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File: 173 KB, 653x1600, peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20994728 No.20994728 [Reply] [Original]


best translation in English

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, Clear Quran
>Accessible and explanatory translation (+have helpful footnote)

Dr. Ghali
>Good for mystical, abstract, miraculous text
>Provide closest synonymous equivalent in English to Quran's classical Arabic

Abdul Haleem
>Good alternative to Khattab
>Physical copy is easily available in western world

>Use 3 at the same time is advisable

>> No.20994742
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To people who disbelief in Him:

If you disbelieve, then (know that)
God is truly not in need of you

and nor does He approve
of disbelief
from His servants.

But if you are grateful
(with faith),
He is pleased ˹to see˺ it in you.

>> No.20994760
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>I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me.

>I seek no provision from them,

>nor do I need them to feed Me.

>> No.20994777
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Reward for the Pious

>> No.20994787
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Case of Mass and Random Shooting (or Stabbing) in 21st Century

>> No.20994801
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On being closer to God

>> No.20994837
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Verse of Faith

Chapter 2, Verse 285

>Arabic recitation (had been recited in similar way for 1400 years)

>> No.20994882
File: 898 KB, 651x6286, 18, al-Kahf (The Cave), verse 1-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 18, al-Kahf (The Cave), from verse 1 to 10

are verse of protection from Antichrist

>Arabic recitation (had been recited in similar way, unchanged for 1400 years)

>> No.20994907
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Two differents aftermath of Hereafter

>> No.20994926
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During Judgement Day, after The End of the World

Humanity/Mankind will be divided into two groups,

One group to Paradise, and one to Hell

Those who do not passed the worldly test (test in the world; to be pious; to do good) will reside in Hell.

Only those who go to Paradise will have friend and kinship (i.e. companion) among each others.

The impious will have no close nor intimate friends in Judgement Day

>> No.20994942

no one gives a fuck about your psychotic abrahamist cult

>> No.20994948

>If you disbelieve, then (know that)
>God is truly not in need of you

>> No.20994959
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>Religious Epidemiology of Suicide

>> No.20994961

Your cult exists to make slaves for jews

>> No.20994970
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>> No.20994975

Now post the inbreeding and goat fucking charts.

>> No.20994978
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>> No.20994993
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things like this usually in US I think

if you read the whole thing it's really amusing with a little bit of darkness

>> No.20994996

Interesting how you post the legal status and not the prevalence, because we all know you goat fuckers are such upstanding law abiding citizens, right?

>> No.20995015

Don't you have someone you need to fuhtwa right about now?

>> No.20995032


>> No.20995033
File: 401 KB, 951x1852, views on degen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mass perversion are not muslim things

in Islam it's only between married man and wife

even anal is prohibited.

anyway, one of the notable case bestiality that well-cited is Marilyn Manson's grandfather. As a child or teenager Marilyn Manson found a stack of bestiality porn which his grandfather kept.

anyway from the article, its like Tool song Stinkfist, brought to higher level

>the song

from the article
>Pinyan had previously lost the ability to experience certain sensations after a motorcycle accident, and he had begun to seek out increasingly extreme sexual acts such as insertion of extremely large dildos, fisting, and receptive anal sex with horses.

>The group filmed one another being anally penetrated by horses and sometimes engaged in sex with each other afterwards (which was also filmed), and posted the videos online. According to Charles Mudede, co-writer of the 2007 documentary film Zoo, the men trained the horses to penetrate them by stripping, applying a horse breeding pheromone, and bending over.[1] In 2015, Mudede wrote that the men had a sexual fixation on large penises "that may have had nothing to do with horses".[1] He also believed Pinyan did not truly love horses and was not a true zoophile,[1] although Pinyan had a cast created of the penis of his favorite horse, Strut.[12][13]

extreme stuff, not my thing in my opinion

Abrahamic religion prohibit degen acts
>pic rel


>> No.20995069
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kek wasnt particularly receptive
>Sgt. John Urquhart of the Sheriff's Office said that "typically", men were having sex with a horse on the property of James Michael Tait, a truck driver who lived in a trailer next to the farm, "but on this particular night it is my understanding that horse wasn't particularly receptive".

> The men would often visit that farm for sexual purposes. Either Pinyan or the unidentified man recorded Tait being anally penetrated by a stallion known as Big Dick. After finishing, Tait then filmed Pinyan being anally penetrated by the same horse. During this incident, Pinyan sustained internal injuries including a perforated colon.
giving new meaning to word colonel, colon-anal, idk bout y'all not a very good mental picture for me

>According to the CDC, populations affected and with most reported cases of HIV are generally found in gay, bisexual, and other men who reported male-to-male sexual contact.

