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21018961 No.21018961 [Reply] [Original]

Other than reading books, what do people in the past used to to kill boredom?

>> No.21018972

they mostly entertained each other with conversation. though autists like nietzsche and kant would spend a lot of time taking walks. the reason suicide rates are up is that we no longer derive our past time from each other's company. back then they had to because that was all they had, especially if you for example couldn't read. Music was probably as common as it is today even though they didn't have access to recordings, so listening to music would always entail a social gathering and someone has to actually play music. MEALS were also much, much more important than they are now.

>> No.21018975

Ass CDs

>> No.21018976


>> No.21019103


>> No.21019113

>autists like nietzsche and kant would spend a lot of time taking walks
This includes Schopenhauer. He suggested walking for at least 2 hours a day.

>> No.21019121

Walking, talking to other people, picking fruits, etc.

>> No.21019135

Taking walks and exercising your body should be everyone's number one pasttime. Reading and talking to others requires an external thing to focus one's attention upon and is not always possible. Moving your body around is always a possibility. Life is not bearable without regular movement and the loss of appreciation for this is likely one of the root causes of widespread contemporary malaise.

>> No.21019139

That and spending too much time indoors. Having to be outside and exercise for a good chunk of the day every day changed my life. If you throw on top of that a nice little town where you get to say hello to Charlie when you buy your coffee and run into your friend and schedule a nice little lunch or drink at the pub with your other friend after work, and ultimately add a family, you will have a good life if you are 95% of people.

>> No.21019149

True, but for me that's not possible in a big city. I hate modern urban landscapes, I hate everything I see when I walk on the streets.

>> No.21019162

I was assaulted by a nigger when I was taking a walk in my shitty Ohio neighborhood so I stopped walking when I realized the police don't care if whitey gets killed while minding his own business.

>> No.21019169

Cities are the death of the soul and are overall one of the greatest mistakes of humanity. They make life a living hell for people who are aware of the metaphysical nature of the universe. Having recognized this I recommend you try to find natural spaces like parks near your location, merely being near trees is likely enough to mend your mental state quite effectively. If you can immerse yourself in nature on a weekly basis it would be ideal to begin with. Good luck anon

>> No.21019173

Big cities are such AIDS, when I lived in one I just adjusted, from enjoying 2AM nightwalks or going out to get a late night coffee at a comfy sleepy 24/7 place because I could, to avoiding going out after dark at all because it's a 1/50 chance of violent crime or robbery every time

I went from a small town healthy person to someone who saw multiple people shit on the ground in front of me, was witness to multiple shootings, robbed multiple times. Let the cities fucking rot

>> No.21019179


>> No.21019186

drinking and drugs, sex, eating, music

>> No.21019209

Cities are a necessary evil, read Bramwell's book on Walther Darre and Victor Davis Hanson's The Other Greeks. Cities should ALWAYS be subordinate to the rural areas they service. Just like merchants are go-betweens and necessary evils and actual production and consumption by real people is all that really matters, cities are merchant centers and go-betweens for real people who live in real homes in the country and villages. I spit on cities.

>> No.21019241

My city has plenty of green areas and not much crime.

>> No.21019271

They also had A LOT of sex

>> No.21019283

Tea, meditation, exercise and books are all you need to live a good life. Doing things with other people is also very distracting and fun. I'm not even talking about music, movies, art, travels, sports, etc. It's absolutely impossible to experience boredom in today's age.

>> No.21019383

Music, conversation, making things, sex, sports or playing outside.

>> No.21019387
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Such a nice thread

>> No.21019508

I hate cities too, but there's also something to be learned from them, some of those things only being learnable while you live in the heart of them. People who live in cities for a long time usually turn into massive flakes, so you don't want to spend that much time in them. But just a little can be beneficial, especially if you feel like your life is directionless. The pressure of the city can force you to awaken.

