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File: 2.50 MB, 3024x4032, 1601035940184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21011902 No.21011902 [Reply] [Original]

Readingstation thread?

What does you reading station look like or what are some cool ones you've seen?

>> No.21011942
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>> No.21011952

Shit op, nice room
Looks comfy

>> No.21011954
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, walking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until i get new reading glasses

>> No.21011961

What the fuck are you guys running?

>> No.21011966
File: 41 KB, 650x1000, 1636355119337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, you "need" more?

>> No.21012693

Nice woods

Still cozy crampt.

I had once rented laundry room not much bigger than that. Had to unroll my sleeping bag diagonally.
Rent was like $300 or something.

>> No.21012705

intellectuals typically don't use windows idk who didn't tell you

>> No.21012731
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I like it comfy.

>> No.21012802

Why can't you guys just read normally?

>> No.21012816

Reading is already abnormal.

>> No.21012859
File: 2.50 MB, 4125x3456, P_20220920_014834_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a gengar.

>> No.21013562

Anon, whats the red framed thing there on the wall?

>> No.21013585

haha don't worry about it

>> No.21013607
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, 2017.06.04 Folds V A Cross to Bear small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just an abstract painting with abstract things that don't mean anything. It's only there to look pretty.

>> No.21013608
File: 2.17 MB, 2837x3023, PXL_20220919_192049058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I'm jealous as fuck of that 3d chess set.

>> No.21013646
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x2783, 20220919_153029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also often read in bed but with more interesting books I'll keep a pdf version on hand so I can screenshot interesting paragraphs

>> No.21013683

So you don't read?

>> No.21013690

Why the fuck would you think anyone posting here would be normal? Do you have autism?

>> No.21013699

>drugs and tarot

>> No.21013700

Man, just open a book, why the fuck would you need a "Readingstation"

>> No.21013702


>> No.21013706

Because I can afford it. Being poor is for starting readers.

>> No.21013709

you're not afraid of all those books falling over your head and killing you? looks comfy otherwise though

>> No.21013715
File: 644 KB, 597x800, 2018.07.15 Folds XXXVI Caught in the Waves small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you like abstract art, anon? It lets the mind wander. :^)

>> No.21013720

>not wanting to die the most comfy way buried under what you love (books)

>> No.21013725
File: 98 KB, 400x533, ri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but with women's asses

>> No.21013729

Nice edge but both look like menstrual blood stains in old underwear.

>> No.21013734

it's prescription ibuprofen and the tarot book was a gift :(

>> No.21013735

Writing assignment: Write a story about a guy who keeps women's asses on his shelf and accidentally suffocates when they topple all over him when he was just sitting in his ass station enjoying asses.

>> No.21013745

It's not wrong. The series sold well. In the future I'll go more for the "spilled guts" look though.

>> No.21013750

>throwing the person who gave you tomberg's lovely tarot book under the bus because some faggot on 4chan tried to style on you
You don't deserve her, even if the book was something embarrassing you still shouldn't take the thought and kindness that went into gifting it to you and cast it on the ground at some anon's feet like that

>> No.21013756

But what about the mushroom and "herbs" books?

>> No.21013772

it was a guy that gifted me the book and I'm not throwing him under the bus at all, I'd never dream of it. The book holds sentimental value for me and I didn't say anything bad about it, you guys aren't really giving me the benefit of the doubt either way :\

>> No.21013790

you got a problem with herbalism and foraging in the woods while hiking? I feel sorry for you.

>> No.21013801

What's with the private detective tier map?

>> No.21013831

memento from a trip I took. It also makes for a good surface to attach my post it notes to (they don't stick to the walls as reliably)

>> No.21013900

Looks like a waste of money.

>> No.21013918

This is 4chan so it’s probably where the bodies are buried.

>> No.21013923

Money is there to spend, poorboy.

>> No.21013932

If you don't make at least twice what your dad made, and he didn't make at least twice what his father made, you aren't wealthy, you're "rich." Don't brag about being rich, you trust fund babby.

>> No.21014060

I'm going to use my fortune to build a tomb (Large enough that the cost to have it demolished will be too great to be worth it) and fill it with my library and other worldly belongings.

>> No.21014079

Not nice.
Very nice.

>> No.21014215
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Desk chair isn’t assembled yet

>> No.21014240


>> No.21014255

Extreme 'second-hand bookstore that is set up in what is clearly just someone's house' energy

>> No.21014256


>> No.21014268

Based Italian knower

>> No.21015529

imagine the smell >>21013725

>> No.21015542

fuck the IKEA chair, where are the books
"Reading Station" ? READING. READING

>> No.21016049
File: 11 KB, 132x180, JDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...John David Ebert? That you buddy?

>> No.21016062
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Nah, he has a different one.

>> No.21016107
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Pretty? It's ghoulish

<-Now this is pretty

>> No.21016123

>vertical line shorter than the horizontal line
not a fan

>> No.21016149

Doesn't JDE live like an animal?