>In 2018, gay and bisexual men accounted for 69% of the 37,968 new HIV diagnoses and 86% of diagnoses among males.

UNAIDS also suggested that the individuals who may also be at risk of acquiring this disease are generally:

>26 times higher among men who have sex with men.
>29 times higher among people who inject drugs.
>30 times higher for sex workers.
>13 times higher for transgender people.

Since the first case of HIV/AIDS reported in 1981, this virus continues to be one of the most prevalent and deadliest pandemics worldwide. The Center for Disease Control mentions that the HIV disease continues to be a serious health issue for several parts of the world. Worldwide, there were about 1.7 million new cases of HIV reported in 2018. About 37.9 million people were living with HIV around the world in 2018.

In addition, roughly an estimated 770,000 people have died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2018.

>It was narrated that ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said:
>“The Messenger of God, Muhammad (ﷺ) turned to us and said:

‘(...) Immorality never appears among a people to such an extent that they commit it openly, but plagues and diseases that were never known among the predecessors will spread among them. (...)’”

>[Sunan Ibn Majah 4019: Sahih/Authentic]

>> No.20995075

When does the prophet Muhammad go to heaven and negotiate the number of prayers done from 58 to 5 a day?

>> No.20995092

I think during Ascension to Heaven.

I do not know enough about the topic but I think my answer is correct.


slightly related,

>differences between islam and christianity
one of them being that muslim believe Jesus ﷺ was raised to Heaven, being saved from being on the crucifix

>similarity between islam and christianity
both religions revered Jesus ﷺ, and waiting for Jesus ﷺ (will come after The Great War and after the coming of Antichrist)

>similarity between muslim and judaism
no concept of trinity in islam and judaism

>> No.20995126

One of my favourite verse from Quran

is from Chapter 24, Verse 35

>God is the Light of the heavens and the earth.

>His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp,
>the lamp is in a crystal,
>the crystal is like a shining star.

>Lit from (the oil of) a blessed olive tree,
>neither to the east nor the west,
>whose oil would almost glow, even without being touched by fire.

>Light upon light!

>God guides whoever He wills to His light.

>And God sets forth parables for humanity.

>For God has knowledge of all things.


>> No.20995168


if you are a sufi or a pious one and you zikr (reciting/remembrance of God) a lot, and you pray (saalat) a lot

you might able to see 'light' or nur

this light or nur is God's veil

in this life, one would not be able to see God, but in Hereafter/in Paradise, God will show Himself - to be seen by people of Paradise

>A'mash has narrated this hadith on the same authority and said:
The Messenger of God (ﷺ) was standing amongst us (...) and said:

>His (God's) veil is the light.

>[Sahih Muslim 179b/ Authentic]

this (spiritual) light is different, than perceptive or sensory light (i.e. from visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation)

usually if you are the pious ones, in the right path, sometimes you might able to see this light/nur

>> No.20995208

If a God exists then it is impossible to be anthing other than purely submitted to them through all of existence.

Name an instance when a person might be not submitting to God, please. If you are going to say by breaking the Tennant of the holy book, then I ask you which revision, and why not the other revisions?

>> No.20995240


Islam is basically, at its simplest is a strict monotheism

or strict belief in One God

>where universe has its beginning, or it was created
>and universe destination or fate - it's teleology of fate is governed by God's will

actual literal definition of Islam/Muslim - is the one who submit himself to God

in polytheism, pagan or animism, there are few deity fighting each other - here there is only one King, One Almighty

>prophets and messengers of God

Prophets of God, had been tasked to deliver Message of God, in our language, each prophet is for their own tribe/community. but Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is for the whole humanity - until the end of time

the Prophets of God are human like us: they eat, they go to market, they earn their living, some of them get married, some of them have children, etc

>saint of God

muslim believed that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the last Prophet. other previous Prophets included Abraham ﷺ, Noah ﷺ, Aaron ﷺ, Moses ﷺ, Job ﷺ, Joseph ﷺ, John (the Baptist) ﷺ, Jesus ﷺ etc

in between prophets and after the passing of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, there are saints of God and earth, along with pious scholars who also spread His message

>status of Christian Bible and Hebrew Bible from Islamic view

muslim belief portion of Christian/Hebrew bibles had been altered throughout time. so we believe that some of the things in them to be true and some of them to be not true

i.e. muslim believe that Quran has the higher authority, if there are content in Christian and Hebrew Bible that is not contradicting with Quran, it mean it is acceptable to us. but if it is contradicting Quran, then we do not accept it.

for example, these verses from Gospel of Mark (New Testament) are not contradicting with Quran

>Mark 10:17-19

>As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

>“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered.

