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21001769 No.21001769 [Reply] [Original]

In light of recent events, should Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and company be expelled from the Canon? It would be a good opportunity to promote female and POC writers in their stead, too, without stepping on anyone's toes.

>> No.21001780

You should be expelled from this board for posting low effort culture war bait, faggot.

>> No.21001823


>> No.21001836

Seethe, cope and dilate, vatniks

>> No.21001850

>culture war
A literature board is above culture wars?
This thread is retarded because this thing already happened in an italian university back in March, not because it is about some 'culture war' (a useless term used to dismiss topics one doesn't like or tacitly agrees with).

>> No.21001857


>> No.21001879
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>In light of recent humiliations, it's a honor to be joined by men and not faggot-ass corn-holing cocksuckers like married my cousin... He should fuckin' die!

>> No.21001891

How is it dismissive? It highlights that it's an actual war going on and it takes place on the cultural level. Only an idiot would dismiss an ongoing war that directly affects them.

>> No.21002276

he was a fanook too

>> No.21002294

prison don't count

>> No.21002303

Dostoevsky is part of the canon the same way Hemingway is. Not exactly a place of honor to be the favorite of 18-22 year old retards.
Tolstoy is already expelled from the canon (which is honestly a more honorable position than the one Dostoevsky has) on account of everything he wrote after 1888 being absolute fucking dogshit, literally Paolo Coelho tier fables that are somehow lauded because pseuds equate simple-mindedness with depth if it is simple-mindedness with religious overtones.

>> No.21002311

"The canon" is not a thing that is defined by law or anything, retard. It's something that changes over time by how many people and books talk about other books. If you read stuff from 200 years ago you'd be surprised by how many books are seen as common knowledge of which you haven't even heard today because they have been buried by time.

>> No.21002313

18-22 year olds dont read Dostoevsky

>> No.21002326

Why’re we stopping at “Russian” “White” “men”

>> No.21002338

>haha what a clever bait

>> No.21002386

Taras Shevchenko should replace Dostoevsky. Tolstoy opposed the fascist Russian wars of conquest prominently so should stay.

>> No.21002427

russian literature should just valentina shevchenko fights

>> No.21002443

>"The canon" is not a thing that is defined by law or anything
It's not defined by law, but can be changed by law. Just kick a book out of all places of higher learning and soon enough it becomes invisible and irrelevant. As a society we can decide and enforce to not provide russian literature any shelfspace nor any headspace anymore.

>> No.21002461

bitch u trying get people to stop reading free guttenberg books. it aint happening ya tranny nigger

>> No.21002546

Greetings from Kazakhstan. I hate Russians, I hate women, I hate niggers and I hate the rest of the shades.

>> No.21002589


>> No.21002618


>> No.21002647

18-22-year-olds who just stumbled over Jordan Peterson via the Youtube algo and felt a sudden pang of shame for being "gamers" are his core audience.

>> No.21002683

damn, and I thought his core audience were 19th century russians

>> No.21002719

you sound like you have some serious personal demons haunting you, don't let that out on Dostoyevsky and stop trying to connect his work with some imaginary strawman in your head of people you don't like because they didn't vote the way you did.

>> No.21002758

Only to be replaced by based writers like Blok, Sologub, Khlebnikov, Kruschenykh, Mamleev, Limonov…

>> No.21002984

Being available on the internet doesn't make a work part of the canon.

>> No.21003030

Yaaas kween! Absolutely this x100! It's time to get rid of these privileged white authors.
Queering the canon starts with challenging the normativity of the white m*le hegemony.
Dostoyevsky gets a few good boy points for being a disabled loser. But he still was wh*te and m*le and had a functioning nervous system.
If you can write you're still privileged. There are thousands and thousands of retards incapable of writing.

>> No.21003054

If you're talking about promoting female and POC writers, then "the Canon" is irrelevant. It's irreparably "cis white male" or whatever. There's no question of fixing it up with a few female or POC voices. The whole point is to get rid of the canon entirely in favour of "modern" literature and voices. You're aware of this, right? Your stupid bait thread already makes no sense. Fuck off.

