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20998559 No.20998559 [Reply] [Original]

I love the Lovecraftian aesthetic and themes but I hate H.P. Lovecraft and his books.
Any other writers like this (but that aren't pretentious and stuck up their own ass)

>> No.20998667


>> No.20999622

The guy literally admitted his works were just pulp fiction he enjoyed making, what's pretentious about him? The words he uses?

>> No.20999634

t. niggr

>> No.20999672

>Lovecraftian aesthetic
do you mean like talking about "parallel stalks with bulbs on them and wing like appendages'

>> No.20999685

lol he literally wrote for pulp magazines. That's as unpretentious as it gets.

>> No.20999690

I think anon meant the purple prose and antiquated words

>> No.20999709

>antiquated words

>> No.20999748


>> No.20999765

that's such a basic word
any ESL who knows any greek myths gets that

>> No.20999774

what's the modern word for that, then?

>> No.20999776

I’ve literally never seen any other author use cyclopean.
Lovecraft loves to cram it everywhere.
Curiously enough he rarely uses non euclidian

>> No.20999777
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, lovecraft country.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you can read/watch Lovecraft Country. Personally I thought it was fucking retarded, but I think it's right up your alley.

>> No.20999780

what's the new word for millennium? what's the new word for democracy? those are ancient words too

>> No.20999783
File: 2.92 MB, 960x540, lovecraft country2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20999792

I'm simply asking the niggr. I don't know he thinks that word is "antiquated"

>> No.20999806

a word like cyclopean is not hard to understand though
it's just referring to a unique kind of giant, unnatural monstrosity. a real archaic word is something like fulminous.

>> No.20999813


>> No.20999817

Looks cringe and soulless, plus there are negroes. Pass, but maybe redditors would like it.

>> No.20999818
File: 3.00 MB, 1422x800, lovecraft country3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got more.

>> No.20999825

The purple prose and antiquated words have a very obvious tonal and aesthetic function. That’s not really pretentious since there is no chasm between “actual text” and postured significance. There is not really a “pretense” for using these words, other than to convey the nature of the narrator and the ambience of the dramatic situation. Sure, he is writing in the gothic style of Poe and others but the blending of form and content is so necessary for the type of stories he tells that it’s not really attempting to create profundity where there is none. There is always a kind of ironic detachment the reader has from Lovecraft’s narrators considering they’re usually erudite scientists and themselves involved in the insanity. Their erudition and formality is part of their fatal flaw as men of science horrified by the totality of the universe, the indifference of god-like alien entities, etc.

>> No.20999827

I think the OP is a fucking idiot for disliking Lovecraft's prose, but he does spell "connection" as "connexion."

>> No.20999835

That's the British spelling.

>> No.20999882


>> No.20999903

>”Poseur" is often a pejorative term, as used in the punk, heavy metal, hip hop, and goth subcultures, or the skateboarding, surfing and jazz communities, when it is used to refer to a person who copies the dress, speech, and/or mannerisms of a group or subculture, generally for attaining acceptability within the group or for popularity among various other groups, yet who is deemed not to share or understand the values or philosophy of the subculture.
You only like Lovecraft for the aesthetic, you COMPLETELY miss the point of his stories

>> No.20999935

Accusing Lovecraft of purple prose misunderstands that he is trying to create a gothic old world effect harkening back to Poe.

>> No.20999953

you sound sooo pretentius jesus christ

>> No.20999988

>You only like Lovecraft for the aesthetic
Yes. Problem ?
>you COMPLETELY miss the point of his stories
There wasn't any to begin with, he wrote whatever prentious shit he pulled out of his ass for children and women to read in low effort magazines. Don't be a stuck up pseud about it just because you like the aesthetic too.

>> No.21000001

Anyone using purple prose as a critique of a book genuinely has an IQ of 85

>> No.21000038

t. brainlet

>> No.21000048


>> No.21000052

This thread is admittedly pretty cyclopean

>> No.21000111
File: 555 KB, 2560x1822, hungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any other writers like this (but that aren't pretentious and stuck up their own ass)
Here you go anon, a Lovecraftian horror of an insect with a near insatiable hunger.

>> No.21000359

erm. pretentious much?

>> No.21000369

erm. niggr much?

>> No.21000373

It's also required reading to truly understand the pre-Socratics. A giant in the Western canon.

>> No.21000381

Anyone who doesnt immediately grasp this about Lovecraft and find the affected Victorianism charming is simply ngmi.

>> No.21000395

Awwww, do big words scare you?

>> No.21000423

Reddit incarnate

>> No.21000463

Some writers who wrote Lovecraftian stories or poems:
>China Melville
>Van der Meers
>August Derleth (cringe)
>Clark Ashton Smith (based and a poet in his own right)
>Robert E Howard (based and a great writer who did Conan, Solomon Kane, and more)
>Leigh Blackmore
Some links to presses that publish Lovecraftian stuff:

>> No.21000478
File: 159 KB, 1200x1179, AAD61F41-923A-4DBD-B7F2-0199DF03EC61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read up on the Cosmicism article on Wikipedia, if you really think Lovecraft is just “wow le creepy squid” then you’re a just a poseur and are better off just playing Bloodborne rather than pretend you’re intonations literature

>> No.21000485

Some of Laird Barron's stories are very good. Try "Old Virginia," "The Men From Porlock" and "Blackwood’s Baby."

"14" by Peter Clines is enjoyable. It's not as grim-dark overall as Barron, but the Lovecraftian parts are very nicely done.

I thought the book Lovecraft Country was extremely dull. Have not watched the adaptation.

>> No.21000501
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Blessed digits

>> No.21000528

If everybody just used the same thousand words, we'd quickly run out of stories to tell.

>> No.21000606

frater in the wild.
anyways i get what OP means and its definitely a valid criticism. let me explain why.
>postured significance
>erudite scientists and themselves involved in the insanity
>other than to convey the nature of the narrator and the ambience
he pushes it too far so that the language ends up being insistent and overdramatic, the same way an insistent and clingy lover isnt attractive. the form and content match only in a seeming way but ironically have a deflating effect killing tension, thereby not matching at all. in some ways the form and content have to be opposites for them to truly match. the silence in horror movies isnt peaceful for example but uncanny and create contrast with the actual moment of horror. thats why movies like alien or 2001 or mad god are much better lovecraftian stories since they are grand but they convey the grandiosity with reserve and they let the mystery speak for itself. this requires actual mysterious details (which lovecraft does sometimes have) and not repetitive insistence of how mysterious things are. in those movies the presentation itself is ominous too, unlike lovecraft where only the presented is. this could be solved by telling the story from the third person without the lame and all too human framing narratives. in many cases (the ships cthulu encounter being one) the alien gods interaction with people makes the alien gods seem less unfathomale, distant, grand or alien. also insanity conveyed through lucid erudition is just straight up dumb. its not always the case in lovecraft, both his more poe-ish stories like the outsider or his dream cycle have less lucid narration, but it doesnt do the unimaginable horrors any justice when a proffesor is able to put them into so many empty words. many of these weaknesses are solved in lovecraft influenced modern works like naked lunch, where a sinister unembodied and hypnagogic narrative voice narrates and actually disturbing hellish world.

all that being said, hopefully as evidenced by the post, im still a lovecraft fan

>> No.21000768

Sounds like a you problem they never intruded on my reading of Lovecraft