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File: 152 KB, 460x460, RowlingJK_Foto_Debra Hurford Brown_460q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21002217 No.21002217 [Reply] [Original]

What's her legacy?

>> No.21002228

BTFO trannies and creating yet *another* uniquely British cultural icon.

>> No.21002229

Being the official /lit/ mommy.

>> No.21002234
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Bros, do you think she reads us?

>> No.21002266
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Her magnum opus, the Harry Potter books? It's a period piece. A whole series of period pieces. The history of reading is strewn with the great dustbin of period pieces, and in five or six years these will be period pieces also. They will be of interest only to sociologists. The people who read them will not be able to remember what they read.

>> No.21002281

looking back, HP was a pretty crazy cultural happening
I mean dumbass illiterate amerimutts were lining up for days at their local Walmarts to buy her books

>> No.21002300

Creating the most seminal work of the Millennial generation, writing very enjoyable Children's/Teen books, and also being a straight up MILF

>> No.21002316

fake news, back then it was Borders and Barnes and Noble or the local mall

>> No.21003393


>> No.21003973

Hari Putar

>> No.21004008

She had to get her opinion on troons somewhere. Women being unable to think for themselves, of course.

>> No.21004013

I remember the major plot points of each of the books and haven't touched any of them since the mid 2000s. I remember them a whole hell of a lot better than anything I read by Steinbeck or Hemingway.

>> No.21004020

A stamp on international culture and reinforcing the concept of self infantilizing generations. I wanna know the median age of Harry Potter World visitors.

>> No.21004024

Every Walmart in the country had pallets of the final book shipped in and sitting by the registers you retard. Grocery stores that otherwise didn't sell books were even selling them at midnight on release day. We get that you aren't old enough to remember, but lurk more until you actually have something interesting to say, kid.

>> No.21004030

Embarrassingly old, to be sure. I see way too many millennials posting pictures of themselves there.

>> No.21004043

I have never liked any books half as much as harry potter. Plot holes and all. IDGAF they are the best books of all time if you are reading for enjoyment.

>> No.21004046

You had something interesting to say? What was it?

>> No.21004062

Same with everything starwars back then and even more so with pokemon for example. I guess millennials will be remembered as the generation of franchise worshipers since I don't think zoomers care all that much for such things.

>> No.21004071

Admitting to illiteracy isn't the brag you think it is

>> No.21004073

I both love an hate her. She is responsible for my love of reading. I hated reading until I gave harry potter a try. She is also a liberalfag though and her books are kind of multicult propaganda. Then even after being canceled by harder core liberalfags she hasnt come out changing her mind or anything. Youd think maybe she would see that she is on the stupid/crazy side.

>> No.21004084

>Admitting to illiteracy
Omit the to, Raj,

>> No.21004092

>hurrr ACKSHUALLY the very last book was at wal-mart, n00b, lurk moar
you're a pathetic faggot

>> No.21004095

why do you care so much about random people's political opinion?

>> No.21004109

Because its propaganda that millions of children ingest its not a random persons political opinion

>> No.21004191

are the books that political? never read them so I don't know but I don't remember the movies to be that political.

>> No.21004192

Different fag, but calm yourself, kiddo.

>> No.21004194

>are the books that political?
no, and anyone who says they are is as bad as the Christcucks who screamed that the books were satanic.

>> No.21004201

Her legacy is to have ruined entire generations with her braindead wizard boy books

>> No.21004211

No it isn't political. The books are just retarded

>> No.21004214

the whole wizard civil war is being fought over allowing muggles into their society. How dim can you be to not see how much that mirrors the political fights going on in the western world right now.

>> No.21004226

Voldemort isnt actually politically motivated though. He is just a kind of narcissistic psychopath. He plainly doesnt really care about blood purity, hes just comically evil and power hungry.

The actual really racist characters are the Malfoys and she kind of semi-redeems them. They dont even get any real punishment

>> No.21004237

The people who want to protect their society from outsiders are comically evil. Thats the propaganda

>> No.21004242

Voldemort doesn't want to protect society at all, he just wants to dominate everything

>> No.21004254

And do you think the ministry leaders care about muggle rights? Virtually all political leaders are just self interested that's really universal. It doesnt make a difference to what im saying.

>> No.21004262

The ministry is not depicted as being evil. Their casual racism is seen as a kind of lamentable but not that serious moral failing.