>> No.21003056

Trannies don't get to change the canon, nngr op

>> No.21003072

Both are still canonical, retard lmao
Seethe more

>> No.21003074

The canon is not some actual institution, niggr

>> No.21003272

Yes they do. Precocious kids read him at 16 though, you're right.

>hurr durr let me just regurgitate Established Academic Opinion that someone doesn't share, hurr me do reasoning too - not sharing Established Academic Opinion means u retard durr
Don't ever reply to me again.

>> No.21003279

>Tolstoy is no longer canon because I SAY SO!
lmao petulant child

>> No.21003284

The canon is an informal institution, it's essentially the list of written works that matter to the educated elites. As such it has the power to shape their way of thinking. But it's not set in stone. We can kick out the Russians to show them that they don't matter anymore. And we can invite in women to show them that they do.

>> No.21003289

I distinctly recall reading Dostoevsky on a camping trip with my girlfriend and her family at 17, because I felt like a Raskolnikov and overman for railing her out in a tent twenty feet from where her father slept.

>> No.21003294

>Yes they do. Precocious kids read him at 16 though, you're right.
Maybe many decades ago. Today people get to them while older.

>> No.21003297

No, because the quality of his writing drops so precipitiously as a direct result of his spiritual awakening that he retroactively refuted whatever little he wrote well.

>> No.21003303

You don't own the canon, retard.
>muh women
There are already canonical female writers.

>> No.21003306

Based and pipepilled

>> No.21003307

>this thing already happened in an italian university back in March
Wait what? Did they remove tolstoy and dosto from the program because of the war?

>> No.21003309

The canon is about particular works, not about a writer's entire œuvre. You don't even understand what you're talking about, pleb.

>> No.21003318

>doesn't understand how retroactive refutation works
>just keeps repeating Established Academic Opinion
>insists that if he just embodies Established Academic Opinion hard enough everyone who disagrees is a pleb

>> No.21003327

holy tranny

>> No.21003349

No, I am calling him a pleb because he wrote incredibly shitty fables - as a result of his spiritual awakening, sure, but not a necessary consequence of it.

Besides, his spiritual awakening is a transparent sham. The Kreuzer Sonata heralds the beginning of it, yet also betrays his lack of seriousness in it.

The Kreuzer Sonata is a about age-induced impotence before the invention of Viagra. The Kreutzer Sonata was written and published just as he passed 60 years of age.
One would imagine that the cooling of desire that comes about with age would lead to a cooling of temperament, but the pure seething anger contained in this tome by Tolstoy, the absolutely dripping with hatred screed he puts forward in condemnation of fucking, given on the background of a lifetime of raping every serf with a vagina around him, transparently betrays Tolstoy's profoundly sour grapes - this is not the cool-headed and kind-hearted renunciation of carnal desire by a monk in control of his urges, this is rather the unbridled and unrelenting hatred of a man who desires with white-hot intensity what his dick will no longer rise to take.

That dynamic found in some of his later works does make it somewhat interesting - but incidentally, the way all shitty literature is.

Now if you have any interesting thoughts to contribute, do so. If you just wanna hurl boring insults and repeat Established Academic Opinion again, you really don't have to, I am quite capable of doing that myself, and such a response would hardly even pass the Turing test.

>> No.21003351

t. Rusdog

Can’t wait for your fake country to balkanize

>> No.21003356

>he wrote works I don't like, therefore, his canonical works should be removed
kek do retards really? it's not how it works

>> No.21003364

You're boring. Bye.

>> No.21003368

Okay nigga

>> No.21003370

You're a retard and not worth an effort post.

>> No.21003371
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>Authors ARE their characters, okay

>> No.21003389

I don't think you're capable of a laudatory post of even those of his works that has inspired the greatest awe in you - if any of them even have, and you are not just regurgitating Established Academic Opinion, which is what it seems like.