>“No one is good—except God alone.

>You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.

i just saw you. wait i'll answer in time

>> No.20995250

>it's faith!
>all "prophets" need to prove themselves with "miracles"
All Abrahamic religions are cringe. They might inspire brilliance but that doesn't give them any credence.

>> No.20995254

Isn't it legal in Christian conservative Appalachian states to have intercourse with animals?

>> No.20995260

Miracles are provided for the masses, who, mind you, also need to believe (otherwise you get a decadent society like the West at large). For the people capable of reflection, Being itself is the greatest miracle.

>> No.20995274

>Being itself is the greatest miracle.
And yet your prophets had to perform MCU level tricks

>> No.20995288
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>If a God exists then it is impossible to be anthing other than purely submitted to them through all of existence.
that statement is true, from my belief and understanding

>Name an instance when a person might be not submitting to God

and islam view and metaphysics, there are many insane/mindboggling concept (in a good way)

kinda like Quantum Physics, i.e. in Quantum World, in small things - the science of it is not acceptable to common eye (in short is conterintuitive to our common sense)

>in islam we believed, there are predestination

(wait this answer is long, i'll continued in Part 2), a moment

should embraced polytheism pictured on our left hand side


miracle in sport can be created by simply limiting rule i.e. by applying specific rule, you can get crazy coincidence like crazy hole-in-one in golf in weirdest occasion

the success of MCU Franchise means that our current society especially younger generation had losing hope

need to create such narrative to fill the secular void

>> No.20995312

Yes, so that the masses would believe and be saved. And yet he also has some of the most profound sayings ever written, if you knew where to look.

>> No.20995337

I want to see MCU miracles, I'm dumb and not convinced.

>> No.20995345

I'm afraid you're somewhat late to the party. If you keep this arrogance, you might get convinced by the heat of Hellfire on your skin.

>> No.20995354

I spit on your "god".

>> No.20995366
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continuing from >>20995288


>the counterintuitive nature of reality
- observed in Quantum Physics - completely denying major rules in Classical Phy.
- in my opinion many observation of math versus nature - give rise to some insane underlying mathematical structure - that as if the platonical 'realm' of mathematics is not random
- its like there are some setting underneath it - unbeknownst to man

we believed in Predestination, like whether one is male/female, to be good/bad, to go to Hell/Paradise, when we will die - everything had been decided by God since we are in the womb

>Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet (ﷺ) said,
>"God puts an angel in charge of the uterus (...)
>And then, if God wishes to complete its creation, the angel asks,

>'O Lord, (will it be) a male or a female?
>A wretched (an evil doer)
>or a blessed (doer of good)?
>How much will his provisions be?
>What will his age be?'

>So all that is written while the creature is still in the mother's womb."

>[Sahih al-Bukhari 6595: Authentic]


>Narrated `Imran bin Husain: A man said,
"O God's Messenger (ﷺ)! Can the people of Paradise be known (differentiated) from the people of the Fire; The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, "Yes."

The man said, "Why do people (try to) do (good) deeds?" [i.e. if there are predestination]

The Prophet said, "Everyone will do the deeds for which he has been created to do

>or he will do those deeds which will be made easy for him to do." (i.e. everybody will find easy to do such deeds as will lead him to his destined place for which he has been created/destinated).

[Sahih al-Bukhari 6596: Authentic]


in short you are destined to do what that had been written for you

at the same (kinda paradoxically) right now you have freedom/free will to do things as you wanted to

>you can kill a man
>you can also do good by donating or helping the homeless

if you believed in God & do good, & not doing harm to others you will be admitted to Paradise
if you commit terrorism, or criminal, things forbidden you will get reward/punishment for that too

>to tie it up

it is your destiny for all of you today, to read this thread

whether you wanted to believe or not, it's up to you

>so what one should do?

to pray that you will be guided to be a believer, and to be someone who is guided, someone who do good to do well, and to earn the eternal Paradise

>pic rel

like this guy who is destined to be a believer

will cont.

to me MCU, Kpop, and other similar iteration to that are kinda 'soulless' culture

like it has no benefit to humanity other than taking advantage of illiterate /non-lit culture/ people

female suicide rate in South Korea is fourth highest in the world (although it is developed country)


>> No.20995369

Literally impossible. Have "fun" in Hell.

>> No.20995380

Not fair :(. Sorry I was born "late", I had no control.

>> No.20995423

When there is arrogance present, even miracles would be of no help.

