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20983563 No.20983563 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the Dust has settled what did we think of it?

>> No.20983569

whatever this is, i want to rape it

>> No.20983572

I've always dressed in this style, but I resent the term Dark Academia. It's simply good taste.

>> No.20983579

fuck Brooke, marry Vivian, kill Sylvia

>> No.20983589

>thrifts all clothes & books
>drinks coffee 24/7
literally me

>> No.20983600

Are those real booktubers? I'm assuming not since I can't find any of them

>> No.20983606

As someone that knew about it since basically the beginning, I loved it until people began to say that it was problematic and bs like that .
Love the aesthetic but the majority of people there are insufferable and illiterate.

>> No.20983613

Except for the fact I am an intp I'm literally Vivian the heck

>> No.20983617

pics or it didnt happen.

>> No.20983639

Like the kind of people that consider themselves sophisticated and intelligent because they read but the only thing they have read are YA and Donna Tartt

>> No.20983651

If you are a Sylvia with short curly hair and glasses and freckles PLEASE BE IN NASHVILLE

>> No.20983659

>procrastinates a lot
yes, that's me

>> No.20983674
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>> No.20983690

Same as any scene. Goth had a whole ethic to go along with its aesthetic and music, but it caught on, and it’s not that it became popular, it’s that it wasn’t understood beyond the surface level by these pseuds. It became just a Halloween costume. But who cares really?
What does dark academia stand for even? Dress how you like, listen to what you want, read widely.

>> No.20983712

The style is really cute on girls. The problem most girls who dress like that are insufferable

>> No.20983743

imagine going on /lit/ and pretending you talk to girls

>> No.20983760

I need inspo send pics

>> No.20983771

Idk brother I'm not in academia so I dress exclusively in athleisure. Currently reading The Naked and the Dead by Mailer

>> No.20983776

bougie romantic garbage

>> No.20983804

Do you think that if I man dressed this way he would get laid easier?

>> No.20983835

I want to say middle, but I bet she's debate about every little thing.

>> No.20983836

Only with other men, since you will look like a fag

>> No.20983920

Yes unironically. But only by tumblr femcels.

>> No.20983935

>tumblr pseudointellectualism
Why can’t people just like things without it being their gender?

>> No.20983962

Yes but at the same time it was initially created to make a space to talk about certain subjects

>> No.20983976

yeah if you’re on tinder or go to an art school
all you need is
wool pants
dress shoes or boots
and a coat nigga
if you’re well read these bitches be wet for you
i’ve slept with 12 art hoes out of the 50 i matched with
i’m still autistic as shit but dressing good gets you in the door

>> No.20983979

I used to think dark academia was a retarded meme for pseudes until I heard it was racist. Now I think dark academia is based.

>> No.20984001

how is dressing nicely racist? is everything nice and decent racist now? or is the larping part the racism?

>> No.20984003

The only people that say that Dark Academia is racist are the ones that want to appear the wokest of the land on social media. It never was

>> No.20984008

post feet

>> No.20984032

>Darc Academia
What does dark academia stand for even? Dress how you like, listen to what you want, read widely?

>> No.20984038

Dark academia is based mainly on The secret history by Donna Tartt and since in that book there was zero black and poc representation people began to say that Dark Academia is racist because it was for white people only.
I can go on with all the reasons and explanations and with all the bs Tumblr & co said about it since I was there when that happened but it is kinda stupid and long and it would be a waste on everyone time

>> No.20984053

look intellectual, aloof, and edgy. read "highbrow" stuff. larp as intelligentsia, pretty much.

>> No.20984055

just a general subculture and aesthetic of reading Dracula and acting like it makes you smart and cultured, zoomie amalgam of hipster, nerd and goth

>> No.20984062
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>> No.20984071

It is gay because this style of clothing is so shit no woman would want you or am I missing something?

>> No.20984083

uhhh based?

>> No.20984092
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>no woman would want
Shut the fuck up roastie

>> No.20984101

Finally, this is the only answer I can respect

>> No.20984107

All of these Tumblr mood board inspired anesthetics were basically various flavors of white people fashion (cottagecore and dark academia being good examples) and now that people figured that out teenagers have moved on. At the end of the day fashion can be fun, and reading for the aesthetic can be the punch in the arm teenagers need to get into heavier literature, but eventually that won't sustain you. At a certain point you fall in love with it or you give it up.

>> No.20984177

Not even a subculture, just an aesthetic to sell clothing and books that never get read

>> No.20984186

Wrong, these people don't actually read

>> No.20984192

How is it problematic in the slightest? It’s just privileged lesbian larping intellectual gothy. Why do these people always eat each other alive to be the most victimized?

>> No.20984200

What you said didn’t contradict what the other guy said?

>> No.20984206

>Why do these people always eat each other alive to be the most victimized?
I'm asking myself that same question since the beginning anon.

>> No.20984217
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I would actually French kiss with a Vivian for 30+ minutes...

>> No.20984347

That sounds like 80% of the girls in english literature.

>> No.20984364
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Vivian come back to me!!!

>> No.20984377

>look intellectual, aloof, and edgy.
I really love this stereotype in movies but it seems like it doesn't have a specific name.

>> No.20984411

god I wish I was vivian

>> No.20984423

Wing collar + trench coat ala Schoepie instead.

>> No.20984438

>LGBT only authors and poets
Imagine limiting yourself solely to works by perverts

>> No.20984646

I'm dark....and im academic..

>> No.20984658

I do. I am just blessed with natural good looks. I'm still autistic as hell and just kind of an ass but they tolerate it somewhat.

>> No.20984979

I wish to marry Sylvia.

>> No.20985106

These "aesthetic" fads are always some form of European pastiche (cottagecore for the English countryside, dark academia is Gothic era Catholicism + Oxbridge classics department) even though they are obsessed with decentering whiteness or whatever.

>> No.20985124

I've never dressed in this style, but I adore the term Dark Academia. It's simply good taste.

>> No.20985137
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Catholics do it all the time

>> No.20985147

dark academia but I'm wearing a dashiki and giving a lecture on sanford and son

>> No.20985173

Dark Academia would be cool if it was just a thing between a close-knit group of college friends you occasionally see hanging around on campus, I don't like the fact that it became a subculture. I'd guess most of the new "followers" of this trend barely read anything and are just in it for the aesthetics.

>> No.20985181

Because it idealizes the centuries old institutional classist, elitism of institutions like Oxbridge and Eton while also privileging wealthy white, usually male, WASP sensibilities of beauty, intelligence, and superiority and is hence, also racist.
Please, if you have the time, I encourage you to read these posts/essays/articles:
> https://post45.org/2022/03/too-dark-for-dark-academia/
> https://dailycampus.com/2021/03/17/decolonizing-the-dark-academia-aesthetic/

>> No.20985189

Ok, but why is Vivian literally me?

>> No.20985392

It's faggy and dumb.

>> No.20985396

Why are the people who hate "whiteness" and imperialism such fetishists of Victorian England

>> No.20985437


Reminds me of why I hated university and the people who staffed it so much.

>> No.20985443 [DELETED] 

dark academic is wack when it comes to /lit/ chicks i prefer the one with a german army surplus jacket and doc martins.

>> No.20985464

does brooke eat ass?