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File: 39 KB, 534x561, Houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20991388 No.20991388 [Reply] [Original]

>pick up serotonin
>open random page
>he talks about deepthroat
>open another random page
>he talks about an ass
Wtf is wrong with French people

>> No.20991392

tu es homo, anon ? tu n'aimes pas mettre ta queue dans les filles ?

>> No.20991395

I mean what society is now, atomization and sex.

>> No.20991402

That is currently part of life and he is one of the few authors to know how to describe the depravity of online porn.

I don't understand your post.

>> No.20991405

Have you ever socialized with young women outside of school or work? They’re all degenerate whores now.

>> No.20991414

Read the Bible, quit reading atheist shit

>> No.20991441

The rejection of all our religious traditions for a new vision of technological, scientific, and political progress made us Westerners arrogant and hedonistic. We sneered at any suggestion of self-restraint or ascetism, calling them products of an older, backwards time, when people thought the forests were populated with dragons and did not possess all of the gadgets that we now do. What the ancients and medievals called Virtue the moderns deemed "repression". The Appetite, now unleashed, was to lead us into true self-expression, where we can be what we truly are, unhindered by older sexual ethics, the basis of which, if there ever was one, had now been made redundant by the invention of birth control and the legalisation of abortion.

After the frenzy from this movement had calmed; after, that is, the intellectuals and artists such as Houellebecq had finally realised that "sexual liberation" had merely led to sexual enslavement -- addiction to pornography, fleeting relationships with used-up women who are now careerist hags instead of mothers, divorce, fatherlessness, consumerism, loss of belief in anything -- they became detached. They realised that the principles that they espoused, and lived by, led only to misery; but, unable to repent, they lionised their misery with an ironic nihilism.

What is the form of the modern literary protagonist? It is a middle-aged man, depressed, miserable, nihilistic, unhappily married to a working wife, 0-1 children, who walks around in detached irony, getting into meaningless sexual encounters which don't make him happy, and catching rare glimpses of beauty which he has no way to contextualise because of his materialistic metaphysic. In short, it is a coward, aware of his utter failure but unwilling to fix it. That is a mirror to modernity.

>> No.20991444

The french are the primary purveyors of absolute degeneracy and hedonistic nonsense, but they only recognize the error of their cultural output when it has been reflected back onto them through the lens of American culture.

>> No.20991445

Is it really that bad? Am I just lucky to have a 17 yo gf who's a virgin. (im 20)

>> No.20991449

how can one man be so ugly?

>> No.20991455

>Turn book to random page; it lack context. Turn book to another random page; it also lacks context.

Astonishing. Thank you for sharing this with us OP.

>> No.20991459

the sex shit was the only flaw in Submission

>> No.20991480

I like sex and think it's fun

>> No.20991490

Not French, crypto-kikes

>> No.20991517

Are you sure about that? I was in nearly identical situation a decade ago (18 yo, 16 yo church-going catholic gf) and she swore she’s a virgin, we planned to get married, even named the kids, introduced me to her deeply religious family etc. Luckily there was a divine intervention and we ended up fucking while drunk for the first time - no hymen anywhere, and under the influence of booze she admitted 3 (three!) previous cocks penetrating her. Everyday I thank the God for finding this out and not marrying her beforehand.

>> No.20991542

3 different partners at 16 and she was gonna make you wait until marriage, holy fuck you dodged one hell of a bullet.

>> No.20991546

ikr? his face looks like boiling fondue slowly melting off his skull.
for certain his ugliness drives his obsession with sex since it is something he's had to hold so sacred whenever the opportunity presents itself.

>> No.20991547

Imbécile, sûrement puceau.

>> No.20991550

He looked like Putin when he was young

>> No.20991563

Yeah I trust her I don't see why she would lie about this. She said she never even kissed anyone or held anyone's hand before me. She's pretty autistic and doesn't dress revealingly so it's not that hard to believe. Plus before we dated she always complained that boys don't like her and she's ugly etc. Idk, I just can't see her lying about this, but maybe I'm naive. I know she definitely didn't suck dick before because she threw up when she tried sucking mine.
I've realised that women are nicer to look at than they are to touch and have sexual contact with. From afar, they are gorgeous and enticing. But when you actually have to act upon your desires the whole thing becomes rather awkward and less appealing.

For one, female beauty is rooted in fraudulence. They have to do a ton of things to maintain their fake image. Their legs, which look so smooth and velvety from afar, are actually grainy and rough, because they have to constantly shave to prevent their natural hairy form from coming out. This obviously leaves stubbles, so when you run your hand along their leg it is spiky, not smooth. They also do not look nearly as good without makeup.