But yes, of course you can, you just don't want to right now, I mean, why would you, it's an anonymous literature board after all, better to spend time writing bot-tier replies than trying to piece together a coherent thought.

>> No.21003399
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Prove that the majority of Dostoevsky readers are 18-22 or shut the fuck up

>> No.21003400

Literally every word you said is wrong. Like, every word. I'm actually more impressed than anything.

>> No.21003402

He's just a retarded tranny. Stop humoring him.

>> No.21003406

>more empty posturing
So if everything is wrong, let's just take one of the claims and expand a bit on it - I say everything Tolstoy wrote post 1888 is dogshit. You disagree.
What did he write post-1888 that is not a dogshit Paolo Coelho tier fable?
Try and engage in a discussion instead of doing these very weak insults.

>> No.21003414

See >>21003309

>> No.21003436

>completely and utterly fucking incapable of writing even a few words about why Tolstoy is great
I am getting a stronger and stronger impression that there is some sort of retard short circuit among canonfags, where a work is considered great because it is part of the canon and it is part of the canon because it is considered great, where neither of these terms are ever expanded and no one is capable of explaining what that greatness resides in, besides it being Established Academic Opinion.

>> No.21003439


>> No.21003452

Your case for removing something from the canon is not even compelling. It all boils down to arbitrary rules you invented like "retroactive refutation." That has never been a thing. An author can write one great work at the beginning of his career that later becomes canon and mediocre works for the rest of his career. Your whole foundation is "I don't like these later works so they cancel out his earlier works." It's little more than a whine.

>> No.21003453

this post made me not want a daughter

>> No.21003456

No. One lecturer decided to delay a class on Dostoyevsky indefinitely. That's literally it, it wasn't replaced by nigger literature either. Retards had to blow it out of proprtion, of course.

>> No.21003463

I think it's more that nobody gives a shit trying to convince some random idiot on 4chan who wants to be a contrarian. If you want to figure out why Tolstoy is great, read his books. If you want other people's opinions, there are hundreds of well thought out articles and even youtube videos on the subject. Expecting someone to explain to you why a great author is great is simply a task no one who values their time one bit will do. It's like asking someone to prove to you the earth is not flat. Of course it's easily doable, but you're just going to argue anyway and all one can do is list a bunch of commonly known facts that the person who asks for proof could very easily figure out themselves if they made the least bit of effort on their part.

>> No.21003477

Its the father's fault for not raising his girl right and allowing her to have a bf. It is only consequential that she will whore herself out to some fuckward

>> No.21003485

The Established Academic Opinion is indeed very relevant in regards to which works are included in the canon and which are not. The canon is a social convention after all, it did not descend as an objective ideal of flawless literature from the Platonic heavens.

>> No.21003495
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You're just thinking about it logically

>> No.21003496

>I think it's more that nobody gives a shit trying to convince some random idiot on 4chan who wants to be a contrarian
Yeah, no, I don't think so. No one here is capable of a profound laudatory post, nothing ever goes beyond a few select adjectives - "great", "amazing".
>If you want to figure out why Tolstoy is great, read his books.
I have, extensively.
>If you want other people's opinions, there are hundreds of well thought out articles and even youtube videos on the subject.
God forbid such things could happen on literature boards.
>Expecting someone to explain to you why a great author is great is simply a task no one who values their time one bit will do.
I genuinely believe that none of you are capable.
>It's like asking someone to prove to you the earth is not flat. Of course it's easily doable
Yet no one has been capable of it. Indeed, looking through the catalogue right now, you will not find a single laudatory post of any single author. Reflect on irony-poisoning.
>but you're just going to argue anyway
For sure, I'm bored as shit. I'm about to read Proust and that will likely be equally boring.
>and all one can do is list a bunch of commonly known facts that the person who asks for proof could very easily figure out themselves if they made the least bit of effort on their part.
All one can do is refer to Established Academic Opinion?
God damn. The short-circuit is real.