>> No.21004732

Based mommy

>> No.21004736

The fact that you would even think of posting that hack in here shows a lot of nerve punk

>> No.21004853

His motivation is just authoritarianism / fascism. There are pretty heavy "wizard supremacist" overtones to the Death Eater movement (mostly via the Malfoys), with Voldemort as the fascist authoritarian who isn't afraid to directly assault the wizarding world's representative(?) government as well as murder muggles (well, anyone) in his quest for power. As Tom Riddle he demonstrates sheer contempt for muggles.

Meanwhile, in Rowling's world, the more diverse house consistently kicks the shit out of the "blue blood" house through the power of their diverse and eclectic backgrounds. It's not a stretch to say the themes of books 4-7 are very heavily influenced by the idea that a recently defeated ideology (Nazism/Fascism) maintains its supporters and is only a generation away from being able to regroup as a political movement and threaten the liberal order.

>> No.21004864

Fascism is not just "bad man dominates everyone" though kek. Grindelwald is the more overt fascist character, Voldemort is a much more universal kind of character than a fascist.

Rowling does inject many liberal type overtones but the actual main conflict is just a pure good vs evil thing that transcends politics really.

>> No.21004910
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>a recently defeated ideology (Nazism/Fascism) maintains its supporters and is only a generation away from being able to regroup as a political movement and threaten the liberal order.


>> No.21004933
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>> No.21004942
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Who is that

>> No.21004957
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>> No.21005033

Voldemort as a one dimensional villain doesn't really ever espose a plan for governing his wizards but in the context of western liberalism is basically "the return of hitler!!11!"

>> No.21005049

That's not how Rowling describes him though. She always uses very general terms referring to "love", "fear" etc. The story would lose its quasi mythic feel if he were just a fascist.

>> No.21005620

Right, you think this dumb cunt was 15 years ahead of her time? Not a chance, it's not that deep you retard.

>> No.21005629

based anon located

>> No.21005984


>> No.21007256

Gets killed by trans activist in next few years

>> No.21007720

I'll give her a legacy, if you catch my drift ;)

>> No.21007729

Unholy amounts of autism

>> No.21009241

This is how I know you are a sociologist.

>> No.21009263

Last week was in a big bookstore and they had a whole bookcase with Harry Potter shit - different editions of the books, puzzles, games, mugs, etc.
This shit is still alive.

>> No.21009277

It will be for a very long time. There are no better books to read for enjoyment. Nothing even close to being as good as harry potter really.

>> No.21009315

All she had to do was keep her mouth shut and rest on her laurels and her legacy would've been secured, but she just had to poke the hornet's nest, just had to give people a reason to revisit her novels and discover all the "problematic" content in them. There was already a risk that her books would fade into obscurity. Now that this generation has decided to dislike them and not get them for their kids, it's almost a certainty.

>> No.21009404
File: 92 KB, 1217x694, iolansafoto_20201002144124526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wildly successful. Historic book sales. Celebrated. Reviled. Demon to some, angel to others. A deeply complex and extraordinarily creative polarizing figure who will be in the history books, like many other mad geniuses before her.

>> No.21009628


So fucking cowardly lol. These psycho leftoids would have zero power if people weren’t scared of mean tweets.

>> No.21010150

The people calling Rowling a TERF aren't having kids in the first place.

>> No.21010152

That's why they go after other people's kids.

>> No.21010779


>> No.21010864

I could see Barron as a /pol/ type constantly annoyed with his dad's boomerisms.

>> No.21011086
File: 593 KB, 971x721, 0fafa991-b434-532e-9e64-160cf1205eab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Making the two sides of the culture war do a 180 over the course of ~20 years

>> No.21011124


>> No.21011321

>a woman

But seriously, I think that her popularity is a particularly feminine one, that is to say, all the reasons why people deride the Harry Potter franchise are precisely why it is popular in the first place; its contemptible nature speaks to girls, women, and the prominently forcefully feminized group, children. In contrast to tranny culture, whose shock jock humor is nothing but "woman face", the caricature of masculinity derisively wearing the caricature of femininity. it drives trannies crazy.

>> No.21011470

Being right

>> No.21012147

Selling the rope that will be used to hang her.

>> No.21012161

The Harry Potter universe of course. The tranny shit (which reminds her of her own insecurities and mistaken tranny identities) will be forgotten sooner than you think. White peoples have a remarkable ability to whitewash the negatives of their history. If you believe the hype you're a retard.