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/lit/ - Literature

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20984586 No.20984586 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20984594
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It's been accumulating dust on my bookshelf for the past 6 years, I guess this is the signal that I needed two finally read it
>Film Books /thread

>> No.20984611

Stupid /tv/ poster

>> No.20984635
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>Stupid TV poster
It's literally a book

>> No.20984684
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So, do we look forward to the adaptation of White Noise?

>> No.20984692

Marxist faggot

>> No.20984721
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>People who aren't able to separate the art from the artist are the most ignorant people.
>I can appreciate Sartre's literature, Heiddgger literature, I can appreciate Hitler's paintings, I enjoy Polanski and woody Allen films, Lewis CK Comedy, Kevin's Spacey's acting, Kacsynski's writings.
>I don't give a fuck what they are doing with their private lives
Art is art.
You dumb virtue signaling faggot

>> No.20984726

No. He was a hack.

>> No.20984756

Define hack.
>He was one of the most influential figures and pioneers in cinema vérité and the nouvelle vague you idiot, I bet you've never watched any French cinema from the 60'S
Go back to watch your avengers.

>> No.20984762

Who are you quoting?
and separating the artist from their political beliefs leads to a shallow understanding of their works. I hate that I share a board with faggots who think the media they consume is manufactured in a vacuum.

>> No.20984772

>another degenerate french "culture icon"

Who cares. Let them all get AIDS

>> No.20984775


Don't you have critical thinking skills?

>> No.20984794

Influence=/=good. He was a nauseating hack. I'll stick to Bresson and Resnais.

>> No.20984801
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>Jordan Peterson

>> No.20984804
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Will they talk about it?

>> No.20984816

I rest my case

>> No.20984833

>Jean-Luc Godard, giant of the French new wave
How profoundly reductive.

>> No.20984894

>killed himself

>> No.20984899

Waiting to do it until you're 91 and life is nothing but pain, boredom, dreary limited activity and sitting around feeling jealous of all the young people surrounding you; is profoundly based and indeed quite redpilled.

>> No.20984919
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/lit/ is on /tv/ as well
He said he was bored.

>> No.20984939

>He said he was bored.
It is highly apparent from his work that he loved life, loved humanity and remained uncompromisingly hopeful. I can imagine he'd find it distasteful, inhumane and profoundly depressing to be forced to watch life fade from his own body in the protracted and undignified manner of old age.

>> No.20984949

Took that guy a lot of words to say nothing at all.

>> No.20984966

Jannitor posting himself lol

>> No.20984975

He is entirely correct. Godard was the last great filmmaker and the only post-talkie director to approximate the greats.

>> No.20984977

Imagine listening to cumtown in 2022

>> No.20984987

Nah. He was a hack and wasn't even the best French director of his era.

>> No.20985010

Name one (1) french FILMMAKER better than him

>> No.20985046

Has to be post-talkie, otherwise it's easy.

>> No.20985120

Even Truffaut is better.

>> No.20985127

Agnes Varda>>>>>JLG

>> No.20985150


>> No.20985169

The originator of French New Wave

>> No.20985178

is that supossed to mean something?

>> No.20985207

I can smell your tranniness from your post.

>> No.20985215


>> No.20985236

>critical thinking skills
>posts a youtube short of a jordan peterson tiktok edit
gotta be b8

>> No.20985247

If you don’t know who Goddard is or watch any French films I guess not.

>> No.20985253

Truffaut has one good film. GODard has at least five or six.
Yea, unless you're an uncultured zoomie.
I'm more manly than you, tranny-obsessed faggot.

>> No.20985268

post wrist, faggot

>> No.20985278

>I can appreciate Hitler's paintings
They were shit though, there's a reason the art school didn't accept him.

>> No.20985283

>he doesn't say why they are shit
you know nothing about art

>> No.20985290

His art was worthless pastiche and nothing more.

