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20992645 No.20992645 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he support the nazis?

>> No.20992653

He was an evil racist.

>> No.20992684

He believed Germans were the lesser evil compared to anglos, keep in mind no one knew about the death camps

>> No.20992705

>death camps
Don't forget the masturbation machines as well

>> No.20992730

Why wouldn't he?

>> No.20992820

>Adolf Hitler

>I’m not worthy to speak for Adolf Hitler, and his life and deeds do not invite any sentimental reflection.

>Hitler was a warrior, a warrior for humankind and a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations. He was a reforming character of the highest order, and his historical fate was that he functioned in a time of unparalleled brutality, which in the end felled him.

>Thus may the ordinary Western European look at Adolf Hitler.

>And we, his close followers, bow our heads at his death.

>Knut Hamsun

>> No.20993130

>gets invited by Adolf to laud and worship him because Hitler still had a soft spot for artists
>Hamsun arrives with a list of demands for Norway
>Hitler seethes for days and Morell has to double his daily dose of oxycontin to keep him from shitting his pants in rage

>> No.20993141

alertases, encabronará

>> No.20993403

>the death camps
Oh dear it's retarded

>> No.20993490

he probably knew about soviet death camps

>> No.20993565
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>> No.20993582

Pretty much this.

>> No.20993616

>Controversially, de Valera formally offered his condolences to the German Minister in Dublin on the death of Adolf Hitler in 1945, in accordance with diplomatic protocol. This did some damage to Ireland, particularly in the United States – and soon afterwards de Valera had a bitter exchange of words with Winston Churchill in two famous radio addresses after the end of the war in Europe. De Valera denounced reports of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp as "anti-national propaganda"; according to Bew, this was not out of disbelief but rather because the Holocaust undermined the main assumption underlying Irish neutrality: moral equivalence between the Allies and the Axis
Few people knew there was a genocide being carried out during the war at the time, retards

>> No.20993694

>Few people knew there was a genocide being carried out during the war at the time, retards
You don't seem to grasp that the Holocaust was a fictional historical event.

>> No.20993732

Except it kinda wasn't, dough

>> No.20993842
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>> No.20993849
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>> No.20993857
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>> No.20993869
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>> No.20993880
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>> No.20993884
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>> No.20993895
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>> No.20993899

if you take out the death camps the nazis weren't even evil at all

>> No.20993901
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>> No.20993906
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>> No.20993929

the SS committed war crimes on the eastern front. Taking away people's rights based on race is already a horrific act.

>> No.20993951
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Yeah, those nazis were absolutely despicable racist monsters. Fuck em

>> No.20993958
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>Taking away people's rights based on race is already a horrific act.
not really, no

>> No.20994086
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>Taking away people's rights based on race is already a horrific act.
Not when those people are trying to destroy your own people, anon. You must do everything to destroy them.

>> No.20994103

>this faggot spent 10 minutes of his life he will never get back posting retarded unsourced infographics from /pol/ thinking anyone is going to read them
Change your course in life, lad

>> No.20994118

Even if 1 person reads them, the narrative still falls apart in someone's mind. He posted them because they tell the truth. And why wouldn't they be read...................on a fucking literature board?

>> No.20994191
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The first three pics alone have tons of sources included in them, retarded kike

>> No.20994203


>> No.20994212

Oh all the death camps with swimming pools and rollercoasters?

>> No.20994232

>t. Has never had a good friend that pissed him off for days because of something they said or did.

Go outside and make a good friend. Wait til your relationship is on the rocks and see how much it bothers you.

>> No.20994242

>few people knew about a fictional event until after it was propagandized by the soviets and turned into mass media (books and films) for 80 fucking years

Huh I wonder why.

>> No.20994252
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Are you a woman, faggot, or just retarded. Why do you speak like that?

>> No.20994403

It was entirely a work of fiction you dirty kike

>> No.20995002


>> No.20995014

it was probably due to his mustache.

>> No.20995555
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>Why do you speak like that?
The liberals often resort to childish methods of retaliation, I've found. I don't think they realise how pathetic they appear to healthier minds.

>> No.20995583

Ernst Junger refers to the Holocaust multiple times in "A German Officer in Occupied Paris". It's fine to think that the Holocaust did not happen, certainly I am not one of those people who think that such an opinion should be censored. But it's a dumb opinion. What do you think is more likely, that the German regime which hated Jews and openly glorified political violence tried to exterminate the Jews, or that for some reason the US and the USSR during the Cold War agreed on a giant hoax to make it seem like Nazi Germany had tried to exterminate the Jews?

