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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 850 KB, 1284x1917, 2DB8734B-9333-4EB0-B4C6-2C54A0E0E314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20991063 No.20991063 [Reply] [Original]

to preface: i talked to voices for 3 months last year that claimed to be god and the devil. they wrote stories in my mind. occasionally they write through me. ive been writing about this witch ive called beelzebub since i was like 12 lmao. and yea this came to me tonight. she pursued the devil and he was disgusted by her. he is disgusted by those who follow him. also the devil (lucifer) and satan are two different beings from what i know. and yes im hardcore schizophrenic, and no one around me fucking understands me.

>> No.20991066

Go to therapy.

>> No.20991070

"uR noT nOrMiE gO tO tHeRaPy"
shut up npc

>> No.20991073

jannies banthis fucking schizo i command it

>> No.20991075

go away glowie

>> No.20991076

>hes seethe cuz a schizo writes better than him

>> No.20991078

and im a young qt goth girl so FUCK U NIGGER

>> No.20991098

Post pics. I love young cute girls.

>> No.20991101
File: 228 KB, 1284x2778, 42ED26FD-9B57-40EA-B813-5A1B84F7120C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis how i look

>> No.20991107

What's your discord? I would like to know more about your writing.

>> No.20991109

kek i only $$$#1468

>> No.20991110

god im retarded lel cant form coherent sentence but write poetry

>> No.20991145


>> No.20991151

How much control do you have over your schizophrenia?

>> No.20991154

before none, now, many controls ser

>> No.20991157

if you deadass are a woman than please get published. you might be one of the best contemporary female writers fr fr no cap

>> No.20991160
File: 211 KB, 911x1700, 0380CDFF-67A8-466E-A1CA-FFD7AC146D17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you and dude im retarded :( i make many kinds of art , jack of all trades master of none ser, dis my fit broo

>> No.20991164

holy shit women really are the ubermensch im roping immedietly

>> No.20991165

i have many more if u want to add me ill sent u some :3

>> No.20991168

and yes im read niezche im chad bro

>> No.20991170

ive** holy fuck i cant type

>> No.20991175 [DELETED] 

Good for you. You writings not bad, channeling your based schizo nature into shit like this is better then doing a shooting. Maybe work on trying to from coherent sentences when speak so you can sell the idea to other's, or get the voices to do it for you, I don't know.

>> No.20991176
File: 1.19 MB, 1284x1388, 2F85B019-ACAF-419F-AAB6-DFB24E1AC293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i maek piggys

>> No.20991178
File: 231 KB, 1284x1027, 3BCCAA4A-A344-4316-BE04-5A31D72D49A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wrote this

>> No.20991180
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>> No.20991181
File: 247 KB, 1284x2778, 339BF095-D218-484C-9398-068CBCD0BEBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayooooo dis poetrys bussin frfr no cap

>> No.20991201

I've no problem with you being on the schizophrenia spectrum but your writing is garbage. please improve.

>> No.20991204

You're cute. Post more pics. What's your instagram?

>> No.20991208

only use twitter and its mainly memes and crypto

>> No.20991210

constructive criticism compadre

>> No.20991211

>and crypto
Have you make good money with it? Which one should I buy.

>> No.20991213

yea i did with shitcoins and prob low risk would be eth sol bnb

>> No.20991214

Are you from Spain or South America?

>> No.20991224

nah usa idk why it say dat

>> No.20991228

Bummer. I thought I was about to get a /lit/ schizophrenic gf.

>> No.20991229

i speak spanish tho

>> No.20991928
File: 202 KB, 263x373, triadotekt – thronebody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[...] also the devil (lucifer) and satan are two different beings from what i know.

You are making a conflation; it is Lucifer/Prometheus, and Satan/the devil, who are two mututally different, and distinct, beings.

>> No.20991953

You should study some theology on the nature of the various categories of creation, in particular the theology of your nominal religion. That will allow you to understand what you are experiencing.

>> No.20991959

The devil appreciated when I rejected him. The court of God is staffed by gamers.
There was always a source of light with me that made me not afraid. My family gave it to me.

>> No.20991971

good schizo thread

>> No.20992350

its crazy because ive never really read an ecclesiastical text. yet i became obsessed with the idea of god and the devil.

>> No.20992480

also from what i know he refer to himself as the devil because he is extremely defiant of god, he wants to be god of the earth, god of flesh, and god thinks hes retarded for that. at least in the story they told me.

>> No.20992484

and he seethed at god for making him only an angel, because he wanted the power of a god. and satan is a being but more so just an embodiment of all things evil, whilst the devil is moreso defiant than evil.