>> No.20985293

frenchies really be named
>jean-paul-jaques pierre

>> No.20985314


>> No.20985321

uncultered zoomer filtered by kino of the highest possible order
keep reading about muh le pirate on the boat

>> No.20985338

He was French, not American.
Stupid tatefag nigger.

>> No.20985343

Only stuff that worth in the french new wave is the Rive Gauche submovement, other stuff make look sovietic melodrama like top tier
Besides that Agnes Varda is the most insufferable filmmaker I've ever seen
gabachos is also said to the frenchies

>> No.20985344

we don't say that word here, mate. please delete your post or else

>> No.20985347

>gabachos is also said to the frenchies
Not true.
You worship a retarded mulatto.

>> No.20985350

>They were shit though
t. redditor

This opinion unironically comes from midwits who want to believe everything about the designated bad guys must be bad as well. He wasn't a formally trained artist, so of course his paintings weren't amazing (which is why he was applying to art school to begin with), but they were pretty good for an amateur, something the Viena academy agreed with, since he passed the the first phase of the entrance exam. His style was out of fashion, but he was obviously talented. Had he been born earlier and gotten proper training he could have become a great artist.

>> No.20985353

it is bro, Spain existed before Mexico lol

>> No.20985356

Godard was the Hunter x Hunter of cinema. This much is a FACT. You can't argue against this. It simply can't be done.

>> No.20985358

then why do they speak mexican in spain? explain yourself retard

>> No.20985362

fuck you retard americano your country is even independent because spain asshole

>> No.20985365

>free other countries
>can't free themselves

>> No.20985388

Godard is more like Bakemonogatari desu.

>> No.20985446

it's over for us...

>> No.20985448

Monogatari wouldn't exist without HxH or Evangelion. Togashi and Anno, like Godard in cinema, were the ones who started deconstructing anime.

>> No.20985459


>> No.20985494

make a change, kill yourselves

>> No.20985496

That's actually a good point. Now I wonder if Togashi is a Deleuzian too like Godard. That would be based.

>> No.20985520

Carne, Renoir, etc.

>> No.20986001

Fuck no

>> No.20986231

Truffaut has three. Godard has none.

>> No.20986260
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I liked La Chinoise


>> No.20986302

He should just have killed himself aesthetically and not this sterile body-politik stuff with consensual euthanasia. Mishima had it right.

>> No.20986499

>last great filmmaker
Hou Hsiao Hsien is the last great filmmaker

>> No.20986502

jacques tati

>> No.20986750

I didn't even know who he was until now.

>> No.20986827

revisionist history, after metoo around 2017 suddenly everyone is pretending this woman was a huge deal, its so transparent

>> No.20986855

tafs sucks so much dick it’s insane, ct is nothing without the fat man laugh track.

>> No.20986993

Godard makes shit art

Breathless is the worst movie I’ve ever seen

>> No.20987000

A moment of silence filmbros, the world has just lost one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.

>> No.20987089

The Javier Marias eulogy thread was last weekend though

>> No.20988126

i dont think he got a sticky right ?

>> No.20988202
File: 97 KB, 675x434, godard et Anna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know where i can pirate Godards book "Jean‑Luc Godard par Jean‑Luc Godard" ? Tried on z-lib and library genesis and mobilism but they only have a pdf version of the english version.Where to procure the original ?

>Verification not required

>> No.20988210


>> No.20988253

>new wave
Any "era" with the word "new" can be dismissed without review.

>> No.20988280

you're right. Thank you

>> No.20988292

bresson is also dreck

>> No.20988339
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Naw. It can be seen as miss-named is all.

>> No.20988497

Is this zoolander

>> No.20988604

No, should I?

>> No.20988719

>>I can appreciate Sartre's literature, Heiddgger literature, I can appreciate Hitler's paintings,

How much of a tasteless contrarian retard do you have to be to say you enjoy Hitler's paintings.

>> No.20988767

Only read some of the shit he wrote for cahiers. Wouldnt waste time on anything else.

>> No.20988972

god do i love seeing you retards. Filtered !