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File: 175 KB, 800x963, Portrait_of_Sir_Isaac_Newton,_1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20993926 No.20993926 [Reply] [Original]

So we all agree then,
the "trinity" is retarded pagan shit that's not actually biblically supported.

>> No.20993936

Why not just agree that monotheism is retarded cringe shit that isn't dignifiably supported

>> No.20993937

Silly Muslim...

>> No.20993942

Right, yet without it, Christianity makes no sense.

>> No.20993970

Making sense is not the point of cults, the point of cults is to uphold and maintain its own hierarchical power structure through mindless obedience

>> No.20993980


viriliserai, or

>> No.20993984

>that isn't dignifiably supported
May bad, you're totally right. We need a thousand gods for shit like the fucking wind and rain. Instead of one creator God that governs the universe, lets have a god for fire and doors and anything else that we can think of. Hey, maybe in this scientific day and age we make gods for the elementary particles as well. We can have a muon god, a photon god, a bottom god, or electron god. A god of computers and the internet would also be cool. That wouldn't be retarded at all.

>> No.20993992

Yes of course.

God is One.
Anything else is polytheism.

>> No.20994000

No, indeed it wouldn't. It also wouldn't be totalitarian and something I can get used to, but that's mainly because I'm not a retarded lemming who shits his pants over the mildest form of uncertainty and needs to be told on how to live his life, right down to how he needs to take a shit, lest he angers the big L. Ron Hubbard in the sky

>> No.20994001

is there any pagan religion that has god as multiple persons? seems like its much easier for pagans to accept unitarian monotheism, than trinitarianism.

>> No.20994006

xiánjiē shǒuduàn




>> No.20994012

No, because polytheism is fundamentally about rejecting divine centralization. It's about accepting existence as the struggle of opposing forces, who, through their interaction with and opposition to one another, bring about the world as we know it

>> No.20994018

And he told you this himself, did he?

>> No.20994020

newton was debunked over a century ago; kys roastie lover

>> No.20994022

Yeah, every Indo-European religion has at least one deity that is one-god-that-is-like-four-others. Let's not even get into Buddhism or Chinese religion.

Trinitarianism isn't hard to understand, it's just stupid and obviously cope for Jewish religion being made up. There's no reason to actually be a Trinitarian unless you are doing mental gymnastics to preserve a purely intellectual coalition. If you are being serious, you're a polytheist. If you want to worship Jews, you're a monotheist.

>> No.20994024

aggreance implies that everyone is universally co-ordinated mentally, which couldn't be further from the truth, your consciousness may be shared by the world but cognitively difference of opinion is what makes society, society.

>> No.20994028

Says so in the good book as well. Christianity is thus asinine as it's own scriptures refutes it.

>> No.20994032


>> No.20994041


>> No.20994101
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Fucking lmao. You sound like fucking Christopher Hitchens. Lemme guess, you're an Atheist that found paganism? lmao.
Just fucking face it: the laws of this universe point to it being the work of one omnipotent, rational creator who tells you not to have gay sex.
I know that makes you cry, and makes you shit your pants, but its true. No god of buttfucking is going to save you, anon---they don't exist.

>> No.20994114

Chew you have a singlelicious satisfact to back that up?

>> No.20994167


>> No.20994201

heathen scum!

>> No.20994211
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>> No.20994491

>Just fucking face it: the laws of this universe point to it being the work of one omnipotent, rational creator who tells you not to have gay sex.
Correct, and that omnipotent rational creator is Odin.

>> No.20994508

>rational creator who tells you not to have gay sex.
oh man youre gonna have a rough time when you learn about the pope lmfao

>> No.20994668

> Papists are faggots
Whoa, I'm literally heckin' shaking rn!
One God. No others. Simple as.

>> No.20994683

If Christianity had remained a cult no one would have fucking heard of it.

>> No.20994725

The existence of all things depends upon the Most High God, Creator of all things. Thence on, there are other divine powers, to whom is also granted a power of creation by virtue of the First Great Creator. It is necessary to know that very God, which is the first cause and creator of all things, and likewise the other divine powers (you can call the "gods" if you want), which have been created by God. They are a part of that God. It is wise not to be ignorant of them, and to know what holy rites, ceremonies, etc. are conformable to them. But above them all, we are to worship God who is the author and Father of all things, the absolute and sole perfection of all nature.

>> No.20994894

A host of lesser Gods is not a necessary hypothesis. One infinite and supreme cognition is the only thing that is necessary to create and maintain this world. He is the being whose existence is necessary, all of our existences are not.

>> No.20994972

Of course all our existences are necessary. If nothing is created, you have no Creator. You can't separate the two things.

>> No.20994991

1.) His existence isn't necessitated by his being the creator (He existed before his creation). 2.) Even if, say, the universe necessarily exist, that doesn't imply that we necessarily exist, or that 4chan necessarily exists.

>> No.20995286

Why do you say that?

>> No.20995292

holy based

>> No.20995297 [DELETED] 

You're asking this as if anything more than like 5% of the people on this board have actually read anything more than a few dozen pages of the Bible

>> No.20996030


>> No.20996168
File: 564 KB, 1080x1903, 1656811579153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he "trinity" is retarded
When you're retarded, everything seems retarded
That's your religion
>not actually biblically supported

>> No.20996207

Arianism makes more sense. I can't be asked to believe in the holy spirit.

>> No.20996213

>When you're retarded, everything seems retarded
Indeed. The trinity is not retarded. It is Divinitiationisticlyhoodish.

>> No.20996227

This includes priests and rabbis, as you're attributing partners to Him.

>> No.20996236

Reminder that the correct translation of John 1:1 is "and the Word was _a_ god."

>> No.20996294
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>> No.20996351

Yes. YAHWEH is the Sovereign Elohim, where Yahshua is our Messiah, His only begotten

>> No.20996358

old testament god is the devil

>> No.20996683

t. seething tranny who thinks the new testament God would love him for """"who she is"""" instead of just sending him to hell.

>> No.20996805

Yeah, but Jesus is also God so...

>> No.20996818


>> No.20996819

My take is the Holy spirit is within everyone, and Jesus is the vessel to communicate with the grand creator. If no one does that then god doesn't work through them ipso facto

>> No.20997103
File: 79 KB, 500x519, e58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just fucking face it: the laws of this universe point to it being the work of one omnipotent, rational creator who tells you not to have gay sex.
Based. I'm stealing that

>> No.20997592

So do unitarians just straight up deny that Christ is God? How is that even Christian?

>> No.20997727

>the Holy spirit is within everyone
You only know your own soul, so you can't know if the holy spirit is in me, for example.