>> No.21019523

playing the flute

>> No.21019573

Nigga caught you lackin. You should have apologized for forgetting your strap and thanked him for his generous reminder.

>> No.21019580

Cope. Rural and suburban retards have always been enslaved to the cityfolk because we are smarter and have more resources.

>> No.21019822

They cultivate their gardens like candide

>> No.21019830

>Yo white boy you aight? Get strapped my nig- *gets head bashed in with a rock*

>> No.21019849

Gambling, getting pissed at the pub, watching animals fight each other, watching people fight each other, watching puppet shows, pushing hoops down the road with a stick

>> No.21019871

>because we are smarter and have more resources
what resources do you have that rural environments dont?

>> No.21021001


>> No.21021565

>pushing hoops down the road with a stick
hahaha, underrated post

You forgot:

— Comparing skin diseases
— Sitting awkwardly on a garden seat with a glass of lemonade next to your beloved under the watchful eye of her grandmother
— Looking at the Bible and wishing you could read it
— Dying in childbirth age 17

>> No.21021885
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, wagner-anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the evening we play cards, and when we think of what Schopenhauer thought about that, R. says, “There is a difference between resorting to cards out of inner emptiness and boredom, which Sch. was referring to, and playing in order to distract oneself from too much mental activity.” He follows the whist with a game of lansquenet, then recalls how passionately he used to play cards in his youth.
gaming lindy

>> No.21021906

The majority didn't have enough time to kill. Only fags with sinecures like philosophers and the bourgeoisie.

>> No.21021911

the past = 19th century?
why so limited bro?

>> No.21021931

I'm pretty sure that Freud and some other guy once talked for over an entire day when they first met each other, crazy.

>> No.21021960

This was when Freud met Jung. Jung discusses it in Memories, Dreams, Reflections.

>> No.21022075


>> No.21022078

people weren't bored in the past. They always had shit to do like take care of the children and the farm; occasionally go to war; etc.

>> No.21022090

i read thomas hobbes and he mentioned tennis A LOT so probably tennis

>> No.21022180

I met Voltaire and he mentioned enjoying social gatherings centered around music and food a lot

>> No.21022664

Living life.

>> No.21022705 [DELETED] 
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Telling stories
Smoking, Alcohol, Opium, Hashish, Cocaine
Hunting, Fishing, spending time with Dogs

>> No.21022713

Cities are a necessary evil only because they are obviously going to be the targets for nuclear attacks.

>> No.21022874
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True. I'm from a really big city, but took my MA in a small town, I had never lived in such a small place before. It was brilliant. You can concentrate on your studies, you get to know people fairly easily and have a chat with many people because you just keep bumping into them in the streets. It was also close to the sea, just 5 minutes of cycling and I was there for a swim. Also, great nature surrounding that town, forests were great for taking walks. It was still very nice to take a weekend trip to "the big city", but it always felt so good coming back on Sunday evening, feeling the calm again. Taking a trip to nature really brings things into perspective again. The only reason I moved away again was for job reasons once I was done with my studies. Cities aren't built for humans, they're built for commerce and for machines. Nature is incredible because it doesn't give a shit about you. You're free to see yourself in the context of the universe again. In the city you are bombarded with offers, everything is market, and somehow there's never any time for anything.
So does mine, but small places are the right choice for most contemplative people.

>> No.21022880

don't bother, that poster wasn't here to make a point, he was only here to elicit some kind of reaction. Proof: He never got back.

>> No.21022902

This right here. Farming life was hard, sure, but between October and March, there was very little to do, and that time went into basic maintenance, telling stories, making music, or whatever else they enjoyed doing. It is only today that we live to work.

>> No.21023057

The universals - Tell stories, gossip, try to fuck people, do drugs, get in fights, invent superstitious or religious mumbo-jumbo

>> No.21023183

there's another story about Leibniz meeting Spinoza and talking for like three days straight or something

>> No.21023257

>people weren't bored in the past
Yes they were.