"They swear by God with their most solemn oaths that were a sign to come unto them, they would surely believe in it. Say, 'Signs are with God alone.' What will make you realize that, even if they were to come, they would still not believe." (Al-An'am 6:109)

>> No.20995458


everything in the universe is following God's command

exception for Mankind/humanity and Jinns

>who are the jinn
Pentagon had officially release jinn spaceship (so funny lol saying this but this is totally real)

>who are jinn fr
- Jinn are sentient too like Mankind but we can't see them, hypothetically maybe they live in some physical spectrum that we both can't see / haven't discovered the scientific underlying theory of it yet
- they have different belief/religion too like us, like they have freedom to choose like human
- jinn (imo) there are some of them who are advance (like the infamous ayy lmao guys) but there are also that closer to human (kinda like us), there are some that closer to animal, like beastly looking thing

>had i seen any jinns IRL
yes. but rare sighting imo. (not ayy lmao), just a traditional one (closer to local description of the so called 'ghost)


despite that the final destiny of Mankind and Jinn had been decided, we have freedom to choose at this moment at time to do whatever and to be whatever

>in short

human lack knowledge to fully comprehend this paradox

the task of Prophets of Gods and the Messenger of Gods, is only to spread His message

His message is to believe in Him
and to worship Him
and to do good (and spread goodness)
and to uphold justice in the world

>more commentary

currently we are living near The End of Time, (though maybe not that near, but still) like kinda hard rn to know who's the good guy or who's the bad guy (especially in politics etc)
the easy way I think is to study His message, and pray that we are guided

>> No.20995531

God is the manifestation of the collected harmonic thought within humanity, on a very direct and physical level, as in the harmonic movement of electrons through the brain as thoughts. These collective thoughts have harmonised with internal mechanics of the human body to create a stasis. This is why changing thoughts, or internal thoughts that compete with the collective thought of humanity as usually manifested through chemical imbalances and produce shitzophrenia, depression, mania, halyinations and other personally destructive outcomes, as the body realigns to the dominant thoughts.

Thus is why prophets have wandered the desert and earth - to physically detach from the mass of collective thought, and why, when they return their message resonates quickly with the disenfranchised.

It has nothing to do with a guiding hand, and more to do with the satisfaction and survivability of the dominant narrative.

The idea of good guys and bad guys is flawed and corruptible. In a highly specialised world people in responsible positions within their specialisation may make good decisions, with bad outcomes to other specialities, or just people outside their speciality, but the foundation of their goodness will always be there.

Goodness itself is a response to social survival. To look another in the eye we need to know that what we have done is good, regardless, so we have become amazingly efficient at justifying ourselves. Just ask the racists, there are plenty of them active here.

Anyway, just to keep myself honest - fuck you and all you stand for

>> No.20995558
File: 300 KB, 1855x895, Race vs religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to people who disbelieve
>If you disbelieve, then (know that)
>God is truly not in need of you

anyway, racism, whitephobia, blackphobia asianphobia, arab-phobia etc is less among white/black/all muslim
>pic rel

also protective against suicide >>20994959

and infidelity in general >>20994970

in Prophet ﷺ last sermon, he said that black is not better than white, nor white is better than black, instead what count is only piety, good deed and righteousness

>this is different than Judaism which is focused mostly to cater Jewish race/tribe specific

Hegel once said

>In Mohammedanism (i.e. Islam) the limited principle of the Jews is expanded into universality and thereby overcome.

>Here, God is no longer, as with the Asiatics, contemplated as existent in immediately sensuous mode but is apprehended as the one infinite sublime Power beyond all the multiplicity of the world.

>Mohammedanism (i.e. Islam) is, therefore, in the strictest sense of the world, the religion of sublimity.

— Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Philosophy of Mind (quoted by Slavoj Žižek in A Glance into the Archives of Islam, Lacan dot com, 1997).

>> No.20995599

>If you disbelieve, then (know that)
>God is truly not in need of you

How do you know that gods need of me is to question the integrity of the preceeding documentation of God, once again asking for a specific revision?

Why haven't you approached a single point that I made? Surely if God has jeed of you to spread the message it must be because you have a robust understanding of it, not just messages of fear and exclusion. I thought your God was love?