Secondly, having to perform sexual acts is way more awkward and clumsy than fantasy or porn would have you imagine it. Feeling their squishy buttocks and tits is interesting at first, but it quickly gets mundane. Kissing is rather gross, and often you'll find yourslef in awkward situations such as teeth-collision and tongue-scraping.
Getting a handjob is not physically more pleasurable than doing it yourself (in fact it's usually worse), and the psychological pleasure is dampened by the awkwardness of the situation.
As for blowjobs, they are actually LESS PLEASURABLE (physically) than masturbation, because ultimately the penis was designed for vaginal penetration -- it needs to be gripped tightly in a way that oral sex does not allow for. This is why, in porn blowjob videos, you'll often see the guy finishing himself off before cumming on the girl (something I too had to do). There is some psychological pleasure in seeing a girl be submissive on her knees, but this is once again dampened by the fact that she is not enjoying herself. Cum tastes horrible, and the texture makes it hard to swallow. My girlfriend actually vomited on the floor after sucking my dick the first time. Again, the penis was designed for the vagina, not mouth.
I cannot speak to vaginal sex. My girlfriend and I are Christians so we're saving it for marriage.

>> No.20991568
File: 19 KB, 460x288, 1657086903494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened? why does he look like a literal goblin now? it looks like his whole face changed since then.

>> No.20991569

Is this bait?

>> No.20991573

Knowing the guy, I’d say smoking, alcohol, depression and no sports

>> No.20991601

you say that, but i think i've seen homeless drugs addicts around the city look far less ugly than he does. hell, these same people homeless people somehow look less disgusting than he does.
there has to be something else at play here.

>> No.20991627

Get lube on that clock, then get her to suck, up and down, the tip, only, and run her hand up behind the mouth to create suction. Coom in her chaste cheeks.

>> No.20991641

tu es sucking ma cocke

>> No.20991665

>I've realised that women are nicer to look at than they are to touch and have sexual contact with. From afar, they are gorgeous and enticing. But when you actually have to act upon your desires the whole thing becomes rather awkward and less appealing.
Are you fucking gay?

>> No.20991667

Kek, you’re that incel christcuck. You’ve already posted this larp before.

>> No.20991695

It's not a LARP though it's a great and freeing realisation. For so long I was an porn-addicted incel believing that I'm missing out on some great, mysterious, life-changing thing because I couldn't have sex. Then actually trying sex for the first time and realising how meaningless it is compared to non-sexual forms of love, I just have to laugh at my younger self. I had always hated the fact that I'm enslaved to my lust, but now I realise that lust is a false promise, trying to sell you something that really isn't even that physically pleasurable.

>> No.20991725

Bro, all you told us is that getting a blowjob from a girl who doesn’t know how to give a blowjob, and who apparently doesn’t enjoy it either isn’t enjoyable, who would have thought?!
From this you deduce that sex isn’t enjoyable, even though you admitted never practising vaginal penetration (ie: normal sex).
I thought it was bait at first but you seem to be an actual retard, congratultions.

>> No.20991739

>Bro, all you told us is that getting a blowjob from a girl who doesn’t know how to give a blowjob, and who apparently doesn’t enjoy it either isn’t enjoyable, who would have thought?!
I already anticipated this argument by mentioning the fact that, even in porn blowjob videos, the guy often finishes himself off with his hand just as I had to do. Now the women in porn blowjob videos are not amateurs like my girlfriend, so you cannot make the same charge. Besides, even if blowjobs were more pleasurable than masturbation, it would still not be worth it, because the hedonistic pleasure you get from it is extremely short-lived and meaningless, resulting ultimately in embarrassment and shame, unlike non-sexual forms of love. Having sex for any other reason other than procreation is turning yourself into an animal, no better than a pig.

>> No.20991764

>but I saw it in a porn bro

>sex is le disgusting
Suit yourself if that’s your opinion, but don’t claim to hold some objective truth about it

>> No.20991771

>t. blushing ameritard
maybe sunday service is more you type, mama's boy

>> No.20991789

I just want to say that you're right and these other posters are too blinded by their degenerate desires to acknowledge it

>> No.20991792

Englishonly cucks still haven't read Annihilation.

Its great exitcore btw. Also names so many /lit/ micro ideologies.

>> No.20991802

You are not capable of comprehending my arguments it seems, either that or you’re purposefully mischaracterising what I said. In either case the discussion goes nowhere because we end up talking past each other. I’ll clarify just in case you genuinely misunderstood:
I did not say “I saw it in porn therefore it’s real”. I said I saw it in porn AND had to do it myself. Now when I was an incel I always wondered why in porn blowjob videos the man almost always finishes himself off with his hand, why not just let the woman do it if blowjobs are so effective and good. It was not until I received my own blowjob that I realised that blowjobs are ineffective, and as I was in the process of finishing myself off I recalled how similar this experience was to all the porn that I had watched. This then led me to the further conclusion, that the penis was designed for procreation, for vaginal penetration, and needs to be gripped tightly in order for it to work.
And no, it’s not merely “my opinion” that sex is meaningless. It’s the opinion of all great ascetic philosophers and almost all of the world’s religions. Sexual desire is a form of frenzy that takes control of one’s mind and turns one into an animal, and after ejaculation is achieved and the frenzy leaves, one realises how pointless and idiotic the whole thing was. Now if sex were more than this, and equalled non-sexual forms of love, it would follow, that prostitutes have the biggest hearts of all, for they love all of their clients.

>> No.20991948


Women have always been whores.
Women are kids with boobs and vagenes.
Women peak intellectually at 15--20 years of age. It is when they discover first hand that no matter how bland or even evil they are, thousands of men will be eager to compete for them, fix their daily problems and give them an easy life free of charge.