>> No.21016212

Wait till she tries it on.

>> No.21016393

I don't think your reading comprehension is high enough for every day life

>> No.21016433

Delightful abodes sirs.

>> No.21016495

based friendly poster

>> No.21016985

>don't mean anything
It either means pussy or jesus

>> No.21016997

just your regular degenerate satanist "art"

>> No.21017023

>tfw not even one Satanist book on my shelves
What are three Satanist books to start me off? And don't mention The Meme of the Month.

>> No.21017030

Three Satanist books? Just look at what is displayed in any modern contemporary bookstore.

>> No.21017037


>> No.21017065

I mostly read while I shit. I love reading but I don't make much time for it. Fortunately I shit a lot, usually once at home. So I get through a few pages of a book every day. I don't read a lot at the time but do it consistently and have ended up reading more than when I used to read 1-2 chapters at a time occasionally.

I use two bookmarks. One as a regular page book mark and then a little sticky note to mark the line that I'm at.

>> No.21017071

I hope it was $300 per year. JFC that's insane for a presumably warm damn place to unroll a sleeping bag.

>> No.21017105

>300 for something that barely fits a bed
How the fuck? I pay 300 for 45 square meters.

>> No.21017214

Bro, this looks like a women stamped her cunt on a canvass during her period.

>> No.21017313


>> No.21017531

Interesting interpretation, Mr Rorschach art historian.

>> No.21017659

>weird helmet thing
>3d chess
>gay mouse
your setup seems incredibly söy

>> No.21017674
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220920_104657671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have these type of Sherrill club chairs in the corners of the upstairs master room. I read in one. Normally it's not covered in kids' clothes, remodeling their closet today.

>> No.21017682

Based dweller-on-the-Equator

>> No.21018370

>needs a reading station
>doesn't even read

>> No.21018980

>3D chess set to try and seem different, couldn't even be bothered to just get really good at regular chess - or to find an actual oddity like Asian go boards
>phoney horned viking skull with chain mail
>decorative swords
>a gaming chair that doesn't match the old finished wood aesthetic
>a gaming laptop
You will never be a mature adult.

>> No.21018998


>> No.21019036
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Downstairs I read amongst the kids. Today I'm eating late before the reading. Schedules are a bit off due to remodeling, drs, etc.

>> No.21019056
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, ima_1b5df8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family reading nook.

>> No.21019128

Is there no window?

>> No.21019211

nonlinear dynamics and chaos . Great book anon , loved it as a physicsfag.Also what's that artificial intelligence book , any good ?

>> No.21019225

Opposite wall.

>> No.21019242

It's very dark.

>> No.21019310

I don't need but it's nice

>> No.21019341
File: 2.04 MB, 4032x3024, 91142916-FA4E-4FA7-B041-4AFD891009AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El /lit/ANO

>> No.21020145

I read at the park, standing up, or somewhere in the house. Standing has helped me a great deal.

>> No.21020164

yall niggas seriously read at computer chairs or you just posting your battlestation plus books

>> No.21020251

No te rindas, un sillón y un par de estanterías cambiaron mi vida >>21011942 vos también podes.

>> No.21020304

Anon it looks like we have similar interests but I see those programming books, how do you cope? I fell for the CS meme and I fucking hate it.

>> No.21020596
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Personally I read on my couch or outside on my deck

>> No.21020641

you forgot
>gaming laptop
the mouse isn't bad actually it's not a mouse it's a trackball

>> No.21020660

what chair is that

>> No.21020678

these can't contain the balls

>> No.21020771

GRUPPSPEL chair in gunnared beige from IKEA. I highly reccommend it, it's extremely comfortable and remarkably affordable all things considered.

>> No.21020829

I haven't been able to really work through it much yet since I got too busy with classwork while in uni to work on my compsci memery. Now that I graduated and I'm about to move for work I expect to have more time to throw at it.
I think I lucked out because I switched from compsci to another engineering field that is more aligned with my values and lifestyle. I still have a lot of interest in compsci and the ML nonsense, but I take great satisfaction in learning about it intermittently and at my own pace. This summer I taught myself SQL for example, and I'm planning on working through a linear algebra course next month to build more foundational skills. Keeping compsci as a silly passion of mine has allowed me to stay happy with it, being around computer people and aspirational silicon valley types was driving me insane and I'd hate to actually be limited to that industry in a professional setting.

>> No.21021009
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I walk in circles in my living room/kitchen.

>> No.21021024
File: 157 KB, 300x450, 22CADC42-3933-4706-905D-C0CE60D16E38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine

>> No.21021032

Holy based walking around in circles enjoyer

>> No.21021407

im typing this reply from the exact same laptop Anon. Ilove that thing given how much i've overworked it

>> No.21021416

He could be in Canada. Their money is worth less than American dollars and their cities are even more overpriced on average.