>> No.20998094

John 12:49
For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it.

Luke 18:19
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone."

>> No.20998178

> John 12:49
Jesus is pointing to the fact that his words come from his divine nature and not his human nature.

> Luke 18:19
Rhetorical question; "Why do you call me good? No one is good—except God alone." (hence, "You seem to know that I'm God—think about that.")

>> No.20998186

It's because of the pagan religions. They had tripartite goddesses, so they really got in on the trinity being a thing. It's updating older myths and practices with a Christian gloss. Christianity has a focus on the three Mary's too which is the other half of the pagan tradition, and the more Marian Christianity in a country, the more likely they are also still doing some really pagan shit around a calendar that doesn't exist for the Christian world anymore.

>> No.20998273

>Jesus is pointing to the fact that his words come from his divine nature and not his human nature
That's not what he's saying at all lol
>Rhetorical question
Trinitarian cope

>> No.20998286

We don't have access to God the Father or anything in heaven. We have access to the Holy Spirit through our mind and Christ through the material world like our church or Christian community.

>> No.20998315

So...no arguments huh? Good to know :^)

>> No.20998338

Ae far as I'm concerned you can twist Scripture as much as you want, anon. It's not to me that you'll have to respond.

>> No.20998355

HAHAHA. Fucking whew lad. What are you even trying to imply there? I mean seriously. Almost every Christian tradition supports the trinity. Does that ever make you wonder?

>> No.20998360

Matthew 7:13-14

>Does that ever make you wonder?
It does.

>> No.20998361

>We need a thousand gods for shit like the fucking wind and rain

I literally don't see the problem with this.

>> No.20998390

Cool. So what you're saying is:
> The more obscure the heresy, the holier I am.
Makes sense :^)

>> No.20998399

Is that how you guys call reading the bible without distorting it? Interesting.

>> No.20998414

Reminder that you are wrong

>> No.20998417

You should look into the Arian Controversy.

>> No.20998428

>The translation of last four words of John 1:1 (θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος) has been a particular topic of debate in Western Christianity in the modern period. This debate mostly centers over the usage of the article ὁ within the clause, where some have argued that the absence of the article before θεός ("God") makes it indefinite and should therefore result in the translation, "and the Word was a god. This translation can be found in the Jehovah's Witnesses' New World Translation,[62] and the Unitarian Thomas Belsham's 1808 revision of William Newcome's translation.[63][c]

>> No.20998442

>modern period

>> No.20998460

>no argument

>> No.20998471

Argument for what? It says you can translate it either way, not that the correct translation is that. Are you illiterate? What do I care if JW chooses the wrong translation?

>> No.20998474

>It says you can translate it either way
No it doesn't.

>> No.20998477

Boipussy feels way better than pussy.

>> No.20998484
File: 22 KB, 570x351, 1647272604882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and assmanned

>> No.20998485

Yes it does retard

With respect to John 1:1, Ernest Cadman Colwell writes:

The absence of the article does not make the predicate indefinite or qualitative when it precedes the verb, it is indefinite in this position only when the context demands it.

So, whether the predicate (theos) is definite, indefinite or qualitative depends on the context. Consequently, this article raises the concern that uncertainty with respect to the grammar may result in translations based on the theology of the translator. The commonly held theology that Jesus is God naturally leads to a corresponding translation. But a theology in which Jesus is subordinate to God leads to the conclusion that "... a god" or "... divine" is the proper rendering.

>> No.20998496

>Ernest Cadman Colwell writes

>> No.20998498

Then learn Greek yourself retard

>> No.20998508

>bro you can just interpret however it's convenient to your theology lol even though the whole book is clear to what it means
The absolute state of trinitarians

>> No.20998514

Ok retard take your meme theology back to the trash bin where it's always been

>> No.20998518

You know, those people who preserved Hebrew and wrote all your most important texts seem to disagree with your interpretations of translations of their religion, and have done so for the last two thousand years. Maybe it's time you get your own religion instead of pretending to follow theirs.>>20998485

>> No.20998526

>meme theology
What John 12:49 actually says:
>For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it.

What the trinitarian schizo thinks it says:
>F̶o̶r̶ ̶I̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶p̶e̶a̶k̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶a̶c̶c̶o̶r̶d̶,̶ ̶actually I did lol b̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶F̶a̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶I mean the Logos w̶h̶o̶ ̶s̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶a̶n̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶ ̶i̶t̶ really guys it was me the Son who commanded me okay?

>> No.20998529

Your religion is dead and gone

>> No.20998556
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Thomas Jefferson was right about these people.

>> No.20998606

based jefferson

>> No.20998610

Kek unitarians and freemasons are two sides of the same coin

>> No.20998650
File: 447 KB, 946x1773, Whore of Babylon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20998675

>whites had norse mythology with many gods
>mythology with many gods is now white supremacy

>> No.20998682

>Just fucking face it: the laws of this universe point to it being the work of one omnipotent, rational creator who tells you not to have gay sex.
>I know that makes you cry, and makes you shit your pants, but its true. No god of buttfucking is going to save you, anon---they don't exist.
No matter how much you seethe it does not make the existence of god verifiable in any way whatsoever. You follow the same impulse an 80 iq arab goatherder does when he prostrates himself before the one true god - you fall to your knees and submit yourself to faith
And of course the eternal christcuck is ever eager to put a label like pagan or atheist on any critic because that would make them a believer just like yourself, nevermind the fact that atheism is the absence of said faith above anything else.
Not to mention boastfully ignorant people like yourself are the main reason people like hitchens or dawkins have any influence whatsoever anyway. Which is because like every good little christcuck it triggers you to no end that natural sciences and "the laws of this universe" makes abrahamic religion seem more outdated than the most simple form of tribal paganism by virtue of its blatant material and heavyhanded nature as a social reformation tool above all else.

>> No.20998801

Veriky, God has made boipucci for our enjoyment. If enjoying boipucci was wrong God would not have made it so enjoyable.

>> No.20998818

I have no horse in your rabbi vs rebbe debate, no stake in whether the volcano demon of Sinai chose the people he made a covenant with in the original text or chose the Greek speakers who worked on the second season of Adventures in Palestine.

>> No.20998835

>it stops being a cult when enough people buy into it

>> No.20998846

I bet if coke existed back then, paganoids would have made it into a god like they did wine.

>> No.20998888

better than make the fucking alphabet into a god christcuck

>> No.20998932
File: 50 KB, 478x642, Alpha Omega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy checked. Jesus is indeed the god of the alphabet.

