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/lit/ - Literature

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20988304 No.20988304 [Reply] [Original]

New England seems to be the coolest and most unique part of the states. It feels “real” like it has an actual culture and history, unlike the generic suburbia of the rest of america.

What’s the best literature to come out of New England? Or if not the best, then what’s some NE literature you particularly like. And what’s the best horror related stuff that gives off that gothic colonial NE vibe? I already know Lovecraft and Hawthorne

>> No.20988305

New England is a backwater dump

>> No.20988324

I’m pretty sure the settled parts have the highest hdi in the country

>> No.20988348

whats the name of this album again
giles servat?

>> No.20988398

Stupid /mu/poster

>> No.20988423 [DELETED] 

Melville is from new england

>> No.20988426

New England people strike me as uppity faggots

>> No.20988428 [DELETED] 

No hes notnim retarded

>> No.20988430

Giles Corey, or maybe that's the band, I don't know.

>> No.20988443

This song slaps on a stormy autumn night fr fr no cap

>> No.20988557

No it isn’t.

>> No.20988567

we are uppity but not faggots, pleb

>> No.20988587

i know /lit/ hates Stephen King but Salems Lot depicts modern NE aesthetics more accurately than any other novel I can think of. Other than that Moby Dick and Robert Frost do a good job of relating the historical aesthetic. Also, Eric Sloane has published volumes of material on Northeast Americana that is worth checking out.

>> No.20988599

>i know /lit/ hates Stephen King
never understood why.

>> No.20988606


>> No.20988615

>new england
the old one is bad enough

>> No.20988623

He is popular. /lit/ only reads esoteric high brow literature, like Dostoevsky (included in Oprah's book club).

>> No.20988737

HDI is an irrelevant number.

>> No.20988742

I studied Robert Frost in school

>> No.20988747

I hate poorfags.
Only non-new england states I like are new york and new jersey (because of Bon Jovi)

>> No.20989231

it’s the only first world part of america

>> No.20989248

As mentioned you should start with Moby Dick.
There is On Plymouth Plantation which covers the voyage and settlement written by Bradford.
You could add the Concord "intellectual" scene and read
>Hawthorne, Emerson, Louisa May, and her Dad, Alcott, Margaret Fuller, HDT, etc etc...
There is
>HP Lovecraft who wrote about a fictionalized New England.
>Infinite Jest occurs in a fictionalized Greater Boston.
These are good starting places.

>> No.20989250

You know nothing about America, and even what you think you know about New England’s culture is wrong

>> No.20989254

I live in new england and it is a backwater dump. new hampshire is a backwater, maine is a backwater, vermont is a backwater, rhode island is a crackden shitheap, and massachusetts is a backwater. the united states is a backwater dump.

>> No.20989260

Hawthorne was the New England novelist par excellence. Melville wrote Moby Dick in Massachusetts. I think Poe might've written some of his best work in New England as well. Thoreau and Emerson were from New England. There's also stuff set in New England like Miller's The Crucible. As for poets, there's Robert Frost. I can't think of many others. You might like Donna Tartt's The Secret History actually.

>> No.20989262
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>> No.20989269

Are you from Rhode Island?

>> No.20989270

If it was a backwater dump then maybe it would actually have culture like a small town in Pennsylvania or Missouri, or the slave land footballvilles in the south. For New England, what they have is LL Bean, Gentrified Southie, icy skiing and Cape Cod. They have nothing that a normie wouldn’t also think is just absolutely wonderful

>> No.20989285

Yeah you’ve actually never set foot in New England, or America for that matter. You actually just googled what states are in New England and forgot to include Connecticut.

>> No.20989300

Liking Bon Jovi is the gayest thing I’ve seen on this board ever

>> No.20989306

imagine seething this hard over a fellow new englander saying new england sucks shit. connecticut can lick my taint and you can lick my asshole.

>> No.20989308

Which small town in Pennsylvania are you referring to?

