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21012134 No.21012134 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21012157

Your local independent bookshop. If they don't have a website, call them and ask them if you can get some books delivered.

>> No.21012443

My local bookshops usually only stock books from my country, and very mainstream foreign Spanish or English books. Any slightly less common book, and I have to order it online if there's no ebook version. Living on a small irrelevant island is truly painful.

>> No.21012486

I buy cheap, used books in good condition from various marketplaces and sellers on eBay.

>> No.21012611

I'm quite happy with Book depository so far.

>> No.21012618


>> No.21013064

AbeBooks. It'll save you hundreds of dollars, and if you're in the US, most books have free shipping.

>> No.21013086


>> No.21014441

Interesting question.

>> No.21014451


>> No.21015269

Local independent bookshops that arent secondhand are overpriced dogshit peddlers. And local independent secondhand shops usually have good shit if you arent in a large city.

>> No.21015285
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>> No.21015995

I work at an independent bookshop. The managers are semi-illiterate Greeks that are exceptionally abusive to the staff and severely underpay them. We have an amazingly high turnover rate, and all the employees want to kill the people who own it and burn the store down.

Good, hard working, high-IQ college kids here in Montreal. They show up early, they leave late. They keep the customers happy and learn their names.

Never good enough for the manager and his sister. They yell and try to abuse the workers for every penny of time and labour they can get - even if it's counterproductive to making the store money.

Just because something is a "small local business" - doesn't mean it's not as evil as the megacorp Chapters Indigo, or Amazon.

I'm completely disillusioned from bookstores now. They're just capitalist subnets that exist to sell you the illusion of intellectual camaraderie - the exploitation is still there, and the selling of identity is still there.

>> No.21016153

There are two sides to every coin anon. My favorite local book store is a used book shop run by an old man. Its a small area, the second floor to a clothing store, and he has no employees. The entire store has books floor to ceiling with many of them coming from his own collection that he is now selling. He is knowledgable on many authors and can help you find what you want in the mess of books. He even lets people come in and read some of the expensive tomes that they can't afford.

>> No.21017448


>> No.21017466

but seriously probably abebooks (which is owned by amazon, funnily enough)

>> No.21017478

Wob, AbeBooks, eBay and Amazon. Always second-hand.

>> No.21017701

A thrift store

>> No.21017772

Very gnostic post

>> No.21018619

Very gnigger'd response

>> No.21018625

>Abebooks is owned by Amazon
>Easton Press bought Franklin Press, only to then be bought by Penguin Random House
The beast incestuously merges in with itself.
You will soon not be able to find a book that isn't fully owned by centralized globohomo corporate power.

>> No.21019652

We still have Dodo Press

>> No.21020379

Not Spanish, but the Azores seem like an incredible place to live.

>> No.21020461


>> No.21020591
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thanks a lot

>> No.21020675

>go in banned books section
>it's all normie shit or woke shit that was taken off a curriculum
The word banned just doesn't mean anything then?
>ah yes, the ultimate in banned literature, Harry goddamn Potter

>> No.21020694

it would be amazon if they weren't all zogged out and banned books by authors that speak the truth. i don't get why people get hards on for local non-chain book stores. amazon or huge corporate chains are superior in nearly every way. they just need to stop deepthroating the jew's cock

>> No.21020750

The word banned is now just another marketing trick, everyone knows forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest, so they are probably using people's desire for forbidden to clear out their storage a bit.

>> No.21020777

Any Ausfags have luck buying books without getting bent over? Even if you're well off the prices and shipping are usually unjustifiable especially for the shit quality paperbacks. Don't even get me started on the brick and mortar stores be they for new or used books, complete joke.
Personally I've developed a policy of piracy and only buying the ones I actually like or see use in.

>> No.21021158

>What's the best site to buy books from?
Amazon, its quick and easy

>> No.21021203

My local used bookshop is called Rothschild; it's not runs by Jews nowadays as far as I know but my, to be fair, rather limited experience with it is a 21 euro asking price for Journey to the End of the Night. There is a local charity book club that is rather large and works together with the local city library. All used books and sold for 1 euro a piece. Certainly a club working together with a local library benefits from government support through that connection so it's a bit like Chinese/Indian goods flooding the market so that no one buys clothing and electric appl from local shops but I can buy 21 classics printed 100 years ago in good condition for ONE used book at a used book store. I'm all for supporting local independent shops but you have to be realistic. I'm not haggling in there and I can't expect to go down to, what, 11 euro? Even that is absurd. The solution, I don't know but to me it seems only natural that most people, no matter how empathetic one feels toward small business owners, would think twice about using that store. I live a rather cheap life as far as expenses go and 21 euro I can leave at the local grocery store and get food for at least a week.

>> No.21021270

Op shops sell books for 3-8 dollars, usually 3