Jesus (Iησους) = I.E.S.O.U.S = 10+8+200+70+400+200 = 888

The principles behind this equation were well known in the first few centuries AD, and the church father Irenaeus, although he doesn’t seem to believe it himself, can clearly do the math involved.

>“This is the name of Jesus; for this name, if you reckon up the numerical value of the letters, amounts to eight hundred and eighty eight. Thus, then, you have a clear statement of their opinion as to the origin of the super celestial Jesus. Wherefore, also, the alphabet of the Greeks contains eight Monads, eight Decads, and eight Hecatads, which present the number eight hundred and eighty-eight, that is, Jesus, who is formed of all the numbers; and on this account He is called Alpha and Omega, indicating his origin from all.” Irenaeus, Against the Heresies

>> No.20998933

The only cucks here pagancucks for being cucked enough to be destroyed by Christians

>> No.20998938
File: 64 KB, 558x600, Logos, the God of the Alphabet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept of the Logos, represented by the divine number 888, was combined with the image of the awaited messiah and became the name Jesus Christ. It was an attempt to bridge Greek salvation philosophy and Jewish religious history, and did not refer to a real or actual person. This explains the few often quoted passages in the Bible which portray Jesus as a special name, a name above all others. It is not Jesus the historical man who holds the key to salvation, but the Logos and his innate relationship with the Father and original unity.

>“I am the Way; I am Truth and Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
John 13:14

Similar to passages in the Egyptian book of the dead, the secret to immortality in the early church lay in knowing God’s true name, almost like a secret password. It was the name Iesous itself, and not just the person or function of Jesus, that held power. Like abracadabra, Iesous was a special word, that when pronounced properly could produce marvelous effects.

>“But some itinerant Jewish exorcists too tried pronouncing the name of the Lord Jesus over people who were possessed by evil spirits; they used to say, ‘I adjure you by the Jesus whose spokesman is Paul.'”
Acts 19:11

>> No.20998973
File: 58 KB, 700x757, Pagan Fuck Christ Cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Christians wanted to kill heathens because their wives thirsted for well-groomed Viking dick and literally cucked them. Chances are many of your presumed Christian ancestors weren't Christian at all.

>> No.20999014
File: 407 KB, 828x1440, odor of sanctity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people don't know this but Christians were filthy as fuck back then and smelled like shit (often because they were literally wallowing in their own feces).

>> No.20999034
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>The mendicant Spanish monks, according to their practice of setting up a directly antagonistic principle [to the Arabs], considered physical dirt as the test of moral purity and true faith; and by dining and sleeping from year's end to year's end in the same unchanged woolen frock, arrived at the height of their ambition, according to their view of the odor of sanctity, the olor de santidad. This was a euphemism for 'foul smell,' but it came to represent Christian godliness, and many of the saints are pictured sitting in their own excrement.

>> No.20999238

based moors teaching iberian animals how to clean themselves

>> No.20999268

>“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone."
Holy kino

>> No.20999341
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>> No.20999365

Pagan isn't shit

>> No.20999423

>Lets just have a million gods for every little thing
The god of faggotry hath spoken

>> No.20999442

It's called Shinto and it's based, baka gaijin.

>> No.20999466

Oh, you are surely unmatched among the fags! Oh faggiest of fag you are anon! None are so gay as you! Selah!

>> No.20999513

Gay doesn't exist in Japan, hwaito piggu. Japan doesn't believe in the gay.

>> No.20999516

Japan has the highest proportion of homosexuals after Israel.

>> No.20999541

>Source: My fat whitoid ass

>> No.20999591


>> No.20999611

>bottom god
yeah, a nation of bottoms made in your image

>> No.20999656


>> No.20999670

Your ass was more reliable in hindsight.

>> No.20999681

The sources are cited in the post, cope.

>> No.20999694

Did you even read the first page? There's so much cope and >inb4 methodology/sample sizes there it's not even worth clicking next.

>> No.20999703

I'm sorry your animu heroes turned out to enjoy gay sex anon, but that's life.

>> No.20999704
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behead those who insult the trinity
enjoy hell you shit

>> No.20999710

Okay fag expert, I'll trust your wisdom and go to Japan fuck Asian boys dressed as French maids.

>> No.20999719
File: 2.90 MB, 576x1016, John the Evangelist.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based but we have those here in the West too.

>> No.20999736

Cute femboy ngl

>> No.20999756
File: 309 KB, 1270x1600, 1642046740116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you know? Jesus had a gay lover.
From the Secret Gospel of Mark:
>And they come into Bethany. And a certain woman whose brother had died was there. And, coming, she prostrated herself before Jesus and says to him, “Son of David, have mercy on me.” But the disciples rebuked her. And Jesus, being angered, went off with her into the garden where the tomb was, and straightway a great cry was heard from the tomb. And going near Jesus rolled away the stone from the door of the tomb. And straightway, going in where the youth was, he stretched forth his hand and raised him, seizing his hand. But the youth, looking upon him, loved him and began to beseech him that he might be with him. And going out of the tomb they came into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days Jesus told him what to do and in the evening the youth comes to him, wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the kingdom of God. And thence, arising, he returned to the other side of the Jordan.

Then you have John cuddling with Jesus in the Gospel of John.

>Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake. He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it? (John 13:23-25)

And Peter getting jelly af

>Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? (John 21:20-23)

Jesus was not only gay but a pederast and John was his twink.

>> No.20999766
File: 22 KB, 342x476, no homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately Christians couldn't handle the truth and killed those who spoke truthfully about Jesus's homosexuality

>The relationship between Christ and John was certainly interpreted by some as being of a physical erotic nature as early as the 16th century (albeit in a "heretical" context) - documented, for example, in the trial for blasphemy of Christopher Marlowe, who was accused of claiming that "St. John the Evangelist was bedfellow to Christ and leaned always in his bosom, that he used him as the sinners of Sodoma".[21] In accusing Marlowe of the "sinful nature" of homosexual acts, James I of England inevitably invited comparisons to his own erotic relationship with the Duke of Buckingham which he also compared to that of the Beloved Disciple.[22] Finally, Francesco Calcagno, a friar of Venice[23] faced trial and was executed in 1550 for claiming that "St. John was Christ's catamite".[18]


>> No.20999788

>>>/lgbt/ sodomite

>> No.20999793

Homosexuals are like trannies: they project their mental illness on everyone

>> No.20999810

>Francesco Calcagno, a friar of Venice[23] faced trial and was executed in 1550 for claiming that "St. John was Christ's catamite"
We need more of this

>> No.20999815
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And yet it's an established fact that John was a twink, possibly a trap. Even Medieval Christians knew that

