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20987515 No.20987515 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say, hypothetically, I discovered something extremely important to the science of philosophy, within the domain of logic.

But, I don't have a degree, because I dropped out second year, because I literally couldn't withstand the drudgery of menial sociological speculation.

Is there anywhere I could self-publish a dissertation? Could I just send it in to Mind and see what happens?

>> No.20987550


>> No.20987554

apply to a really world-renowned university with it attached

>> No.20987571
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That's actually not a bad idea. I mean, just for the fuck of it.

>> No.20987581

You can submit to journals without a degree. Didn't Nietzsche (of cursed memory) publish a paper as an undergraduate?

>> No.20987610

>the science of philosophy
*crushes your skull*

>> No.20987646

Post it or fuck off

>> No.20987648
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You wouldn't comprehend it.

It's basically a synthesis of Jung and Peirce.

>> No.20987654


>> No.20987681

Stupid catposter

>> No.20987685
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One of us is embarrassing themselves, fr fr.

>> No.20987688

ngl I clicked on this thread for the cad

>> No.20987693

If you present your ideas that formally they become a rigid thing instead of living as ideas out in the world, happy and free. Smuggle them into minds without the minds noticing.

>> No.20987713

A good point. I will meditate upon it.

>> No.20987734

If you didn't study the subject, then how do you know what you came up with hasn't been talked about before?

>> No.20987769
File: 211 KB, 755x1024, 1662206313879731m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think I haven't studied the subject? Or that the best place to study a subject is within an academic institution?

>> No.20987814


post a snippet or you're absolutely bullshitting

>> No.20987823

He is but in fairness, he said "hypothetically" in the OP

>> No.20987844

aside from that being a meme, guess i got baited desu

>> No.20988007
File: 15 KB, 474x352, 1660921097201818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post a snippet
Are you telling me that you don't understand semiotic theory?

Dost mine eyes deceive me?>>20987814

>> No.20988064

>But, I don't have a degree
No one's gonna read it anyway. Rightly so. Each year there are ten thousands of pseuds without a degree who think they have discovered something truly groundbreaking and try to harass institutions and experts with their bullcrap. It's almost always (not only most of the time) worthless shit.
The truth is visiting a university is irreplacable. You will never really understand a field without it. There are only a handful of people in history who could discover something great without it (and you are not one of them).

>> No.20988073
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It would be a very nice spectacle to see you elaborate yourself.

>> No.20988146

Just post it online with your name on it. If it's bussin, it's gonna attract attention.

>> No.20988150

> I discovered something extremely important
Every undergrad thought that at least once, and dropouts think this even more frequently. It's almost guaranteed to be a delusion.

>> No.20988161
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Most discoveries were made outside of academia, my freind. Maybe you should actually take a class, they're not exactly what I would call useful.

Philosophy is unrecognizable compared to the close of the last century.

I am a genius, that much is certain. Fear not.

It is on God bussin fr fr, my zoomer colleague. I think this would be the best strategy.

I think I'll post a link and excerpt here when I'm done.

>> No.20988170

>most discoveries were made outside of academia
And how many of these discoverers didn't have a formal education?

>> No.20988186

>maybe you should take a class
I have. I'm in my masters. University is way more than just the classes.
>I am a genius, that much is certain . Fear not.
Spoken like a true pseud that thinks way too much of himself

>> No.20988189

You are probably in your early 20’s. You haven’t made an important discovery

>> No.20988207
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Depends on the degree.

You're not being very supportive of the scientific spirit, anon. Are you mad about something? What's your degree in?

I have, I've managed to complete Charles Peirces semiotic.

>> No.20988213

Nah. You’re just a narcissist

>> No.20988224

You're right, yet everyone on this board continues to feed a frog posting psued who is more interested in optics on an anonymous image board than publishing his "work". Incelligence at its finest. Just unfortunate, really.

>> No.20988250

I got the answer the my question, I like consulting 4chan. It's like a decentralized cia.

Now you're all just hating. Hating on a player.

>> No.20988266

>what's your degree in
There's a reason degrees and journals exist. It's to filter out retards from shitting up academic literature. That's why no one takes laymen in research serious. If you're really so smart, why couldn't you finish university? Let me guess, you were too smart for the classes?

>> No.20988314

Well, no wonder you're cynical. I agree, my freind. Thence came the inquiry.

But within your own field, the majority of the most important discoveries were made by those seeking presentiment in the stars and arrangements of planets.

>Why couldn't you finish university
I saw no point, I wanted to make money. Now I do. I don't really see the point of any of this idiotic conversation, honestly. You're precisely the reason I left. Idiots like you.

I could easily insult your subject with affirmations of inadequacy, due largely to the nature of mathematical thought being metaphysically disjunct from any description of the logical structure of material reality (lol, imagine studying approximations to truth in a walled garden of hypothesized conditions via the tracing of only their consequences within those imagined boundary and conditional parameters abstracted from iconographical representations of true phenomena)

>> No.20988330

Actually, I guess methamtical symbols would serve as a diagramatic schema for the construction of an iconographical representation of material phenomena.

So, I guess just ... discard the previous subsequence (do you know what that word is? It's a math term, but I can explain it's context if you need me to).

>> No.20988334

Upload it to arxiv and post here

>> No.20988335
File: 48 KB, 672x492, 1662395491361406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, that's neat. Thanks, man. I'll definitely do that.

>> No.20988340

Post your solution to the problem of induction.

>> No.20988341
File: 6 KB, 206x244, a164d93e-fda5-4c50-afb8-b0522baeda0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's actually part of my essay.

>> No.20988473

Wow, many big words. Me convinced.

>> No.20988506

I thought you'd see it my way.

>> No.20988539

apply to a really world-renowned university with it attached

>> No.20988824

we are in the exact same boat
if you wanna talk email me your discord

>> No.20988922

Op here, I appreciate the offer, but I'm pretty autistic and prefer to work alone. Best of luck with your independent research.

>> No.20989352

How do you get into independent research? I mean where do you even begin? How long did it take you?

>> No.20989380

I purchased a kindle reader, downloaded the program obsidian on my desktop, and started pirating books?

I just started reading and learning by utilizing the internet, that's really it. Nothing is stopping you from becoming an expert in a subject as long as you have the internet and the will.

>> No.20989731

That's not the problem for me. It's trivial to get pdfs of primary texts and learn the basics of any field. But most secondary texts are hard to find and cost upwards of $50 each in print. There's also the fact that most cutting edge work is behind paywalls. And to make relevant progress you also require talking to other people in the field otherwise you might not know what the fuck you're doing. That's how you get so many autodidacts with flawed or downright schizo theories. So it's not just a matter of time and will but there's a lot of other limitations too.