>> No.20995650
File: 553 KB, 920x1832, low religiousity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there was an interesting study that links low religiosity to increased risk of Parkinson’s disease

and there was another study that finding out that bad dreams and nightmares could be an early warning sign of Parkinson’s disease

>i found both to be an interesting combination

i think its an easy concept, if you believed in Him and do good He will be pleased with you and reward you

and if you are not, then there will be on-top-of-the-shelf Ligottian stuff waiting for you.

kinda irony of being an atheist, i.e. to live in a universe without objective morality - is that you are now free - like you are free to do whatever you want >>20994959 >>20994978 >>20994993 >>20995069 (pic rel) >>20995288 - as long as you didn't get caught

despite that many atheist ended up killing themselves >>20994959

David Foster Wallace, i think he is an atheist, he personally couldn't come up to himself to believe in religion (religion in his world is Christianity),

he couldn't came up with system of morality that would satisfied his existential need - to keep living

he used drug, antidepressant to cope with this baroque cosmology of his until he finally hang himself in 2008.

> - kinda a short list of successful people (celebrity mostly) who had to resort to alcoholism, drug and suicde

Heath Ledger (1979-2008)

Brad Renfro (1982-2008)

Paul Gray (1972-2010)

Kei Aoyama (1979-2011) 1

Amy Winehouse (1983-2011)

Whitney Houston (1963-2012)

Lisa Robin Kelly (1970-2013)

Cory Monteith (1982-2013)

Gia Allemand (1983-2013) 1

Lee Thompson Young (1984-2013) 1

Philip Seymour Hoffman (1967-2014)

Peaches Geldof (1989-2014)

Prince (1958-2016)

Tom Petty (1950-2017)

Chris Cornell (1964-2017) 1

Chester Bennington (1976-2017) 2

Lil Peep (1996-2017)

Avicii (1989-2018) 2

Mac Miller (1992-2018)

David Berman (1967-2019) 2

Keith Flint (1969-2019) 1

Yang Yang (1974-2019) 1

Etika (1990-2019) 1

Juice WRLD (1998-2019)

Sei Ashina (1983-2020) 1

Reckful (1989-2020) 1

Taylor Hawkins (1972-2022)

Naomi Judd (1946-2022) 1

0/<empty> — drug overdose

1 — suicide

2 — drug/alcohol, suicide

it's all part of the long game —

>O believers! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and drawing lots for decisions are all evil of Satan’s handiwork. So shun them so you may be successful.

>Satan’s plan is to stir up hostility and hatred between you with intoxicants and gambling and to prevent you from remembering God and praying. Will you not then abstain?



>Gambling Addict Spends $1M On Lottery Tickets

>> No.20995873

You're too shallow.

Still didn't even approach any of the points I made.

Still only providing exclusion and fear

>> No.20996013

Arrogance? Nice mental gymnastics.

>> No.20996129
File: 86 KB, 653x800, 033 - v 041-043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

religion imo its essence is simple

regardless to me, if God destined you to be a believer, you would be a believer

if it's not then it's not.

God chooses whoever He wills to be a believer

if God desire for everyone to be a believer - to do that it is east for Him

but God chooses whoever He wills.

if you found this religion complicated you can try supplicate, ask God to give you understanding, like dont give up (after just one day)

>personal experience
i once unable to understand a book of mathematics, kinda like a textbook i photocopy for self study

first year i unable to understand it

the second year i still try to read the same book, which im slowly able to understand more

>in general
to believe is like falling in love too at times

its special.

some believers are like that, they fell into this path of God - without anticipation from their own selves

some become believers right before they died

and some had not been destined to be a believer

>> No.20996132

Muhhamad was a schizophrenic pedo warlord.

>> No.20996143
File: 162 KB, 780x720, OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAiPAUluKjQ6MwOcCeLyovCc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>submitting to God
Lmao gay

>> No.20996144
File: 369 KB, 1266x1035, Deadliest Battles in History 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 1 out of 20 deadliest war/battle in history is involving islam
>most bloodmongering event in world history has no relation to Islam
>its between non-muslim vs non-muslim, at least the top 19..

>> No.20996153
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true definition of the word

>According to the CDC, populations affected and with most reported cases of HIV are generally found in gay, bisexual, and other men who reported male-to-male sexual contact.

>In 2018, gay and bisexual men accounted for 69% of the 37,968 new HIV diagnoses and 86% of diagnoses among males.

UNAIDS also suggested that the individuals who may also be at risk of acquiring this disease are generally:

>26 times higher among men who have sex with men.
>29 times higher among people who inject drugs.
>30 times higher for sex workers.
>13 times higher for transgender people.

Since the first case of HIV/AIDS reported in 1981, this virus continues to be one of the most prevalent and deadliest pandemics worldwide. The Center for Disease Control mentions that the HIV disease continues to be a serious health issue for several parts of the world. Worldwide, there were about 1.7 million new cases of HIV reported in 2018. About 37.9 million people were living with HIV around the world in 2018.

