i'm trying to be. i've gained weight, since we came here. i don't exercise as much, and i'm getting depressed for it. she doesn't look at me the same way, i don't look at her the same way. we're not "fucking" right now, we're pleasing each other to keep the pilot light on, if you know what i mean. we love each other. she loves it here. she loves having a house she can make 'hers'. her parents like me for making enough money to pull this off, and i think they're shallow for it. my parents hate her because they can blame her for me moving out.
i miss my parents, they were old when they had me and they're scared of that. they are scared that they'll never get to see a grandchild, or that they will be too old to play with one. they are scared that they will be too old to keep our family dog from killing some suicidal shitzu on an extension leash. it annoys the hell out of me to know that i make more money than they did combined at the peak of their careers, even considering inflation, but the goddamn housing market just flipped the whole fucking script.
to buy a house and land, i had to leave a job i loved for a job i hate. had to move an hour away from my parents, friends, family, and pets. it was plural for a week after we moved out, until our family cat of 18 goddamn years got sick. he had cancer, we had to put him down and i held him as we all watched the vet kill him. she was nice about it. he wouldnt go to sleep, the vet had to give him as much of an injection as a saint bernard gets. when i whispered it was okay to leave, he promptly pissed all over me and stopped breathing.
my foreign coworkers tell me about their goals to get citizenship, permanent residency. they kill me. i tell them they're morons. these arent refugees escaping terror, these are comfortable, eloquent indian or oriental young adults who moved here with half of their goddamn bloodline. i ask them frankly, how is anyone a nationalist? so many other countrymen seem to be proud of their flag--why? do nationalists slouch into their flags like jerseys, and occasionally look down to know what to cheer for? they don't know what i'm talking about like i'm a goddamn alien outside of the stadium and everyone else's got a jersey on.
sometimes i don't know what i'm talking about any more.

>> No.21025568

I don’t think you’re stupid. Do you really think I’m a retard?

>> No.21025587

YouTube has a scattered few tracks, but Soulseek is your best bet.

>> No.21025601
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Is it weird to publish my journal on a Neocities site? It's not well written and mostly consists of self-loathing and lamenting my struggles with social interaction, anxiety, depression, and drugs. I find it hard to be open with people I already know about these things, I clam up in conversation, go months without speaking, whether virtually or in person, and spend days in an anxiety attack whenever my phone goes off.

I was thinking maybe if I'm up front and completely open from the start that I could meet a person or two that I'm more comfortable with which could lead to a relationship I'm able to maintain and don't dread.

>> No.21025615

No, it’s not weird. You should post some of it here

>> No.21025627

This post is rough

>> No.21025634

I like this painting, Sony others you like by this artist?

>> No.21025645
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>> No.21025659

How do you use Soulseek? I read the FAQ but I’m confused. Maybe I’m just dumb

>> No.21025665

I dunno what to tell you except to read the FAQ again and quit being dumb. Or look up a YouTube video or something.

>> No.21025674
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Maybe next thread, I'm going to sleep.

I like his scenery paintings a lot but he mostly painted portraits and figures.

>> No.21025677

Read a good novella outline in /wg/ a couple weeks back about a murderous gardener. Wanna read more, but it got deleted. Wish I could track down the author.

>> No.21025679
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I fear it is only a matter of time before I do something terrible. Rather, I know that I should fear that I will do something terrible. I know that I will do something terrible unless I revert to a previous state. But I do not fear, I anticipate. This terrible thing I may do will bring me to the next chapter of my life, it will make me a new man. Maybe not necessarily a better man, but at the very least a more defined and interesting man. It will set me apart from other men. I still have second thoughts regardless. What if everything I believe and hope for is wrong? Still, to have those few minutes of glory and pleasure... and if I'm proven right?

>> No.21025686

Will do. And I’ll listen to Dusters other albums and report back if I like ‘em.

>> No.21025695

What is the terrible thing you may do?

>> No.21025709

Move to an area that has a good chance of surviving the coming collapse and learn to take pleasure in family life. Try to be a bulwark for a world that is struggling to be born from beneath a trillion Chinamen and Indians who don't even know what century it is. The birth pangs are going to be crazy but at least they'll be entertaining.

You probably need to find some meaning that isn't your day to day life or normie concerns like mortages and whether your wife is happy with her domestic frivolities. Most people are happy with a reasonably non cunty wife and a bit of success. If you aren't, you may just not be most people. Maybe kids will do it for you, they really do it for some people. But even then you may not be one of the people for whom just the mere technicality of "having" kids in the background does the trick. If you are one of those people who would only get fulfillment out of genuinely raising good kids and watching them become great people, there is a real risk of accidentally not doing this because few other people around you are, and just ending up with some dependents you barely like or recognize.

You should seriously do some soul searching. You at least have the base for a decent life and enough wiggle room to make it work, if you only know what you want. The latter is of course the hard part. It's dangerous for me or anyone to start spouting off suggestions like "find religion" or "revive your love of art/science/chess/politics and make a great contribution." You need to at least start building some of the momentum that will eventually and imperceptibly build into getting where you need to go.

I'm sorry about your cat too. I hope you don't tell people about the sad pee thing.. We all go out in inexplicably and cruelly mundane ways like that, pissing ourselves or falling down in the tub. I'm sorry his passing was prolonged like that.