>> No.20989311

The one Shane Gillis is from

>> No.20989321

the United States is a culturally barren backwater dump, it isn’t exclusive to new england although I was pleased I triggered a few dumb dumbs with my post

>> No.20989347

You know nothing about the US

>> No.20989353

Really? I thought for sure you were going to say Jim Thorpe or Bellefonte.

>> No.20989355

methinks thee are a chud

>> No.20989397

new england is best england

>> No.20989400

i wont disagree there but that doesn't make it good. we'd all be better off if england was annihilated in a tactical nuclear strike

>> No.20989546

Bellefonte is too intertwined with State College. Never been to Jim Thorpe

>> No.20989740

They’re still mourning the queen lol.

>> No.20989915

> New England is a backwater dump
> affordable housing
> good climate
> little to no niggers
> plentiful, high-paying jobs
> easy women
> traditional values among many long-term residents

>> No.20990091

literally every single one of those is wrong

>> No.20990103

almost all of that is conditional. and many of those are mutually exclusive by area. My best guess is take three and the other three are out of your reach.

>> No.20990115

easy women is true lol none of the others though.

>> No.20990143

what kind of fucking idiot claims new england has a 'good climate'?

>> No.20990164
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Its probably because it had the most stable well establsihed, and longlasting culture in the us for most of its history up to relitively recently. it has the closest thing to an aristocracy as you can find and it was nearly a puritian nation state up till the late 1800s. afterwards it diversified more to some degree, but it maintained its more distinct and “old money” characteristics that spawned a lot of the intellectual products you know it for. Not that its all good or anything, but it very much has a more “established” feel then the more hectic, or less stately nature of other parts of the us. much of its internal industry outside of the big centers like boston and education hubs like Dartmouth, have been gutted economically with the close of old mill communities and much of the rurals are disenfranchised and full of heroine addicts with the fall off of religion that use to be a big pillar of community in those areas not helping. But its striking how much the old archetecture is still really beatiful. with dignified white churches like pic related.

ANd yes, from there came a lot of literature and thought, melville, thoreau, Emerson. It is a unique place definetly, probably the most old world of the new world of the us in nature, but it tows that line between the two dispositions in an interesting way.

>> No.20990171

I personally Like it. better then old england at least. get a good amount of sun, get all 4 seasons, dont have most of the nasty critters further south or north. the only thing I can complain to much about is the humidity, and thats even worse in the south.

and I did stippulate you can choose 3 and the other three probably wont be to your liking.

>> No.20990180

New england has good climate. At least for me.

>> No.20990181

Your post only applies to Northern New England (VT, NH, ME), not to Mass., Cuntnecktiecut, or Rhode Island.

>> No.20990202

>probably the most old world of the new world of the us in nature
Maybe that's part of why the association with horror literature and spookiness in general sticks, you can feel the ghosts of the old world hanging on here.

>> No.20990209

i think there's also something just general spooky about a place with foothills, definitely the creepiest topography

>> No.20990254

>literally every single one of those is wrong
You clearly don't live in NE then

>> No.20990261

>what kind of fucking idiot claims new england has a 'good climate'?
no hurricanes, no wildfires, no droughts, no tornadoes.
>b-b-but what about blizzards?
if you've never grown in new england snow, you're ngmi.

>> No.20990270

>Your post only applies to Northern New England (VT, NH, ME)
>not to Mass., Cuntnecktiecut, or Rhode Island.
Rhode Island is a dump. Connecticut (except Hartford and New Haven) and Western Mass are based.

>> No.20990283

Id say its more the crossroads. kind of end of civilisation begining of the unknown shtich. its not full on oregon trail pioneering, but its not a cozy 700 year old french chatauex either. A lot of the horror stories tend to have a mix of both, old unknown indian burial grounds and headless knights from a known chivalric age. the unknown depths of the oozing atlantic, and the gothic spires of the church. It is neither safely known nore completely alien. This land was conquered for quite a while, but the precolumbian still slinks and the postcolumbian still stirs.