In addition, roughly an estimated 770,000 people have died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2018.

>It was narrated that ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said:
>“The Messenger of God, Muhammad (ﷺ) turned to us and said:

>‘(...) Immorality never appears among a people to such an extent that they commit it openly, but plagues and diseases that were never known among the predecessors will spread among them. (...)’”

>[Sunan Ibn Majah 4019: Sahih/Authentic]

>> No.20996157
File: 2.23 MB, 2560x1663, Fatima_Masumeh_Shrine_Muqarnas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a question, what proves Islam? Christians will say that Jesus' resurrection is what proves him the son of God, but what proves Mohammed is the messenger of God? I'm not aware of a common explanation for this

>> No.20996161

Both religions justify themselves by "says so in the book". Religion is the absence of rational thinking

>> No.20996179

im not here to argue on Christian point

but we muslim don't believe in resurrection of Jesus ﷺ, we believe that Jesus ﷺ ascended to Heaven (i.e. wasn't killed)

muslim accept Jesus ﷺ as God's holy prophet, similar to Abraham ﷺ, John ﷺ, Moses ﷺ, Aaron ﷺ, etc

muslim similar with Christian is waiting for second coming of Jesus ﷺ

muslim similar with Judaism as in not accepting the concept of Trinity

-like both Islam and Judaism do not accept that God has son, daughter, mother or father / step-parent
-nor does like grandchildren are grandparent of God - such iteration is not accepted

>status of Christian Bible and Hebrew Bible from Islamic view

muslim belief portion of Christian/Hebrew bibles had been altered throughout time. so we believe that some of the things in them to be true and some of them to be not true

i.e. muslim believe that Quran has the higher authority, if there are content in Christian and Hebrew Bible that is not contradicting with Quran, it mean it is acceptable to us. but if it is contradicting Quran, then we do not accept it.

for example, these verses from Gospel of Mark (New Testament) are not contradicting with Quran

>Mark 10:17-19

>As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

>“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered.

>“No one is good—except God alone.

>You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.

pic rel can give one a perspective >>20994959 >>20994970 >>20994978 >>20995558

>> No.20996183

I'm just curious about the way you justify your belief, how do you know Mohammed was the messenger of God

>> No.20996210

Won't you be killed or discriminated by your family for leaving Islam? It sounds a bit like a ponzi scheme, a complete fraud. Other religions do similar things, they treat outsiders worse, they're really quite disgusting belief systems based on fear and exclusion.

>> No.20996232
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if you ask me personally,

to me i had seen stuffs that deny the law of physics that cannot be explained with current 21st century of science

>although even science its actually 'a culture' not an absolute truth - quoting Freeman Dyson

and sometimes i dream stuff before it happens - in me trying to be pious

>if you ask me about point people used in debate

i like peaceful interfaith dialogue rather than debate..anyway

it is that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is someone who cannot read and write

and he received this revelation from Archangel Gabriel for 23 years. he memorized it. and then companion of Prophet ﷺ compiled it.

>another thing
there are many similar things in Quran, Torah, Gospel, and also Hindu Scripture - like word for word similarity

muslim believed that Quran is the last one, which God declared it cannot be altered

knowingly there are at least 5 million people in the world right now who memorized Quran in its original language cover-to-cover, so its impossible to be altered

Without objective morality, ethical life couldn't be practiced.

There are 3 philosophers who do not believe in objective morality: Sade, Nietszche and Foucault

>i.e. they believe that life should have no repercussion (as free as one like)

Nietszche died with syphilis.

>Nietzsche's insanity was originally diagnosed as tertiary syphilis, in accordance with a prevailing medical paradigm of the time.

>Köhler argues that Nietzsche's syphilis, which is "... usually considered to be the product of his encounter with a prostitute in a brothel in Cologne or Leipzig, is equally likely.

>Some maintain that Nietzsche contracted it in a male brothel in Genoa."

>The acquisition of the infection from a homosexual brothel was confirmed by Sigmund Freud, who cited Otto Binswanger as his source.

Sade died dishonorably. (i.e. super weird legacy = SM culture)

Foucault died with HIV

>Chomsky was stricken with Foucault's total rejection of the possibility of a universal morality, stating "He struck me as completely amoral, I'd never met anyone who was so totally amoral [...] I mean, I liked him personally, it's just that I couldn't make sense of him. It's as if he was from a different species, or something."

>In an interview with the French public TV channel France 5 on March 5, Sorman confirmed that while visiting Foucault, he “witnessed what Foucault did with young children in Tunisia … ignoble things. The possibility of consent could not be sought. These were things of extreme moral ugliness.”