>John is traditionally depicted in one of two distinct ways: either as an aged man with a white or gray beard, or alternatively as a beardless youth.[26][27] The first way of depicting him was more common in Byzantine art, where it was possibly influenced by antique depictions of Socrates;[28] the second was more common in the art of Medieval Western Europe and can be dated back as far as 4th century Rome.[27]

>In medieval works of painting, sculpture and literature, Saint John is often presented in an androgynous or feminized manner.[29] Historians have related such portrayals to the circumstances of the believers for whom they were intended.[30] For instance, John's feminine features are argued to have helped to make him more relatable to women.[31] Likewise, Sarah McNamer argues that because of John's androgynous status, he could function as an 'image of a third or mixed gender'[32] and 'a crucial figure with whom to identify'[33] for male believers who sought to cultivate an attitude of affective piety, a highly emotional style of devotion that, in late-medieval culture, was thought to be poorly compatible with masculinity.[34]


>> No.20999843
File: 435 KB, 594x429, christcuck cuts dick and balls off for jesus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transgenderism itself has a common origin with Christianity in the ancient Cult of Cybele, and Christians and trannies are actually very similar to one another:

>both expect everybody to play along with their delusions
>both lash out violently when you question their beliefs
>both need to constantly brainwash children into their cults or they die out
>both tend to resort to genital mutilation in order to "fix" their sexual disorders

We're probably witnessing the same cultural phenomenon as it transitions (pun unintended) from one stage to the next.

>> No.20999851
File: 48 KB, 552x550, turn the other cheek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course, trap lover Jesus himself explicitly recommended self-mutilation as a religious practice to his followers.

>For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
Matthew 19:12

>And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
Matthew 5:29-30

>> No.20999934

wtf i love jesus now

>> No.20999957

>the mentally ill tranny spammer dumps his retarded pastas again

>> No.20999998
File: 367 KB, 360x640, the body of christ has aids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His body has AIDS though

>> No.21000033

The roman catholic church was always heresy and now it's going mask off, simple as. There's other Catholic churches, whether they call themselves orthodox or catholic doesn't matter.

>> No.21000045

I'm non-christian and even I think you're retarded. The trinity is God in three different forms.

>> No.21000055

your mom has a black dick in three different holes

>> No.21000190

If he was God that just means has three dicks. And I could be Jesus so I win.

>> No.21000231

>He's gay and Japanese
I dedicate this haiku to you oh slanty eyed god of faggotry!

a dumb nip faggot
god among all the faggots
truly the big gay

>> No.21000243

That source you use isn’t even talking about pagan Vikings. It’s about St. Brice's Day massacre and it’s referring to Christianised Danes living in England. The source was also written 200 years after the massacre and it doesn’t match the contemporary historical and archeological evidence about what happened during St. Brice’s massacre. The source says all the Danes were killed. However, the archeological evidence reveals Danes, women or children were not at all killed during St. Brice’s massacre in some kind of frenzy. Archeological evidence reveals that only male Norwegian mercenaries were killed because the king feared an uprising by them.

Relying on a source that comes from 200 years after the Viking age is ridiculous. The Arabs who actually met contemporary Vikings and commented on their hygiene said the Vikings were filthy.

>> No.21000282

>During an excavation at St John's College, Oxford, in 2008, the remains were found of 37 people who had been massacred. All of them appeared to be male apart two who were too young for their sex to be identified and most were aged 16 to 25.[3][10] Chemical analysis carried out in 2012 by Oxford University researchers suggests that the remains are Viking; older scars on some of the bones suggest a mixture of settlers and "Danes who had sprung up in this island",[9] some who had old battle scars, the Oxford site's chief archaeologist concluded the victims had no defensive wounds were unarmed and killed while running away from being burned alive in the church, with wounds on the back.[3][11] The bodies show evidence of multiple serious injuries caused by a range of weapons.[12] Their manner of death was a frenzied attack while defenceless by more than one attacker and from all sides of the body.[3]

>The Arabs who actually met contemporary Vikings and commented on their hygiene said the Vikings were filthy.
They were filth to Arab standards (who washed themselves regularly) and clean to Christian standards (who washed themselves once every 50 years).

>> No.21000293
File: 233 KB, 1438x992, 1E5F0C06-1898-4BD6-B583-9AE72FFE5A3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you just described the majority of religions and ideologies.

Don’t Hindus have their own trannies called hijras? Trannies were far more prevalent in other religions. And using Origen as an example, who was widely condemned by Christians and considered a heretic, kind of proves this. In fact, the person who accused Origen of castrating himself was an enemy bishop and Origen himself strongly denied it.

Also trans people aren’t just mere eunuchs. They literally believe they’re also a woman. The majority of people fueling tranny delusions are rational atheists.

>> No.21000308

Congratz, you guys completely missed my point. I hope you guys feel special being in your super duper little heresy club while all the other """unchristians""" are lead into """the wide road of damnation""".

>> No.21000324

So true. God definitely created festering assholes so that we can stick our dicks into them. Enjoy your AIDS and monkey-pox, faggots.

>> No.21000326

>Wow you just described the majority of religions and ideologies.
>Don’t Hindus have their own trannies called hijras? Trannies were far more prevalent in other religions.
Any examples?
>and considered a heretic
He was condemned because of doctrinal differences and alleged heretical teachings, not because he castrated himself which is coherent with biblical teaching and a claim supported by Eusebius, who was favorable to him.
>The majority of people fueling tranny delusions are rational atheists
They aren't rational if they're fueling delusions.

>> No.21000333

>festering assholes
I know Christians have no concept of hygiene but wash your ass dude

>> No.21000349
File: 23 KB, 400x586, smug luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worships a whole pantheon of deities that includes angels, saints, the pope, jesus's mom and jesus's foreskin among other things
>feels confident enough in his hubris to call people heretics

>> No.21000357

There’s literally only one Christian source that says Vikings were clean (or Christianised Danes in England since that’s who the chronicler was referring to as he never once calls them heathens or pagans in his account) and it comes 200 years after the Viking age. The chronicler John of Wallingford was considered historically worthless even by the Victorians

> William Hunt, writing for the Dictionary of National Biography in 1899, considered that: “The author evidently used several excellent authorities, such as Bede, the Saxon priest's Life of Dunstan, Florence of Worcester, and the like; but, though he makes some attempts at comparison and criticism, has inserted so many exaggerations and misconceptions, and has further so strangely confused the results of his reading, that his production is historically worthless.”

It’s also not just Arab standards. A Jewish source from the Viking age also calls Vikings filthy. Now that’s two contemporary sources versus one unreliable source written 200 years after.