>> No.20990305

I hate providence so much bros

>> No.20990345

Have you thought about destroying it? its not that big.

>> No.20990409
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First period New England architecture is kino, I see why so much horror stuff is from there

>> No.20990415

>56 replies
>no one mentioned Sarah Orne Jewett
I'm not even a mutt. I'm Italian.

>> No.20990443

yeah maybe i could imprison all the dumb fuck hipsters that have been moving there for the past ten years trying to trick themselves into thinking its trendy and have them demolish the city brick by brick

>> No.20990503

New englanders are definitely the grumpiest Americans

>> No.20990520

I'm spending this Christmas in the Catskills
hoping to get some writing done

>> No.20990692
File: 105 KB, 1200x1200, hith-10-things-you-may-not-know-about-nathaniel-hawthorne-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone else mentioned Hawthorne and he really is the ultimate New England fiction writer. He's actually extremely underrated. Everyone was forced to read The Scarlet Letter in high school and developed a bias against him, but he's one of the greatest writers in American history.

Start with his Tales.

>> No.20990714

so far I’ve only read the Ministers Black Veil and The Scarlet Letter, I’ll definitely read more of his stuff tho

Also, part of the reason I used the Giles Corey album cover is Bec it reminds me a lot of the ministers black veil, in fact im pretty sure it’s inspired by it given HANL being from New England and talking a lot about ne stuff in the album

>> No.20991065

keep us posted anon

>> No.20991524

I live in Western Mass., most of what was said applies best to the hilltowns, but the rest of the area has plenty of Diversity(tm), inflated housing prices except for in slummy areas or certain towns/cities (Holyoke, Chicopee, Springfield come to mind), and loads of egotistical women and pretentious soiboy "men".
I do love the climate though, and can agree with most of those statements if we're talking outside the most populated areas (Pioneer Valley, Springfield).
Connecticut I'll take your word on, mostly only been to Hartford and New Haven besides going down to the coast once or twice which was pretty nice. Rhode Island in definite agreement.

>> No.20991533

The House of Seven Gables is legitimately the worst book I have ever read

>> No.20991581

trendy immigration to pvd stopped in the mid-late 00s.

>> No.20991607

i literally cannot imagine living anywhere else in the united states besides massachusetts or rhode island. everything else is filled with retards and hicks. massachusetts is undoubtedly the most based state in the entire country and rhode island is its smaller but still endearing little brother.

>> No.20991631

Well first hand experience is everything

>> No.20991636

i went to school in at umass amherst. western ma is the best part of massachusetts in my opinion. sure you've got these aggressive dykes and cadre of hippies but theres something still fun and endearing about walking around Northampton tripping on acid and then stumbling into the tunnel bar

>> No.20991654

best place in the world for wholesome tranny senpaitachi hands down

>> No.20991735

Maine, as well as New Hampshire, are beautiful. You are European.

>> No.20991752

Young Goodman Brown is one of the best short stories written on American soil.

>> No.20991871

simply not true

>> No.20991878

>wooooow pretty tree
you are the backwater hick which ruins the states

>> No.20991909
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>extremely liberal
Sorry Cleetus, we’re full.

>> No.20991933

its beyond fuckin true, actually makes PVD more appealing now IMO, though most of the old warehouse spaces are gone and they were fun af

>> No.20991940

what a terrible fucking discussion, by now i'm convinced most american posters here are underage or just plain retarded. three fucking posts with actual recs in the whole thread.

>> No.20991963

proud of myself for derailing the thread with the first post

>> No.20991967

Masshole here, love everything about this place besides the winters. If this place had the climate of Florida's winters year-round, it would be heaven. But yeah I'm lucky to live in one of the only parts in this cultural wasteland of a country worth living in. I've been to most other NE states as well as PA and PA is an absolute shithole by comparison.

But to answer OP's question, try Lovecraft and Robert Frost.

