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/lit/ - Literature

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21016956 No.21016956 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most valid antisemitic books, besides The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald and The International Jew by Henry Ford?

>> No.21016968
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>> No.21016974

you fucks are actually delusional

>> No.21016978

I simply asked a question about books.

>> No.21016980

On the Jews and Their Lies.

>> No.21016983

Start with the Greeks

>> No.21016984

Is it really good, or just a collection of rants by that fat peasant?

>> No.21016988

If you want something stronger then grab The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion.

>> No.21016994

Is it correct when they say it doesn't matter if it is fake or real, because the content is what matters?

>> No.21017011

Its most definitely real and proves that the jews control media when they kvetch about it. They even admit it was written in Russia which was one of the biggest kike hives at the time.

>> No.21017016
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>> No.21017020

Okay, anything else? I'd really like to see this thread grow and collect many reading recommendations. It feels like antisemitic books are very few, compared to the books promoted by the "other side".

>> No.21017024

Super interesting.

>> No.21017114

It was written in Russia that's true. The purpose of it was propaganda to convince idiots to join in on the current pogrom.
Don't forget the Russians once were Vikings.

>> No.21017145

1. The War Against Shem
2. The Transgression of Cain
3. Secular Humanism
4. England
5. The French Revolution
6. The American Revolution
7. The Civil War
8. The State of Virginia
9. The World Wars
10. The Menace of Communism
11. The Promise

>About the Author:
In forty years of dedicated investigative research, Eustace Mullins has drawn considerable return fire. He was kept under daily surveillance by agents of the FBI for thirty-two years; no charges were ever placed against him. He is the only person ever fired from the staff of the Library of Congress for political reasons. He is the only writer who has had a book burned in Europe since 1945.
After serving thirty-eight months in the U. S. Army Air Force during World War II, Eustace Mullins was educated at Washington and Lee University, Ohio State University, University of North Dakota, and New York University. He later studied art at the Escuela des Bellas Artes, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C.
While studying in Washington, he was asked to go to St. Elizabeth's Hospital to talk to the nation's most famous political prisoner, Ezra Pound. The outstanding literary figure of the twentieth century, Pound had seen three of his pupils awarded the Nobel Prize, while it was denied to him because of his pronouncements as a native American patriot. Not only did Eustace Mullins become his most active protege, he is the only person who keeps Ezra Pound's name alive today, through the work of the Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, which was founded shortly after the poet's death in Venice.
With the present work, Eustace Mullins hopes to end a three-thousand-year blackout behind which the enemies of humanity have operated with impunity in carrying out their Satanic program. It is very late in the history of our civilization. This book is written solely with the goal of renewing our ancient culture, and of bringing it to new heights.

>> No.21017259
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>He was kept under daily surveillance by agents of the FBI for thirty-two years; no charges were ever placed against him. He is the only person ever fired from the staff of the Library of Congress for political reasons
That's all the credentials I need, I will now read his books.

>> No.21017279
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Is there proof that Frankfurt kikes were funded by KGB? They were out there saying that USSR was fascist and the bakers (!?) were aware of it.

>> No.21017285


>> No.21017314
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>tfw there are multiple jewish posters on /lit/

>> No.21017430
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Based, enjoy.

>> No.21017614

A great man. /lit/ has a duty to carry high his name.

>> No.21017623
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Michael Collins Piper

>> No.21019091

Let's give a bump to this tasty bread

>> No.21019303

> Don't talk about the nono-topics!
> Nono anon!
> If you talk about the nono-topics you are a big dumb dumb
> If you don't talk about the nono-topics you have the smarts!

I never expected to see a semantic parasite injecting memetic excrement on their victim brains on the wild.
Truly fascinating

>> No.21020871

wait, Hebrews assassinated Kennedy for... doing a bunch of stuff they wanted?

>> No.21021043

Brüder Löwenherz

>> No.21021796
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IIRC (not from this book but from some other piece of research), one significant piece in JFK conspiracy lore is a Swiss trade organization called Permindex hypothesized to be a CIA-front as well as to be sponsored by the Mossad. Clay Shaw, the only man prosecuted for the assassination, had ties to Permindex, which is further reputed to be a front for funding international assassinations carried out by Western (and Israeli) intelligence agencies. JFK reputedly was against Israel’s nuclear program and I think that ties into it. If you look into the Mossad (as well as into how the ADL covers up for them) it’s actually like a /pol/ meme/schizophrenic conspiracy theory about a shadowy elite with its own corrupt intelligence agency running the world.

>> No.21021824

Sounds like you guys don't belong on this site. May I suggest leaving?

>> No.21021842

Uhhh.... Mein Kampf, faggot.

>> No.21021846

White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell.

....also, the Talmud.

>> No.21021948

No, you may not (suggest leaving).

>> No.21021962

There funding is irrelevant. their strong jewish identity and a review of their work is sufficient.

>> No.21021975
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>Information: YouTube links
>Weimarer republic jewish
>ussr jewish
Stopped reading there

>> No.21022014

Read the sticky.

If you don't know how to use this site lurk more.

>> No.21022320
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>not knowing all anti-semitic books are controlled opposition by the Jews to make you seem even more deranged

>> No.21022344


>> No.21022347

Bagatelles pour un massacre