>> No.21000374

How about your warlike Scythians?

>The idea of gender was fluid in the Scythian culture. Barry Cunliffe says, "[the idea] that gender boundaries were fluid among the Scythians is explicitly stated by various classical observers, most notably Herodotus and Pseudo-Hippocrates."
> Hippocrates says that some Scythian men were eunuchs, spoke like women, performed female work, and wore female attire. The Scythian men, according to Pseudo-Hippocrates, accepted their condition as the will of the gods—however, Hippocrates rejects this explanation. He said that gender transfer was more common among the rich and elite. Herodotus also noted the effeminacy of some Scythian men. Herodotus says that the gods inflicted this "female sickness" upon them because they destroyed the temple of Venus in Ascalon.

How about Germans themselves?

> Tacitus later wrote in Germania that priests of the Swabian sub-tribe, the Naharvali[52] or Nahanarvali, who "dress as women" to perform their priestly duties.[53]

>> No.21000377

Well, other than all of the other sources, like Ibn Fadlan, of course.

>> No.21000383

Typical LARPagan, trusting Semites.

>> No.21000393

>There’s literally only one Christian source that says Vikings were clean (or Christianised Danes in England since that’s who the chronicler was referring to as he never once calls them heathens or pagans in his account)
You're retarded if you think there were actual Christianized Vikings in 1002, less than 30 years after Christianity was introduced to Denmark by Harald Bluetooth.
>The chronicler John of Wallingford was considered historically worthless even by the Victorians
And? Are you going to resort to the opinions from 900 years after the facts in an attempt to refute a source from 200 years after?
>It’s also not just Arab standards. A Jewish source from the Viking age also calls Vikings filthy. Now that’s two contemporary sources versus one unreliable source written 200 years after.
See >>20999014
and >>21000377

>> No.21000410

The entirety of the Christian religion rests on trusting Semites. Not only do you have to trust that all of the Gospels, all of which were written by Jews, are factual accounts (so you have to trust multiple Jewish authors writing centuries after Jesus's supposed death), but you also have to trust that the claims that multiple Jewish scribes across a roughly three century Jewish period were all redacting and editing the Jewish holy scriptures correctly.

This is one of those "I don't know what I'm talking about and never bothered to look into it" takes. Every source we have on the period states that the Germanics, Pagan, Christian, Scandinavian, British, and Continental, were very clean people who washed daily and cleaned their faces and hands before every meal. This is just a simple fact, if you want to do Anti-White bullshit about how Whites didn't bathe until nogs showed them how, then you're just wrong and gay.

What Ibn Fadlan, and Islamic commentators state about Germanics (again, of all kinds, not just "Vikings", whatever the fuck that's even supposed to mean) is that they were very cleanly and hygienic people but did not engage in Islamic ritual hygiene practices, and as such were ritually impure. For example, the Germanics that Ibn Fadlan met would put water in a big pot, and then light a fire under it, and then get in it. This is ABSOLUTELY forbidden under Islamic ritual purity laws, wherein you are only allowed to bathe in running water or sand. Likewise, the Germanic obsession with combing is well attested (it's also one of the most common artifacts, going back to the Proto-Germanic period, to be found by archaeologists), as is their practice of letting their beards and hair grow, and then braiding them or tieing them back, both of which are ABSOLUTELY forbidden in Islamic ritual purity laws.

So, no, they weren't "dirty" people, they just didn't adhere to the arbitrary ramblings of some goatfucker who said that the creator of the universe wants you to wipe your ass with your bare left hand.

>> No.21000418

>eunuchs, spoke like women, performed female work, and wore female attire
>who "dress as women" to perform their priestly duties.
Perceptions of crossdressing from another culture doesn't imply they had trannies. Tacitus also says the Germans drowned homosexuals in bogs.

>> No.21000428

the bible is pagan shit that was written and revised and rewritten over hundreds of years though, and with the express goal to cater to pagans.

>> No.21000433

you tried to say something but only retard noises came out

>> No.21000434

>This is just a simple fact, if you want to do Anti-White bullshit about how Whites didn't bathe until nogs showed them how, then you're just wrong and gay.
I'm not doing "anti-white" bullshit, Vikings bathed once a week, far more often than the average Christian. This has nothing to do with Islamic ritual laws.

>> No.21000443

>Every source we have on the period states that the Germanics, Pagan, Christian, Scandinavian, British, and Continental, were very clean people who washed daily and cleaned their faces and hands before every meal.
See >>20999014

>> No.21000447

did you hit your head?

>> No.21000458

>Visigothic Kingdom
>not Germanic

>> No.21000459

Seethe and cope. Two of your friends already admitted that they have no problem with this.
Which just goes to show the Pagan mentality. Everything is a god to them because they don't know the one true God. God is the creator, the source of all things. What is more primitive then attributing the emergent forces of the one to other beings? So that fire and light and wind and trees are all not one (which they are) but many (which they only appear to be). Polytheism is retarded and gay.

>> No.21000464

>What is more primitive then attributing the emergent forces of the one to other beings?
Attributing them to a Jew?

>> No.21000465

> Tacitus also says the Germans drowned homosexuals in bogs.

No. He didn’t. That’s a myth.

> Tacitus asserted that Germans drowned in "miry swamps under a cover of wattled hurdles ignavos et imbelles et corpore infames," i.e., those "slothful and unwarlike and infamous in body" (Germania, 12). He meant by this phrase either "passive homosexuals," perhaps above a certain age, as most have maintained, or, quite to the contrary, cowards in battle, "misshapen children," traitors, or those who mutilated themselves to avoid serving in the army, as many astute scholars have argued. Because of the ambiguity of this most famous passage about the attitudes of the early Germans towards homosexuality, we must examine other sources on the subject.

> Two historians of the Late Empire who wrote after the triumph of Christianity expressed disgust that Germanic tribes practiced pederasty. Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 380 A.D.) mentioned the Taifales, among whom a boy continued in a passive relationship until he slew a bear or boar (Gothic Wars, 2.14). Procopius (c. 550) cited the Heruls, amongst whom youths remained douloi (slaves), presumably sexually available for an adult warrior, and fought without shields until they proved their courage (History, 31, 9. 5). Thus, even if the passage from Tacitus referred to homosexuals, other evidence shows that the Germans had no single rule of conduct or viewpoint about homosexuality. When the various Germanic tribes, having established kingdoms on Roman soil, put their legal customs into writing, only the Visigoths in Spain penalized homosexual acts (which the punishment was not drowning).