>> No.20992495

like the crazy thing is again, ive never read any texts knowing the devil / satan were different entities yet thats what the voices told me.

>> No.20992528
File: 235 KB, 1438x1403, EZDCSGuU0AU8QB9 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're actually an extreme normie since there's nothing more cliche than a young pre-adolescent in middle school self-diagnosing themselves as mentally ill and somehow believing they have some sort of a creative gift as a result (when it ends up just being completely shitty scribblings with no understanding of literature or poetry). This is exactly why YOU need therapy. Because YOU are a normie believing the most painfully stereotypical delusion common to your age group (i.e. creative genius through mental illness) when in reality you're just a normie who's bad at something that requires diligence and training to cultivate (the creative arts).

You are deluded into believing you're some special creative genius when your results clearly spell out no creative inspiration, no understanding of linguistics sufficient enough to create expressive prose, no educational background to create allusions, and no actual life-experience (of your own) to intimately detail the emotional experience of the human condition as it experiences both tragic and joyous moments of life (actually coming face to face with life and death) which can be related to the viewer for their personal reflection and enlightenment. You are not a creative genius and this is your delusion. You are just as normie as they come. You're just too lazy to cultivate a hard skill through repetitively making efforts each day, improving them with feedback (each day as well), and accept your work is terrible because your brain has been warped by a lifetime of videogame usage. Speaking from personal experience.

You have to be 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.20992545

You look like a doll from a horror movie. I like it

>> No.20992563 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 271x145, Screenshot 2022-09-15 095313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this clearly explains why you writing is trash now. I can safely hide this thread.

>> No.20992574
File: 10 KB, 271x145, Screenshot 2022-09-15 095313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this clearly explains why your writing is trash now. I can safely hide this thread.

>> No.20992618
File: 315 KB, 456x525, weathered eyes – veteran skies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Lucifer/Prometheus was one of the Demiourgos' benevolent arkhons who rebelled against him in pro of God, Sofia, and the salvation of humans; his function was later consummated by him whose revelation impelled Lucifer to rebel in the first place: Christ.

Satan/the devil is one of the Demiourgos' malevolent arkhons who rebelled against him in pro of himself.

Satan certainly likes being referred to as Lucifer, and deceives in this way, but the former is not akin to the latter.

>> No.20992808
File: 629 KB, 2000x2000, 19-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since frens togher strongs, schizophrenia is defeated not through medicines that damage your body and make you addictedband retarded, but through reunification and recreation of the kingdom of the mind (as claimed by Ronald Laing in his book The Divided Self).
Through waiting for the return of the Fren, and unleashing the Fren within, DeFi Frens offer support and victory over the forces of darkness within, as explained by the works of Stanislao de Guaita, who first more than a century ago exposed the Serpent for what it truly is (a non-entity, only given power by those who fear it or worse, worship it) and though the power of frenship defeated pedophiles and j*urnalists.

So it has been written, so it shall be.

Instead ignore the work of low iq gnostics who take things that should be at times impersonal and at times symbolic, like our fren here >>20992618
who unless he changes his ways, is ngmi.
Cheers from DeFi Frens (pbuh)

>> No.20993140

funny thing is i own a defi fren nft lmao and yes im op and yes i know dev

>> No.20993147


>> No.20993161

And we're grooming now, jesus christ /lit/

>> No.20993703
File: 441 KB, 426x521, revolvvlvs – crepuscular (ef)fusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>[...] and satan is a being but more so just an embodiment of all things evil, whilst the devil is moreso defiant than evil.

To every beingness corresponds an operative archetype of being; in your scheme, this would properly translate to Satan being the active beingness of evil, and the Devil being its corresponding being, although in reality they are one.

You should become Christian, embrace autism, and start cultivating your own voice through learning, rather than schizopathically receiving your influence, and information, from demons.

>> No.20994077

You write like shit and you're retarded

>> No.20994826

I think you would like Nightwood by Djuna Barnes and maybe Cormac McCarthy. Keep writing and keep sharing.

>> No.20994870

that's pretty damn good. I like it

>> No.20994875

>devil (lucifer) and satan
pretty sure this is canonically true

>> No.20994881

>i make many kinds of art , jack of all trades master of none ser,
lol same my last project I gave a harlequin doll a prosthetic arm cuz I bought it chipped.

>> No.20995832

unless you're completely fluent, write in your own idiom. otherwise you just sound retarded. you also don't have the ability to do clever shit with language if you don't have intimate familiarity with said language

>> No.20996987


>> No.20997005

the voices in your head should learn to tighten up their prose

>> No.20997014

Did you think this would astound us? You did, didn't you? Poor kid.