>> No.20991973

t. Judge Pynchon

>> No.20991989
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Ok, here’s one. This book is set around the Mohawk valley in newyork. It’s a very nuanced take on the American revolution. Lots of morally gray characters stalk in the pages of this doorstopper. It was adapted by john ford and has henry fonda as the star. But it leaves lot of the neat layers back at the novel.

>> No.20991996


>> No.20992430


>> No.20992442

Damn that’s a nice cover.

>> No.20992952

that’s not new england albeit thoughever

>> No.20993543

Can anyone summarize the few recs that got posted itt?
I don’t want to have to read through all this shit

>> No.20993734

is this one actually good? goodreads boomers don’t like it and they typically have decent taste

>> No.20993738

+Robert Frost was mentioned 2x but I'm lazy to include those posts now

>> No.20995040


>> No.20995074

her names sounds like a funny way to refer to a female jew as.

>> No.20995079

I liked scarlet letter. If you can apreciate the in the moment romanticism of it and what its trying to convey its great. if you try to take it as a plain plot piece, or are force to read it in school so you take it as one, its probably a slog. its more about the how than the what.

>> No.20995106
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Mass is kind of weird in this way. you find these really liberal centers next to the ivory tower places like colleges with gay flags and handlebar mustaches mini calli style, but if you go even 4 miles out to the next town it does a 180 and becomes mini dixie with trump flags and f-150s. Then you get the weird in between old money stuff full of liberal adjacent affluent people, but who wouldn't be caught dead with tacky hipster affectations.

live in eastern mass, went to Amherst for colledge, been around mass a lot.

>> No.20995336

thanks bro

>> No.20995605

Moving to New England as we speak; TOTAL NIGGER INVASION IS INEVITABLE, SIRS.

>> No.20995608

Then explain Ohio's obsession with horror

>> No.20995613

I think you're never going to be a real woman

>> No.20995723

>maine is a backwater
Shut the fuck up cunt. Leave my beautiful state alone.

>> No.20996022

Jewess or Jew Ass?

>> No.20996081

What is the relevant number that speaks about quality of living? Percentage of balcks among population?

>> No.20996094


>> No.20997251

Bumping for interest.

>> No.20997655

Finally someone said it.

>> No.20998095
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Living here is horror in itself.

>> No.20998827

> affordable housing
Not in MA
> good climate
Not in NE
> little to no niggers
Everywhere in NE, also innumerable brown immigrants
> plentiful, high-paying jobs
Only in MA
> easy women
Easy around the entire country
> traditional values among many long-term residents
Yea, confederate-flag-waving and shooting-up opiods is an amazing culture.

>> No.20999080

Both Vermont and Maine rank consistently as the whitest states in America. Plus those confederate flag fuckers all through NE are always white trash servants

>> No.20999351
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This was pretty damn comfy

>> No.20999671

I’ll add to the recommendations the John Irving books which are set at Exeter and a separate peace, set in the same town.

New England is beautiful, the old colonial architecture the fall leaves the stone walls, the saltwater where you’ve got it all comes together nicely.

>> No.20999699

One time when I went in the house of the seven gables I passed out, probably due to being cramped in with the tour group but yeah. On a side note Clifford Pyncehon is based as fuck although I thought he was a ghost at first kek. Holgrave is kinda a bitch but he redeemed himself. Lot of post-Puritan seething in that book but overall 8/10

>> No.20999775

almost all of this is true besides
> Everywhere in NE, also innumerable brown immigrants
thats literally only in the big cities.

>> No.21000042

Because the man is hackjob. Most of his stuff was better in short form and he hasn't been the same since the accident and getting off the coke.

>> No.21000060
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The only option

>> No.21000350

edward rowe snow is your best NE folklorist

>> No.21000967

holy based

>> No.21000982

For ones that haven't been mentioned yet: A Separate Peace is peak comfy and Emily Dickinson is quite good

>not a mutt

>> No.21000990

> seems to be
Every part of the US is interesting in its own way, but the beauty inherent in each of these places is yet to be captured in such a prolific fashion as New England.

>> No.21001308

Ohio has a horror obsession?