The biggest myth is that women today are any different to women throughout all of history.
Anon, when adultery and debauchery were punished with death, that still didn't stop women from fucking the whole village.

>> No.20991983

nothing can go wrong for white women

ride cock carousel for 29 years then hit the wall at 30? marry beta

feel like cheating? beta became rich? take half of his net worth

rape someone? system will jail the raped man for not appreciating it

murder someone without cause? 60 days jail

kneel to your white woman overlord

>> No.20992028

women are slaves to chad men. they workout, plaster their faces in makeup, get expensive surgery, buy expensive clothes, and spend hours a day maintaining a social media presence just to entice a chad who'll to hit it for one night and dip to get a new girl.
white women cant compete which is why they're miserable.

>> No.20992432

>Now when I was an incel I always wondered why in porn blowjob videos the man almost always finishes himself off with his hand, why not just let the woman do it if blowjobs are so effective and good.
Because the scene is over and the director said to do the cumshot, so they can end that shit. The female already did her job for one or multiple hours and she signed a contract for that and not for overtime.

>> No.20992448

1) I have never watched a porn video over an hour long.
2) This happens in amateur porn videos.
3) You proved my own point. The director said to do the cumshot, so the guy had to start masturbating. If masturbation were less effective at inducing ejaculation than oral sex, the quickest way for the guy to ejaculate would be to continue using the woman's mouth. This admission of yours just validated what I said.

>> No.20992449

spend less time on /pol/ and more time meeting actual women

>> No.20992481
File: 501 KB, 1140x1204, 1651912850540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work with women
exactly how the anons described it

>> No.20992503

>1) I have never watched a porn video over an hour long.
Do you think a shoot is as long as the end product?

>2) This happens in amateur porn videos.
>3) You proved my own point. The director said to do the cumshot, so the guy had to start masturbating. If masturbation were less effective at inducing ejaculation than oral sex, the quickest way for the guy to ejaculate would be to continue using the woman's mouth.
They want the cum on her face.
Also I never said that masturbating is less effective than a bj (I was not the same anon you were talking to). It's just that a guy can control his own pace and also aim better when he does it himself. Usually the cumshot will be bigger, because maybe she would do the handjob in a "wrong" speed or stop in the wrong moment. But these are just porn things, that doesn't matter in private sex. You don't have a schedule, a contract etc. A bj can feel very good. But for some guys it will not be enough, because their dick is desensitized from years of PMO with death grip and/or being circumsized.

>> No.20992519

are you an actual woman?

>> No.20992714

No, he's a retard. Btw, if it was "that bad", it would be the fault of men equally if not more. Such as

>happily take advantage of drunk virgin
You childish little faggot, you don't deserve anything.

>> No.20992734

Kill yourselves, chinkcels.

>> No.20992763

It's probably more true for nonwhite women, who are bigger whores. Specifically Asians, Latinx, and muslims, probably indians too, all whoring themselves out for chads the most, since they have to compete with white women who are normally the majority. That's what it was like at university and my limited experience clubbing.

>> No.20994424

They claim it all came from America though

>> No.20994446

I agree with you that blowjobs are not very pleasurable. Half the time you’re worried about their teeth coming down on you and ruining your life. The penis is definitely meant for buttsex.

>> No.20994470

Now say it in english.

>> No.20994561

i think you should try men out

>> No.20994648

they are obssesed with genitalia much like how jews are obsessed with excrement

>> No.20994656

its projection mainly because they can't compete on an economic level.

>> No.20995901

>Women have always been whores.
>Women are kids
Classic white male "philosophy". Kill yourself pedophile.

>> No.20995907

sex is not inherently shameful, what the fuck. christcucks have brainworms I swear.

>> No.20995921

I mean if the shoe fits.....

>> No.20995922

your arguments lack any kind of logic. have you considered:
1. men finish themselves off in porn because porn directors like having facials in their movies
2. your gf sucks at giving blowjobs
3. you're a retard

>> No.20995926

maybe she preyed on him, you fucking sexist

>> No.20996105

>takes advantage of drunk virgin
There is no such thing as taking advantage of a drunk person, unless he/she is literally lying asleep on the ground.
People need to take responsibility for their actions and stop using the “I was… LE drunk xD” card as if it was a relevant excuse.
t. Gets drunk a lot, never did anything I’d regret

>> No.20996134

Half his novels are not worth reading, you know.

>> No.20996344

looks like he snatches away disobedient children in a gunny sack, looks like he lives in a hut with fowl's legs, he looks like he steals into your room at night and perches on your window sill blowing breath as frigid as the north wind into your face while you sleep, looks like he emerges from the surf upon the eve of the vernal equinox and wreaks havoc on the townsfolk if one passes a fairy ring without tipping their cap, he looks like you have to leave a plate of shrovetide latkas on your doorstep with plenty of smehtana so he doesn't come in the night and unfasten the latch of the barn door letting out all of your livestock, he looks like a redcap, a drekavac, a wine-drinking wendigo.

>> No.20996977

Also good writing

>> No.20997275

There’s nothing wrong.