>> No.21003498

>it did not descend as an objective ideal of flawless literature from the Platonic heavens.
Get off my board RIGHT NOW

>> No.21003502

I'm always in favor of de-ranking Dosto for any reason since Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place."

>> No.21003520

Nice pasta.

>> No.21003522

I'm currently reading Resurrection and it's top tier excellent. Also, The Kreutzer Sonata was magnificent as well, both written after 1888, so you're just categorically wrong.

>> No.21003524

Dosto seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels

>> No.21003527

Tremendous pasta.

>> No.21003548

Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway

>> No.21003555

Tasty pasta

>> No.21003564

you should try to at least put some effort in your bait.

damn... this board is dead

>> No.21003565

>it's essentially the list of written works that matter to the educated elites
Except the list changes. It even changes from person to person. It's not a hard list.

>> No.21003588

>top tier excellent

Damn, add two more adjectives to "great" and "amazing" >>21003496

>> No.21003819

>by this reader anyway

Literally the gayest thing I've read in my life

>> No.21003873

Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers

>> No.21004468

>triggered Dosto-powertards who were introduced to him via Jordan Peterson having a meltdown that babbys first literature (introduced to the previous generation by either Family Guy or Oprah's book club) is rightfully deemed entry-core for teenagers
Family Guy season 3 literally did a joke about Dosto being for gigapseuds 20 years ago because he was sufficiently norm- and midwitcore for the joke to land among their teenage audience.

>> No.21004542

You sound like Roger Ebert and I mean that in the worst possible way

>> No.21004546

Slavs are PoC representation

>> No.21004557

Dostoevsky has been world renowned for 150 years and will still be world renowned long after you are forgotten

>> No.21004558

Imagine agreeing with Seth McFarland fucking lmao.

>> No.21004620

First post is the best post, OP should fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.21004621

Dosto was known since before Peterson was born.

>> No.21004836
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Ukrainian writers are better! Slava Ukraini motherfuckers!

>> No.21005039

Fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.21005047

Fuck Ukraine. Hail Russia.

>> No.21005048

those faggot niggers aren't from pol. nobody on pol supports white people killing other white people at the behest of kikes being the the opposite sides of the same shekel.

>> No.21005075

i read dead souls and it was pretty shit. 'ukranian writers are better,' just more ukranian lies

>> No.21005079

Recently, Ukrainians tried to close down museum of Bulgakov in Kiev where he was born and subject him to anathema because Bulgakov was a katsap.
I wonder when will they attempt to excise Gogol from their cultural legacy - after all Gogol was writing his works in Russian and thus, also was a dirty katsap. After doing so with Bulgakov, this seems like next most consistent thing to do.

>> No.21005117

You need to understand realities of time and society author described to get it. Also lot of poorly translatable humor and references in there. Gogol is not world level writer, but he is inseparable and important part of Russian literature.

>> No.21005121

The guy was Russian. Ukrain is a fake state.

>> No.21005127
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>Russian language writer
>of Russian descent
>sponsored by the Tsar of Russia himself

>> No.21005134
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>> No.21005143

>You need to understand realities of time and society author described to get it
i already understand that it is beyond me to understand--i've come this far in my opinion about that. i don't like how so many people say it's a great book when it's a novel from roughly 200 years ago satirizing a sub-strata of a foreign society that i'm reading about through translation. i can accept it at that and move on without much prejudice against the book. it's the favour the book gains from people in my same ignorant position that bothers me

>> No.21005155

>ukraine taking more territory back in 3 days than russia has taken in months
Really, anything short of total Russian air superiority and victory within a few weeks was an embarrassment for Russia.

