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21000612 No.21000612 [Reply] [Original]

Honest thoughts on this book?

>> No.21000641
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>> No.21000645

never read it

>> No.21000655

Read the first few chapters out of morbid curiosity (same thing I did with Twilight) and it's literally just Twilight but instead of vampires it's a chad CEO bdsm enjoyer. It started out as a fanfic of Twilight online then she removed it and published it after scrubbing the Twilight references.

So it's a shitty fanfic of an already shitty franchise. Marvelous.

>> No.21000668

It’s romance genre/smut with very explicit sex scenes. It took off because of the bdsm angle obviously. All other parts of it are standard romance fare.

>> No.21000843

Sticky, the pages stuck together

>> No.21001021


>> No.21001027

>So it's a shitty fanfic of an already shitty franchise.
That women love.
Tells you exactly why letting women into literature and teaching them how to read was one of the worst mistake men have ever done.

>> No.21002169


>> No.21002191

it was twilight fanfiction that the author stole and repurposed. true story

>> No.21002264

no, she wrote it, at worst you can accuse her of autoplagiarism

>> No.21002432

Gravity's Rainbow is better

>> No.21003118
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This book was controversial precisely because most women aren't familiar nor read works that contain stalkers, borderline rape, and a shitty male protagonist. To many it was thier first attempt at such erotica that only existed at fringe corners of the internet. It's basically fiction written by femcels that managed to wriggle out of the web because slut walk took place just two months apart from the release of the book.

Much like how BTS became popular, the underlying zeitgeist was the reason why this book became mainstream.
For BTS it was toxic masculinity, and kpop had already made a landmark because of gangnam style.

For 50 shades, there was discourse on women's sexuality, and whether women get orgasms or not. Coupled with the fact 50 shades already had 5 million readers on a fanfiction website before it released officially. If you read old articles on this book, you'd come across many that are confused whether it's empowering or reinforces male domination. Most conclude that it is not empowering, however, 50 shades was revolutionary due to the fact female sexuality was made mainstream. They liked it because it was the only thing available despite its imperfections.

>> No.21004594

>Honest thoughts on this book?
It’s romance genre/smut with very explicit sex scenes. It took off because of the bdsm angle obviously. All other parts of it are standard romance fare.

>> No.21004673

Just an average romance book.

>> No.21004896

Peope who use the word "zeitgeist" unironically are fucking stupid. You're right but it's still so dumb to use that word

>> No.21004911

why is it dumb to use a particular word?

>> No.21005004

Haven't read it, but I'm aware it's a Twilight clone. The "author" copied someone else's work and changed a few words here and there, then got mad when someone did the same thing to 50 shades. I hate what the book represents, as such I've done the best I can to avoid hearing about it, but alas it is unavoidable.

>you can't use that word, it makes you stupid!!!
Shut up retard. Would you prefer he wrote "social values at the time"? I wouldn't, that's more words than is necessary. He's wrong btw, BTS is popular because the boys wear makeup and women are vapid creatures, they're no different to backstreet boys.

>> No.21005030

It revealed to me on a fundamental level that women love to be raped as long as the guy is tall, handsome, has a huge penis and makes over six figures. If he's anything short of that they call the cops.

>> No.21005300

whats the cover supposed to be?

>> No.21005527
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