>> No.21000466

Homosexuals are the ones with impure blood and thousands of diseases. Funny how that works.

>> No.21000476

> You're retarded if you think there were actual Christianized Vikings in 1002,

Well, John of Wallingford is referring to Danes who had been living for over a century in England and had long been Christianised. That’s the thing the source isn’t referring to your traditional pagan Vikings. The source is referring Danes who had long settled down in England.

>In Anglo-Saxon England, within the space of a single generation, pagan warriors had become Christian farmers. Christian burial was rapidly adopted (Wilson 1967), many choosing to be buried in churchyards (Graham-Campbell 1980). By the tenth century their ferocious leaders were commissioning stone crosses and establishing private chapels on their new estates

>[the] Evidence... all points to wide acceptance of the new faith already by the end of the 9th century. In the first decade of the 10th century the Danes can still be classed “pagans” by their enemies, but this is the last indication of any continuation of heathen religion (Whitelock 1941, xx).

>Those Vikings who, after the late ninth-century partitions of land in East Anglia, Northumbria, and Mercia, settled in the area later known as the Danelaw, were amongst the first Scandinavians to adopt Christianity. They were Christian at least two or three generations before Harold Bluetooth’s claim to the conversion of Denmark (Roesdahl 1997) . The rapid conversion of Scandinavian settlers, so we are led to believe, demonstrates the weakness of their own pagan religions in the face of an all-embracing Christianity, and provides another example of their eagerness to become assimilated.

The source despite being constantly used for Vikings actually has not much to do with them. It says all the Danes in England were exterminated when they certainly were not.

>> No.21000481

>He meant by this phrase either "passive homosexuals,"
Do you even read your copy pastas?
>Ammianus Marcellinus
>A Roman and a Greek accusing Germans of playing their national sport
Sounds credible.
>other evidence shows that the Germans had no single rule of conduct or viewpoint about homosexuality
Two guys?

>> No.21000498

>Seethe and cope. Two of your friends already admitted that they have no problem with this.
>waiting to respond vs. listening to understand
you are the former and that's why you're doomed.

>> No.21000507

>Well, John of Wallingford is referring to Danes who had been living for over a century in England and had long been Christianised. That’s the thing the source isn’t referring to your traditional pagan Vikings. The source is referring Danes who had long settled down in England.
Do you have an older source for that or just 20th century footnotes?
>Evidence... all points to wide acceptance of the new faith already by the end of the 9th century.
What evidence?
>The rapid conversion of Scandinavian settlers, so we are led to believe, demonstrates the weakness of their own pagan religions in the face of an all-embracing Christianity, and provides another example of their eagerness to become assimilated.
Obviously biased source.

>> No.21000522

> Perceptions of crossdressing from another culture doesn't imply they had trannies.

Really cause someone sound exactly like trannies (actually believing to be a woman)

> Maternus says of the priests of cybele: "they say they are not men... they want to pass as women." He elaborated, "Animated by some sort of reverential feeling, they actually have made this element [air] into a woman [Caelestis, the goddess]. For, because air is an intermediary between sea and sky, they honor it through priests who have womanish voices."[22]

>> No.21000530

Missing the point. I assume that we agree that monotheism is superior to polytheism however?
Listening to understand what, nigger? All you did was call what I said retarded noise. Wow, you're really into yourself aren't you? fucking faggot.

>> No.21000536

The Cult of Cybele was mentioned in that same post, good job reading.

>> No.21000539

>Missing the point. I assume that we agree that monotheism is superior to polytheism however?
If you had said monism I could agree with you, monotheism is just the personification of Being and not any better than polytheism.

>> No.21000543

>Listening to understand what, nigger? All you did was call what I said retarded noise.
sry I must have sent it psychically. I'm also too drunk to remember what it was and I'm responding to retards in like 5 other threads. just know that if I have identified you as a retard then you probably are.

>> No.21000571

It’s not biased. By end of the 10th century no English source refers to Danes living in England as being pagan or heathen. Even John of Wallingford writing 200 years later never once refers to the Danes that are massacred as heathen or pagan, considering how much Anglo-Saxons emphasised difference of religion when it existed, it would be a strange omission.

The massacre has nothing to with cleanliness or women. It was ordered by the king against foreign mercenaries, who he felt threatened by. John of Wallingford seems to think those massacred were all Danes born in England. He all seems to think there was a complete extermination of all Danes, including the murder of children and women.

>> No.21000625

>It’s not biased. By end of the 10th century no English source refers to Danes living in England as being pagan or heathen.
Do they refer to them as Christians though? There are many cases of Christians massacring each other in history, yes, but what is the reason to believe those Danes were Christians other than "Well, nobody said they weren't..."?
>John of Wallingford seems to think those massacred were all Danes born in England. He all seems to think there was a complete extermination of all Danes, including the murder of children and women.
The excavations do point to children being massacred, whether it was all Danes or not is irrelevant.

>> No.21000665

Monism isn't even incompatible with monotheism depending on the monism, faggot.
Based drunk loser.

>> No.21000718

>Monism isn't even incompatible with monotheism depending on the monism, faggot.
Why would you taint a perfect valid philosophical concept with sky daddy fantasies?

>> No.21001048

Because I need Santa to be real in some manner.

>> No.21001051

>he laws of this universe point to it being the work of one omnipotent, rational creator

>> No.21001094

Your muh trannie scaremongering literally derives from the Catholic Church

> The anti-gender movement is an international movement which opposes what it refers to as gender ideology, gender theory, or genderism.[1] These concepts do not have a coherent definition[2] and cover a variety of issues;[1] gender ideology has been described as an "empty signifier"[2] and has been described as a "catch-all term" for all that conservative Catholics despise".[3] The idea of gender ideology has been described by scholars as a moral panic[4][5] or conspiracy theory, as it alleges that there is a secret cabal out to undermine society.[6]

> The movement derives from Catholic theology beginning in the 1990s, but the protests which brought the movement to attention did not start until around 2012–2013.[8]

> There are various theories about when and where the anti-gender movement originated.