>> No.21005173

i doubt anyone cares what you consider to be an embarrassment in military affairs, anon. your trivial analysis of what russia should have achieved in ukraine in the first few weeks of the conflict is justification enough for that

>> No.21005176

Please calm down Ivan

>> No.21005183
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>> No.21005199

The funniest part is watching the Putin dickriders issue cope after cope when they themselves were saying it would all be over in weeks at the start. It’s been sour grape cope for months now. He didn’t really need to hold that region. Actually losing tons of tanks is a good thing!

>> No.21005204

I mean it does seem impossible that Ukraine could win. Idk wtf the Russians are doing

>> No.21005222

I don't know why Ukrainian nationalists try to claim this guy when they have perfectly good Ukrainian nationalist writers like Taras Shevchenko and Ivan Franko. Even Russian nationalists will concede that Shevchenko is good.

>> No.21005227

On the contrary, I am exactly the kind of person Russia would want to sway into thinking they are capable of standing up to NATO. I hate NATO and America and wanted Russia to succeed. I'm just not childishly emotionally invested like it's a Marvel movie or a video game, like you are. I wanted Russia to demonstrate that countries can still stand up to NATO, even though I would prefer no European/white countries fight eachother at all ideally. For example I was happy when the Syrian regime didn't fall.

The fact of the matter is everything is PR. America lost Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan because of PR. As long as countries can't afford to despotically mobilize their populations at will, PR will be important, both internally and abroad.

There were only two outcomes of the war in Ukraine. Either a rapid strategic victory that shows that you can still dictate terms to a country in NATO's sphere of influence if it's also in your sphere of influence (thus forcing the world to acknowledge multi-polarity), or a slow grinding proxy war that shows that you really can't keep up with modern war and you don't get to sit at the adult table. Russia failed to do the former and ended up with the latter. Even Russia's own allies were watching closely to see whether Russia would be a leader or a second rate power in Eurasian anti-American strategy in the 21st century. This war proved that Russia can't play a leading role. It was a horrible idea on every level.

>> No.21005229


>> No.21005234

>white countries
Why are you still clinging onto this idea? No country that's relevant on the world's stage today can be considered "white".

>> No.21005238

>they themselves were saying it would all be over in weeks at the start
i'm not sure who you're talking about when you say this, but i do see ukraine supporters say these things. that it would be over in 3 days, or what ever other baseless timetable the russians supposedly had. the poster you just replied to said this

it seems to me that people who root big for ukraine invent all sorts of 'failures' for the russians to commit, like that i've just pointed out. this is a baseless evaluation. there was no russian authority that said this was going to be a short war.

this was previously done in msm outlets which were saying it's an operational failure that they hadn't wrapped things up by the time of the victory day celebrations

>> No.21005246

Russia, England, France, Germany, US are all majority white. More to the point they depend on their white population

>> No.21005247

OP, go back to discord or reddit, where you belong

>> No.21005251

>that it would be over in 3 days, or what ever other baseless timetable the russians supposedly had.
There are literally videos of Russian propagandists (Solovyev) and officials (Rogozin) talking in this way. Specific "3 day to take over Ukraine" might be a meme in vein of "two more weeks", but it's absolutely what was pushed in the first days.

>> No.21005253

Israel is also white btw

>> No.21005257


>> No.21005267

Here's a free tip, you have a very tenuous alliance with the /pol/ types who are only pro-Russia because it barely makes sense as an anti-globalist move. Emphasis on barely, since it's a fragile narrative and is basically riding residual 2016 "BASED PUTIN" meme shit. Don't further alienate these people with your tranny commie faggotry about how race doesn't exist, unless you WANT the only pro-Russia people online to be trankies.

>> No.21005270

Russia is actively eschewing the notion of "whiteness".
In fact, they're literally trying to redefine what a Russian is.
Just to be clear, Russian translates to either pyccкий (ethnicity) or poccиянин (national of Russia). At this point our government is pushing the idea that everyone living there is a pyccкий.

>> No.21005275

How do ordinary Russians feel about being equated with churkas?