I'll say a prayer for you and your cat anon, try to hang in there because people like you who actually notice how strange and disconnected modern life has become are the ones who, paradoxically and almost tragically, need to suffer through that awareness the most so that they can be the ones still standing when shit begins to fall apart. Having 41 healthy happy grandkids in a nice house in a better area is one way to do that, but it's not the only way.

Just my thoughts as a fellow sufferer who identified with your post. Hopefully not too presumptuous.

>> No.21025714

Am I right to be paranoid about the extent of sugardaddy/sugarbaby-ing happening right now in big cities? I've only heard a few girls talk about it openly but I wonder how popular its become in the last say 5-7 years.

>> No.21025725
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Abstaining from masturbation has driven me wild, it had made me think thoughts I never knew I could think. It has given me revelations and energy and it has made me get sucked up far into my own mind, my ego has never been this high before.
And reading about how many women have a r--- fetish or fantasy, how many of them seem to be naturally attracted to violent and dominant and forceful men, makes me wonder, if I just did it, how would my victim react? I know the justice system will not be pleasant to me. If I am in any possibility of getting caught, I may as well just kill myself, assuming I actually follow through on any of this. But if it's all true? Then I may just have the best moment of my life, and give a woman her best moment as well. My hope is that she enjoys it so much, she doesn't want report it.

Typing all this out has me seriously reconsidering it all. I am clearly not in the best state of mind. My guilt alone could kill me, if I found out my victim didn't enjoy it the least bit. The best thing to do with all this pent up sexual energy is to find some healthy, creative outlet for it. I don't want to release it through any ejaculation, I simply want to put it to good use, but I'm afraid I won't be able to control it as time goes on, and perhaps the best thing to do is to just have a wank every once in a while. I hate how it feels when my T levels drop. Just as one has no regrets while high, I have no regrets when I'm blueballed. But the succeeding sobriety makes you regret everything you did.

>> No.21025764

Do you have a particular woman in mind?

>> No.21025783

Man please chill out. Fantasy is not the same reality.

>> No.21025828
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No. I've planned out a few methodologies but never considered who I might use them on, probably because I don't know any women to use them on. One of my fantasies involve kidnapping a random stranger and tying her up, which also happens to be a fantasy that many women have.
I am aware, and I am glad that I am aware of that, because it keeps me from actually doing something stupid.

It's probably best if I don't post anything more about this subject, everything I've said is incriminating enough as is. I should just jack off or find some way to get a girlfriend instead of even thinking about any of this.

>> No.21025835

You don’t know any women who you’re attracted to?

>> No.21025876
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Honestly, I don't. Not even online. That's not to say I don't go out of the house at all - I do, but I don't interact with people. It's worth mentioning that before I started no-fap, I exclusively jacked off to /e/, and all the fantasies I've had in my head are of 2D women, not real ones. I can't recall any women in my memory other than the ones in my family, and, of course, they are not the subject of these thoughts, I'm not that much of a degenerate. When I am out and about I'm either so preoccupied within my thoughts or what music I'm listening to or what book I'm reading that I don't pay attention to any other human. Actually, that's not entirely true, I do tend to stare at handsome men, not out of any homosexual desire, but simply because I find such forms to be aesthetic like any artwork, and maybe out of a sense of envy. A horny straight man can't really admire a beautiful woman as anything other than an object of desire. pic rel

I'm think I'm nothing more than a coombrain in months worth of withdrawal. My fantasy of raping anime women who are not real should really prove all this. The fact that I also literally don't know any women whom I'm not related to has also made me realize just how strange I am. That seems like something I should be ashamed of, since only a loser would not know any women, but at this point I couldn't care less.

>> No.21025918

I honestly don't understand why people want to be remembered after they die. What does that do?

>> No.21026004

I can't get over all the stupid embarrassing shit I've said& done. Especially in college. Why am I so cringe?

>> No.21026302

Where do bombs go when they explode?

>> No.21026397


>> No.21026409

I dreamed about my mom. At first we were laying in bed. The upper half of her body as undressed, although I think her breasts were covered somehow. I was rubbing her belly with my left hand. She was very sad, and wondered if I had been serious when I said that I didn't think we could ever have a real relationship. To placate her I told her "oh I'm sure it's not so bad, I'm sure we can work something out". Then later we were in an appartment and she belittled all my problems. I talked to her more clearly about it and the only way I can describe it is that it was as she slithered, with a slippery, evil tongue. This made me very upset, and I remembered why I had told her we couldn't see eachother. I was holding a cup in my hand and I considered smashing it into the wall to make some kind of point. Instead I just told her "if I stay here any longer, I am going to kill you". Then I packed some stuff in a bag I carried in my arms. My laptop was on top and was running some twitchstream. I considered how I was going to make a living. I had had a dream about northern ireland before, sometimes there are dream-versions of cities in my head that are consistent even though I've never actually been to those places. I decided I would try to make it as a busker in northern ireland. But first I was going to go to my friends place. I realized I had forgotten to bring my cell phone charger. Then I woke up. Something roughly like this did happen I guess, 10-11 years ago, although I never threatened her outright, thoughts like that have only emerged much later.

>> No.21026414

Don't rape people. You know that it would be a lot better if you just masturbated.

>> No.21026875

see you at the end, fellow sufferer anon.

>> No.21026992

I'm a writer and philosopher. It would be nice.

Also there's a lot of WE WUZZING on /his/ today