>> No.20995595

>or that for some reason the US and the USSR during the Cold War agreed on a giant hoax to make it seem like Nazi Germany had tried to exterminate the Jews?
You do realise there is no moral difference between nazi germany, the soviet union and us right?

>> No.20995620

Sure there is, for all its faults the US doesn't run concentration camps for political prisoners. The US was pretty bad during the Cold War, supporting regimes that killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, but even then the US didn't quite get to the Soviet level or the Nazi level.

>> No.20995627
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>or that for some reason the US and the USSR during the Cold War agreed on a giant hoax to make it seem like Nazi Germany had tried to exterminate the Jews?
It sounds crazy, but this is exactly what they did. The Third Reich and Imperial Japan abolished usury (interest) which deprived private (Jewish) bankers any opportunity to profit from their loan capital.

The danger to them was that National Socialism, which eradicates national debt, inflation, excessive taxation, ludicrous mortgage prices, price hikes ect.. was spreading to other countries.

The Holocaust myth solidified the rule of the Jewish central banks across the world. The only Jews the Germans ever killed were violent communists and terrorists. They fucking deserved those bullets, too.

>> No.20995632

>the US doesn't run concentration camps for political prisoners
Eisenhower killed 1.5 million German men in post-war death camps..

>> No.20995633

>The Third Reich and Imperial Japan abolished usury
Give me evidence which backs the idea that Nazi Germany banned giving loans with interest.
I very much doubt that it ever happened.

>> No.20995642

>I very much doubt that it ever happened.
Listen and weep. This was Hitler's first economic adviser.


>> No.20995643

>Eisenhower killed 1.5 million German men in post-war death camps
Do you really think that the Americans could have killed fucking 1.5 MILLION Germans after the war and there wouldn't be like a thousand German books referring to it, to dead relatives and so on?
Do you think that the Americans used some Men in Black memory-erasing technology on the Germans or something? I mean, there are still thousands of Germans alive now who remember that time period. You'd think that if something like what you say had happened some of them would have said or written something?

>> No.20995645

Anon, the Nazis promised lots of things and lots of random guys with all kinds of different opinions served as various advisers in Nazi political structures. Give me evidence that the Nazis actually banned giving loans with interest.

>> No.20995661

Itt: Morons calling Patton a liar.

>> No.20995664

>Give me evidence that the Nazis actually banned giving loans with interest.
It is self evident. How the fuck were 7 million people put back to work in 2 years, millions of houses built, autobahns constructed, marriage loans lent (cancelled by a quarter at the birth of each child), if not by abolishing the interest rate?

I'm not going to break my back delving into tedious literature to prove to you the economic miracle that is so blindingly obvious.

>> No.20995671

Do you know what MEFO bills are?

>> No.20995683

I don't particularly care what they are

>> No.20995726

So when the German National Socialist government is itself offering debentures with high interest rates to covertly finance its rebuilding, how does that not clearly contradict your claim?

>> No.20995786

Just read his letters from America and his travel report from the caucasus mountains and its clear. He despised materialism (capitalism, communism) and saw the German system as the only ones concerned with soul

>> No.20995829

>high interest rates
Why would you charge interest to yourself?

>> No.20995854

They were charging private investors, anon.

>> No.20995884

>They were charging private investors, anon.
>National Socialist government is itself offering debentures with high interest rates to covertly finance its rebuilding
Which one is it, anon? You can't keep changing your mind on a whim.

>> No.20995894

The NS government was offering these bills to private investors in lieu of cash, reichsmarks, for a 4% interest rate which was discounted every year in order to delay cash repayments to the investors in reichsmarks. Do you know literally nothing about how they restarted their economy?

>> No.20995957

>Do you know literally nothing about how they restarted their economy?
They restarted their economy by introducing a new fucking currency, issued by the state-owned Reichsbank at zero-interest. And their rearmament spending wasn't even considerable up until 1938.

These loans to investors are negligible factors in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.20996019


>> No.20996032

>keep in mind no one knew about the death camps
It's almost like they were a post hoc justification for a war consisting of three massive, globe-spanning, and objectively more evil empires mercilessly eviscerating a single country, supposedly over an ethnic dispute in Northern Poland.

>> No.20996052

Nations aren't important people are. A nation is a concept but a human being "is an entire world".

I don't care if I'm talking to a wall, it needs to be said discrimination based on race/ethnicity is one of the most evil things we've come up with as a species. "there is neither German nor Pole" if you will.