>> No.21005276

>I'm just not childishly emotionally invested like it's a Marvel movie or a video game, like you are.
justify this statement. what is emotional or childish in what i've said so far. i can see you've already jumped to name-calling and shouting 'cope cope cope' at the top of your lungs. so this seems to be projection on your part

i'm not aware of these statements, but i'll take your word for it. i'm not under the impression that russia went into this with the belief that this would be so short either, given their preparations

>> No.21005279

Russia can do whatever it likes but Slavs are part of the indo european tree and therefore white. The nonwhite population in russia is obviously highly marginal for the most part. Russia is kind of an empire still

>> No.21005292

>Russian propagandists (Solovyev) and officials (Rogozin)
i've looked into who these people are. they don't seem to be people who'd know what the military goals or timetables of the operation would be, so it's sort of like taking a postman's word for what the office of homeland security is doing right now

>> No.21005296

It was a bad joke. I apologize.

>> No.21005301

>goalpost shifting special pleading gaslighting tranny is /chug/fag
can smell the discord on you lad

>> No.21005306

lol, wow. okay, anon.
i hope you aren't too fucked up about the ukraine thing and can move on with your life once this is over. take care. i'm going now.

>> No.21005308

>How do ordinary Russians feel about being equated with churkas?
They hate it. Not sure what else to add here.

My point isn't that whites don't exist, it's that the concept of a "white country" is basically useless. Russia doesn't look like it's on track of become more "whiter" in future, and there's no way to fight to back.

>> No.21005316
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They might not know (though Rogozin probably did know a few things), but the propaganda is heavily centralized here and their initial talking points are likely came straight out of Kremlin.
It's hard to talk about this topic, you had to be here.

>> No.21005330

>their initial talking points are likely came straight out of Kremlin
i think that likely. however, their demoralization messaging and their real goals aren't necessarily conjoined
notice how the russians didn't invest anymore soldiers to the conflict once it was underway and it had supposedly surpassed their end-by date. they even reduced the size of their army to around 100k after a couple months of operation. this doesn't display panic or uncertainty with how things were about to go.

that's all i'll say from this point on. bye

>> No.21005344

What the fuck is Ykpanha and Poccnr? Is this some sort of Ace Combat shit?
All jokes aside, when can we simply abolish Cyrillic for the inferior alphabet system it is?

>> No.21005354


>> No.21005356
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It's a defensive measure, westerners can't read Cyrillic cursive.

>> No.21005368

Large part of the "white" concept is a social construct. That's why some Caucasians are viewed as white and others aren't.

>> No.21005468

Polaks already did, look at what their written language became lmao. Cyrillic script is specifically designed for Slavic langauges, they are not complimentary with Latin one.

>> No.21005475

expulsion from the Canon is an honor

>> No.21005484

Whites are indo Europeans, with Germanics being the core whites and other white races being dermeined as more or less white based on how similar they are to Germanics

>> No.21005486

I fully support Russia

>> No.21005509


>> No.21005534

Bollocks. Any script works for any language. There's nothing which inherently ties them together. You could use Egyptian hieroglyphs to write down English, if you felt so inclined. Of course hieroglyphs suck in comparison to the Latin alphabet, but this holds true across languages, including Ancient Egyptian itself.

>> No.21005553

You are right.

>> No.21005560

What does pre-Freudian complexes mean?

>> No.21005568


>> No.21005601

Dostoevsky was a fervient follower of Jesus original message.


>> No.21005715

The very existence of the Canon implies a world outside the work, a measure by which the value of the work may be cut to size. Any work that can be successful subsumed into the Canon's value system has already compromised its meaning to the point of self-destruction. A truly great work does not merely provide information within the confines allotted to it by its transitory cultural arbiters—it speaks only on its own terms. It is self-defining, self-sustaining, self-evident. Any canon that presumed to contain it would be dwarfed by it.

>> No.21005728

He's wrong and delusional.

>> No.21005732

So a socio-historical construction, then.

