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File: 62 KB, 309x400, 16231813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20980514 No.20980514 [Reply] [Original]

This is the only 4chan meme book, Gardner is just a larping manchild

>> No.20980521

This is 4channel though

>> No.20980550

Wow way to break the 4th wall you dickhead now I hate you and your book

>> No.20980561


>> No.20980644

for me, it's totalitarianism in the tundra

>> No.20980672

If there’s no plot I kind of doubt there’s a book here.

>> No.20980786

It's a real book. I can't answer as to the plot

>> No.20980799

I hate those meme books with no plot. They are my diary desu level. Harassment archtecture is another example of this shit. Gardner at least tells a story.

>> No.20980812
File: 393 KB, 518x518, 5F3979D1-39CD-4F51-A495-749E1A3E5B84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great book. Never read it

>> No.20980844

Produce a copy.

Motorcycle Pussy is more of a book than this point.

>> No.20980852


>> No.20980863

I didn’t say I wanna buy it. I said produce a copy.

>> No.20980914

Behead All Satans is a unique book for sure but just because it’s unique doesn’t mean it’s a tough act to follow. The first half of the book is surprisingly funny at some points and even insightful some would say, the part about the paralyzed man trying to rob a bank using a straw apparatus that he blows into felt surprisingly postmodern.

What it lacks is any real merit past the reiteration of behavioral problems that are slightly entertaining. The media plot line, very interesting. The weed OP, very interesting and obviously well informed. The author is apparently well versed in both media production and growing weed which makes it interesting, to see such talent and proficiency from someone who is apparently so crazy. Towards the end albeit, it all just crashes and burns and leaves the reader unsatisfied. Behead All Satan’s downfall is, no one can blame the reader for coming to that conclusion. It’s a unique letdown, that is the only thing that sets it apart.

>> No.20980921

Do you want me to print and bind a copy then take a pic of it with timestamp?

>> No.20980952

No no, just sign it, doctor.

So he holds up a bank with a pomo blowdart and then grows some pot but that’s it. Okay

>> No.20980976

The Pomo Blowdarts would be a decent punk band

>> No.20981025

No one has ever explained what this book is even about or how/where to read it. It looks like schizo shit.

>> No.20981035

You can get a copy for $15 on amazon

>> No.20981152
File: 744 KB, 721x546, dark BAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20981251

summer is over, fagtime.

>> No.20981265

I've actually read Gardner mind you; I'm one of the only people who is actually familiar with CotC as a book and not just a meme.

>> No.20981333

Behead All Satans is pretty based.

>> No.20981378


>> No.20981388

It's insidious and hateful, is openly racist, sexist, misogynistic, sizeist, ableist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic, and it glorifies, and in many instances even encourages: psychosexual behavior, violence, stalking, torture, rape, necrophilia, and the casual, ritualistic murder of animals and humans.

It's a solid good time of reading.

>> No.20981391
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>> No.20981403

Oh. Typical psychopathic nazi chud stuff. I was still hoping for a plot point or two, but now it's just Turner Diaries on acid w/e

>> No.20981410

Turner Diaries is satire

>> No.20981424

No one's mentioned it as comedy me before.
And we're to take this gonzo genre whatever they call it, seriously?

>> No.20981485
File: 848 KB, 546x696, HEY YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holyshit, that takes me back

>> No.20981502

Therein lies the tragedy. It would be as if the Irish started to eat their own young due in part to higher levels of literacy.

>> No.20981539

>the only food the main character eats are wrapped sandwiches
>even when on missions, he manages to bring wrapped sandwiches
>he even manages to somehow find wrapped sandwiches despite being on the run

Pierce went full cracker mode on this one. The whitest of white man foods.

>> No.20981630

What's with the anti-Muppet letter?

>> No.20981724

Its a book about the last white man in DC trying to cope with heartbreak after hardfucking Bidens dayghter and killin NAGGERS in a post sincere, post 911 world.
Nice drawings too.
Harassment Architecture is derivative of it.

>> No.20982342

There's a good explanation for that but it doesn't matter it's just intentionally lazy

>> No.20983918

this guy gets it

>> No.20983927
File: 1.23 MB, 773x695, STABBED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a BAS scholar?

>> No.20984483
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>> No.20984488
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Bitch please

>> No.20984633
File: 481 KB, 1422x1836, 8bitbeheadallsatans_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20984851


>> No.20984862

after 7 years...it's literally an indie classic
(it is though)

>> No.20986043

Almost every post on this site now is made by bots Im sure of it. This thread is proof

>> No.20986119

you're a bot, gayfag.

>> No.20986636

I hate those meme books with no plot.

>> No.20986952

>That cover art
What the fuck did lemurs ever do to deserve this?

>> No.20988441

I know. Little rats don't deserve a based kino cover like that

>> No.20988501

i actually forced myself to read half of this crock of shit before giving up

>> No.20988775

you read it cover to cover or not at all
either way, you're a buttfucking faggot

>> No.20988798

Your right though tundra is mid-trash

>> No.20989128

Beckett's stuff doesn't have a plot and they're still books

>> No.20989166

Whataboutism is scrotum scrape, dude. You know this.
Behead All Satans is an excellent modern character study.

>> No.20989282

>nobody in here has mentioned K.D. Walter and his brilliance

>> No.20989469

It’s the same shit.

>> No.20989950