> Most scholars studying the anti-gender movement have dated its origins[14][15] to 1990s discussions within the Catholic Church to counter the results of the United Nations' 1994 International Conference on Population and Development and the 1995 World Conference on Women, following which the UN began to recognize sexual and reproductive rights.[16][17][18] The Holy See feared that this recognition would lead to abortion being seen as a human right, delegitimization of motherhood, and the normalization of homosexuality. The term gender "was understood by the Holy See as a strategic means to attack and destabilize the natural family".[16] In 1997, American anti-abortion journalist Dale O’Leary wrote a book titled The Gender Agenda: "the Gender Agenda sails into communities not as a tall ship, but as a submarine, determined to reveal as little of itself as possible".[19] In Catholic thought, the concept of gender ideology emerged from John Paul II's theology of the body, in which the sexes are held to be different and complementary.[20][21] Although the ideas of the anti-gender movement were developed by 2003, protests related to the movement first emerged in most European countries around 2012–2013.[8] Although it is still promoted by Catholic actors, the anti-gender movement spread more generally throughout the right-wing by 2019.[12]

>> No.21001106

> 1980s Church origin: Alternately, the anti-gender movement is dated to the early 1980s when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the later Pope Benedict XVI, noticed that feminist books arguing that gender was socially constructed were bestsellers in Germany and noticed changes in German law allowing transgender people to legally change their gender. Researcher Mary Anne Case therefore argues that "Trans rights claims were, together with feminist claims, thus a foundational component, not a recent addition, to the Vatican’s sphere of concern around 'gender' and to the focusing of that concern on developments in secular law."[14]

> According to sociologists Roman Kuhar [d] and David Paternotte [d], "the invention of 'gender ideology' is closely connected to debates within the Catholic Church".[35] Pope Francis has stated that "gender ideology" would undermine the Catholic Church's position on gender complementarity,[33] comparing it to nuclear weapons, and said it was one of the "Herods that destroy, that plot designs of death, that disfigure the face of man and woman, destroying creation".[36] In 2019, the Catholic Church released the first major document dealing specifically with "gender ideology", which states that there are only two biologically determined genders or sexes.[32] According to Corredor,

> “the Holy See's perspective deeply depends on a stable and predictably correlated relationship between biological sex, gender identity, and heterosexual orientation, which is expressed in the Church's terms as the one and only natural unity of mind, body, and soul. Because this unity is believed to be rooted within natural and divine law—as a direct creation of God—it transcends political, historical, and social arrangements shaped by man.”

>> No.21001146

Lmao. The pure pilpul here.

>> No.21001186

Stop talking shit out of context. Mathew 19:12 is about marriage.

> According to the rabbis there were two sorts of eunuchs, those of human device and those of nature's making (cf. m.Zab. 2:1). The first, the 'eunuch of man', was a male who had either been literally castrated or who had, sometime after birth, lost the power to reproduce. The second was the 'eunuch of the sun', that is, from the first seeing of the sun—one born with defective male organs (cf. b. Yebam. 7gb). While the rabbinic sources are late, 19:12 shows that in this regard they preserve an old way of speaking. Jesus takes up the traditional categories and to them adds a third—men who are unmarried not because they cannot take a wife but rather because they will not, because the duty placed upon them is such that it is best discharged outside marriage. For these people, the good and valuable thing that marriage undoubtedly is must be sacrificed in view of the demand made upon them by something greater. (The Oxford bible commentary).

>> No.21001218

What’s strange is that Mathew 19:12 seems to indirectly reaffirm

> No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD: Deuteronomy 23:1

The assembly of the lord in the Old Testament meant marriage.

Jesus seems to describe eunuchs and those born intersex as being outside his concept of marriage. It seems like trans woman wouldn’t be able to marry according to the bible. Although the Catholic Church has always held this position when it comes to impotent men. Woman can file for divorce against men who are incapable of reproducing. However, the church doesn’t permit men to file for divorce when it comes to infertile women.

>> No.21001346

>Which just goes to show the Pagan mentality. Everything is a god to them because they don't know the one true God.

>Which just goes to show the democratic mentality. Everything is a viable way to organize society to them because they don't know the one true Right Ideology.

>> No.21001433

Yes. Paganism is just as childish and silly as democratism---what a brilliant observation, anon. :^)
Now go back to >>>/r/eddit.com

>> No.21001462

And I take it you live in a non-democratic state, then?

Or is utopism the other?

>> No.21001490

Kek I knew atheists were trannies

>> No.21001509
File: 87 KB, 696x548, catholic priest and orphan boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure many people, like National Socialist in Germany, for example, already rejected gender ideology before the pedo church magically came to the realization that it was a bad thing in the 80s and 90s.
Curiously enough, up until very recently it were Catholics who engaged in the genital mutilation of children. In the mid-16th century, after the exclusion of girls from the choirs, the Vatican decided to castrate little boys to replace falsetto soprano voices.
Historians estimate that every year, during the 17th and the 18th centuries, around 5000 Italian little boys aged between 7 and 9 were castrated by the Church to sing in the choirs. The practice was only prohibited in 1903 by Pope St. Pius X.

>> No.21001519
File: 23 KB, 739x415, henk heithuis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An even more recent instance of children getting their genitals mutilated by the Catholic church is the case of Henk Heithuis.
Heithuis was born in the Netherlands in 1935 and placed in the foster system, to be cared for by Catholic priests. Now priests had a tendency of abusing young children under their care, there have been many such cases… but Heithuis was not like most victims… he was about to go public.
Usually, the abuse was quietly pushed aside, shrugged off, swept under the rug. It’s been that way for centuries. Victims stayed quiet out of shame and fear. Not Henk Heithuis. He decided to make a stand. For himself and for all those others he had known who were abused, molested, raped. So he went to the police, and officially accused the priests of sexual abuse. This was revolutionary, and absolutely unheard of in the 1950s!
What Heithuis had not anticipated, is the absolute cruelty and the far-reaching power of the institution he was about to face. Since he was still legally a minor at the time of the abuse, and at the time he made his accusation, Heithuis was still a ward of the state, unable to make his own decisions, the court argued.
He insisted, however, that he was raped. The priests then came forward and denied this. Instead, they instead, Heithuis was a homosexual boy who had “seduced the priests”, can you imagine their audacity? The young victim vehemently denied the accusations, maintained he had been raped and that he was, in fact, heterosexual — he even had a girlfriend he hoped to marry as soon as he reached the age of maturity.

>> No.21001522
File: 24 KB, 342x283, Henk_Heithuis_phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The church, however, had quite a bit of influence with the courts. They convinced them that Heithuis was, in fact, homosexual. And in the 1950s, homosexuality was still illegal in the now-so-liberal Netherlands. The treatment consisted of either years in an institution, chemical castration, or physical castration… with Heithuis, no rebuttal was allowed, no second opinion considered and no option given — he was to be castrated immediately. Which he was.
They drugged the teenaged abuse victim, drove him to a clinic down South and strapped him to a table where they surgically gelded him. After the operation they kicked him to the curb… Heithuis was broken. Mentally. Physically. He abandoned his friends and his fiancée and became a sailor. He made it as far as Japan, when he broke down and, when on shore leave, found his way to the Dutch embassy. Here, he told his story to a diplomat who took pity on his fate. He even showed his scars, and explained how his hormones were now out of control, his body no longer felt like his and he was suicidal.