>In a second interview with the British newspaper The Sunday Times on March 28, he recalled that “they were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place’”, a local cemetery in the town of Sidi Bou Said, north of the capital Tunis. “He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised.”

>> No.20996271
File: 1.12 MB, 951x1195, muhammad-e28093-his-life-based-on-the-earliest-sources-e28093-our-quran-journey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you're interested with the life of Muhammad ﷺ

I recommend this book, written by an Englishman, Martin Lings

his writing is very smooth/accessible

EPUB: https://b-ok.asia/book/3426536/a227fb
PDF: https://b-ok.asia/book/1052632/1fab65

>Lings was born in Burnage, Manchester, in 1909 to a Protestant family.
>Lings attended Clifton College and went on to Magdalen College, Oxford, where he gained a BA in English Language and Literature.
>At Magdalen, he was a student and then a close friend of C. S. Lewis.
>After graduating from Oxford Lings went to Vytautas Magnus University, in Lithuania, where he taught Anglo-Saxon and Middle English.
>For Lings himself, however, the most important event whilst at Oxford was his discovery of the writings of René Guénon, a French metaphysician, and those of Frithjof Schuon, a German spiritual authority, metaphysician and Perennialist.

>> No.20996293

I don't think any of those things are sufficient to prove divine inspiration, even if you could prove that the composition of the Koran was a superhuman feat that wouldn't argue its descent from God

>> No.20996304

>another most fun things you can do imo

is to find similar verse, similar things in Quran and Hindu scripture

or better to compare Quran, Christian Bible, Hebrew Bible and Hindu scripture

as per to me (my belief) i believe that Quran is the latest version and an unspoiled one (due to 'ink technology' in 7th century - toward paper technology to digital revolution in current) - in comparison to New Testament/Old Testament, and especially Hindu scripture (which many text/tradition were passed down orally)

nice list of similar figures both in Quran and Bible

muslim believes that there are God's prophets, around maybe 124,000 those had been sent by God to different tribes in different times before the last Prophet, Muhammad ﷺ is the last one

well it means that we do not agree with each other

Quran is a special book that is verily heavily referred to - but very rarely read (unfortunately)

and terrorist act like 9/11 certainly amplified this bias

you can read it if you want at quran.com if you are curious, no pressure. i will not force you

>> No.20996331

slightly related trivia,

world largest religious sect by population

sunni — 1.7 billions ppl
catholic — 1.3 billions ppl
protestant — 900 millions ppl

vaishnava hindu — 550 millions ppl
buddhist (total) — 506 millions
chinese folk religions — 394 millions
shaiva hindu — 275 millions ppl

eastern orthodox — 220 millions ppl
shi'a — 200 millions ppl
oriental orthodox — 62 millions ppl
non-trinitarian restorationism — 35 millions ppl

sikh — 26 millions ppl
spiritism — 15 millions ppl
judaism — 14.7 millions ppl
baha'i — 5 millions ppl

jainism (ancient indian religion) — 4.2 millions ppl
shinto — 4 millions ppl
cao dai (vietnamese syncretic religion) — 4 millions ppl
zoroaster (ancient persian religion) — 2.6 millions ppl
tenrikyo (japanese new religion) — 2 millions ppl
animism — 1.9 millions ppl
neo-pagan — 1 million ppl
unitarian universalism — 0.8 million ppl
rastafari — 0.6 million ppl
church of the east — 0.6 million ppl

>> No.20996346


a few comparable parable/similarity in Quran and Hindu Scripture i can find

>He is God the one and only."
[Quran 112:1]

>"He is One only without a second."
(Chandogya Upanishad chapter 6, section 2, verse 1)


>"God is absolute and eternal."
[Quran 112:2]

>"The supreme Lord of all the worlds."
(Bhagvad Gita chapter 10, verse 3)

>"Verily, Great is the Glory of the Divine Creator."
(Rigved 5:81:1)

>"Praise be to God, Lords of the Worlds."
[Quran 1:2]


>"He begets not, nor was He begotten."
[Quran 112:3]

>"Of Him there are neither parents nor lord."
(Svetasvatara Upanishad chapter 6, verse 9).


>“And there is none like unto Him.”
[Quran 112:4]

>"There is no likeness of Him"
(Svetasvatara Upanishad chapter 4, verse 19)


>“May all these streams of butter, with their banks of honey, flowing with distilled water, and milk and curds and water reach thee in domestic life enhancing thy pleasure.
>May thou acquire completely these things strengthening the soul in diverse ways.”
(Atharva Veda Book 4 hymn 34 verse 6).

