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/lit/ - Literature

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21001939 No.21001939 [Reply] [Original]

I don't give a shit about anime or society or being rich anymore.

What would be the best approach to just have a website for free, where I can simply write some light novel and just have some AI made anime girl pictures, and just focus on writing some light novels for fun, and try to reach a level that BTFO most other writers in anime and even classical literature.

I just want to BTFO most other writers, simply because that's likely more interesting than coonsooming entertainment garbage from jewish and asian jewish companies and waste my time with 4chan political debates.

>> No.21001948

Royal Road

>> No.21002152

>he actually debates politics online

>> No.21002953
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>t. communist gaslighter
it's impossible
if such a place existed, it would have already be full of nazis, cannibals, pedophiles, islamic radicals, and all kinds of people who were not mentally diseased enough to be co-opted to the Anti-Racist Anti-Sexist Anti-Bigot team

p.s. it's part of why the internet exists in the first place, as otherwise you could have just >typewritten
>printed on your 1450's printing press
your beloved novel you poured your blood, sweat, and semen in -- and just hand it out to anyone interested... and the worst thing that would have happened is the bishop coming over and having a talk with your parents (or hit you over the head with his crosier)
and that is just unacceptable.

>> No.21003057

Make your own website
Easy to set up and run
only cost me $5 a year

>> No.21003103

>anon want to have a website?
>first, buy or rent property
>second, pay for an internet connection
>third, hire an admin so you don't have to be home non-stop
having a blog is hard work it seems

>> No.21003129
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Buy domain name for like 2-3$, use like 1-2 hours learning the basics of Hugo and static webserver. Host website on netlify or gitlabs for free.

It's really not that hard

>> No.21003174

>he actually debates politics online

>> No.21003225

>netlify or gitlabs for free
i also noted some, last time I researched this
may be more or less relevant