>> No.20996068

>He believed Germans were the lesser evil compared to anglos
That was it? He didn't believe in anything more?

>> No.20996075

Whether you think the German or the Allied side was morally right, either way it's silly to think that the death camps did not exist. The Nazis openly hated Jews and openly praised political violence. They also pretty indisputably practiced murder against all kinds of opponents of theirs - communists, French, British, Polish, Soviets, etc. Why is it so hard to believe that they actually tried to exterminate the group that they hated the most?

>> No.20996098
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The jewish Holohoax has been circulating as a propaganda term long before Hitler came to power, JIDF glowkike.
>Ernst Junger
Not only was his book published for the first time in 1979, but he was also involved in a plot to assassinate Hitler. I'm sure he's a pretty impartial and reliable authority when it comes to that period of time lmao

>> No.20996101
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I've looked into historical executions via gas chamber. The technical process of operating those executions differed greatly from that which is described in the canonical accounts of Auschwitz-Birkenau, and alleged to have claimed nearly one-third of the casualties of the Holocaust.
That left a seed a doubt in my mind, among other inconvenient factors.

>> No.20996108

he hated anglos

>> No.20996109

>for all its faults the US doesn't run concentration camps for political prisoners. The US was pretty bad during the Cold War,
>what are the internment camps for US Japanese citizens
>what are the postwar camps in occupied Germany

>> No.20996111
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>> No.20996112
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>> No.20996120
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>Nations aren't important people are. A nation is a concept but a human being "is an entire world".
>I don't care if I'm talking to a wall, it needs to be said discrimination based on race/ethnicity is one of the most evil things we've come up with as a species. "there is neither German nor Pole" if you will.

>> No.20996126
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You have to go back.

>> No.20996130
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>You have to go back.

>> No.20996303

That is a very beautiful girl.

>> No.20996536

>he conflates meeting an idol whose work you have read with a spiritual bond of deep friendship
Take your own advice. I've done both - met my heroes (artistically and philosophically) and made great friendships. They are nothing alike.

>> No.20996633

>Nations aren't important people are. A nation is a concept but a human being "is an entire world".
This is an expression of narcissism. You aren't that interesting nor significant, and honestly, no ne is.

>> No.20996933

>met my heroes (artistically and philosophically)


>> No.20996943

If Germany didn't surrender the Anglo would have started dropping Antrax bombs, completely destroying mainland Europe
Anglos were fucking evil

>> No.20997204

Poverty broke his soul.

>> No.20997219
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>> No.20997377

>ALL of the allegeded "Extermination Camps" were located in areas liberated by the Soviet Union
lmao East Germany was occupied by the Soviet Union until 1989 you fucking historical illiterate

>> No.20997966

No it wasn’t.

>> No.20998006

Yeah, that is ultimate tikkun olamism. Even if that poster’s intentions are good, what it ends up with is individualist atomization for the gentiles and collectivism for the children of Israel. Individualism is the ultimate divide and conquer tool. I’ve never been that antisemitic but I have to admit that the system in place looks disturbingly similar to YHWH’s commandment to smash the idols of the nations and so Israel’s god can rule without competition

>> No.20998503

Virgin: bans Holocaust deniers from Internet forum because he thinks that questioning the Holocaust is a horrific thought crime
Chad: bans Holocaust deniers from Internet forum because 99% of them are imbeciles and/or are arguing in bad faith and once you've seen 100 Holocaust denial threads you've seen them all

>> No.20998568

redpill me on this. The Nazis weren't actually racist? Could there be pajeet Nazis? How is this possible?

>> No.20998580
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>the death camps
Eisenhower a GOAT.

>> No.20998598

>arguing in bad faith
Once a conversation is subsumed by pathos, there is no sort of good faith rational discussion that can be had. At that point denial is a perfectly valid response.

>> No.20998772

The national socialist movement far more reflected Hamsun's moral and aesthetic values (which are plain as day if you read his books) than those of global nigger communism. It would have been incredibly bizarre if Hamsun did NOT support Hitler. Many apologists want to reduce it to something else in order to dodge the question of what national socialism really stood for. Usually they say it was because of his "anglo hatred"—which is more acceptable to normies than antisemitism, but it makes no more sense to reduce it to one than to the other.

>> No.20998978

Holocaust deniers tend to act like persecuted victims even when people are giving logical rather than emotional rebuttals to their arguments and are not trying to censor them in any way.