>> No.21021501
File: 3.53 MB, 4032x3024, F6CFA287-3974-44B3-92C4-25F9D63A03A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice chair

>> No.21021688

is that door thick?

>> No.21021696

nice setup. like the map, but the blue tape looks ugly. the desk also looks way too short and your glasses are gay

>> No.21021699

It's always open. There are no noises here to disturb any reading session.

>> No.21021769

Any recs for reading chairs? I'm always fighting either drowsiness or discomfort.
This >>21012731 looks good, but I'd probably fall asleep after an hour. These >>21013608 >>21021501 look pretty great.

Based nature enjoyer.

>> No.21021778

>Any recs for reading chairs
Yes: Go to furniture stores and test literally everything until you find something you like. It took me two weeks and a dozen stores to find my chair. Everything else was uncomfortable as fuck.

>> No.21022351 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21022356
File: 3.04 MB, 3024x4032, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21022357

Why are you living sideways??

>> No.21022436

its so much more fun

>> No.21022487

>I switched from compsci to another engineering field that is more aligned with my values and lifestyle
Which one?

>> No.21022513

>shelves held up by bbcs

>> No.21022526

yeah it would be weird for a guy to wear women's glasses anon. I like the blue tape because it matches the map. I dunno what you mean about the table being too short but it's a good size for me. I think you're just nitpicking.
I appreciate the obnoxious american nature of your book collection, but your little dishes on the side table look like dirty ashtrays. Is this all of your book collection or do you have other bookshelves?

>> No.21022555

Looks comfy. I like that sawhorse in particular.

>> No.21022568

agricultural engineering. While I have many problems with the industry and I'm not even working in that industry right now, it connects many of my interests. Now I not only have a basic mech.eng skillset but also a good understanding of applications in a much underestimated and misunderstood industry that we cannot live without at any point. It has opened so many cool doors in my life and I highly recommend it if you like self-learning-- any skill you pick up will probably come in useful somehow.

>> No.21022571

That's a three-step Ikea ladder. It's not great but it does the job of letting me reach up the top of shelves while also serving as a place to put the books I'm currently reading.

>> No.21022823

Thanks anon, that does sound pretty cool. I wish you the best.

>> No.21022882

Very comfy

>> No.21022910
File: 108 KB, 878x600, products_la-z-boy_color_pinnacle_032512c932376-b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have one of these in leather. the library has floor-to-wall bookshelves i got from ikea. fits about 1k books. i haven't been to my house in 6 months so i can't take a picture

>> No.21022914

Bed or toilet for me

>> No.21022932

Where are you, anon? Come home...

>> No.21023176
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>> No.21023454

That can't be a coincidence, good lord, just look at them!

>> No.21023845

What makes it “obnoxious american” exactly? Lmao. I have other shelf’s, this is just random faction

>> No.21024014
File: 426 KB, 1080x1318, IMG_20220921_233939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a reading pillow

>> No.21024035

Are you in prison?

>> No.21024585

Are those any good?

>> No.21024855

Oh I don't mean that disparagingly, it's just that you have an impressive collection of what appears to be almost exclusively american authors. It looks like a nice selection although I personally do not care at all for Bukowski. Can you post some of your other shelves?

>> No.21025286
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Pacing is very underrated. I can read for 5+ hours a day now whereas before I'd be sleepy 20 minutes into reading.

>> No.21025294
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Based monk.

>> No.21025383

I just installed xubuntu 22.04 on a ten year old laptop I got gifted by my sister

>> No.21025536

what table?
what table?
what table?

>> No.21025683

>Literally all that's on the zoomers mind is said later by his buddy >>21020678

>> No.21025831
File: 266 KB, 800x800, chaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU, gotta have the femur/knees elevated, otherwise, you'd get a numb ass.

>> No.21025896

> Linux

>> No.21026168

i'm more of a kde guy myself

>> No.21026924

have one, can confirm that its great

>> No.21028086

Debian 11 and Whonix within Qubes OS.

Sometimes Tails OS (on this thin USB drive I use as a bookmark) if I'm using a public computer.

>> No.21028292


>> No.21028337

You have a great aesthetic but that fake LARP gear ruins it. Get a real helmet and sword.

>> No.21028593

got any reccommendations for distros for server hosting? I'm using arch linux and manjaro on 2 laptops right now but am setting up a server before I move

>> No.21028688

i read while walking

>> No.21028815


also, back on the subject, a chaise longue with an overhead light gives airline cabin vibes. Best way to read.

>> No.21028832

Don't listen to >>21021778. Go to Craigslist and local thrift stores/restore and get a chair for literally nothing. That way you won't be worried about it breaking or wearing out. My chair in >>21013608 was free, from a friend's aunt who was going to throw it away. It's hard to tell with my amber reading light, but the whole chair is sunbleached to fuck for sitting in front of a window for 40 years.