>“He will forgive you your sins and admit you to Gardens beneath which rivers flow and to beautiful mansions in Gardens of Eternity: that is indeed the supreme Achievement”
[Quran 61:12]

>“(Here is) a Parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised: in it are rivers of water incorruptible: rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine a joy to those who drink; and rivers of honey pure and clear.
In it there are for them all kinds of fruits and Grace from their Lord”
[Quran 47:15]


>“Allahu Akbar” God is the greatest.

>"Dev maha osi" "God is verily great"
(Atharvaveda Book 20, hymn 58 and verse 3:)

>“Most Gracious, Most Merciful”
[Quran 1:3]

>“The Bounteous Giver.”
(Rigved 3:34:1)


>“Show us the straight way, The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (Portion) Is not wrath, and who go not astray.”
[Quran 1:6-7]

>"Guide us to the straight path. The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided."
[Quran 1:6-7]

>“Lead us to the good path and remove the sin that makes us stray and wander.”
(Yajurved 40:16).


>"Seest thou one Who denies the Judgement (To come)? Then such is the (man) Who repulses the orphan (With harshness). And encourages not The feeding of the indigent."
[Quran 107:1-3]

>"Have you considered him who denies the religion? It is he who mistreats the orphan. And does not encourage the feeding of the poor."
[Quran 107:1-3]

>"The man with food in store who, when the needy comes in miserable ease begging for bread to eat, hardens his heart against him even when of old did him service – finds not one to comfort him."
(Rigved 10:117:2)

>> No.20996382

...continuing on these

major deadliest event on the planet

>Belgian King, Leopold II, killed around 8 million people of Congo in between 1885-1908.

>Mongol in 13th century killed around 40 million people (around 11% of world population at the time).

>Arrival of European settlers to American continent led to the death of around 56 million native/indigenous American population in 15th century.

>Around 6 million people were killed during The Holocaust, taking place in Nazi Germany-occupied Europe.

>U.S. has killed in between 20-30 Million people since the end of World War 2 to 21st century.

>Communism in general had caused a democide death of around 60 to 65 million people (conservative estimate) since 1917.

>> No.20996407


>Siege of Baghdad on 1258 by the Mongol

• the attack lasted for abt 12-13 days

• yet it killed around 50,000 armies

• and between 200,000 to 800,000 civilians dead (western source estimate)

• estimated around 32 to 36 of the city libraries were destroyed or burned.
>imagined 32 to 36 burning libraries/destroyed at the same time

• there was a myth the books were threwn into Tigris river, so many booksthat the river turned black yasmin due to the books ink

• quoted "Imagining the Athens of Pericles and Aristotle obliterated by a nuclear weapon begins to suggest the enormity of the blow."

>The city officially surrendered on February 10th, but Mongol troops only entered the city on February 13th. So began one of the bloodiest days the world has ever seen.

The city had about a million inhabitants, and none were allowed to escape.

The only people who were spared were Baghdad’s population of Nestorian Christians. Hulagu Khan’s mother was a Nestorian, and this is why he let them live.

As for the rest, the Mongol warriors put men, women, and children, old and young, to the sword.

Those they did not kill they took as slaves. Al-Musta’sim Caliph was captured and forced to watch all of these horrendous mass killings, as well as the wanton destruction of what was surely one of the most beautiful cities on earth.

hospitals, and
the city’s 36 public libraries were smashed to pieces or burned to the ground.

The House of Wisdom of Baghdad, with its centuries of knowledge from all cultures across the planet, was razed.

>The House’s collection of books – perhaps the largest collection of books in the world at that time – was also destroyed.

>The books were ripped apart and thrown into the Tigris River, which was said to have run black from the ink.

The Tigris was not only choked with destroyed books, but also with the bodies of the dead. Higher estimates of dead range from the hundreds of thousands all the way up to a million bodies. ¶

>> No.20996519

Simple /= shallow. You are dense

Also, you are still striking fear and exclusion.

Also, you didn't offer anything to earlier points about the physical nature of thoughts and the universe. Gonna talk about the creator of the universe gotta talk about the make up of it. If you can't then how do you reconcile the idea of a faithful scientist?

Also, hiw do you reconcile the idea of child brides when the current neurological research has shown the the social, and moral parts of the brain don't mature until around 25 year of age. Essentially anyone younger is easily manipulated and unable to maintain robust thoughts about right and wrong.

Anyway. What do you presume to be saving us from?

Or more importantly - do you believe you are unique?

>> No.20996522

Sorry wrong post
