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/lit/ - Literature

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20998530 No.20998530 [Reply] [Original]

Not a single japanese writer has ever written anything worth a damn when compared to europeans.

Japanese are genetically unable to write serious literature.

>> No.20998549

Yasutaka Tsutsui is better than any living European writer.

>> No.20998565

Stupid catposter

>> No.20998574

Shut the fuck up, idiot.

>> No.20998581

Don't tell me what to do

>> No.20998589
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t. weebs

your waifu garbage is fanfic smut drivel.

>> No.20998594

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.20998602

I actually really love catposting, my comment was more to the point that you are stupid

>> No.20998619

Fuck you.

>> No.20998663

Stupid catposter

>> No.20998790

It's true, but Soseki wrote some decent stuff and there's probably good poetry that I've not discovered.

>> No.20999388

>hasn't read The Temple of Dawn

>> No.20999405

>Not a single japanese writer has ever written anything worth a damn when compared to europeans.
You haven't read any Japanese author.

>> No.20999415

Ishiguro is good and he’s genetically japanese

>> No.20999420

Yeah, you have to be 18 to post here. Jannies need to implement a rule that to post on /lit/, you need to have read more than 100 books in your life as a bare minimum qualification

>> No.20999476

>Seicho Matsumoto is better than any living European writer.

>> No.20999490

Well ok, Japanese literature isn't comparable to 'European' literature but it's a bit unfair to compare a country to a continent

>> No.20999647
File: 991 KB, 1556x2400, snow country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Snow Country.

>> No.21000860

>Japanese are genetically unable to write serious literature.
That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.21000908

>tfw no one on /lit/ has read more than one Kenzaburo Oe novel, let alone a dozen

>> No.21001012

>Not a single japanese writer has ever written anything worth a damn when compared to europeans.
Because the Japanese language is extremely restricting rather than western languages which are logical and expressive. No shit they would falter where Europeans succeed when dealing with literature.
The only way they cope is by creating childlike cartoons and manbaby vidya.

>> No.21001024

this is true unfortunately
their literary tradition is just extremely weak
for all the shit people on this site give them, the chinks absolutely blow them out of the water where it matters, which is serious artistic nuanced story telling

>> No.21001034

In modern times, their animation is better than the Western counterpart, as are their comic books and video games. Historically their literature is not that bad either and it's an exaggeration to say they have written nothing of worth or on the same level as European books. It only makes people seem ignorant rather than say anything about Japanese literature.

>> No.21001036

But Japanese literature is better than Chinese one.

>> No.21001217

Maybe true but this is offset by the fact anime and manga are both the culmination of Art and its final, perfected expression.

>> No.21001226

China has only ever produced capeshit and soap operas.

>> No.21001235

japanese culture is just an offshoot of china so they just fall back to big daddy china whenever it comes to serious writing

>> No.21001245

unironically read the original manuscripts. english translations of asian works cannot capture the nuances and intricacies that come from a completely different system of writing.

>> No.21001248 [DELETED] 

>China Nobels for Lit: 1
>Japan Nobels for Lit: 2* (also that Japanese-born Brit)
Kneel now, Chang. You have been surpassed by the Japanese.

>> No.21001257

>China Nobels for Lit: 1
>Japan Nobels for Lit: 2* (also that Japanese-born Brit, so technically 3)
Kneel now, Chang. You have been surpassed by the Japanese

>> No.21001397

>using globohomo standards of achievement

>> No.21001404

>everything I dislike is le globohomo

>> No.21001417

Based Natsume Soseki poster.

>> No.21001430

Jap names (Sakura, Akira, etc) are cooler than chink names (Zhuang, Ching Chang, etc) which makes me think the language itself is better than Chinese too.

>> No.21001458

How many japanese books have you read to come up with that conclusion. Write them all down right now. Surely you're not just an osmotic faggot getting your opinions downloaded from someone else, right?

>> No.21001585

japanese sounds like the sounds you make while taking it from behind "yamate sakura arigato buttufucku" long drawn out words trying to sound melodic like a woman
chink language sounds like the sounds chink grug would make while smashing skulls "hu hei hao"
japanese sounds like european languages

>> No.21001605
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>> No.21001625
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fucking weebs

>> No.21001704

...was never finished

>> No.21002019

Genji Monogatarai stands above the entire literary output of 95% of all national literatures.

>> No.21002113

>Not a single japanese writer has ever written anything worth a damn when compared to europeans.
Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai

>> No.21002170

The most definitive book of Strategy was written by a Japanese person: Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

American of pure European heritage here: Does Europe even have any books on Strategy worth reading? Asia has The Art of War by Sun Tzu, and the above-mentioned Book of Five Rings, both incredibly powerful books. Nothing even comes to mind when I try to think of European strategy books.

>> No.21002196

>American of pure European heritage here
AKA your family immigrated here just before of after WW2

>> No.21002766

It's the other way around. Chinese, with all the huangs and Wongs sounds like you're getting assfucked and mouthfucked.

>> No.21002788

If you can't read Japanese, you don't have an opinion on this.

>> No.21002814

it sounds like you're doing the fucking

>> No.21002816


>> No.21002825

It sounds like gagging.

>> No.21002981

nah they're half grunts just before ejaculation

>> No.21002989

not really.
sounds like when you chock a person with your dick. that's Chinese alright.

>> No.21002999

no that's french

>> No.21003127

I read all of Mishima's (translated) books but someone recommended to read non-Westernized Japanese literature like Genji and Heiki monogatari. The latter is enjoyable, but I'm not very far into it. Nowadays their art and media are more sophisticated, but that has more to do with the European sphere degrading than the Japanese improving.

>> No.21003134


>> No.21003170

>They're not better, we're worse!
holy cope lmao

>> No.21003190

that's right embrace it fag

>> No.21003200

I pass. Very ugly language.

>> No.21003282

>at the turn of the century the Europeans were more sophisticated, to the point that the Japanese would ape us to a comedic degree
>at the present the Japanese can be argued as more creative, but they are very westernized and we're competing in some ways with the time capsule of ourselves from 100 years ago that they used as a blueprint
Do you understand or should I dumb it down further?

>> No.21003961

>Japanese movies are either samurais, horror or shitty live-actions
>Japanese anime and manga are mostly about high school students or little girls who are 1000 years old doing magic shit while their best anime and manga just mixed and matched Western philosophy and aesthetics for artificial depth
>Japanese games are mostly turn based crap about teenagers with spiky hair and large swords trying to kill God

>> No.21005015

...ended when Miura died

>> No.21005515

You should shut your mouth and feel ashamed, jackass.