>> No.21005755

Everything linguistic and conceptual is "constructed," doesn't mean the phenomena and specific differentia that correspond to concepts and terms don't exist. Trees clearly exist in some sense, and as distinct from earthworms, even though in many ways earthworms and trees interact or can be seen as interconnected or dialectically related in certain senses and from certain perspectives.

Right wing thought maintains and respects diversity and difference. It sees two different kinds of trees, and where a leftist would think "can I force these to become one blend of one kind of tree, and blend that with all other trees too? or at least burn them so they'll stop existing and being so different?," the rightist says "what beautiful trees, let me understand how they fit into different ecosystems and sustain different biomes."

>> No.21005928

right wing retards go like "hurrghh! nigger tree! gay tree! kike tree! spic tree! gunna chop em all down and throw em in the oven! only white trees allowed! this is MAGA country trump 2024 hurfff durrffff"

>> No.21005943

The idea that "Germanics" are more "white" than other Europeans is retarded and made up.

>> No.21006154

>The very existence of the Canon implies a world outside the work
Wow, it's almost like every work is written by flesh-and-blood humans in the material world and doesn't exist in a vacuum.

>> No.21006192

Nobody believes it.

>> No.21006240

fippy bippy. op is gay

>> No.21006284

>Tolstoy is expelled from the canon
You are retarded. The shaky concept we understand as the “western canon” has little to do with ultimate quality of novels and everything to do with their enduring presence in literary discourse and culture. They are perennial and influential, how else would they be canonized? You can’t just undue the influence of Tolstoy (for better or for worse).

>> No.21006674

And will remain entrycore for teenagers.

I also agree with him on the sky being blue.

Do you know what introduced to means?

>dead souls and it was pretty shit.
lmao, all future opinions eternally discarded.

>> No.21006683

>still not a single response to the thoughts presented that would pass the Turing test
Are you capable of thought?

>> No.21006691


>> No.21006716

If Family Guy is midwit core then the writers of the joke at Dostoevsky's expense must also be midwits or very good fakers. If you agree with the writer's take that Dostoevsky was a "gigapseud" then you, too, must be as much of a midwit as they are. Your evidence that proves that Dostoevsky is only enjoyed by retards is just a bunch of retards saying that they DON'T like Dostoevsky.

>> No.21006794

Feep beep

>> No.21006808


>> No.21006821

>If Family Guy is midwit core then the writers of the joke at Dostoevsky's expense must also be midwits or very good fakers. If you agree with the writer's take that Dostoevsky was a "gigapseud" then you, too, must be as much of a midwit as they are.
I semi-formalized your train of thought here:
>a or b
>if a, then c
>ergo, c
This is the overall structure of your argument. I hope it can be a useful didactic tool to help you see how shit you are at reasoning. Going for the single premises would likewise illustrate how shit you are at thinking, as the crucial premise, "if a, then c" isn't true. I can agree with you that the sky is blue, doesn't mean I end up as shit at reasoning as you are.

>Your evidence that proves that Dostoevsky is only enjoyed by retards is just a bunch of retards saying that they DON'T like Dostoevsky.
Nope, closer to upper midwits (family guy writers) correctly identifying that lower midwits (Oprah's book club participants) enjoy Dostoevsky, and then poking fun at lower midwits dabbling in what upper midwits consider to be high literature - something which is, in itself, perfectly encapsulates upper mitwitdom, in both a) haughty faggotry, crucially unfounded and b), thinking Dostoevsky is high literature. .

>> No.21006830

Writers who have praised and/or were influenced by Dostoyevsky include Joyce, Borges, Hemingway, Kafka, Chekhov, Faulkner, Nietzsche. That's a far better group than "Family Guy writers."

>> No.21006924

By that logic Harry Potter and Twilight would be part of the canon.

>> No.21006977

Read crime and punishment at 14.

>> No.21007811

damn that fucking ukrainian flag with the swastika is so aesthetic . Not a neo nazi but i would love to hang that on my wall

>> No.21008440 [DELETED] 