“Please tell my story…” Heithuis insisted, “make notes, remember it. They may come for me. They may kill me.”

Surely it wouldn’t be so bad, his friend, Cornelius Rogge, assured him. Surely they would not have him killed. How could they? But Heithuis was sure of it. Arrangements were made with the shipping company to have him brought back home to his country.

When he returned, Heithuis, helped by his friends who knew his story, once again pressed charges. This time for forcible castration, lying about his sexuality and mental health problems as well as slandering his good name. Still a fiery chap, still refusing to surrender, he wanted justice, he wanted his good name restored.

>> No.21001529
File: 29 KB, 700x438, heithuis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But in 1958, shortly after pressing charges? Henk Heithuis got into a car accident and died on the spot. The police confiscated all his personal belongings and material provided to them by the deceased. All material was destroyed on the day of his death.

>> No.21001544

>According to the rabbis
>unironically resorting to rabbis to explain his religion to him
Exemplary goy behavior.
>Woman can file for divorce against men who are incapable of reproducing. However, the church doesn’t permit men to file for divorce when it comes to infertile women.
What a pathetically cucked religion.

>> No.21001545

Wow. And I thought that rapist papists couldn't get any worse...

>> No.21001550
File: 172 KB, 591x741, catholic solution to sex abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wait, there's more. They've been abusing children nonstop for AT LEAST 1000 YEARS. Here's one of their saints complaining about the boyfucking already in the 11th century:

>The Liber Gomorrhianus (Book of Gomorrah) is a book authored and published by the Benedictine monk St. Peter Damian during the Gregorian Reformation circa AD 1051.[1] It is a treatise regarding various vices of the clergy, and the consequent need for reform.

>Bishops and priests were involved in every kind of immorality, publicly living with concubines or illicit wives, or furtively engaging in homosexual practices, following an example set by the scandalous Pope Benedict IX. "For Damian, the issue of homosexuality within the clergy is deeply related to the dignity of the priesthood."[4] Damian believed that the profligate and licentious behavior of the clergy undermined ecclesiastical authority and was beginning to provoke outbursts of violence from an outraged laity, which threatened civil order.

>He was especially indignant about priests having sexual relationships with adolescent boys. He singles out superiors who, due to excessive and misplaced piety, have been lax in their duty to uphold church discipline. He opposes the ordination of those who engage in homosexual sex and wants those already ordained dismissed from Holy Orders. Those who misuse the sacraments to defile boys are treated with particular contempt.

>> No.21001568
File: 460 KB, 1000x1000, catholics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now pedo church apologists will invariably try to tell you that protestant churches and public schools abuse too, as if we could possibly fathom the true scale of child abuse perpetrated by a millenia old multinational institution veiled in secrecy with incomparable amounts of money and resources.
>Some 216,000 children - mostly boys - have been sexually abused by clergy in the French Catholic Church since 1950, a damning new inquiry has found.
>The head of the inquiry said there were at least 2,900-3,200 abusers, and accused the Church of showing a "cruel indifference towards the victims".
>The inquiry found the number of children abused in France could rise to 330,000, when taking into account abuses committed by lay members of the Church, such as teachers at Catholic schools.
>The report, which is nearly 2,500 pages long, said the "vast majority" of victims were boys, many of them aged between 10 and 13.
>It said the Church had not only failed to prevent abuse but had also failed to report it, at times knowingly putting children in contact with predators.
>"There was a whole bunch of negligence, of deficiency, of silence, an institutional cover-up," the head of the inquiry, Jean-Marc Sauvé, told reporters on Tuesday.
>He said that until the early 2000s, the Church had shown "deep, total and even cruel indifference" towards victims.
>"The victims are not believed, are not listened to. When they are listened to, they are considered to have perhaps contributed to what they had happen to them," he explained.
>He added that sexual abuse within the Catholic Church continued to be a problem.
>While the commission found evidence of as many as 3,200 abusers - out of a total of 115,000 priests and other clerics - it said this was probably an underestimation.
>"The Catholic Church is, after the circle of family and friends, the environment that has the highest prevalence of sexual violence," the report said.

>> No.21001579

On this note, I remember reading sometime ago about character-bound gods being the norm in some kind of ancient literature. Any individual character's actions written as driven by their residing god's voice rather than the character's personal motivations. That voice was not written as a stream of consciousness. I think the article proposed that literature evolved alongside man and the advantages that self-centred behaviour proffered, but I can't remember clearly. Is there a /lit/fag that might have come across something similar? I'm a tourist and can't find it.

>> No.21001580
File: 492 KB, 1147x896, catholic pedopriests pennsylvania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the blackpill that papist sheep would rather die than have to swallow. They'd allow every single child in the world to be raped by priests before considering the possibility of uttering a single word against their masters in Rome.

>> No.21001636

>no one would have fucking heard of it.
What is Aum Shin Rikyo? What is Heavens Gate? What is the Manson Family? What is the Palmarian church? What is a mormon? What is ISIS?
Please kill yourself, anon.

>> No.21001821

All religion is collective psychosis of primitive men. Since our brains can process absraction, it is merely a brain's pursuit of feeling safe on an abstract level.

>> No.21001908

> Historians estimate that every year, during the 17th and the 18th centuries, around 5000 Italian little boys aged between 7 and 9 were castrated by the Church

The church itself did not actually castrate the boys nor was it only the church that hired them. They were used across all sections of musical society in Italy. The church’s involvement with Castrato came from hiring them, not actually castrating them.

> In the 1720s and 1730s, at the height of the craze for these voices, it has been estimated that upwards of 4,000 boys were castrated annually in the service of art.[12]

It says in the service of art, not church, genius.

>> No.21001922

Hypothetically speaking
>squares are also circles, and circles are also triangles
There are a finite number of Gods (.999=/=1 BUT approximates is such that the more 9,'s, the more 'oneness' it has) in a Godhead. So, circles, squares, and triandles, are all more encompassing, radiating, impersonal gods, whereas polyhedra to the >20th face or so (not a circle, but approximating a circle), are more like the worker ants that make living bridges out of living things, and thus make living things look like bridges (muh reality is a computer.)

>> No.21001951

Holy fuck, schizo. Take your meds and try again. This was incomprehensible.

>> No.21002115

You must be over 18 to post here friend

>> No.21002845

I understood what he said.

>they burn the boy instead of the priest